četrtek, 13. februar 2025 Gianmarco CHERCHI: Interactive and Robust Mesh Booleans
V ponedeljek, 17. februarja 2025, bo ob 16:00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 17. februar 2025 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Gianmarco Cherchi is a Computer Science Researcher (Tenure Track Assistant Professor) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari (Italy), where he obtained his PhD. His research interests are in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing, focusing on the generation and optimization of surface and volumetric meshes, and Digital Fabrication. He is also the Professor of the "Data Visualization" (Applied Computer Science and Data Analytics BSc) and "Web Programming" (Computer Science BSc) courses at the University of Cagliari. In 2024, he received the "Young Investigator Award 2024," granted by the Shape Modeling International Organization.
NASLOV: Interactive and Robust Mesh Booleans
Boolean operations are among the most used paradigms to create and edit digital shapes. Despite being conceptually simple, the computation of mesh Booleans is notoriously challenging. The main issues come from numerical approximations that make the detection and processing of intersection points inconsistent and unreliable, exposing implementations based on floating-point arithmetic to many kinds of failure. Numerical methods based on rational numbers or exact geometric predicates have the needed robustness guarantees that are achieved at the cost of increased computation times that, as of today, have always restricted the use of robust mesh Booleans to offline applications. In this seminar, I will briefly summarize the results obtained in three recent articles on the topic, which have enabled us to develop an algorithm for Boolean operations with robustness guarantees, capable of operating at interactive frame rates on meshes with up to 200K triangles.
Seminar bo potekal v živo, s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri v učilnici FAMNIT-VP2.
četrtek, 16. januar 2025 Ivan DAMNJANOVIĆ: Finding the number of inequivalent arithmetic expressions on n variables
V ponedeljek, 20. januarja 2025, bo ob 17.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. januar 2025 ob 17.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Ivan Damnjanović is pursuing a PhD degree in Mathematical Sciences at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies at the University of Primorska. He previously obtained a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computing at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering at the University of Niš, where he currently works as a teaching assistant at the department of mathematics.
NASLOV: Finding the number of inequivalent arithmetic expressions on n variables
Given n distinct formal variables, in how many ways can we use them to construct different arithmetic expressions? An expression tree is a rooted tree whose internal nodes correspond to some operations to be performed, while its leaves are formal variables. Here, we deal with the expression trees such that the only allowed operations are the four standard arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) together with, optionally, additive inversion. We consider two expressions to be equivalent if their expression trees yield the same formal expression. To begin, we provide certain theoretical results concerning the equivalence of arithmetic expressions. Afterwards, we disclose a Θ(n^2) algorithm that computes the number of inequivalent arithmetic expressions on n distinct variables. The algorithm covers both the case when the unary operation of additive inversion is allowed and when it is not.
(This is a joint work with Ivan Stošić and Žarko Ranđelović.)
Seminar bo potekal v živo, s pričetkom ob 17:00 uri v učilnici FAMNIT-VP2.
Pozor, to je eno uro kasneje kot ponavadi !!!
petek, 10. januar 2025 Jovan PAVLOVIĆ: A Data-Driven Approach for the Analysis of Ridership Fluctuations in Transit Systems
V ponedeljek, 13. januarja 2025, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 13. januar 2025 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Jovan Pavlović is a second-year Data Science master's student at UP FAMNIT, where he also earned his bachelor's degree in Mathematics.
NASLOV: A Data-Driven Approach for the Analysis of Ridership Fluctuations in Transit Systems
This seminar explores a data-driven approach to analyzing ridership fluctuations in public transportation systems, especially during pandemics. It focuses on identifying critical components within urban transit systems, by employing agent-based simulations and graph analytics techniques. Key findings reveal specific transit stops and routes that are highly sensitive to changes in demand, often serving as bottlenecks or high-risk areas for the spread of infectious diseases.
Seminar bo potekal v živo, s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri v učilnici FAMNIT-VP2.
ponedeljek, 23. december 2024 Ana Slavec: Research data management in line with FAIR principles
V ponedeljek, 23. decembra 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 23. december 2024 ob 16.00 online prek orodja Zoom.
dr. Ana Slavec is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Natural Sciences (UP FAMNIT), where she teaches the course Statistics, and researcher at InnoRenew CoE where her main role is to support the development and implementation of the institute data management plan and to assist other researchers with data collection, analysis and reporting. At the UP she works on the implementation of the National Action Plan for Open Science. She is also the President of the Slovenian Open Science Community (SSOZ).
NASLOV: Research data management in line with FAIR principles
This seminar introduces fundamental concepts in research data management (RDM) and equips researchers with the knowledge and resources necessary for responsible handling of research data throughout its lifecycle. The session will emphasize the importance of planning and maintaining a robust Data Management Plan (DMP) to meet evolving research funders' requirements. Central to the dicussion are the principles of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability (FAIR), that are key to responsible sharing of research data with the wider scientific community. Practical guidelines will be provided on how to implement these principles in a DMP, ensuring compliance while enhancing the long-term value and impact of research data. Attendees will gain insights into tools, repositories, and best practices to make their research data more discoverable, usable, and sustainable.
Seminar bo potekal online, s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
ponedeljek, 16. december 2024 Michael Mrissa: The REST principles and HATEOAS: history and perspectives
Jutri, v ponedeljek, 16. decembra 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 16. december 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Michael Mrissa is a researcher at the InnoRenew CoE, where he focuses on developing decentralized solutions for application domains close to InnoRenew CoE interests, such as structural building monitoring, air quality monitoring and acoustics management. His main research interests relate to privacy, security, blockchain, and software engineering for Web of Things applications. He received his Ph.D. in 2007 from University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France, and has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers in international conferences and journals. He also holds a full professor position in computer science at the University of Primorska, Slovenia, where he has been appointed vice-rector for internationalization since September 2022.
NASLOV: The REST principles and HATEOAS: history and perspectives
Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS) is one of the most ignored and less used principle of the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) architectural style. This presentation will give a brief reminder about REST and HATEOAS, before summarizing the state of the art related to this principle, and discussing remaining open problems. The lack of adoption, as a consequence of HATEOAS design limitations, provides an interesting insight into how novel solutions to drive navigation between Web resources could be designed.
Seminar bo potekal v živo, s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri v učilnici FAMNIT-VP2.
ponedeljek, 7. oktober 2024 dr. Tina B. Kregar: Predstavitev podjetniškega izbora »Eno morje idej 2024«
V ponedeljek, 7. oktobra 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 7. oktober 2024 ob 16.00 v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2.
PREDAVATELJICA: dr. Tina B. Kregar
Dr. Tina B. Kregar v okviru Javnega zavoda za spodbujanje podjetništva in razvojne projekte Občine Izola (JZP Izola) vodi projekt vzpostavitve Podjetniškega inkubatorja Morje v Izoli. Njeno delo se osredotoča na krepitev podjetniških kompetenc, spodbujanje inovativnosti, pospeševanje podjetniške rasti ter uvajanje trajnostnih poslovnih praks v lokalno okolje. Na predavanju bo predstavila podjetniški izbor »Eno morje idej 2024«, ki ga Občina Izola v sodelovanju z JZP Izola letos prvič organizira z namenom spodbujanja podjetništva in inovativnosti v Izoli.
NASLOV: Predstavitev podjetniškega izbora »Eno morje idej 2024«
Občina Izola v sodelovanju z Javnim zavodom za spodbujanje podjetništva in razvojne projekte Občine Izola letos prvič organizira izbor za najperspektivnejše podjetniške ideje »ENO MORJE IDEJ 2024«. Izbor je namenjen spodbujanju inovativnosti in podjetnosti v občini Izola ter širše, preko izbire najperspektivnejših podjetniških idej, ki bodo pomembno prispevale k razvoju novih projektov, ustanovitvi podjetij in povezovanju. V okviru predavanja bodo študenti seznanjeni z vsebino izbora, načinom prijave in pogoji za sodelovanje.
Seminar bo potekal v živo, s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri v prostorih UP FAMNIT - predavalnica VP2 (prvo nadstropje).
ponedeljek, 23. september 2024 Jan JOVAN: ChatGPT in ostali jezikovni modeli | Milan NIKOLIĆ: Primer Optimizacije stroškov v Kubernetes Cluster-ju na Amazon AWS
Danes, v ponedeljek, 23. septembra 2024, bosta ob 16.00 uri izvedeni dve
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 23. september 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
1. predavanje:
Jan Jovan je študent magistrskega programa Računalništvo in informatika ter razvojni inženir v podjetju Smart Com d.o.o.. Specializira se za integracijo velikih jezikovnih modelov (LLM), kar mu omogoča, da prispeva k razvoju naprednih rešitev v podjetju. Njegovo delo vključuje raziskovanje in implementacijo LLM tehnologij ter iskanje novih načinov za izboljšanje njihove uporabnosti v različnih aplikacijah.
NASLOV: ChatGPT in ostali jezikovni modeli
Veliki jezikovni modeli (LLM) so revolucionirali obdelavo naravnega jezika z izkoriščanjem obsežnih podatkovnih nizov in arhitektur globokega učenja za generiranje besedila, odgovarjanje na vprašanja in izvajanje kompleksnega sklepanja. Ta seminar raziskuje osnovne mehanizme LLM, vključno z njihovo arhitekturo in metodami usposabljanja, pri čemer izpostavlja njihove naraščajoče primere na različnih področjih. Konkretno se obravnavajo aplikacije LLM v medicini za pomoč pri diagnozi in generiranje medicinske literature, v robotiki za izboljšanje interakcije med človekom in robotom ter v kodiranju za avtomatizacijo razvoja programske opreme. Poudarjeni so tudi izzivi, povezani z ocenjevanjem modelov, vključno z obsegom znanja in razširljivostjo, ter potencialne prihodnje smeri za izboljšanje zmogljivosti LLM.
2. predavanje:
Milan Nikolić, 2. letnik magistrskega programa Računalništvo in Informatika, trenutno v Pragi na Erasmus izmenjavi na Karlovi univerzi. Kar zadeva delovne izkušnje, zadnjih 5 let kot študent dela na oddelku za raziskave in razvoj GEN-I, kjer se ukvarja z infrastrukturo, IoT napravami ter front-end in back-end razvojem.
NASLOV: Primer Optimizacije stroškov v Kubernetes Cluster-ju na Amazon AWS
Seminar je raziskovanje strategij za izboljšanje stroškovne učinkovitosti v okviru deployment-a Kubernetes na platformi Amazon AWS. Vsebuje pregled osnove Kubernetes-a in AWS, analizo praks zaračunavanja AWS, s poudarkom na izzivih pri preglednosti stroškov. Nazadnje bosta predstavljeni dve specializirani orodji za spremljanje in optimizacijo stroškov, ki omogočata informirano odločanje za zmanjšanje nepotrebnih stroškov.
Seminarja bosta potekala v slovenskem jeziku prek Zoom-a ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
ponedeljek, 9. september 2024 Vanja MILESKI: Time Series transformations for churn prediction with CNNs
Jutri, v ponedeljek, 9. septembra 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 9. september 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
After graduating from the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana in 2015, Vanja Mileski started working at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). He was a Master's student at the International Postgraduate School Jožef Stefan and a student researcher at the JSI. After finishing his Master's studies, he applied his knowledge of data mining in the private sector as a Data Scientist in the retail, telecommunications, banking, stock market and insurance sectors. His current research interests include Time-Series classification, Deep Learning, ResNet and Inception architectures as well as LLMs.
NASLOV: Time Series transformations for churn prediction with CNNs
Churn prediction represents a pivotal task in the retail sector, focusing on identifying customers with a high risk of attrition. We analyze a multi-year dataset from a large Slovenian retailer, encompassing detailed customer demographics, purchasing behaviors, and transaction records. To assess model performance, we employ a rolling-window cross-validation approach on temporally ordered data. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been utilized for Time Series forecasting in this context. The model's performance is evaluated using rolling-window cross-validation on the chronologically structured data. We hypothesize that applying various Time Series transformations, such as downsampling, smoothing and other manipulations, can enhance the predictive accuracy of CNN models compared to raw time series inputs.
Seminar bo potekal na daljavo, s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri prek Zoom-a na sledeči povezavi:
ponedeljek, 2. september 2024 Vladimir BATAGELJ: OpenAlex
V ponedeljek, 2. septembra 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 2. september 2024 ob 16.00 v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP3.
Vladimir Batagelj je slovenski matematik in informatik, znan predvsem po svojih prispevkih na področju teorije omrežij, analize velikih omrežij in družbenih omrežij. Je zaslužni profesor na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani, član Inštituta za matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko ter Oddelka za informacijske znanosti in tehnologije na UP FAMNIT. Je tudi avtor številnih znanstvenih člankov in knjig, ki obravnavajo teme, kot so analiza omrežij, algoritmi za obdelavo velikih podatkovnih zbirk in vizualizacija omrežij. Velja za enega vodilnih svetovnih strokovnjakov za analizo omrežij, njegovo delo pa ima širok vpliv tako na znanstvene raziskave kot na praktične aplikacije.
NASLOV: OpenAlex
OpenAlex (https://docs.openalex.org/) je popolnoma odprt katalog svetovnih raziskovalnih objav. Zaživel je januarja 2022. Poimenovan je po starodavni Aleksandrijski knjižnici. Ustvarila ga je neprofitna organizacija OurResearch, ki ga tudi vzdržuje.
OpenAlex indeksira več kot dvakrat več znanstvenih del kot vodilni tržni izdelki (Web of Science, Scopus). Celotno omrežje znanja in njegova izvorna koda sta odprta in prosto dostopna prek podatkovnih posnetkov, API-ja, ki je enostaven za uporabo, in spletnega
uporabniškega vmesnika. Poleg brezplačnega dostopa omogoča tudi dostop iz uporabniških programov in s tem zahtevnejše bibliografske analize.
Na seminarju bom najprej predstavil storitev OpenAlex in v nadaljevanju razvoj programske knjižnice OpenAlex2Pajek (v R-ju) za izgradnjo bibliografskih omrežij. Več na https://github.com/bavla/OpenAlex.
Seminar bo potekal v živo ob 16:00 uri v prostorih UP FAMNIT - predavalnica VP3 (drugo nadstropje).
ponedeljek, 2. september 2024 Vid JEROVŠEK: Oblikovanje domenskih informacij za natančno nastavitev asistentov s podporo UI, primer uporabe: podpora študentom
V ponedeljek, 2. septembra 2024, bo okrog 17.00 ure (takoj po 1. seminarju) izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 2. september 2024 okrog 17.00 v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP3.
Vid Jerovšek je absolvent magistrskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na
NASLOV: Oblikovanje domenskih informacij za natančno nastavitev asistentov s podporo UI, primer uporabe: podpora študentom
Cilj te raziskave je ustvariti protokol za oblikovanje informacij, potrebnih za natančno nastavitev (fine-tuning) asistentov s podporo umetne inteligence (UI). Pri samem protokolu oblikovanja podatkov je zelo pomemben del anonimizacija, saj so podatki običajno občutljive narave. Največji izziv pri tem je ohraniti informacije, skrite v podatkih, hkrati pa zagotavljati anonimnost.
Seminar bo potekal v živo (v okviru Raziskovalnega semianrja), takoj po 1. seminarju, okrog 17:00 ure v prostorih UP FAMNIT - predavalnica VP3 (drugo nadstropje).
torek, 20. avgust 2024 Niki HROVATIN: Wireless Sensor Networks Today: Trends and Technologies
Tokrat izjemoma v sredo, 21. avgusta 2024, bo ob 10.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 21. avgust 2024 ob 10.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
Niki Hrovatin is a Computer Science PhD, currently a Teaching Assistant at University of Primorska, and a Research Assistant at InnoRenew CoE, Izola, Slovenija. His current research interests include sensor networks, machine learning, distributed systems, and blockchain.
