četrtek, 16. januar 2025 Ivan DAMNJANOVIĆ: Finding the number of inequivalent arithmetic expressions on n variables
V ponedeljek, 20. januarja 2025, bo ob 17.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. januar 2025 ob 17.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Ivan Damnjanović is pursuing a PhD degree in Mathematical Sciences at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies at the University of Primorska. He previously obtained a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computing at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering at the University of Niš, where he currently works as a teaching assistant at the department of mathematics.
NASLOV: Finding the number of inequivalent arithmetic expressions on n variables
Given n distinct formal variables, in how many ways can we use them to construct different arithmetic expressions? An expression tree is a rooted tree whose internal nodes correspond to some operations to be performed, while its leaves are formal variables. Here, we deal with the expression trees such that the only allowed operations are the four standard arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) together with, optionally, additive inversion. We consider two expressions to be equivalent if their expression trees yield the same formal expression. To begin, we provide certain theoretical results concerning the equivalence of arithmetic expressions. Afterwards, we disclose a Θ(n^2) algorithm that computes the number of inequivalent arithmetic expressions on n distinct variables. The algorithm covers both the case when the unary operation of additive inversion is allowed and when it is not.
(This is a joint work with Ivan Stošić and Žarko Ranđelović.)
Seminar bo potekal v živo, s pričetkom ob 17:00 uri v učilnici FAMNIT-VP2.
Pozor, to je eno uro kasneje kot ponavadi !!!