University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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Yesterday, the University of Primorska and its partners marked an important milestone and celebrated the successful completion of the largest European research and innovation project in Slovenia. Representatives from the European Commission attended the event, where the main project results and the future plans of the InnoRenew CoE, were presented.

At the end of 2016, the University of Primorska, together with other project partners, successfully applied for a project to establish a new research institute, InnoRenew CoE, for research and innovation in the field of renewable materials and healthy built environment. The project was the only one from Slovenia to be selected for funding among 169 international projects.

The InnoRenew CoE was established following the above-mentioned successful submission of a project proposal to the Teaming call under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, led by the University of Primorska, with the advanced international partner from Germany – Fraunhofer WKI. It was officially established on 15 February 2017 and has been continuously growing and developing its activities since then, with the support and cooperation of all project partners and other relevant stakeholders.

»Over the years we have successfully built a research institute and today we are gathered here in our new building to celebrate a key milestone – the completion of the largest European research and innovation project in Slovenia,« said Dr. Andreja Kutnar, InnoRenew CoE director. She added: »The completion of the project does not mean that our work is over, but it directs us towards a new chapter in which we will continue to pursue our ambitions and research agenda. I am confident that we will continue to be as successful in this endeavour as we have been so far. Our excellent researchers, with their interdisciplinary skills and broad, international cultural background, and the rest of our staff are and will be the most important cornerstone of this success.«

Of the 51 researchers currently employed, 47% are foreign researchers who have moved to Slovenia. Additionally, the InnoRenew CoE obtained 169 new projects and implemented them in the period from 2017 to 2022, with a total value of €11.59 million, of which by far the largest amount of funding has been obtained from EU programmes (21 projects, €9,248,662.91), including the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) ARCHI-SKIN project (ERC Consolidator Grant 2021). Surprisingly, they were relatively less successful in obtaining national funding from the Agency for Research and Innovation (ARIS) (16 research projects, €2,043,449.35, and 22 bilateral research projects, €66,110.00) and several ministries (11 projects, €91,371.03). It is very encouraging to note that 102 projects (over €1.5 million) have been awarded for research projects from industry, both in Slovenia and abroad. All these successes, and especially the successes in cooperation with industry, are made possible by the advanced research equipment installed in the institute’s building. The largest wooden building in Slovenia and an example of good practice in sustainable construction, it is the result of the institute’s own research and engineering work and illustrates the principles of restorative environmental and ergonomic design (REED), which is being developed at the InnoRenew CoE, and thus also takes into account the principles of the New European Bauhaus and sustainable built environment.

»As the lead partner of the project and one of the four founders of the InnoRenew CoE, we have been happy to support the development of the institute at every step of the way and from the very beginning. We are extremely proud to be part of this successful project,«

 said Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, the University of Primorska’s rector, who is also convinced that the achievements of the project make an important contribution to the development of the research, academic and educational field in Slovenia.

Dr. Bohumil Kasal, director of Fraunhofer WKI is pleased that they had the opportunity to work in this project: »The Fraunhofer WKI had the opportunity to work with a team of young and dynamic researchers and staff and helped to transfer the best practices  while respecting the specific Slovenian environment. I am pleased to see that the InnoRenew is able to stand on its own and is well positioned to address future challenges. It has been a rewarding experience.«

InnoRenew CoE researchers have contributed to the latter by publishing over 560 scientific papers in scientific journals, half of them in collaboration with international experts, numerous scientific and professional monographs, and by organising and/or participating in national and international scientific, professional and popular conferences, roundtables and other events. They are the holders of 6 patent applications and co-authors of 9 patent applications. They are aware that international involvement and the development of excellent new researchers are essential for the development of Slovenian science, which is why the InnoRenew CoE has made PhD studies possible for 7 students and currently employs 17 PhD students (one-third of them are from abroad). They are also actively involved in the implementation of lifelong learning (“micro-credentials”) in the framework of the New European Bauhaus Academy Pioneer Hub for Sustainable Built Environments with Renewable Materials (NEBAP Hub) at the University of Primorska.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, together with the European Union was co-financing the InnoRenew project: “The InnoRenew project has certainly changed the research environment in Slovenia and this is just the beginning.”, said Dr. Tomaž Boh, Acting Director-General at the Science Directorate, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation.