NASLOV: Wireless Sensor Networks Today: Trends and Technologies
This presentation provides an overview of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), focusing on their core components, operational challenges, and recent advancements. It covers key trends and technologies shaping the future of WSNs, including energy management, routing, and communication protocols.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku prek Zoom-a ob 10:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
Naš gost na Ponedeljkovem seminarju računalništva in informatike bo jutrišnje predavanje izvedel kot svoje Preizkusno predavanje pri izvolitvi v pedagoški naziv.
ponedeljek, 19. avgust 2024 Domen Vake: Predictive Modeling of Indoor Occupancy through Air Quality Data Analysis
V ponedeljek, 19. avgusta 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 19. avgust 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
Domen Vake is a third year PhD student at UP FAMNIT under the mentorship of assoc. prof. Branko Kavšek and assoc. prof. Jernej Vičič. His research interests and projects mostly concern machine learning.
NASLOV: Predictive Modeling of Indoor Occupancy through Air Quality Data Analysis
This presentation will provide an overview of indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring using sensor networks, focusing on the architecture, capabilities, and underlying technologies that power these systems. We will then explore a practical application through a case study conducted in a Slovenian elementary school, where a machine learning model was developed to predict classroom occupancy based on IAQ data. The talk will highlight the implementation challenges, the integration of multiple data sources (IAQ sensors, school schedules, and weather data), and the privacy concerns associated with the ability to infer sensitive information from seemingly safe data.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku prek Zoom-a ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
ponedeljek, 12. avgust 2024 Maheshya Weerasinghe: Development of Extended Reality (XR) Environments
Tokrat izjemoma v torek, 13. avgusta 2024, bo ob 10.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 13. avgust 2024 ob 10.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
Maheshya Weerasinghe successfully completed her PhD in Computer Science at the International joint degree program with University of St. Andrews, UK. She is a member of the HICUP Lab. Her research areas include Human-Computer Interaction, Extended Realities, e-Learning and Cognitive Augmentation.
NASLOV: Development of Extended Reality (XR) Environments
Extended reality (XR) encompasses various immersive technologies including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). These environments enhance or simulate the physical world through digital means, providing users with immersive experiences ranging from completely virtual spaces to enhanced views of the real world. Creating XR environments requires specific hardware and software. Hardware includes VR headsets, AR glasses, sensors, and controllers, which allow users to interact with virtual elements. On the software side, development platforms and engines, such as Unity 3D, play a crucial role in building and running XR applications.
Unity 3D is a powerful and widely-used game development platform that supports the creation of 2D, 3D, VR, and AR applications. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for designing, coding, and deploying interactive experiences. Vuforia, integrated with Unity 3D, is a popular framework for developing AR applications. It allows developers to create applications that recognise and track real-world images and objects, overlaying digital content onto the physical environment. The process involves importing the Vuforia SDK into Unity, setting up AR camera and image targets, and scripting interactions to provide rich, interactive AR experiences.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku prek Zoom-a ob 10:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
Naša gostja na Ponedeljkovem seminarju računalništva in informatike bo jutrišnje predavanje izvedla kot svoje Preizkusno predavanje pri izvolitvi v pedagoški naziv, zato prilagam tudi Dekanovo uradno vabilo na dogodek.
ponedeljek, 5. avgust 2024 2 predavanji: Dani ZUGAN & Kaja PRAPROTNIK: Empirična primerjava algoritmov za iskanje najkrajših poti v omrežju & Iskanje po nestrukturiranih podatkih senzorskih omrežij s pomočjo jezikovnih modelov
V ponedeljek, 5. avgusta 2024, bosta ob 16.00 uri izvedeni dve
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 5. avgust 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
1. predavanje:
Dani Zugan je študent 2. letnika magistrskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: Empirična primerjava algoritmov za iskanje najkrajših poti v omrežju
Na seminarju bo predstavljena tema magistrskega dela, ki se osredotoča na različico problema iskanja najkrajših poti med vsemi pari vozlišč (APSP). Empirično bodo ovrednoteni različni algoritmi na usmerjenih grafih, kjer je število povezav manjše ali enako številu vozlišč.
2. predavanje:
Kaja Praprotnik je študentka 2. letnika magistrskega programa Podatkovna znanost na UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: Iskanje po nestrukturiranih podatkih senzorskih omrežij s pomočjo jezikovnih modelov
Sodobni tehnološki napredki na področju NLP (Natural language processing) so bistveno spremenili način interpretacije in obdelave podatkov. Dober primer tega so Veliki Jezikovni Modeli, ki se jih primarno uporablja za ustvarjanje in obdelavo besedil na podlagi velikih količin vhodnih podatkov. V okviru ponedeljkovega seminarja bomo predstavili temo magistrske naloge o uporabi Velikih Jezikovnih modelov za interpretacijo neobdelanih podatkov iz različnih virov.
Seminarja bosta potekala v slovenskem jeziku prek Zoom-a ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
četrtek, 25. julij 2024 Daniil BALDOUSKI: Improving container handling in port operations
V ponedeljek, 29. julija 2024, bosta ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 29. julij 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
Daniil Baldouski is a second-year PhD student of Computer Science and teaching assistant at UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: Improving container handling in port operations
In this seminar we will examine a method aimed at improving the handling of containers in ports. We will present a truck scheduling mathematical model designed to operate within the constraints and limitations typical of port environments. The model is structured to handle concurrent tasks and is tested through simulations to evaluate its performance in realistic settings.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku prek Zoom-a ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
petek, 19. julij 2024 2 predavanji: Karolina TRAJKOVSKA & Milan MILIVOJČEVIĆ: Addressing Name and Face Recall Cognitive Failure Using Visualisation-Based Mnemonics & A multi-echelon vehicle routing problem for waste wood collection and processing
V ponedeljek, 22. julija 2024, bosta ob 16.00 uri izvedeni dve
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 22. julij 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
1. predavanje:
Karolina Trajkovska is a second-year Computer Science master's student at UP FAMNIT and a member of the HICUP Lab.
NASLOV: Addressing Name and Face Recall Cognitive Failure Using Visualisation-Based Mnemonics
This research addresses the everyday cognitive failure of recalling names and faces by leveraging visualisation-based mnemonics. Despite the advancement in technology, enhancing human cognitive performance remains challenging, especially in everyday tasks like remembering names. Current research lacks a strategy-based digital training system to improve semantic memory for face-name associations. We take the first step towards developing such a system by creating a prototype to evaluate the visualisation-based link mnemonic method that could be used by the training system. This prototype augments faces in videos with keywords and visualisations, aiming to enhance face-name recall. We present the prototype and propose a research method to evaluate different modes of the system, focusing on the impact of animated visualisations on recall effectiveness and mental effort.
2. predavanje:
Milan Milivojčević is a second-year Computer Science master's student at UP FAMNIT. He previously obtained a Computer Science bachelor's degree at UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: A multi-echelon vehicle routing problem for waste wood collection and processing
Wood waste from construction and demolition sites or industrial processing can be recovered and transformed into valuable products. However, since this waste comes from various sources, it requires certain pre-processing steps before actual remanufacturing. The first step is the collection and transport of the waste from collection points, construction sites and industrial facilities to the processing facilities. Once there, the material has to undergo pre-processing steps (sorting, cleaning/decontamination) before it can be manufactured into a new product. Finally, the finished products are transported to their final destination, such as customers.
This presentation focuses on the problem of optimizing collection and transport of wood waste to pre-processing and processing facilities, as well as the distribution of final products to customers. The above optimization question will be modelled as a vehicle routing problem (VRP) with multiple echelons.
Seminarja bosta potekala v angleškem jeziku prek Zoom-a ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
ponedeljek, 8. julij 2024 Žan Peternelj: Razvoj spletne aplikacije za nadomestitev in nadgradnjo obstoječe namizne različice
V ponedeljek, 8. julija 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 8. julij 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
Žan Peternelj je absolvent magistrskega programa Računalništva in informatike na UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: Razvoj spletne aplikacije za nadomestitev in nadgradnjo obstoječe namizne različice
Zaradi nenehnega napredka tehnologij in življenjskega cikla programske opreme je nujno, da se programske rešitve nadgrajujejo ali ponovno razvijajo, da bi ustrezale najnovejšim standardom in specifikacijam. V okviru ponedeljkovega seminarja bomo predstavili temo magistrske naloge o prenovi obstoječe aplikacije podjetja Magas d.o.o. za pomoč pri vodenju bolnikov na antikoagulacijskem zdravljenju s prehodom iz namiznega v spletno okolje.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku prek Zoom-a s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:
Meeting ID: 297 328 207
Passcode: 123456789
sobota, 22. junij 2024 Jani SUBAN: Kompaktna priponska drevesa
V ponedeljek, 24. junija 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 24. junij 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1.
Jani Suban je študent drugega letnika magistrskega programa Računalništva in informatike na UP FAMNIT. Predstavitev bo potekala v okviru raziskovalnega seminarja.
NASLOV: Kompaktna priponska drevesa
Pogosti problem v bioinformatiki in procesiranju naravnih jezikov je iskanje vzorcev v besedilu. Če želimo ugotoviti ali zgolj en vzorec obstaja v besedilo, lahko le to storimo z uporabo Knuth–Morris–Pratt algoritma. Če pa želi najti vse ponovitve vzorca ali poiskati prisotno več vzorcev potrebujem indeks nad besedilom. V tem seminarju bo predstavljena podatkovna struktura priponsko drevo, ki je pogosto uporabljeno za indeksiranje besedila. Poleg priponskega drevesa bo predstavljena tudi kompaktna predstavitev priponskega drevesa.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP1 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
ponedeljek, 10. junij 2024 ODPOVEDANO: Milan NIKOLIĆ: Primer Optimizacije stroškov v Kubernetes Cluster-ju na Amazon AWS
Današnji seminar je odpovedan. O ponovnem terminu boste obveščeni naknadno.
V ponedeljek, 10. junija 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 10. junij 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1.
Milan Nikolić obiskuje 2. letnik magistrskega programa Računalništvo in Informatika. Trenutno je v Pragi na Erasmus izmenjavi na Karlovi univerzi. Kar zadeva delovne izkušnje, zadnjih 5 let kot študent dela na oddelku za raziskave in razvoj GEN-I, kjer se ukvarja z infrastrukturo, IoT napravami ter front-end in back-end razvojem.
NASLOV: Primer Optimizacije stroškov v Kubernetes Cluster-ju na Amazon AWS
Seminar je raziskovanje strategij za izboljšanje stroškovne učinkovitosti v okviru deployment-a Kubernetes na platformi Amazon AWS. Vsebuje pregled osnove Kubernetes-a in AWS, analizo praks zaračunavanja AWS, s poudarkom na izzivih pri preglednosti stroškov. Nazadnje bosta predstavljeni dve specializirani orodji za spremljanje in optimizacijo stroškov, ki omogočata informirano odločanje za zmanjšanje nepotrebnih stroškov.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP1 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
ponedeljek, 3. junij 2024 2 predavanji: Karolina TRAJKOVSKA & Milan MILIVOJČEVIĆ: Harnessing Deep Neural Networks for Area of Interest Annotation in Eye Tracking Research & Star-Forest Decompositions of Complete Graphs
V ponedeljek, 3. junija 2024, bosta ob 16.00 uri izvedeni dve
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 3. junij 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1.
1. predavanje:
Karolina Trajkovska is a second-year Computer Science master's student at UP FAMNIT and a member of the HICUP Lab.
NASLOV: Harnessing Deep Neural Networks for Area of Interest Annotation in Eye Tracking Research
Eye gaze is widely recognised as an important indicator for understanding and predicting user behaviour, as well as directing their attention across various domains including advertisement design, human-computer interaction and film viewing. We present a novel method to enhance the analysis of user behaviour and attention by (i) augmenting video streams with automatically annotated and labelled areas of interest (AOIs), and (ii) integrating AOIs with collected gaze and fixation data. The tool provides key features such as time to first fixation, dwell time, and frequency of AOI revisits. Using the capabilities of the YOLOv8 object tracking algorithm, the tools supports over 600 different object classes, providing a comprehensive set for a variety of video streams. This tool will be made available as open-source software, thereby contributing to broader research and development efforts in the field.
2. predavanje:
Milan Milivojčević is a second-year Computer Science master's student at UP FAMNIT. He previously obtained a Computer Science bachelor's degree at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting the work that was done on his study exchange at the Charles University in Prague together with colleagues Todor Antić and Jelena Glišić. This work was published on the 40th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG) and on the International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) 2024.
NASLOV: Star-Forest Decompositions of Complete Graphs
This work deals with the problem of decomposing a complete geometric graph into plane star-forests. In particular, we disprove a recent conjecture by Pach, Saghafian and Schnider by constructing for each n a complete geometric graph on n vertices which can be decomposed into ⌈n/2⌉ +1 plane star-forests. Additionally we prove that for even n, every decomposition of complete abstract graph on n vertices into n/2 +1 star-forests is composed of a perfect matching and n/2 star-forests with two edge-balanced components, which we call broken double stars.
Seminarja bosta potekala v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP1 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
ponedeljek, 27. maj 2024 Nedim ŠIŠIĆ: Comparison of brain MRI segmentation pipelines
V ponedeljek, 27. maja 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 27. maj 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Nedim Šišić is a second-year PhD student at UP FAMNIT under the mentorship of Assist. Prof. Peter Rogelj. His PhD research concerns neural networks in medical imaging, specifically in segmentation of brain MRI.
NASLOV: Comparison of brain MRI segmentation pipelines
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is frequently used in clinical trials to estimate longitudinal brain volume changes in order to asses treatment effect in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. A standard pre-processing step in volume estimation involves segmentation of MRI into distinct brain structures, and a large number of automated brain segmentation tools/pipelines have thus been developed. The seminar will present a comparison of six segmentation pipelines frequently used in clinical trials: FreeSurfer, SamSeg, FastSurfer, SIENAX, SPM12, and CAT12 on healthy controls and patients with Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. The project was conducted as part of an internship at F. Hoffmann-La Roche, a pharmaceutical company currently developing drugs for various neurological diseases.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP2 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
petek, 17. maj 2024 Zorica STANIMIROVIĆ: A GVNS-based solution approach to the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-hub Maximal Covering Problem
V ponedeljek, 20. maja 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. maj 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Zorica Stanimirović PhD, is a Full Professor at the Department for Numerical Mathematics and Optimization, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade and Coordinator for International Cooperation of the same institution. She graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics in 2000, received a master's degree in 2004, and PhD in 2007 at the same institution. She has been the local coordinator for several international projects and a member of program or organizational boards of several national and international conferences. From 2010 to 2015, she was Vice-Dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Mathematics. Her research areas include Mathematical Modeling, Combinatorial Optimization, Metaheuristics, and Hybrid Optimization Methods. Up to now, she has published over 120 publications that have been cited 1182 times, her h-index is 19 and her i10 index is 32. More information and a list of publications are available at http://www.matf.bg.ac.rs/p/zoricast/pocetna/.
NASLOV: A GVNS-based solution approach to the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-hub Maximal Covering Problem
Hub covering problems represent extensions of classical covering location problems and they are widely studied in the literature, due to their theoretical and practical importance in location science. This study considers the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-hub Maximal Covering Problem (USApHMCP) with binary coverage criterion. The USApHMCP considers a complete symmetric graph G=(N,E), where N represents a set of nodes, while E denotes a set of edges. Transportation costs per unit of flow and the flow demand for each origin-destination (O-D) pair i-j are given (i,j ϵ N). The goal of USApHMCP is to choose locations of p hubs from the set H ⊆ N, and to allocate non-hub nodes to hubs, such that the total covered flow between O-D pairs is maximized. The flow between an O-D pair is considered "covered" if the transportation costs are within the given maximum service distance (coverage radius). Each non-hub node is assigned to exactly one hub and the incoming and outgoing flows are sent only through that hub (single allocation scheme). A mixed integer formulation of the USApHMCP is presented and used within the framework of CPLEX solver on hub instances from the literature. As USApHMCP belongs to the class of NP-hard optimization problems, a solution approach based on General Variable Neighborhood Search (GVNS) heuristic is developed to tackle instances of larger problem dimensions. Two variants of GVNS heuristics are proposed, which use different procedures in the solution improvement phase: Sequential Variable Neighborhood Descent and Nested Variable Neighborhood Descent. The impact of these two procedures on overall GVNS performance is investigated through extensive computational experiments on standard hub instances from the literature. The obtained results indicate the efficiency of both GVNS variants, however, the one with Nested Variable Neighborhood Descent procedure was more successful with respect to both solution quality and running times. The results of GVNS on large-scale problem instances are also presented, showing the potential of GVNS when solving USApHMCP on realistic-size hub networks.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP2 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
ponedeljek, 6. maj 2024 Domen VAKE: URŠKA - Univerzitetne rešitve: Študentski Komunikacijski Agent
V ponedeljek, 6. maja 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 6. maj 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Domen Vake is a third-year PhD student at UP FAMNIT under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Branko Kavšek and Assoc. Prof. Jernej Vičič. His research interests and projects mostly concern machine learning, more specifically natural language processing with large language models.
NASLOV: URŠKA - Univerzitetne rešitve: Študentski Komunikacijski Agent
This presentation will provide an overview of large language models (LLMs), focusing on their architecture, capabilities, and the underlying technologies that power them. We will then explore a practical application of these models through a case study on URŠKA, a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) based communication agent. URŠKA is designed to assist university students by answering frequently asked questions about deadlines, academic policies, and more. The talk will highlight the implementation challenges, the integration of RAG with URŠKA, and its plans.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP2 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
sreda, 17. januar 2024 Domen ŠOBERL: Qualitative Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence — bridging the gap between machine learning and human reasoning
V ponedeljek, 22. januarja 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 22. januar 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP3.
Domen Šoberl received his PhD in computer science in 2021 from University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science. He is currently employed as a teaching assistant at UP FAMNIT. His current research interests lie in various areas of artificial intelligence, including deep learning, generative adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and qualitative reasoning.
NASLOV: Qualitative Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence — bridging the gap between machine learning and human reasoning
A fundamental difference between the way conventional methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) make decisions and the way humans think and reason is that humans reason qualitatively, while AI typically makes decisions based on numerical computations. The gap between the two worlds — the human and the machine — becomes apparent when it comes to exchanging learned knowledge. Traditional numerical models usually consist of a large number of numerical parameters that convey little or no information to a human on why a particular decision or action was taken. On the other hand, it is very difficult for a human to describe their intuitive knowledge of how a particular mechanism works to an AI algorithm in a way that the algorithm can utilize in planning and decision-making. Qualitative Reasoning (QR) is a branch within AI research that focuses on how AI can reason about processes qualitatively, and present the findings in a form that approximates human intuition. I will present the historical origins of Qualitative Reasoning (QR) in AI, its later developments, and the current state of the art. I will focus on the area of agent learning and planning in continuous domains with numerical sensory and actuation systems. We will explore the full cycle of automated abstraction of qualitative representations from numerical observations, the search for symbolic solutions through qualitative reasoning, and the implementation of the found solutions in the original numerical domain. I will explain the foundations of qualitative physics and qualitative simulation, which is the basis for qualitative planning, and thus for predicting possible future behaviors in a symbolic and explainable way. I will present the results of experiments with different robot problems, such as learning to walk, learning to push objects, and learning to swing up and balance a pole.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP3 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
Vabljeni.torek, 12. december 2023 Sead JAHIĆ: Sentiment Analysis (SA) of the Bosnian Language (the overview of contributions to SA in Bosnian)
Tokrat izjemoma v četrtek, 14. decembra 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 14. december 2023 ob 16.00 prek Zoom-a.
Sead Jahić is in the final year of his PhD. Prior to that, he pursued mathematics at the University of Tuzla (UNTZ) in Bosnia and Hercegovina. In terms of work experience, he served as a teaching assistant at UNTZ in the field of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Currently, he is a Teaching Assistant at UP FAMNIT, focusing on Java from introductory levels through GUI to Parallel/Concurrent and Distributed programming.
NASLOV: Sentiment Analysis (SA) of the Bosnian Language (the overview of contributions to SA in Bosnian)
On the seminar, the contributions to Sentiment Analysis in the Bosnian language will be presented. Insights into the lexicon creation process will be provided first, followed by the discussion of ideas for annotating and ensuring lexicon coverage. The speaker will introduce the MERI (Modifying Emotion-related Intensity) equation for sentiment calculation and demonstrate how Negation clues and AnAwords (Affirmative and non-affirmative) words influence the overall sentiment value of the text through two models they developed: BoSa and BOSentiment. Additionally, a comparison of these models with other ML techniques and CNN will be presented.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku prek Zoom-a s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
Meeting ID: 297 328 207
Passcode: 123456789
ponedeljek, 4. december 2023 Domen Vake: Smart Floor - Fall Detection
V ponedeljek, 4. decembra 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 4. december 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP3.
Domen Vake is a third-year PhD student at UP FAMNIT under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Branko Kavšek and Assoc. Prof Jernej Vičič. His research interests include blockchain technologies and machine learning combining them in research of sensor network data.
NASLOV: Smart Floor - Fall Detection
POVZETEK: The presentation will delve into the scientific and technical aspects of our newly developed smart floor system, designed for enhanced fall detection accuracy. We will detail the integration of advanced sensors and sophisticated algorithms that enable real-time monitoring and incident response. Additionally, we will discuss its potential applications in healthcare and elderly care settings, demonstrating how this technology can significantly improve safety standards.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP3 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
nedelja, 26. november 2023 Vanja MILESKI: A ResNet Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series data using InceptionNet paradigms
V ponedeljek, 27. novembra 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 27. november 2023 ob 16.00 prek Zoom-a.
After graduating from the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana in 2015, Vanja Mileski started working at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). He was a Master's student at the International Postgraduate School Jožef Stefan and a student researcher at the JSI. After finishing his Master's studies, he applied his knowledge of data mining in the private sector as a Data Scientist in the retail, telecommunications, banking, stock market and insurance sectors.
His current research interests include time-series classification, deep learning, ResNet and Inception architectures.
NASLOV: A ResNet Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series data using InceptionNet paradigms
The recent progress in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) designs has extended their effectiveness to time series data as well. Time series features, which can be represented as one-dimensional vectors, open the door for training deeper networks using ResNet-inspired structures. Inception modules provide the capability to the network to handle objects and patterns of different sizes and capture both local details and global context. We propose an Inception-Residual CNN model tailored for time series data which will be applied on real-life data in retail.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku prek Zoom-a s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
Meeting ID: 297 328 207
Passcode: 123456789
petek, 10. november 2023 Ivan Luković: Organizational Capability for Information Management – Do we Feel a Big Data Crisis?
V ponedeljek, 13. november 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 13. november 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP3.
Ivan Luković received his Ph.D. at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences in 1996. Currently, he works as a Full Professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Belgrade, where he lectures in several Computer Science and Informatics courses. His research interests are related to Database Systems, Business Intelligence, Software Engineering, and Data Science. He is the author or co-author of over 200 papers, 4 books, and 30 industry projects and software solutions in the area. He supervised 12 completed Ph.D. theses. He created a new set of B.Sc. and M.Sc. study programs in Information Engineering, i.e. Data Science, at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The programs were accredited the first time in 2015. Currently, he is a chair of Managing Board of the Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS) journal, and a chair of M.Sc. study program in Information Engineering at Faculty of Organizational Sciences. He is also a member of Serbian AI Society.
NASLOV: Organizational Capability for Information Management – Do we Feel a Big Data Crisis?
POVZETEK: Nowadays, modern business includes acquisition and storing enormous data volumes, larger than ever before. Most often, collected data are used in a shorter time frame, and then they are archived and almost not used, effectively. On the other hand, such data represent a significant value that a company can utilize so as to reach created goals and provide a sustainable development. Unfortunately, a daily practice in many companies still intensively points out to the problem of a serious gap between the identified needs for knowledge, on one hand, and inability of modern software products to address such needs in an effective way, on the other hand. Despite that massive data volumes already exist and that modern information solutions provide the excellent technology prerequisites for a development and industry implementation of high quality software applications. We can call such a phenomenon a “big data crisis”. Some of important causes of the aforementioned phenomenon are in the following: (1) Unsatisfactory level of organization maturity in regard to the: capabilities for information management, quality management, and business processes; (2) Unsatisfactory level of accumulated knowledge in a problem domain; and (3) Unsatisfactory level of accumulated knowledge in a domain of software engineering, particularly in a domain of the development and formal specification of models for software products aimed at generation of company knowledge and decision support. Alleviating the aforementioned phenomenon is a strategic and long term task, possible by simultaneous addressing all its significant causes, only.
In this talk, some of the author's research and educational efforts will be presented, trying to address the most influencing factors for information management and innovations, leading to the digital transformation process.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP3 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
ponedeljek, 6. november 2023 Uroš SERGAŠ & Jar Žiga MARUŠIČ: The AI alignment problem and its implications for society
V ponedeljek, 6. novembra 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 6. november 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Uroš Sergaš is a PhD student in Computer Science at UP FAMNIT, Jar Žiga Marušič is a PhD student in Philosophy at UL FF. Both are also teaching assistants at UP FAMNIT, Uroš in the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies, Jar in the Department of Psychology. Together they are interested in the implications and uses of artificial intelligence in society. Over the summer they researched the AI alignment problem.
NASLOV: The AI alignment problem and its implications for society
Humanity has again found itself on the brink of a new era, as large language models (LLM) seem poised to bring about important social changes. As these models advance in complexity, the issue of AI alignment is gaining popularity in a daily conversation topic.
This research explores two contrasting viewpoints on the AI alignment problem: the Orthogonalist perspective pioneered by Nick Bostrom and the Anti-orthogonalist critique formulated by Nick Land. The former posits that an AI’s goals are independent of its intelligence, suggesting that a "friendly AI" (fully aligned to human values) is possible. The latter challenges its separation of intelligence and values from the perspective that intelligence increase leads to a greater ability for self-reflection, ultimately leading to a restructuring of its value structure to prioritize further cognitive enhancement. We discuss the implications of these ideas and highlight the current patterns seen in the developments of widely available AI tools, such as LLM.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
ponedeljek, 18. september 2023 Dani ZUGAN: Vrednotenje algoritmov za iskanje najkrajših poti v omrežju
V ponedeljek, 18. septembra 2023, bosta ob 16.00 uri izvedeni dve
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 18. september 2023 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek ZOOM-a
1. predavanje:
Jani Suban je študent prvega letnika magistrskega programa Računalništva in informatike na UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: Empirična evalvacija urejenih slovarjev z ALGatorjem
Na seminarju bo predstavljena empirična evalvacija različnih implementacij abstraktne podatkovne strukture urejen slovar. Implementirane podatkovne strukture so binarno iskalno drevo, drevo AVL, rdeče-črno drevo, zip drevo, preskočni seznam in 2-3 drevo. Implementacije so bile testirane s pomočjo sistema za evalvacijo algoritmov in podatkovnih struktur ALGator. Iz rezultatov testiranja podatkovnih struktur, tako pri striktno naraščajočih, kot tudi naključnih posodobitvah in poizvedbah, je razvidno, da je časovna zahtevnost enaka pričakovani.
2. predavanje:
Dani Zugan je študent prvega letnika magistrskega programa Računalništva in informatike na UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: Vrednotenje algoritmov za iskanje najkrajših poti v omrežju
V članku so ovrednoteni trije različni algoritmi za izračun paroma najkrajših poti v grafu. Primerjamo znani Floyd-Warshallov algoritem z dvema preprostima modifikacijama. Ključna razlika je v tem, da so relaksacije izvedene na pametnejši način. Algoritme ovrednotimo na treh različnih modelih grafov - uniformnem Erdős-Rényijevem, binomskem Erdős-Rényijevem in Albert-Barabásijevem. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko ugotovimo, da sta oba spremenjena modificirana algoritma boljša od algoritma Floyd-Warshall.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku, tokrat na daljavo prek Zoom-a
sreda, 13. september 2023 Robert Scheffler: Optimal Bicycle Routes with Few Signal Stops
Tokrat izjemoma v četrtek, 14. septembra 2023, bo ob 14.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 14. september 2023 ob 14.00 v FAMNIT-MP6.
Robert Scheffler studied computer science and received his master's degree in 2017. This year he made his PhD with his thesis about vertex and edge orderings of graphs. Currently, he is a Postdoc at the Chair of Discrete Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany.
NASLOV: Optimal Bicycle Routes with Few Signal Stops
With the increasing popularity of cycling as a mode of transportation, there is a growing need for efficient routing algorithms that consider the specific requirements of cyclists. We study the optimization of bicycle routes while minimizing the number of stops at traffic signals. In particular, we consider three different types of stopping strategies and three types of routes, namely paths, trails, and walks. We present hardness results as well as a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for the problem of computing an optimal route with respect to a pre-defined stop bound.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-MP6 s pričetkom ob 14:00 uri.
ponedeljek, 11. september 2023 Domen VAKE: Pseudo-Random Algorithm for Sending Messages in Decentralized Networks
V ponedeljek, 11. september 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 11. avgust 2023 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek ZOOM-a
Domen Vake is a second-year PhD student at UP FAMNIT under mentorship of assoc. prof. Branko Kavšek and assoc. prof Jernej Vičič. His research interests include blockchain technologies and machine learning combining them in research of sensor network data.
NASLOV: Pseudo-Random Algorithm for Sending Messages in Decentralized Networks
We present an algorithm for the dissemination of messages in fully decentralized networks. The motivation for research comes from the field of blockchain technology and the development of decentralized network protocols. One of the key goals of such systems is an effective spread of data through the network. The goal of good algorithms is to get every message received as soon as possible. The presented algorithm works on the principle of pseudorandomness for determining the message path from the originator of the message to every node in the network. The proposed algorithm pseudorandomly generates a path for the message through the network. Upon receiving the message, each node is able to reproduce the same path and continue the propagation of the message. The algorithm implements a by-layer checking on the successful dissemination of the message, which sharply raises the fault tolerance of the algorithm.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku, tokrat na daljavo prek Zoom-a
petek, 18. avgust 2023 Matevž MAK: Sodobne tehnologije in arhitektura za implementacijo prototipa
V ponedeljek, 21. avgusta 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 21. avgust 2023 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek ZOOM-a
Matevž Mak je študent 2. letnika magistrskega študijskega programa 2. stopnje Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT. Temo bo predstavil v okviru raziskovalnega seminarja, ki ga je izdelal pod mentorstvom prof. Matjaža Kljuna.
NASLOV: Sodobne tehnologije in arhitektura za implementacijo prototipa
V moji predstavitvi se bomo poglobili v sodobne tehnologije, ki so ključne pri razvoju prototipov spletnih aplikacij ter osnovah oblikovanja arhitekture projekta. Osredotočili se bomo na tehnološko zbirko MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular in Node.JS), pri čemer bomo raziskali prednosti vsake posamezne tehnologije. Pregledali bomo tudi, kako efektivno uporabljati GitHub submodule ter njihovo vlogo v razvoju. Prikazali bomo, kako integrirati aplikacijo z Docker containerji in kako izvesti obremenitvene teste z uporabo knjižnice k6. Za konec pa se bomo posvetili vzpostavitvi replikacijskega sistema za MongoDB z uporabo clustrov in shardov, implementiranih preko Docker containerjev.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku, tokrat na daljavo prek Zoom-a
sreda, 26. julij 2023 Gregor GRBEC: Ranking Football Players Using Multilevel Modeling
V ponedeljek, 31. julija 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 31. julij 2023 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek ZOOM-a
Gregor Grbec is a student who started his studies in Bioinformatics at UP FAMNIT. After graduation in 2020, he decided to pursue a master's degree in Data Science at the same faculty. His lifelong interest in football inspired him to do research on who is the best football player – one of the most frequently asked questions in football.