At the event, the project partners and the founders of the InnoRenew CoE came together to form a wooden circle, symbolically showing that only together, with mutual support and cooperation, we can create great achievements. In addition, researchers from the InnoRenew CoE made trees for the guests out of pine wood, a symbol of wisdom and life.

The event featured a variety of videos, which gave guests the opportunity to learn about the history and major milestones of the InnoRenew project and research institute, its staff and some of its scientific achievements. Guests were able to walk around the building and the research laboratories, where researchers set up demonstration points for research groups and presented some of their research activities.

The event was hosted by Lorella Flego and the Žavbi Brothers provided the musical entertainment.

InnoRenew CoE is thankful to its project partners, the University of Primorska, Fraunhofer WKI, the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, the University of Maribor, the Pulp and Paper Institute, Zavod eOblak, the National Institute of Public Health and the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023 Open Additional Call Under Erasmus+ KA131 For Student Mobility For Studies In The Academic Year 2023/24

We are pleased to announce that on September 22, 2023, an Additional call for co-financing student mobility within the KA131 program has been announced. This program is designed to facilitate overseas study experiences and provides support for both extended physical or combined mobility for students at all academic levels, as well as short-term mobility for PhD students.

This call is specifically targeting participation in the Erasmus+ mobility program for the second semester of the 2023/24 academic year.

  • The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, October 9, 2023.

To apply for an exchange opportunity, students should make use of the ŠIS platform. You can find additional details about the tender, necessary attachments, and the application process on both the FAMNIT website and the UP website.

Seize this unique chance to broaden your academic and life horizons through Erasmus+ student mobility!

Wednesday, 27 September 2023 ROUND TABLE: BORDERS AND MIGRATION

WHAT? Round table "Borders and migration: (in)visibility?"

WHEN? 10 October 2023 at 18.00

WHERE? UP FAMNIT Lobby (Glagoljaška ulica 8, 6000 Koper)

Registrations: until 6 October via the form HERE

During the round table, invited experts will discuss the concept of migration and its evolution throughout history, as well as the current migration process in our region. The discussion will include the social impact of migration and an analysis of how citizens experience this phenomenon. Invited local associations will also participate and present their cooperation and activities on this issue. The event will be moderated by Dr Katja Hrobat Virloget and Dr Michaël Mrissa.


The project is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The project is implemented in accordance with the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) under the development area Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, component Strengthening competencies, in particular digital competencies and those required by the new professions and the green transition (C3 K5), for the investment measure Investment F. Implementation of pilot projects, the results of which will serve as a basis for the preparation of a roadmap for the reform of higher education for a green and resilient transition to a Society 5.0: project Pilot Projects for the Reform of Higher Education for a Green and Resilient Transition.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023 Not just a pretty petal: a real cliffhanger in plant conservation

When we admire the breathtaking flora on cliffs and rocky slopes, little do we realize the silent struggle they undergo to ensure their survival. Recent international research has highlighted a glaring gap in our understanding of the plants we seek to conserve.

Plant survival, quite like a relay race, relies on the successful handover of the baton – in this case, the completion of the reproductive cycle for a new generation to emerge. A collaborative endeavour involving plant conservationists from across Europe, within the framework of COST Action CA18201 “Conserve Plants" aimed to determine the adequacy of our existing knowledge about plant reproductive biology, especially when it comes to those plants teetering on the edge of extinction.

                                                         Moehringia tommasinii, author: Živa Fišer

Pooling their collective expertise, the team, led by Professor Giovanna Aronne from the University of Naples, focused on 80 plant species residing precariously on cliffs and rocky landscapes. Drawing from scientific journals, technical reports, and first-hand expert observations, the team embarked on a mission to identify potential 'bottlenecks' – phases in the plant's life cycle that could be restricting its survival and regeneration.

                                                               Primula carniolica, author: Peter Glasnović                   

The results were eye-opening. Our existing knowledge predominantly orbits around the flowering phase of these species. Yet, intriguingly, flowering emerged as the least critical phase in these plants' life cycles. The real concerns lay elsewhere, with glaring informational voids around seed production, seedling establishment, and the ancient art of plant cloning.