NASLOV: Ranking Football Players Using Multilevel Modeling
While football is a team sport, the question of who is the best football player is one of the most frequently asked in the footballing world. Attackers like Pele, Maradona, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are often mentioned as the best of all time, while players of other positions are mentioned significantly less. We believe that players of all positions are important, which is why we wanted to provide a data-backed answer to this question using advanced mathematical models that can incorporate players of all positions on a single list. Our two main objectives were to extract an individual's performance from the team's performance and to eliminate any bias that comes from the player's position. We used multilevel modeling which allowed us to control for player's team strength with data collected for all players of the top 20 clubs from the top 5 leagues from this century. The results were surprising, as Messi and Ronaldo, often believed to be two of the best of all time, ranked lower than expected.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat na daljavo prek Zoom-a
ponedeljek, 24. julij 2023 Marina PALDAUF: Decentralised Solutions for Preserving Privacy in Group Recommender Systems
V ponedeljek, 24. julija 2023, bo ob 17.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 24. julij 2023 ob 17.00 na daljavo prek ZOOM-a
Marina Paldauf is a PhD student in Computer Science in the fields of recommender systems, machine learning and distributed systems and a teaching assistant at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. She is also a researcher at the HICUP Lab and a Department of Information Sciences and Technologies member.
NASLOV: Decentralised Solutions for Preserving Privacy in Group Recommender Systems
Group Recommender Systems (GRS) combine large amounts of data from various user behaviour signals (likes, views, purchases) and contextual information to provide groups of users with accurate suggestions (e.g. rating prediction, rankings). To handle those large amounts of data, GRS can be extended to use distributed processing and storage solutions (e.g. MapReduce-like algorithms and NoSQL databases). As such, privacy has always been a core issue since most recommendation algorithms rely on user behaviour signals and contextual information that may contain sensitive information. However, existing work in this domain mostly distributes data processing tasks without addressing privacy, and the solutions that address privacy for GRS (e.g. k-anonymisation and local differential privacy) remain centralised. In this paper, we identify and analyse privacy concerns in GRS and provide guidelines on how decentralised techniques can be used to address them.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat na daljavo prek Zoom-a s pričetkom ob 17:00 uri
petek, 14. julij 2023 Aleksandar AVDALOVIĆ: Translation of random forests to loop-free imperative programs for the purpose of formal verification
V ponedeljek, 17. julija 2023, bo ob 17.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 17. julij 2023 ob 17.00 na daljavo prek ZOOM-a
Aleksandar Avdalović is a second-year student of the master's program Data Science at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting his Master’s thesis topic that he is completing under the supervision of Prof. Mário Alberto Zenha-Rela and Prof. Raul Barbosa from University of Coimbra and co-supervision of Prof. Marko Tkalčič from UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: Translation of random forests to loop-free imperative programs for the purpose of formal verification
Throughout the years of society's digitalisation and transformation, the ethics of AI/ML-dependent critical systems have been continually questioned. In the use of such systems, accuracy may not be a valid metric because machine errors can lead to devastating consequences, including the loss of human life. This thesis takes a narrow approach to the aforementioned problem, namely the formal verification of the incredibly effective and widespread supervised learning method of today, random forest. Using the first-order logic statements and algorithm developed in this study, we intend to determine if the model has acquired factually-grounded prior knowledge. In other words, we wish to confirm that the model is reliable in light of prior knowledge. The translation of the random forest algorithm into a loop-free imperative program for verification purposes provides a technical challenge for this task. The core of the thesis is the algorithm provided in response to the research question of whether an algorithm for described translation exists. We shall construct the algorithm and ensure its correctness by rigorously testing it with various datasets, including those later used for verification and artificially generated datasets with different shapes and numbers of classes. Additionally, we will evaluate its efficiency and demonstrate its application on three datasets (one dataset from Cardiology and two datasets from Rheumatology). Another research problem will be practical, examining if the model has acquired particular prior knowledge in the fields of Cardiology and Rheumatology given the data. Results demonstrate that such an algorithm can be created and is highly efficient and that it can be applied realistically in the health sector to validate ML models based on the random forest algorithm.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat na daljavo prek Zoom-a
ponedeljek, 10. julij 2023 Nuwan ATTYGALLE: Breaking Barriers in Gesture Recognition: Enhancing Accuracy through Material-Aware Training
V ponedeljek, 10. julija 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 10. julij 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Nuwan Attygalle is a PhD student at UP FAMNIT with a research focus at the intersection of signal processing, HCI, and machine learning. His interests lie in exploring innovative applications and solutions in these fields. Nuwan has also served as a visiting researcher at the COIN lab at the University of Luxembourg, further expanding his knowledge and expertise in his research areas.
NASLOV: Breaking Barriers in Gesture Recognition: Enhancing Accuracy through Material-Aware Training
Human-computer interaction is undergoing a transformative shift, moving away from traditional interfaces (screen, keyboard and mouse) and towards more intuitive and natural interaction methods. Gesture recognition plays a crucial role in this paradigm shift, enabling participants to interact with digital devices using natural hand movements and gestures. Leveraging millimetre-wave (mmWave) radar signals that penetrate materials and are immune to environmental conditions, gesture recognition can be achieved even when devices are concealed or embedded within objects. However, the impact of everyday materials on gesture recognition accuracy remains inadequately investigated. This paper investigates whether training a machine learning model with gestures sensed through materials improves overall classification accuracy. We also explore to what extent this improvement occurs and how to achieve comparable accuracy with a model trained using fewer materials. Our findings shed light on the influence of materials on gesture recognition and provide insights into optimizing training processes for enhanced performance in real-world applications.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2.
nedelja, 25. junij 2023 Daniil BALDOUSKI: Managing and Optimizing Container Flow in Port Logistics
Jutri, v ponedeljek, 26. junija 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 26. junij 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1.
Daniil Baldouski is a first-year PhD student of Computer Science at UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: Managing and Optimizing Container Flow in Port Logistics
Efficient container management is pivotal to port logistics. In this seminar I will talk about integer linear programming and explain a method for optimizing truck scheduling within a port, using a mathematical model that facilitates concurrent tasks under specific constraints and capacity limitations. The model's efficiency will be showcased on simulated instances.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP1.
ponedeljek, 19. junij 2023 Daan LE ROUX: Digital Distraction, Online Vigilance and the Goldfish Hypothesis: Making sense of the impacts of technology on attention
V ponedeljek, 19. junija 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 19. junij 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Dr. Daan le Roux heads up the Cognition and Technology Research Group at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. He studies various dimensions of the interaction between humans and technology with emphasis on the cognitive and behavioural processes by which humans, both individually and collectively, adopt and adapt to technologies, and how this impacts their performance and well-being. His research is interdisciplinary in nature and has been published in outlets across various domains including Information Systems, Psychology, Business Management and Education.
NASLOV: Digital Distraction, Online Vigilance and the Goldfish Hypothesis: Making sense of the impacts of technology on attention
Over the past two decades we have experienced the emergence of a media ecology characterized by the omnipresence of mobile computing devices that offer a rapidly expanding range of gratifying online experiences. As smartphone use volumes have steadily increased, online platforms have proliferated, creating an increasingly competitive attention economy. A growing body of both popular and academic literature have raised concerns over the potential impacts of these developments for human wellbeing. One area which has received substantial attention concerns the effects that permanent online connectedness and constant media multitasking may have on cognitive control – i.e., our capacity to direct and sustain attention. Specifically, some studies have suggested that our behavior with technology may lead to the shortening of our attention spans. In this talk the state of empirical evidence in this domain is systematically reviewed with reference to recent studies of both the short and long-term effects of digital technology use on cognitive control.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2.
ponedeljek, 12. junij 2023 Nedim Šišić: Class Probability Distributions of a Neural Network Classifier of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
V ponedeljek, 12. junija 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 12. junij 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Nedim Šišić is a 1st year PhD student of Computer Science at UP FAMNIT. He finished his master's studies in Computer Science at UP FAMNIT, and is now a teaching assistant at various computer science courses.
NASLOV: Class Probability Distributions of a Neural Network Classifier of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease, in which the insulating myelin covers of nerve cells are damaged. Remyelination is a repair process that forms new myelin sheaths. MS lesion types are heterogeneous regarding myelin damage and repair and iron content, and may be classified histopathologically. Recently, quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) MRI has been shown to classify white matter MS lesions into demyelinated and remyelinated types in vivo. Furthermore, a neural network model demonstrates potential for automatic classification of such lesions into the types based on QSM. However, the model requires further classification accuracy increase and faces the problem of handling lesions unable to be classified by medical experts. The problem represents a significant hurdle for the potential use of the model in clinical scenarios. In this work, the class probability distributions of the model on different remyelinated, demyelinated, and unclassified lesion types are analyzed, to better understand its performance and estimate its behavior on unclassified lesions. The obtained results are important for improving the model and enabling its transition into medical practice.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2.
ponedeljek, 5. junij 2023 Nikolaus AUGSTEN: Data Management Meets Process Mining - Scaling Trace Clustering to Large Data
Tokrat izjemoma v sredo, 7. junija 2023, bo ob 14.30 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 7. junij 2023 ob 14.30 v FAMNIT-VP3.
Nikolaus Augsten is a full professor in computer science at the University of Salzburg, where he heads the Database Group. He received his PhD from Aalborg University, Denmark, in 2008. His research deals with all aspects of data management. The focus is on queries over complex objects and massive data collections, data cleaning and integration, indexing techniques, query processing and optimization, distributed data management, and numerical computations in databases. His research is triggered by problems that arise in concrete applications, for example, process mining, digital humanities, or cognitive neuroscience. The results of his research have been published in the most prestigious outlets of the database field; for his work on top-k queries over tree data he received the ICDE 2010 Best Paper Award. He has served as a PC member or referee for all major database conferences and as an associate editor of the VLDB Journal.
NASLOV: Data Management Meets Process Mining - Scaling Trace Clustering to Large Data
With the broad adoption of process mining techniques in industry, process mining tools now face massive data volumes with process logs that can store hundreds of millions of activities. Process mining queries often require fast response times since the user interacts with a dashboard to gain business insights. To analyze business processes, the so-called traces of the processes are inspected. A trace is a sequence of activities observed in the process log. To facilitate the analysis, similar traces should be grouped into clusters using the well-known DBSCAN algorithm. Unfortunately, current trace clustering approaches do not scale to large collections of traces, neither in terms of runtime nor in terms of memory usage.
We present two novel techniques that solve the scalability issue of the trace clustering problem. (1) TwoL is a new, highly effective similarity index for traces. Compared to previous techniques, TwoL optimizes a cost function to gracefully adapt to different data distributions. (2) Spread is the first linear-space DBSCAN algorithm that can process data points in any user-defined order. This is required to leverage the full potential of trace indices. Previous approaches must precompute and materialize all neighborhoods of the data points, which requires quadratic space. With respect to the state of the art in trace clustering, our techniques reduce the memory complexity and achieve speedups of more than an order of magnitude.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku s pričetkom ob 14:30 v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP3.
petek, 2. junij 2023 Matija BIROV, Jan KANDUČ, Mojca BELAC: Risk Management at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
V ponedeljek, 5. junija 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 5. junij 2023 ob 16.00 v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2
The presentation will be held by Matija Birov, Chief Risk Officer, Jan Kanduč, Director of Risk Management, and Mojca Belac, Head of Credit Risk Monitoring, Controls and Validation
NASLOV: Risk Management at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
What is risk management and how does it fit into the commercial banking business? What kind of tools and skills are needed for efficient risk management? What kind of knowledge and expertise are required for development of risk measurement systems? How much do banks rely on statistical analysis for day-to-day operations? Are the business decisions driven only by future profits or is there more to the story? Are the risk parameters (probability of default, loss given default, exposure at default) the only true indicators of your credit worthiness when applying for a loan?
These and many more questions related to the banking world will be discussed at the presentation.
Seminar bo potekal v živo v angleškem jeziku.
petek, 26. maj 2023 Arsen Matej GOLUBOVIKJ: Longitudinal Study of Preferences and Behaviour Changes in Music Streaming
V ponedeljek, 29. maja 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 29. maj 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Arsen Matej Golubovikj is a 1st year PhD student of Computer Science at UP FAMNIT. He finished his master's studies in Data Science at UP FAMNIT, and is now exploring topics related to Recommender Systems and User Modeling.
NASLOV: Longitudinal Study of Preferences and Behaviour Changes in Music Streaming
The majority of research in recommender systems, being it algorithmic improvements, context-awareness, explainability, or other areas, evaluate their systems on datasets that capture the user interaction with the system in a relatively limited time span. However, recommender systems have been around for more than two decades and the way user behave might have changed through time. Although there is a wide body of research in media studies and psychology on how user preferences and behaviour change through time (especially as users age) there has been very little work done in the domain of recommender systems. In this work we explore how user preferences and behaviour change through time on a well-known dataset of LastFM users, the LFM-2B dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only dataset that covers a long-enough time span (to allow longitudinal studies) and has age information about its users. Beside performing a descriptive analysis of preferences and behaviour changes we also inspect whether there are differences between generations of users. The results show important insights that can pave the way for a new line of research in recommender systems and informs future work.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2.
ponedeljek, 22. maj 2023 Nuno LARANJEIRO: Software Dependability Research at the University of Coimbra & Naghmeh IVAKI: Verification and Validation of U-space Services
V ponedeljek, 22. maja 2023, bosta ob 15.00 uri izvedeni dve
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 22. maj 2023 ob 15.00 v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2
POZOR: Seminar se prične ob 15:00 !!!
1. predavanje:
Nuno Laranjeiro received the PhD degree from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, where he currently is an Assistant Professor. His research focuses on dependable and secure software services and he currently leads the Software and Systems Engineering (SSE) group at the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC). His research interests include experimental dependability evaluation, fault injection, robustness of software and web services, web services interoperability, and software security. He is currently mostly involved in developing new techniques towards more reliable and secure cloud systems and microservices, in developing techniques for evaluating the reliability and security of blockchain smart contracts, and using machine learning techniques for software fault and vulnerability detection and characterization. He has contributed, as an author, reviewer and program committee member, to leading conferences and journals in the dependability and services computing areas. Nuno has been involved in the organisation of several international events, including several editions of the International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) and also the Dependable and Secure Services Workshop/Track (as main chair) jointly organised with the IEEE World Congress on Services. He participated in international research projects, including several H2020 projects (e.g., ADVANCE, DEVASSES, ATMOSPHERE, EUBrasilCloudFORUM) and FP7 projects (CRITICAL STEP, CECRIS).
NASLOV: Software Dependability Research at the University of Coimbra
The Software and Systems Engineering (SSE) group at the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC) develops disruptive research on different facets of software and systems engineering, with particular focus on dependability and security aspects. Internationally recognized contributions of SSE include new experimental approaches for dependability, resilience and security evaluation and benchmarking, including fault injection, robustness testing, vulnerability & attack injection and vulnerability detection methods. This talk overviews the SSE group research activities and discusses a fault injection case study.
2. predavanje:
Naghmeh Ivaki received the PhD degree from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Currently, she is an assistant professor and a full member of Software and Systems Engineering Group (SSE) of the Center for Informatics and Systems (CISUC), Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra. She specializes in the scientific field of Informatics Engineering, with particular focus on trustworthiness, security, safety, and dependability of computer systems. In her field of specialization, she has authored about 40 peer-reviewed publications and participated in 11 national and inernational research projects.
NASLOV: Verification and Validation of U-space Services
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or UAS) have gained notable importance in civil airspace. To ensure their safe operation (in particular, in urban area), U-space services are being defined in Europe. U-space is a set of services that rely on a high level of digitalization and automation of functions. These services are either on board of the UAVs or are part of the ground controllers, allowing the safe and efficient operation of a large number of UAS (especially, but not only, in urban VLL (very low level)). The main safety pillar of U-space services is conflict management in both strategic and tactical levels, aiming to limit the risk of collision between UAVs and hazards to an agreed level deemed acceptable. However, the target level of safety (TLS) can be threatened by many factors like failures in UAVs (or its components and sensores like GPS), and U-space functioning and communications (e.g., can be caused by hardware failure, software failures, network failures, or security attacks), or even failures due to non-deterministic behavior of AI-based components used in these systems. Our research team aims at building a verification and validation (V&V) platform, allowing the safety assessment of UAVs and U-space services under the aforementioned conditions. By providing such V&V platform for safety assessment, we aim to ensure that the target level of safety is met and maintained.
Obe predavanji bosta v angleškem jeziku.
četrtek, 18. maj 2023 Egon BENČIČ: Predstavitev podjetja PROJEKT IP in možnosti štipendiranja
V ponedeljek, 22. maja 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 22. maj 2023 ob 16.00 v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2
Podjetje PROJEKT IP d.o.o. bo na seminarju predstavil Egon Benčič, ustanovitelj podjetja.
NASLOV: Predstavitev podjetja PROJEKT IP in možnosti štipendiranja
Podjetje PROJEKT IP d.o.o. ponuja IKT storitve manjšim, srednjim, velikim podjetjem in državni upravi na območju celotne Slovenije. Področje delovanja so sčasoma razširili na vse države bivše Jugoslavije in v države Evropske Unije. Njihova glavna usmeritev je nudenje podpore na področju informacijsko-komunikacijskih procesov, kjer pokrivajo vsa področja povezana z uporabo komunikacijskih tehnologij. Strankam pomagajo njihove želje in ideje izpeljati vse od začetne zasnove do uspešne končne izvedbe. Pri rešitvah stremijo k zanesljivosti, stabilnosti in dolgi življenjski dobi vzpostavljenih sistemov. Zelo pomembno jim je, da stranka dobi rešitev na ključ, ki presega njena pričakovanja. Trudijo se, da njihove rešitve pomenijo dodano vrednost, olajšajo poslovne procese in posledično tudi omogočijo prihranke. Na dolgi rok želijo postati najbolj prepoznavno podjetje na področju telekomunikacij v regiji.
Na seminarju bodo študenti podrobneje spoznali dejavnost podjetja in možnosti sodelovanja (študijska praksa, raziskovalne naloge, projekti ...). Ker je Projekt IP d.o.o. tudi štipenditor v okviru Štipendijskega sklada Univerza na Primorskem, bodo študenti na srečanju izvedeli tudi glede možnosti prejetja štipendije v naslednjem študijskem letu!
Več v vabilu.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku.
petek, 12. maj 2023 Maja DUNDOVIĆ: Automation of modular, multipurpose mechatronic system for mechanical experimental testing using MATLAB®
V ponedeljek, 15. maja 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 15. maj 2023 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek ZOOM-a
Maja Dundović, mag. ing. mech., obtained her MSc in Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rijeka in 2011. She is currently employed as an assistant and pursuing her PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the same institution. Her teaching duties cover exercises in undergraduate and graduate courses in the fields of Engineering Graphics, Machine Elements, and Robot Elements. Her scientific research interest areas are in the field of Compliant Mechanisms, Material Behaviour Testing and Modelling.
NASLOV: Automation of modular, multipurpose mechatronic system for mechanical experimental testing using MATLAB®
In this presentation, we'll focus on the work that was done in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, as a part of the scientific training that is mandatory for PhD students at the University of Rijeka. First, we'll introduce compliant mechanisms, design of the mechatronic system setup for mechanical testing, and in a higher level of detail present a computer vision procedure for testing automation using MATLAB. As part of this, a pure bending test setup will be shown and test results discussed. The presentation will be concluded with a brief overview of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, and with a discussion on the areas for possible future scientific collaboration, together with opportunities for student and staff mobility.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat na daljavo prek Zoom-a
petek, 14. april 2023 Elham Motamedi: User and Item Modeling Using Eudaimonic and Hedonic Characteristics for Recommender Systems
V ponedeljek, 17. aprila 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 17. april 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2 in na daljavo prek ZOOM-a (https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09)
Elham Motamedi is a PhD student in Computer Science in the fields of recommender systems, machine learning and complex networks and a teaching assistant at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. She is also a researcher at the HICUP Lab and member of the Department on Information Sciences and Technologies. Before enrolling into PhD studies, she obtained a Master's degree in networked systems from the University of Tehran in Iran.
NASLOV: User and Item Modeling Using Eudaimonic and Hedonic Characteristics for Recommender Systems
In her PhD thesis, the presenter aims to leverage eudaimonic and hedonic characteristics to model users and items. Furthermore, she plans to investigate whether these models can be used to improve the recommendations, particularly in movie recommendation systems. During her presentation, she will outline the motivations behind her research, review relevant literature, identify gaps in current research, and present an overview of the structure of her PhD thesis.
Predavateljica bo na seminarju predstavila dispozicijo svoje doktorske disertacije, ki jo opravlja pod mentorstvom izr. prof. Marka Tkalčiča.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat v hibridni izvedbi v FAMNIT-VP2 ter na daljavo prek Zoom-a (https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09)!!!
petek, 17. marec 2023 Cuauhtli Campos: Designing Interactive Paper Display by Interlacing Physical and Digital Content Using Horizontal Touchscreens
V ponedeljek, 20. marca 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. marec 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Cuauhtli Campos is a PhD student in Computer Science in the field of Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies and an assistant researcher at the InnoRenew CoE within the Wood Modification Group. His doctoral work is at the intersection of interactive paper technologies, immersive and playful reading experiences and augmented reality.
NASLOV: Designing Interactive Paper Display by Interlacing Physical and Digital Content Using Horizontal Touchscreens
Ubiquitous nature, versatility, and durability enabled the paper to maintain its importance in the digital age. It is not surprising there have been numerous attempts to combine paper with digital content. Despite this, several shortcomings persist, for example: these systems still demand users to handle or wear hardware (e.g. smartphones, HMDs) especially problematic when augmenting an activity that primarily happens on the paper (e.g. augmenting reading without disrupting the reading experience per se) or when users are expected to interact with paper for a longer period of time, such as when studying. Furthermore, these applications still require elaborated setups of hardware around the user (e.g. complex projector placement), which can also occlude the augmentation preventing the system from functioning as intended. One way to overcome these limitations is to place the screen emitting digital content and supporting interactivity (e.g. tablet computer or a tabletop display) beneath the paper. The paper thus becomes ``the screen'' on which the additional content is viewed whilst the interactivity is supported using the sensing capabilities of the underlying display. However, in such setups, the paper also acts as a barrier through which light and sensing signal need to pass degrading the quality of the displayed image and input sensing capabilities. This creates an interesting area for further investigation on the characterization of light transmittance through paper and on the exploration of methods to alter such optical properties. For example, could this be done through paper perforation or the addition of commonly available paper inks? Furthermore, no research explores how the presentation of digital content could be used to improve the perceived quality of imagery when viewed through paper. For example, could the movement of digital content such as text improve its resolution of it and make it more readable? On the other hand, no research explored how the conductivity of paper would affect the touch and stylus interaction as the paper is placed on top of a touch screen surface and how to overcome such interference The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the aforementioned gaps in knowledge through the characterisation of paper and ink properties and exploration of methods that could be used to improve interactivity and perceived quality of displayed imagery. All this will lead us to the overreaching goal of designing, constructing, and evaluating a novel Interactive Paper Display in which the light source is placed beneath the paper.
Predavatelj bo na seminarju predstavil dispozicijo svoje doktorske disertacije, ki jo opravlja pod mentorstvom izr. prof. Klena Čopiča-Puciharja in somentorstvom izr. prof. Matjaža Kljuna.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat v živo v FAMNIT-VP2 !!!
sobota, 11. marec 2023 Masayukija Kanbara in Taishi Sawabe - Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
V ponedeljek 13. marca 2023, ob 16.00 uri v VP1 (UP FAMNIT), bo Hicup-lab gostoval profesorje z laboratorija za oblikovanje interaktivnih medijev z Inštituta za znanost in tehnologijo - Nara, iz Japonske. V sklopu ponedeljkovega seminarja bosta predstavila svoje področje izr. prof. Masayukija Kanbara in doc. Taishi Sawabe, prisoten pa bo tudi direktor laboratorija (IMBD) Hirokazu Kato.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 13. 3. 2023, 16.00, VP1 (UP FAMNIT)
PREDAVATELJ: Masayuki Kanbara
Dr. Masayuki Kanbara received a Ph.D. degree in engineering from Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) in 2002. He was an assistant professor at the Information Science Department at NAIST since 2002 and a visiting researcher at University of California, Santa Barbara in 2008-2009. He has been an associate professor at NAIST since 2010. Fields of research are focused on augmented reality, computer vision and Human-Robot Interaction.
NASLOV: Gentle Stroke with Speech by Robot for Infusing Positive Emotion
It has been demonstrated that the action of “stroking” has a relaxing effect on the body and mind. However, while some studies have shown the importance of “Gentle stroke with speech,” it has not been clarified how human actually perform the “Gentle stroke with speech” behavior. In this study, we analyzed the “Gentle stroke with speech” behavior with the aim of modeling the “talking and stroking behavior” in a situation in which a person is caring for another person.
PREDAVATELJ: Taishi Sawabe
He received his B.E. adviser, Prof. Ma, from Ritsumeikan University in the field of biomimetics robots. He received a Ph.D. from Adviser Prof. Hagita at the Ambient Intelligence Laboratory at NAIST. His research interest is Biomimetics robots, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Human Comfort, and Autonomous Vehicles. Mini projects: TSUNDERE-Interaction, VR Live Agent-Interaction.
NASLOV: Comfort Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles
In this presentation, I will introduce an intelligence system that considers passengers’ comfort inside moving autonomous vehicles, which is called Comfort Intelligence (CI). In the research, anxiety reduction is mainly targeted. Anxiety comes from a variety of stress factors. In the field of vehicles, I defined stress in autonomous vehicles as Autonomous Vehicle Stress (AVS) to estimate, classify and consider reduction methods for reducing anxiety in autonomous vehicles. Moreover, anxiety is not only about stress but also has to consider motion sickness, called Autonomous Vehicle Motion Sickness (AVMS) which is mixed with car sickness and VR sickness in the future autonomous vehicle environment. Therefore, this study explains the importance of considering comfort intelligence (CI) by looking at previous research on anxiety, as well as discussing stress and motion sickness perspectives.
petek, 17. februar 2023 Giovanni Maria Angeletti: Replication in MongoDB
V ponedeljek, 20. februarja 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. februar 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Giovanni Maria Angeletti is an Erasmus student from Italy (Modena) with a Mathematical background as he graduated in Maths in bachelor (in Camerino). For his Master degree he was searching something almost new to a “young” Mathematician and he found it in a Data Science study program. With the Erasmus at the UP FAMNIT he had the possibility to go deeper in some topics of interest, learning for example the Database management systems world, from which he had the idea to elaborate this seminar.
NASLOV: Replication in MongoDB
I will present my research paper that first gives a general overview about what data replication is and how it works in DBMSs, then the focus will be on how replication is performed in MongoDB.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat v živo v FAMNIT-VP2 !!!
nedelja, 15. januar 2023 Jamolbek MATTIEV: Word Game Modeling using Character-level N-grams and Statistics
Jutri, v ponedeljek, 16. januarja 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 16. januar 2023 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Jamolbek Mattiev did his master's at the Politecnico di Torino in the field of Computer Engineering. He did his PhD at UP FAMNIT in 2020. His research topic was "Clustering class association rules to form a meaningful and compact classifier". Currently he is working at the Urgench State University as the vice-dean for research and international cooperation at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. His research interests include Machine Learning, EEG Classification and Natural Language Processing.
NASLOV: Word Game Modeling using Character-level N-grams and Statistics
The word games are one of the most essential factors of vocabulary learning and matching letters to form words for children aged 5-12. These games help children to improve letter and word recognition, memory-building and vocabulary retention skills. Since Uzbek is a low-resource language, there have not been enough research works for designing word games for the Uzbek language. In this seminar, we present two models for designing the cubic-letter game also known as the matching-letter game consists of a predefined number of cubes with a letter on each of its sides, and word cards to form those words using a combination of cubes for the Uzbek language.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:
petek, 11. november 2022 Andrej MALEČKAR: Slot game development case study
V ponedeljek, 14. novembra 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 14. november 2022 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Andrej Malečkar is an experienced software development team lead in the gambling and casino industry. He was born on 04.10.1990 in Koper and graduated in 2016 from the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska. His current work focuses on leading a team of front-end developers and delivering state-of-the-art on-line slot and table casino games while developing a brand new game engine.
NASLOV: Slot game development case study
In this presentation, we will go through all the development phases of a modern web-based slot game from start to finish. We will take a detailed look into all the technologies and best practices a good FE development team uses to overcome all the challenges that may arise during the development phase. After the presentation, we will present visual examples and code snippets from some of GameArt’s best-performing games. The meeting will end with a quick presentation of the company, its amazing work culture, and its brand new student programme.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat v živo v FAMNIT-VP2 !!!
petek, 2. september 2022 Vanja MILESKI: Deep learning for churn prediction in retail using residual networks
V ponedeljek, 5. septembra 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 5. september 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
After graduating from the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana in 2015, Vanja Mileski started working at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). He was a Master's student at the International Postgraduate School Jožef Stefan and a student researcher at the JSI. After finishing his Master's studies, he applied his knowledge of data mining in the private sector as a Data Scientist in the retail, telecommunications, banking, stock market and insurance sectors.
His current research interests include time-series classification, deep learning, ResNet and Inception architectures.
NASLOV: Deep learning for churn prediction in retail using residual networks
With the advancements in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures, residual networks (ResNets) have proven successful on time series data as well. Time series features can be viewed as one-dimensional vectors, using which which we can train a deeper network using a ResNet-like architecture. Churn prediction is the process of identifying people that will cease to be customers in the future. We implement a ResNet architecture on real-life data of customer shopping habits obtained from a large retailer in Slovenia and compare them to traditional ML techniques.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:
torek, 16. avgust 2022 Arsen Matej GOLUBOVIKJ: Imputing Missing Answers In The World Values Survey
V torek, 16. avgusta 2022, bo ob 14.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 16. avgust 2022 ob 14.00 na daljavo
Arsen Matej Golubovikj is a second-year student of Data Science at UP FAMNIT. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at UP Famnit in September 2020, and is now working towards his Master's degree. He will be presenting the topic of his Master's thesis that he is completing under the mentorship of assist. prof. Branko Kavšek and prof. Marko Tkalčič.
NASLOV: Imputing Missing Answers In The World Values Survey
Many areas of science, in particular social sciences, use questionnaires to gather data. The process of collecting data through a questionnaire, called a survey, is often the prime means of gathering data directly from participants, however, it's prone to missing data. In order to keep the full survey sample, researchers must often use imputation to deal with this problem. Methods for imputation can sometimes offer reasonable estimates for the missing data, however, in the case of the survey: (i) imputation can add high noise to the data, which influences the inference, (ii) imputation becomes unreliable when more than 40% of the data is missing.
This thesis attempts to address these issues by evaluating if the usage of methods stemming from collaborative filtering (CF) in recommender systems can yield more accurate imputations of missing values in survey data. The rationale for the usage of these methods is (i) the similarity between the problem framing, methods and data representation used in CF and questionnaire imputation; (ii) the effectiveness of CF-based methods in recommender systems, especially in cases where much of the data is unavailable.
We use data from the World Values Survey, a valuable dataset in social science of high volume and veracity, to compare (i) one simple approach to imputation, (ii) two established imputation approaches (iii) two matrix completion techniques stemming from collaborative filtering.The results show that our chosen matrix completion techniques stemming from collaborative filtering perform comparable, but not better than existing imputation techniques in the case of the survey. The right technique for imputation often depends on the problem, these results beckon the consideration of CF-based techniques in future research on survey imputation.
ponedeljek, 20. junij 2022 Nedim ŠIŠIĆ: Neural Network Based Classification of Brain Lesions
V ponedeljek, 20. junija 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. junij 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Nedim Šišić is a FAMNIT student from Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is enrolled in the 2nd year of the Computer Science Master's study program. His Research Seminar mentor is Professor Peter Rogelj.
NASLOV: Neural Network Based Classification of Brain Lesions
A brain lesion is an area of tissue injury or disease within the brain. Brain-imaging techniques, such as MRI, produce images of the brain used for diagnosis or prognosis of a wide variety of injuries or conditions. Such images can be used to classify brain lesions. Recently, neural networks have been used to great success in different computer vision domains, including brain image processing. In this work, we develop a convolutional neural network that automatically classifies MRI images in multiple sclerosis patients. The image dataset consists of three-dimensional images with three channels: FLAIR MRI, QSM MRI, and a mask channel indicating lesion location. We describe data augmentation techniques we use for increasing the dataset and present the network architecture and the results of the model. Specifically, we show the results of training the network using different combinations of the three image channels.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
ponedeljek, 13. junij 2022 Martin JAKOMIN, Blaž MRAMOR: Data science at Zemanta
V ponedeljek, 13. junija 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 13. junij 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Martin Jakomin received his PhD in Computer science from University of Ljubljana in 2019. His research interests include fields of data science and machine learning. More specifically, he is interested in the areas of recommender systems, incremental learning, data fusion and data generation.
Blaž Mramor obtained his PhD in Mathematics from VU University Amsterdam in 2012 and worked afterwards as a researcher in the fields of Geometry and Analysis at University of Freiburg and at UP FAMNIT. Since 2017 he has been working as a data scientist and ML engineer, first in Allianz SE in Munich and since 2021 in Zemanta.
NASLOV: Data science at Zemanta
We will first introduce Zemanta's line of business, real-time bidding, which is an automated auction process for the purchase of on-line ad spaces. Then we will briefly present the different data science areas and the challenges that we are facing. Finally, we will focus our attention on one of our major components, the click-through-rate predictor, and explain some details about the data, the training pipelines and the choice of our ML algorithms for it.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
petek, 20. maj 2022 prof. Amira ŠERIFOVIĆ TRBALIĆ: Applications of deep learning for the medical data analysis
V ponedeljek, 23. maja 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2 izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 23. maj 2022 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Amira Šerifović Trbalić was born in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1978. She received her B.Sc. degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2002. In 2006, she received the M.Sc. degree in computer science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Tuzla. She finished her doctoral thesis on medical image registration at the University of Tuzla in 2011. Research for the doctoral dissertation was conducted within the framework of the joint research project with the Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. In 2012, she became an Assistant Professor at the University of Tuzla and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2018. Her research interests include image processing and analysis, pattern recognition, computer vision and artificial intelligence. As a principal investigator or as a participant, she was involved in many projects in these areas and published over 40 research papers, books and book chapter.
NASLOV: Applications of deep learning for the medical data analysis
This talk will present an overview of deep learning (DL) and discuss some recent successful applications in medicine. It will provide examples of how deep learning can be used in different problem areas and frameworks in both clinical and research settings, including medical image analysis, time series analysis, medical data synthesis and pre-processing operations. The talk will conclude with a discussion of relevant deep learning methods and their strengths and limitations.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.Vabljeni!
ponedeljek, 16. maj 2022 Vanja MILESKI: Deep learning for time series data using Inception and ResNet paradigms
V ponedeljek, 16. maja 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 16. maj 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
After graduating from the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana in 2015, Vanja Mileski started working at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). He was a Master's student at the International Postgraduate School Jožef Stefan and a student researcher at the JSI. After finishing his Master's studies, he applied his knowledge of data mining in the private sector as a Data Scientist in the retail, telecommunications, banking, stock market and insurance sectors.
His current research interests include time-series classification, deep learning, ResNet and Inception architectures.
NASLOV: Deep learning for time series data using Inception and ResNet paradigms
With the advancements in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures such as Inception modules and ResNet architectures, it is of particular interest to study these advances and apply them on time series data. Time series features can be viewed as one-dimensional vectors, on which we can apply different types of filters using Inception modules, and then train a deeper network using a ResNet-like architecture. We propose an idea of combining these advancements and testing them on real-life data of customer shopping habits obtained from a large retailer in Slovenia with the hopes of beating traditional ML techniques.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
ponedeljek, 9. maj 2022 Jakob POVŠIČ: Avtentikacija z dokazi ničelnega znanja
V ponedeljek, 9. maja 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 9. maj 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Jakob Povšič je študent zadnjega letnikana dodiplomskega študijskega programa 1. stopnje Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT. Trenutno se posveča področjem decentraliziranih finančnih sistemov, in širše kriptovalut in digitalne identitete.
NASLOV: Avtentikacija z dokazi ničelnega znanja
Problematika zasebnosti je vsak dan večja zaradi vse večje prisotnosti informacijskih sistemov v naših življenjih. Zdi se, da se zasebnost in tehnologija medsebojno izključujeta. Dokazi ničelnega znanja (ZKP) imajo potencial, da spremenijo, kako naši osebni podatki obstajajo v digitalnem prostoru. Predstavljena bo preprosta uporaba ZKP kot metode preverjanja gesla v avtentikacijskem sistemu.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
ponedeljek, 28. marec 2022 Aleksandar TOŠIĆ: Towards a more efficient routing in P2P networks using n-ary trees
V ponedeljek, 28. marca 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 28. marec 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Aleksandar Tošić is a PhD candidate at UP FAMNIT. His research topics include distributed systems, distributed ledger technologies and their applications in the Internet of Things.
NASLOV: Towards a more efficient routing in P2P networks using n-ary trees
Blockchain networks are currently the fastest growing P2P networks. Recently, Proof of Stake consensus have gained more attention due to their low energy footprint. However, despite the protocol improvements, one of the main factors limiting transaction throughput is the ability to propagate blocks in the P2P network.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
ponedeljek, 21. marec 2022 Niki HROVATIN: Simulating Sensor Networks in NS-3
V ponedeljek, 21. marca 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 21. marec 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Niki Hrovatin was born in Trieste, Italy, in 1994. He received the M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Primorska in 2020.
He is currently a Teaching Assistant and Ph.D. student at UP FAMNIT, and a Research Assistant at InnoRenew CoE, Izola, Slovenija.
His current research interests include sensor networks, distributed systems, and blockchain.
NASLOV: Simulating Sensor Networks in NS-3
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a monitoring system consisting of a large number of wireless devices forming a multi-hop network without infrastructure. It is of particular concern to research communication protocols designed explicitly for WSN to preserve network resources and privacy.
PPWSim is presented, a simulator developed to study a privacy-preserving communication protocol for edge data processing in WSNs. The simulator is based on the simulation environment nsnam NS3; therefore, it can be easily extended or used as a framework for developing other WSN simulators.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:
ponedeljek, 7. marec 2022 Mohamed ELSAEED: Hello Flutter!
V ponedeljek, 7. marca 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 7. marec 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Mohamed Elsaeed is a software engineer at Google.
NASLOV: Hello Flutter!
In this seminar, an introduction to Flutter and Dart, a handy and easy-to-use toolset for all mobile developers, will be given. What are Flutter and Dart, and how do they work? The cross-platform features and benefits will be presented along with how to get started with them and what free resources are available on the Google platform.
Seminar soorganizira Google developer Student Club at University of Primorska (GDSC UP).
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
petek, 18. februar 2022 Andrej MALEČKAR: Slot game development case study
V ponedeljek, 21. februarja 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 21. februar 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Andrej Malečkar is an experienced Software development team lead in the Gambling and Casino industry. He was born on 04.10.1990 in Koper and graduated in 2016 from the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska. His current work is focused on leading a team of front-end developers delivering state-of-the-art online slot and table casino games and developing a brand new game engine.
NASLOV: Slot game development case study
In this presentation, we will go through all development phases of a modern web-based slot game from start to finish. We will look into detail on all the technologies and best practices a good FE development team uses to overcome all the challenges during the development phase. The presentation will be followed by visual examples and code snippets from some of the best-performing games from our company's portfolio. We will finish the meeting with a quick presentation of GameArt company, its amazing work culture, and its brand new student program.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:
četrtek, 10. februar 2022 Aleksandar TOŠIĆ and Domen VAKE: Faculty Programming Competition (FTP)
V ponedeljek, 14. februarja 2022, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 14. februar 2022 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Tako Aleksandar Tošić kot Domen Vake sta doktorska študenta, raziskovalca in asistenta na UP FAMNIT. Aleksandar Tošić je poleg tega še raziskovalec na InnoRenew CoE.
Both Aleksandar Tošić and Domen Vake are PhD students, researchers and teaching assistants at UP FAMNIT. Aleksandar Tošić is also a researcher at the InnoRenew CoE.
NASLOV: Faculty Programming Competition (FTP)
Predstavljeno bo fakultetno tekmovanje v programiranju (FTP), ki je namenjeno vsem študentom. Tema tekmovanja je programiranje svojega avtonomnega agenta za igranje igre. Predstavili bomo pravila tekmovanja in razložili kako sodelujete v njem. Pokazali in razložili bomo tudi delovanje spletne aplikacije, ki jo bodo sodelujoči uporabljali ter pokazali osnoven potek oddaje igralca.
The faculty programming competition for all students will be presented. The theme of the competition is programming your autonomous agent to play a strategic game. We will present the rules of the competition and explain how you participate in it. We will also show and explain the web application that participants will use for the competition and show the basic steps of the player's submission.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
četrtek, 23. december 2021 Ivan MARKOVINOVIĆ: Auditory Brain Computer Interface Speller
V ponedeljek, 20. decembra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. december 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Ivan Markovinović is a PhD student at Faculty of Technical Engineering, University of Rijeka. He was born on 15.12.1987 in Rijeka, and graduated in 2011 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. His current work is focused on the brain-computer interface systems, more specifically on the implementation of auditory brain-computer interface speller.
NASLOV: Auditory Brain Computer Interface Speller
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
četrtek, 2. december 2021 Sidra ASLAM: Decentralized Data Privacy and Security for the Web of Things
V ponedeljek, 6. decembra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 6. december 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Sidra Aslam received her Master’s degree in computer science from the COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan in January 2017. During this period, she worked on research projects and published research papers in scholarly journals and conference proceedings. In 2015, she received the best research paper award at the National Software Engineering Conference (NSEC), IEEE in Pakistan. She is currently an Assistant Researcher at the InnoRenew CoE, a teaching assistant and a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, Slovenia. Her current research interests include information security and privacy, blockchain, and semantic Web technologies.
NASLOV: Decentralized Data Privacy and Security for the Web of Things
In this seminar, we present our research for a RESTful decentralized storage framework that provides data privacy and mutability. We explore how to combine blockchain with distributed hash table, role-based access control, ring signature, and multiple encryption mechanisms. Within a single framework, we will design algorithms and a metadata structure stored on the blockchain, that offer a strong decoupling between data access and storage, while providing the opportunity to address the security and privacy issues we are facing, so that data owners keep control of their data. Each peer in our framework will offer RESTful APIs to operate, thus ensuring interoperability over the Web. In this seminar, we will explore how semantic-based access control can manage complex permissions for data access by modeling complex relationships between users. We will discuss the relevance of a HATEOAS client to navigate through data using RESTful APIs.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
petek, 12. november 2021 Matej BABIČ: Matematične in računalniške aplikacije za napovedovanje izposoje koles v GoNM
V ponedeljek, 15. novembra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo ter hkrati tudi v živo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 15. november 2021 ob 16.00 hkrati v živo in na daljavo
Matej Babič je docent na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem Mestu, kjer se ukvarjam z modeliranjem prometa.
NASLOV: Matematične in računalniške aplikacije za napovedovanje izposoje koles v GoNM
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP2 in v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
četrtek, 4. november 2021 Peter KNEES: An Overview of Music Retrieval and Recommendation: From Describing Sound to Asking What is Fair
V ponedeljek, 8. november 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo ter hkrati tudi v živo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 8. november 2021 ob 16.00 hkrati v živo in na daljavo
Peter Knees is an Associate Professor at the Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics. He is an active member of the Music Information Retrieval research community, reaching out to the related fields of multimedia and text information retrieval, recommender systems, and the digital arts. His research activities center on music search engines and interfaces as well as music recommender systems, and more recently, on smart(er) tools for music creation. He co-authored the book “Music Similarity and Retrieval: An Introduction” and is a contributor of the Digital Humanism initiative.
NASLOV: An Overview of Music Retrieval and Recommendation: From Describing Sound to Asking What is Fair
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP2 in v Zoom "klepetalnici" na naslovu:https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207?pwd=S3Zpdk1VR3pjckNtWkQwKzlvcDR5UT09
Tokratni PON seminar RIN bo hkrati tudi vabljeno predavanje na konferenci HCI SI 2021, ki bo potekala cel ponedeljek, 8.11.2021 (za več informacij kliknite tukaj: https://hci.si/hci-si-2021/).
petek, 22. oktober 2021 M.Besher MASSRI: Tracking Innovations and Technologies in Artificial Intelligence
V ponedeljek, 25. oktobra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 25. oktober 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
M.Besher Massri is a first-year student of the master's program in Information and Communication Technologies at Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School. He will be presenting his diploma work that was completed during his studies at UP FAMNIT under the supervision of prof. Branko Kavšek.
NASLOV: Tracking Innovations and Technologies in Artificial Intelligence
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
ponedeljek, 27. september 2021 Nedim ŠIŠIĆ: A new method for polygonization of connected areas in binary images
Danes, v ponedeljek, 27. septembra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 27. september 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Nedim Šišić is a first year student of the master programme in Computer Science at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting his Research seminar that he completed under the supervision of prof. Martin Milanič.
NASLOV: A new method for polygonization of connected areas in binary images
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
petek, 17. september 2021 Jordan DEJA: PIANO 2.0: An Augmented Piano prototype for Personalized Music Learning
V ponedeljek, 20. septembra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. september 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Jordan Aiko Deja is a Filipino PhD student working on computational interactions and adaptive visualizations at the HICUP Lab research group of UP FAMNIT. He is supervised by Dr. Matjaž Kljun and Dr. Klen Čopič Pucihar. He earned his BS and MS degrees in Computer Science from De La Salle University, Manila Philippines.
NASLOV: PIANO 2.0: An Augmented Piano prototype for Personalized Music Learning
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
ponedeljek, 13. september 2021 Elham MOTAMEDI: Prediction of eudaimonic and hedonic movie characteristics from subtitles
V ponedeljek, 13. septembra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 13. september 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Elham Motamedi is a PhD student at UP FAMNIT under the supervision of prof. Marko Tkalčič. She completed her Master's degree of networked systems at the University of Tehran, Iran and her Bachelor's degree of information technology at the Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Her research areas include recommender systems, machine learning and complex networks.
NASLOV: Prediction of eudaimonic and hedonic movie characteristics from subtitles
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
petek, 3. september 2021 Nuwan T. ATTYGALLE: Interactive Web Documentaries: A Case Study of Video Viewing Behaviour on iOtok
V ponedeljek, 6. septembra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 6. september 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Nuwan Tharanga Attygalle is a PhD student in Computer Science in the field of Human-Computer interactions and a teaching assistant at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. He is also a member of the HICUP Lab at the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies.
NASLOV: Interactive Web Documentaries: A Case Study of Video Viewing Behaviour on iOtok
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
četrtek, 26. avgust 2021 Urška GERIČ: Genetska struktura in njen vpliv na telesne mase in oplojenost mladic srnjadi v Sloveniji
V ponedeljek, 30. avgusta 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 30. avgust 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Urška Gerič je doktorska študentka računalništva in informatike na UP FAMNIT. Trenutno se ukvarja s pripravo postopkov za analizo rezultatov sekvenciranja z različnimi bioinformatičnimi orodji. Dela na različnih vrstah med katerimi so npr. srne, pa tudi vzorci bizonov, ki so stari do 75.000 let.
NASLOV: Genetska struktura in njen vpliv na telesne mase in oplojenost mladic srnjadi v Sloveniji
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
ponedeljek, 23. avgust 2021 Nuwan T. ATTYGALLE: Missing Interface - Gesture Recognition on Physical Objects using Radar Sensing
V ponedeljek, 23. avgusta 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 23. avgust 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Nuwan Tharanga Attygalle is a PhD student in Computer Science in the field of Human-Computer interactions and a teaching assistant at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. He is also a member of the HICUP Lab at the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies.
NASLOV: Missing Interface: Gesture Recognition on Physical Objects using Radar Sensing
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
ponedeljek, 16. avgust 2021 Stephanie Furlan: Interakcija med droni in človekom
V ponedeljek, 16. avgusta 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 16. avgust 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Stephanie Furlan je študentka magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT. Trenutno se ukvarja z magistrskim delom, v katerem raziskuje področje interakcije med človekom in droni.
NASLOV: Interakcija med droni in človekom
Nedvomno prinaša tehnološki napredek sodobni družbi mnogotere olajšave in ponuja nešteto možnosti za udejanjenje vedno bolj lagodnega življenja. Hkrati odpira uvajanje novih tehnologij celo vrsto ne le praktičnih, temveč tudi etičnih vprašanj, ki jih taka uvedba predpostavlja. Droni so brezpilotni letalniki, katerih oblika in namembnost sta se skozi čas spreminjali. Nastali so kot vojaški pripomočki; ker se njihova izvorna uporaba veže ravno na bojno polje, lahko zasledimo, da se v povprečju sodobni človek na njihovo prisotnost v svojem okolju odziva negativno: gre najbrž le za posledico, kajti večinoma ni seznanjen z dejstvom, da je lahko njihova uporaba tudi koristna za vsakodnevno življenje. Naš namen je bralcu podati nekaj ključnih informacij o številnih možnostih za uporabo dronov tudi s strani povprečnega človeka in to pri vsakodnevnih praktičnih opravilih; v raziskavi bomo dlje korenito utemeljili, kako se človek odraža na prisotnost drona v svoji bližini in z njim interagira, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na njegovo reakcijo, katere tehnične plati lahko izboljšamo ali nadgradimo za njihovo učinkovitejšo uporabnost, predvsem pa njihovo stopnjo sprejemljivosti s strani ljudi. Področje, ki raziskuje interakcijo med človekom in droni, je v znanstvenih krogih poznano s kratico HDI (human-drone interaction) in ravno tej vsebini bomo namenili našo pozornost.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
ponedeljek, 9. avgust 2021 Sead Hrustanović: Recognition of eudaimonic and hedonic qualities from song lyrics
V ponedeljek, 2. avgusta 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 2. avgust 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Sead Hrustanović is a second year student of the master programme in Data Science at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting his Master's thesis topic that he is completing under the supervision of assoc. prof. Marko Tkalcic and assist. prof. Branko Kavšek.
NASLOV: Recognition of eudaimonic and hedonic qualities from song lyrics
There have been many studies conducted on emotion recognition based on song lyrics. These studies help recommendation systems in a way that they tend to classify the emotion that is present in a song,and based on that the system recommends a similar song to what the user is already listening to. But what happens if we dig deeper and look further than just at the specific emotion a certain song gives. We can look for the hedonic and eudaimonic qualities within songs, through the song lyrics. We are creating a machine learning model which will be able to recognize the percentage of hedonism and eudaimonia based on song lyrics.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
ponedeljek, 9. avgust 2021 Domen VAKE: Algoritem za pošiljanje sporočil v decentraliziranih omrežjih, ki temelji na pseudo naključnosti
V ponedeljek, 9. avgusta 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 9. avgust 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Domen Vake je študent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT. Trenutno se ukvarja z magistrskim delom, v katerem raziskuje pošiljanje sporočil v decentraliziranih omrežjih, ki temelji na pseudo naključnosti.
NASLOV: Algoritem za pošiljanje sporočil v decentraliziranih omrežjih, ki temelji na pseudo naključnosti
Predstavljen bo inovativen algoritem za diseminacijo sporočil v popolnoma decentraliziranih sistemih. Motivacija za raziskavo prihaja iz področja tehnologije veriženja blokov in razvoja decentraliziranih omrežnih protokolov. Ena izmed ključnih omejitev tovrstnih sistemov je učinkovita diseminacija sporočil, ki imajo s strani sistemskega pogleda lahko naključen izvor. Cilj dobrega algoritma je, da v čim krajšem času vsa vozlišča prejmejo sporočilo. Najbolj razširjena in enostavna implementacija je t.i "flooding algoritem", ki zagotavlja, da bodo vsa vozlišča, ki so povezana v omrežje prejela sporočilo. Algoritmi, ki temeljijo na principu poplavljanja so neučinkoviti. Učinkovitost tovrstnih algoritmov običajno ocenjujemo z mero, ki opisuje koliko krat vozlišče prejme enako sporočilo. Optimalen algoritem bi zagotavljal, da bodo ne glede na izvor sporočila vsa vozlišča zanj izvedela in ga bo vsako vozlišče prejelo natanko enkrat.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
ponedeljek, 26. julij 2021 Mateja Jovanović: Predicting the gullibility of users from their online behaviour
Danes, v ponedeljek, 26. julija 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 26. julij 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Mateja Jovanović is a MSc student of the Data Science program at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. He is conducting his MSc thesis under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Marko Tkalčič and Assist. Prof. Vida Groznik.
NASLOV: Predicting the gullibility of users from their online behaviour
Users can become victims of online scams. Their propensity for becoming victims depends on a personal characteristic called gullibility. In this work we explore if online behaviour, Twitter in particular, depends on the gullibility of users. Furthermore, we aim at devising a machine learning-based predictive model of gullibility.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
nedelja, 11. julij 2021 Elham MOTAMEDI: Predicting Music Relistening Behavior Using The ACT-R Framework
V ponedeljek, 12. julija 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 12. julij 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Elham Motamedi is a PhD student at UP FAMNIT under the supervision of prof. Marko Tkalčič. She completed her Master's degree of networked systems at the University of Tehran, Iran and her Bachelor's degree of information technology at the Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Her research areas include recommender systems, machine learning and complex networks.
NASLOV: Predicting Music Relistening Behavior Using The ACT-R Framework
I will present the work that has been done to model the music relistening behavior using a well-established framework from psychology that considers the retrieval process of human memories, i.e., Adaptive Control of Thought—Rational (ACT-R). This work has been carried out in collaboration with researchers from Graz University of Technology and JKU linz.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
nedelja, 13. junij 2021 Nuwan T. ATTYGALLE: Sensing through materials
V ponedeljek, 14. junija 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 14. junij 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Nuwan Tharanga Attygalle is a PhD student in Computer Science in the field of Human-Computer interactions and a teaching assistant at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. He is also a member of the HICUP Lab at the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies.
NASLOV: Sensing through materials
Gesture recognition has received increased attention with machine learning breakthroughs and the attainability of radar chips. In the real world, it often needs sensing through materials. In this work, we are studying how the degradation of radar signals affects the performance of gesture recognition.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
sreda, 2. junij 2021 Niki Hrovatin: In-Network Convolution in grid shaped Sensor Networks
V ponedeljek, 31. maja 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 31. maj 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Niki Hrovatin is a teaching assistant and PhD student at the University of Primorska, Department of Information Sciences and Technologies, and an Assistant Researcher at the InnoRenew CoE. His current research interests include Wireless Sensor Networks, Security and Privacy, Machine Learning, and Blockchain.
NASLOV: In-Network Convolution in grid shaped Sensor Networks
A Sensor Network consists of spatially distributed nodes deployed in a dynamic environment for specific monitoring purposes. We present the recent development of our use-case sensor network, a smart floor designed to detect falls. The smart floor is a grid-shaped sensor network in which each sensor node is sensing the local force applied on the floor. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used to recognize if the activity occurring over the smart floor is a person that fell on the floor or just activities of daily living like walking, moving objects, etc. Furthermore, we discuss a technique applicable only to grid-shaped sensor networks for distributed processing of convolutional layers on sensor nodes.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
sreda, 2. junij 2021 Lisi QARKAXHIJA: Network based predictive modeling
V ponedeljek, 7. junija 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 7. junij 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Lisi Qarkaxhija is a second year student of the master programme in Data Science at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting his Master's thesis topic that he is completing under the supervision of assoc. prof. Miklós Krész and PhD candidate László Hajdu.
NASLOV: Network based predictive modeling
Real world networks can be classified into several categories, namely social networks, information networks, technological networks, biological networks, etc. Citation networks are one of the most famous examples of information networks. Various methods have been proposed to predict the citation count of papers in the future. We propose a novel approach for predicting the citation count of papers up to 10 years in advance by extracting features of nodes (papers) from a temporal citation network. These results can be further generalized to other type of networks.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
nedelja, 23. maj 2021 Jan Škorjanc: Uporaba asociacijskih pravil za klasifikacijo
V ponedeljek, 24. maja 2021, bo ob 16.30 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 24. maj 2021 ob 16.30 na daljavo
Jan Škorjanc je absolvent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT. Trenutno se ukvarja z magistrskim delom, v katerem raziskuje uspešnost klasifikacijskih algoritmov, ki za svoje delovanje uporabljajo asociacijska pravila.
NASLOV: Uporaba asociacijskih pravil za klasifikacijo
Klasifikacija in iskanje asociacijskih pravil sodita med najbolj uporabljene naloge podatkovnega rudarjenja. Za klasifikacijo je značilno, da na učni množici podatkov zgradi model, s katerim napove enega izmed atributov, ki mu pravimo razred. Asociacijska pravila razrednega atributa nimajo, končna množica pravil pa je lahko izpeljana za katerikoli atribut. V seminarju bomo obe področji združili tako, da bomo analizirali delovanje klasifikatorjev, ki uporabljajo asociacijska pravila. Algoritme smo zagnali na podatkovnih zbirkah pridobljenih iz repozitorija UCI ML in pri tem sledili metodologiji CRISP-DM. Cilj raziskave je bil algoritme med seboj primerjati, jih analizirati in določiti njihovo uspešnost.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
POZOR! Seminar se tokrat začne pol ure kasneje - ob 16:30.
nedelja, 16. maj 2021 Polygonization of connected areas in binary image
Jutri, v ponedeljek, 17. maja 2021, bosta ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeni
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 17. maj 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
1. predstavitev:
Nedim Šišić is a first year student of the master programme in Computer Science at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting his Research seminar topic that he completed under the supervision of prof. Martin Milanič.
NASLOV: Polygonization of connected areas in binary image
In image processing, vectorization is the conversion of raster images to vector images. A special kind of vectorization is polygonization, which deals with finding polygonal approximations. Most existing vectorization methods process entire images, which is unnecessary if we are only interested in a single part of an image. We investigate approaches to polygonizing connected areas in binary images. By restricting the scope of vectorization, we reduce its time and memory requirements.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
2. predstavitev:
Albert Khaidarov is a first year student of the master programme in Computer Science at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting his Research seminar topic that he completed under the supervision of assist. prof. Dávid Balázs.
NASLOV: A Hybrid Clustering Algorithm for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem in Waste Management
Proper collection of waste is important for building sustainable and livable cities, but it remains a great challenge for us. The purpose of my research is to find an effective solution approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem in waste management. My work involves the usage of the best known clustering algorithm K-Means.This method performs a single clustering of the vertex set and then determines a vehicle route on each cluster. For optimization, solutions of the clustering algorithm can be extended with different heuristic and metaheuristic methods.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
petek, 7. maj 2021 Zakaj je delodajalec Actual I.T. d.d. prava izbira za vas?
V ponedeljek, 10. maja 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 10. maj 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
mag. Magda Šturman, Vodja OE Kadri, pravne in splošne zadeve v Actualu I.T. d.d. Magistrirala je na Fakulteti za družbene vede iz smeri Managmenta kadrov in delovnih razmerjih. Ima bogate delovne izkušnje na kadrovskem področju, pa tudi kot predavateljica.
mag. Boštjan Petelin, BU direktor Transport&Logistic v Actualu I.T. d.d. Magistriral je na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Ima bogate delovne izkušnje na področju prodaje, projektnega vodenja in poslovne informatike.
NASLOV: Zakaj je delodajalec Actual I.T. d.d. prava izbira za vas?
Predstavili vam bomo podjetje Actual I.T. d.d., ki s FAMNIT-om odlično sodeluje že vrsto let. Actual ponuja celovite informacijske rešitve, ki so podpora poslovnim procesom na posameznih področjih poslovanja. Actual je del skupine DBA Group iz Italije. Skupina Actual je prisotna na trgih Slovenije, Hrvaške, Bosne in Hercegovine, Srbije ter Italije. Z jasnimi strateškimi usmeritvami in razvojnimi prioritetami postajamo pomemben igralec na trgih jugovzhodne Evrope, EU, Južne Amerike, Afrike in Rusije.
Na srečanju bomo kratko predstavili kdo smo, kaj delamo, kaj potrebujemo, kaj nudimo in kako je pri nas.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Predavanje je namenjeno predvsem študentom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
ponedeljek, 3. maj 2021 Matevž Mak: P2P omrežja in simulatorji
Danes, v ponedeljek, 3. maja 2021, bosta ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeni dve predavanji v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 3. maj 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
1. predstavitev:
Matevž Mak je študent 2. letnika magistrskega programa 2. stopnje Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT. Temo bo predstavil v okviru raziskovalnega seminarja, ki ga je izdelal pod mentorstvom Aleksandra Tošića.
NASLOV: P2P omrežja in simulatorji
Na področju raziskovanja je to velik problem, kajti raziskovalci ne morejo ponoviti eksperimentov nekoga drugega. Pri svojem raziskovanju bi rad implementiral svoje p2p omrežje, kjer bi simuliral nek protokol.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
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2. predstavitev:
Stefan Bjedov is a second year student of the master programme in Computer Science at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting his Research seminar topic that he completed under the supervision of prof. dr. Marko Tkalčič.
NASLOV: Agile Scrum methodology in software development
To accomplish this, three different-sized example Agile teams will be used and run using the same Agile concepts. The results will help decide which team will work together and deliver the most, provided that they all have all of the requisite skill sets and team member profiles.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
četrtek, 15. april 2021 Jordan Aiko DEJA: Adaptive Visualisations Using Spatiotemporal and Heuristic Models to Support Piano Learning
V ponedeljek, 19. aprila 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 19. april 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Jordan Deja is a Filipino PhD student working on computational interactions and adaptive visualizations on music learning, in the HICUP research group at the University of Primorska. He earned his bachelor's (BS) and master's (MS) degrees in Computer Science from De La Salle University.
NASLOV: Adaptive Visualisations Using Spatiotemporal and Heuristic Models to Support Piano Learning
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
četrtek, 8. april 2021 Sidra ASLAM: Secure and Privacy-Aware Blockchain Design: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions
V ponedeljek, 12. aprila 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 12. april 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Sidra Aslam received her master's degree in computer science from the COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan in January 2017. During this period, she worked on research projects and published research papers in scholarly journals and conference proceedings. In 2015, she received the best research paper award at the National Software Engineering Conference (NSEC), IEEE in Pakistan. She is currently an Assistant Researcher at the InnoRenew CoE, a teaching assistant and a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, Slovenia. Her current research interests include information security and privacy, blockchain, and semantic web technologies.
NASLOV: Secure and Privacy-Aware Blockchain Design: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions
During the last decade, distributed ledger solutions such as blockchain have gained significant attention due to their decentralized, immutable, and verifiable features. However, the public availability of data stored on the blockchain and its link to users may raise privacy and security issues. In some cases, addressing these issues requires blockchain data to be secured with mechanisms that allow on-demand (as opposed to full) disclosure. In this seminar, we give a comprehensive overview of blockchain privacy and security requirements, and detail how existing mechanisms answer them. We provide a taxonomy of current attacks together with related countermeasures. We present a thorough comparative analysis based on various parameters of state-of the-art privacy and security mechanisms, we provide recommendations to design secure and privacy-aware blockchain, and we suggest guidelines for future research.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
četrtek, 25. marec 2021 Vito JANKO: Choosing the right counter-measures to stop COVID-19 infections
V ponedeljek, 29. marca 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 29. marec 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Vito Janko received his Ph.D. at the Jožef Stefan Institute in 2020, specializing in interpreting sensor data from various wearable devices -- and doing so in an energy-efficient manner. During his work for the institute he collaborated in many national and EU funded projects. He also participated in various data-science competitions: being the first author for the winning submission at the SHL competition, as well as winning the Cooking recognition challenge. He was recently a part of the team that achieved second place in the XPRIZE: Pandemic Response Challenge. In addition, he is active in the Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society, where he acts as a member of the executive board.
NASLOV: Choosing the right counter-measures to stop COVID-19 infections
A team from Jožef Stefan recently achieved second place in the prestigious international competition -- XPRIZE: Pandemic Response Challenge, and doing so, won half of the 500000$ prize fund. The competition was focused on answering very topical questions, such as how different counter-measures (e.g. lockdowns, school closing, etc.) affect the spread of COVID-19 infections and which of them to choose to best fight the pandemic. A member of the winning team will present their solution of using a novel combination of epidemiological models, machine learning and evolutionary algorithms to create one of the world’s best performing models.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
sreda, 17. marec 2021 Matej FILIPOVIĆ: Spletno orodje za svetovanje pri Scrum-u
V ponedeljek, 22. marca 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 22. marec 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Matej Filipović je študent magistrskega programa 2. stopnje Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT. Z delom kot razvijalec spletnih strani, sistemski analitik, lastnik izdelka in strokovnjak za tehnične rešitve v agilnih in tradicionalnih podjetjih je imel priložnost razumeti kako deluje razvoj iz različnih zornih kotov. Le-to mu pomaga razumeti širšo sliko in s tem položaj različnih zaposlenih na različnih položajih znotraj podjetij. Pri delu z različnimi Scrum ekipami se je soočil z veliko nepravilne uporabe Scrum ogrodja. Večinoma vodstvo in zaposleni niso razumeli smiselnost uporabe privzete Scrum strukture in so po svoji presoji spreminjali Scrum brez razumevanja posledic. Prav zato se sedaj posveča predstavitvi posledic in predlogom za izboljšave, da bi več ljudi bolje razumelo kaj se lahko zgodi, če posamezen del Scrum ogrodja prilagodijo.
NASLOV: Spletno orodje za svetovanje pri Scrum-u
Scrum je agilna metodologija, ki se vse bolj uporablja v poslovnem svetu. Večinoma se uporablja na področju razvoja programske opreme, ki vsebuje zelo kompleksne procese, veliko različnih možnosti implementacije, veliko usklajevanja z različnimi interesnimi skupinami in veliko razumevanja končnega uporabnika. Za uspešno uporabo Scruma je potrebno imeti prilagojeno strukturo organizacije in pravilno postavljene Scrum procese, ki omogočajo tekoče delo na projektih. Veliko podjetij želi uporabljati Scrum, pri tem pa ne upoštevajo vseh dejavnikov in ne prilagodijo okolja ter se zaradi tega lahko uspešnost projektov zmanjša pri uvedbi Scruma. Naš cilj je izdelava spletne strani z integriranim vprašalnikom. Z odgovori iz vprašalnika bomo ugotovili na katerih področjih podjetje nepravilno uporablja Scrum in jim bomo predstavili za specifična področja posledice nepravilne uporabe in predloge za izboljšavo.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
četrtek, 11. marec 2021 Sead JAHIĆ: Annotated lexicon for sentiment analysis in Bosnian
V ponedeljek, 15. marca 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 15. marec 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Sead Jahić is a 3rd year PhD student of computer science at UP FAMNIT. His main research focus is on Language Technologies and Sentiment Analysis. He is also a teaching assistant at University of Primorska, Department of Information Sciences and Technologies.
NASLOV: Annotated lexicon for sentiment analysis in Bosnian
The talk presents the first sentiment annotated lexicon of Bosnian language. The language coverage of the lexicon is evaluated using two corpora. The usability of the lexicon was already proven on a Tweeter-based comparison.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
petek, 5. marec 2021 Raziskovalna infrastruktura CLARIN.SI
V ponedeljek, 8. marca 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 8. marec 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Tomaž Erjavec je zaposlen na Odseku za tehnologije znanja Instituta Jožef Stefan, kjer se ukvarja s področji jezikovnih tehnologij, standardov zapisa jezikovnih virov in digitalne humanistike. Zaposlen je bil tudi na Univerzi v Edinburgu in na Tokijski univerzi ter poučeval na Mednarodni podiplomski šoli Jožefa Stefana, na Univerzi v Gradcu in Univerzi v Novi Gorici. Je nacionalni član odbora ISO TC37 SC4 "Language resource management" in nacionalni koordinator raziskovalne infrastrukture CLARIN.SI.
NASLOV: Raziskovalna infrastruktura CLARIN.SI
V predavanju bo predstavljena raziskovalna infrastruktura za jezikovne vire in tehnologije CLARIN.SI, del evropske infrastrukture CLARIN. Na kratko bo povzet organizacijski okvir CLARIN(.SI), nato pa storitve, ki jih nudi raziskovalcem in študentom s področij računalniškega jezikoslovja in digitalne humanistike. Bolj nadrobno bomo obravnavali CTS certificirani repozitorij CLARIN.SI, s katerega je mogoče prevzeti raznovrstne jeziko(slo)vne podatkovne množice, kot tudi arhivirati lastne, s čimer prispevamo k uresničevanju koncepta odprte znanosti.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
nedelja, 28. februar 2021 Jamolbek MATTIEV: The effect of distance metric "directness" on class association rules
V ponedeljek, 1. marca 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 1. marec 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Jamolbek Mattiev obtained his PhD degree in Computer Science at UP FAMNIT. He got his Master degree in Computer Science from National University of Uzbekistan and was awarded with first degree diploma at “the best Master Dissertation Work of Uzbekistan” competition in his master studies. He also studied at Turin Polytechnic University (Italy) in his master study as an exchange student. He is doing his research in the field of Data Mining. His research fields include Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning. In particular, the sub-fields of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Frequent Pattern Discovery, Association Rule Learning, Classification and Clustering.
NASLOV: The effect of distance metric "directness" on class association rules
Huge amounts of data are being collected and analyzed nowadays. By using the popular rule-learning algorithms, the number of rules discovered on those big datasets can easily exceed thousands. To produce compact and accurate classifiers, such rules have to be grouped and pruned. To group the rules, we need appropriate distance metrics, because distance metrics are very important in clustering applications. To solve the above-mentioned problem, we present new methods (use different distance metrics) that are able to reduce the number of class association rules produced by classical class association rule classifiers, while maintaining an accurate classification model that is comparable to the ones generated by state-of-the-art classification algorithms. We also present how distance metrics are affecting the clustering of class association rules.
Experimental results performed on selected datasets from the UCI ML repository show that our methods are able to learn classifiers containing significantly less rules than state-of-the-art rule learning algorithms on datasets with larger number of examples. On the other hand, classification accuracies of the newly developed methods are not significantly different from state-of-the-art rule-learners on most of the datasets.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
četrtek, 18. februar 2021 Marko NOVAK: Potisna obvestila in njihova uporaba v sodobnih sistemih obveščanja
V ponedeljek, 22. februarja 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 22. februar 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Marko Novak je študent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT. Trenutno se, poleg rednega dela na področju menedžmenta v gostinstvu in turizmu ter projektnega vodenja, ukvarja z magistrskim delom, v katerem skuša razviti mobilno aplikacijo za pametno obveščanje strank o prostih terminih.
NASLOV: Potisna obvestila in njihova uporaba v sodobnih sistemih obveščanja
Sodobni informacijski sistemi nudijo uporabnikom vse več in več koristnih informacij na vseh področjih. Prav zaradi tako velike količine podatkov so sistemi obveščanja ključni za učinkovito komunikacijo z uporabniki. Vsi si želimo, da bi podatki, ki jih prejemamo bili kar se da uporabni in pravočasni, hkrati pa tudi nemoteči. Na seminarju bodo predstavljena potisna obvestila, kot eden od možnih načinov obveščanja v sodobnih informacijskih sistemih.
Predstavitev v okviru Ponedeljkovega seminarja računalništva in informatike se šteje kot del obveznosti pri predmetu Raziskovalni seminar II.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave: https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/297328207
sreda, 13. januar 2021 Vida GROZNIK: Osnove priporočilnih sistemov
Tokrat izjemoma v petek, 15. januarja 2021, bo ob 9.30 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 15. januar 2021 ob 9.30 na daljavo
Vida Groznik je asistentka za računalništvo na Fakulteti za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije na Univerzi na Primorskem ter raziskovalka v Laboratoriju za umetno inteligenco na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. Doktorirala je leta 2018 z delom, ki je tesno povezovalo umetno inteligenco in nevrologijo. Je (so)avtorica več raziskovalnih člankov in poglavij v knjigah s področja umetne inteligence v medicini. Pridobila in delala je na več projektih financiranih s programov EU, Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost in šport ter Slovenskega podjetniškega sklada.
NASLOV: Osnove priporočilnih sistemov
Priporočilni sistemi so v zadnjem desetletju doživeli razcvet in so čedalje bolj prisotni tudi v našem vsakdanjem življenju. Z uporabo priporočilnih sistemov nam ponudniki določenih storitev lahko prikazujejo vsebine, ki bodo za nas še posebej zanimive, predvsem učinkovito pa pristope priporočilnih sistemov izkoriščajo (spletni) trgovci in ponudniki multimedijskih vsebin (npr. Netflix). Pogledali si bomo osnove priporočilnih sistemov, kaj so, kako delujejo in kakšne so njihove koristi. Pogledali si bomo tudi eno izmed tehnik skupinskega filtriranja.
Seminar bo hkrati preizkusno predavanje za prvo izvolitev v pedagoški naziv visokošolska učiteljica - docentka za področje »Računalništvo in informatika«.
Predavanje bo potekalo v slovenskem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave: https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/89812476390?pwd=bkVwZG5Rc2RMKzZLTlhDNDVYcU9oZz09
sreda, 6. januar 2021 Daring creativity: about the new project LOOSE CELLS – Innovating at the Crossfield of Art and Science and how to become part of it
V ponedeljek, 11. januarja 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 11. januar 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Peter PURG (uvodna predstavitev) in Črtomir TAVZES (kratka predstavitev laboratorijev InnoRenew CoE)
Peter Purg currently leads the New Media module in the Digital//Media Arts and Practices graduate//postgraduate programme at the School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica, where he acts as Associate Professor, projects coordinator as well as expert across realms of digital culture and media. Having obtained a PhD in media art, communication science and literature from the University of Erfurt (Germany), his scientific inquiries now include media arts pedagogy, interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, media art and media ecology. His artistic interests range from (lecture) performances and intermedia installations to public-space interventions as well as participatory creative processes. He is active in the field of cultural and higher education policymaking, assessment and quality assurance. Peter Purg currently leads the interdisciplinary MAST – Module in Art, Science and Technology project (DG Connect) – as well as School of Arts' teams in projects such as KONS - Platform for Investigative Arts (EU Cohesion), DIVA - Art:Biz Innovation Ecosystem (Interreg SI-IT), EmindS (Erasmus+) and TV Free Europe (Creative Europe). He curated the 20th international media/contemporary art festival Pixxelpoint 2019. Full CV at http://au.ung.si/peterpurg.
Dr. Črtomir Tavzes is a researcher at the InnoRenew CoE, an assistant research scientist at the University of Primorska, and conservation restoration adviser at the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia. He earned his PhD in biotechnology in 2003 from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. In the following two years, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, where he continued working until 2008. Upon the return to Slovenia, he also served as the director of the Institute of Wood Science and Technology, and Sustainable Development (until 2014). His research experience spans from enzymatic wood degradation and wood liquefaction through wood pest control to the immunological detection of material substance of cultural heritage objects.
Daring creativity: about the new project LOOSE CELLS – Innovating at the Crossfield of Art and Science and how to become part of it
The project LOOSE CELLS – Innovating at the Crossfield of Art and Science is dedicated to creation and innovation based on the blending of science, art and technology. In this way, it joins those intersectoral collaborations, which have already aroused a lot of international interest, as they can inspire the development of social and economic innovations. Innovation is also the goal of the project. The main activity will be the co-creation of an “art-science object”, which will be designed and created by students of diverse levels and backgrounds. It will be realised under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Peter Purg, PhD from School of Arts at University of Nova Gorica, with the advices of InnoRenew CoE experts and with the support of Assoc. Prof. Tilen Žbona, PhD from the Faculty of Education as well as the artists, producers and technicians within the PiNA association or the RUK network. In the seminar, you will learn more about the programme of the project and how to become part of. You will be also invited to discuss any questions with the representatives of the project.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/297328207
torek, 5. januar 2021 Maheshya WEERASINGHE: Instructional Guidance in Extended Reality for Learning
V ponedeljek, 21. decembra 2020, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 21. december 2020 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Maheshya Weerasinghe, Computer Science (PhD 3rd Year) HICUP Lab, International joint degree program with University of St.Andrews, UK, Research Areas: Human-Computer Interaction, Extended Realities, e-Learning and Cognitive Augmentation.
NASLOV: Instructional Guidance in Extended Reality for Learning
Experiential learning refers to the process of learning through experience or more specifically "learning through reflection on doing". These experiences can also be simulated in Extended Reality (XR) – interactive environments generated by computer technology combining real and virtual worlds. Such systems have proved in the past as excellent tools for providing guidance to teach different skills and activities. However, there are still many questions that remain to be answered, for instance: How to improve instructional guidance through "personalisation"? How to adapt the guidance to facilitate learners move from one stage to another in the experiential learning cycle? How to design and implement guidance in adaptive learning environments where the learning system needs to take over all or some of the tasks commonly conduct by educators and overall, how personalisation of instructional guidance influence the outcomes of an experiential learning task. To contribute to the above research questions we aim to introduce a comprehensive design space grounded in (i) XR technology, and (ii) theoretical underpinnings of learning and guidance. Then use these dimensions to describe key design decisions in prior work and elucidate existing gaps. Besides, following the design space, we intend to build an adaptive, personalised instructional guidance system to facilitate learners to move spontaneously from one stage to another in the experiential learning cycle.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
sobota, 28. november 2020 Challenges for Data Mining in Distributed Sensor Networks
V ponedeljek, 30. novembra 2020, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 7. december 2020 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Branko Kavšek has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Ljubljana. He is an assistant professor at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, a researcher at the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies and member of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. His research fields include Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning. In particular, the sub-fields of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Frequent Pattern Discovery and Association Rule Learning, Learning Probabilistic Models and Bayesian Networks Learning, Clustering, and Data Mining applied to Big Data.
NASLOV: Challenges for Data Mining in Distributed Sensor Networks
In this seminar we will present an overview of Distributed Sensor Networks (DSNs) with particular emphasis on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and the use of Data Mining (DM) to analyze the data collected by WSNs. We will start by giving an overview of the history of sensor networks, stressing the technological issues, distributed data management and distributed hypothesis formation. In the second part we will present the application of simple DM methods on data collected during the ARRS project "Autonomic edge computing for air quality monitoring". The last part of the seminar will be devoted to presenting evolution opportunities and challenges.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
Do predavanja dostopate tako, da se povežete prek sledeče povezave:
četrtek, 29. oktober 2020 Đorđe KLISURA: Analyzing Global Terrorism Database with R
V ponedeljek, 2. novembra 2020, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 2. november 2020 ob 16.00 na daljavo
Đorđe Klisura comes from Serbia. He is a first-year student of Data
Science program at UP FAMNIT. He graduated from UP FAMNIT and received
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.
NASLOV: Analyzing Global Terrorism Database with R
With the increase of terrorist activity around the world, it has become
more important than ever to analyze and understand these activities over
time. Although the data on terrorist activities are detailed and
relevant, the complexity of the data has rendered the understanding and
analysis difficult. We present a visual analytical approach to
effectively identify related entities. We will be working with The
Global Terrorism Database (GTD), that is an open-source database
including information on domestic and international terrorist attacks
around the world from 1970 through 2017, and now includes more than
180,000 cases.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
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