                                                     Cerastium dinaricum, author: Peter Glasnović

This research isn’t just a clarion call to botanists but an appeal to the wider scientific community and policymakers. The essence of the discussion boils down to an urgent need to rethink our conservation strategies. The spotlight needs to shift – from mere blooming flowers to the intricate and lesser-understood phases of plant reproduction.

                                                   Campanula zoysiiauthor: Peter Glasnović

By fostering this dialogue, the research aims to develop innovative strategies ensuring these plants don't just bloom but thrive for generations to come. It's a race against time to furnish and implement knowledge that addresses the actual constraints limiting the survival of these breathtaking species. Because, in the world of conservation, every seedling counts.

The research article has been published in the October issue the peer-reviewed journal“Biological Conservation”

COST Action ConservePlants CA18201 “An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century” is led by Dr Živa Fišer from University of Primorska as Action Chair and Prof. Giovanna Aronne from University Federico III of Naples as Action Vice-Chair. Two other researchers from the University of Primorska have contributed to the present research: dr. Peter Glasnović and dr. Boštjan Surina, who are also (co)leaders of two working groups within the Action.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 Conference on Applied Statistics brought together 90 experts from 12 countries

The 19th International Conference on Applied Statistics organised by the Statistical Society of Slovenia, UP FAMNIT and the University of Ljubljana, took place in Koper from 24 to 26 September 2023.  


The three-day event brought together 90 participants from 12 countries, besides Slovenia including also Austria, CroatiaCzech Republic, France, Italy, PortugalRomania, Serbia, Turkey, United Kingdom and USA.

At the beginning of the conference, the participants were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, the Rector of the University of Primorska, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ademir Hujdurović, the Dean of UP FAMNIT and Prof. Dr. Matevž Bren, the President of the Statistical Society of Slovenia.  

Throughout the scientific program, successful researchers and experts in data analysis, data science, and statistics presented their research contributions. The conference was also enriched with interesting content by renowned speakers:  

  • Dankmar Böhning (University of Southampton) with the lecture Capture-recapture methods with applications in health and society, 

  • Cécile Proust-Lima (University of Bordeaux) with the lecture Analysis of multivariate longitudinal and survival data: From joint models to random forests and

  • Richard De Veaux (Williams College) with the lecture Data science ethics: Some stories from the trenches. 

»We are pleased to have successfully brought the 19th edition of the Applied Statistics conference to UP FAMNIT for the first time,« said Assist. Prof. Dr. Ana Zalokar from the Department of Mathematics, co-organizer of the conference. She also added that the international nature of the event brought together different perspectives and opinions, which is one of the main goals of the conference: »I noticed that the conference attendees were enthusiastic about the program's content. After all, it brought together 90 participants from around the world, with different views, which we can be very proud of.«

At the end of the conference, presentations that demonstrated scientific strength, clarity, and potential impact were selected for publication in a special issue of the Advances in Methodology and Statistics journal.





Monday, 25 September 2023 UNDERGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Autumn Semester 2023/2024

We would like to inform you that the course schedules for all study programmes for the Autumn Semester 2023/2024 are published on our website ( Lectures start on Monday, 2 October 2023 and last until Friday, 19 January 2024.

On this website you can also find a short clip that will show you how to check the course schedule.

Important information about the course schedule:

  • Please check the schedule regularly, because weekly schedules can differ.
  • The schedule might change until Saturday, 30 September. Please check the schedule again before the beginning of the academic year.
  • In some undergraduate courses, students are divided into groups for laboratory work. Students will receive the information about the group on their student university e-mail no later than Saturday, 30 October or on their personal e-mail if they are enrolled in the 1st year of study.

We would like to inform you:

  • SK3: the course Technologies for Food Processing in Agriculture will have consultations, the course leader will inform students about the it;
  • BP2, BP3: the courses Psychology Practicum and Selected Biopsychological Topics in the English Language are not on the course schedule; students will be informed later.

Changes after that (from Monday, 2 October) will be published in the notices of Student Services. You will be able to find them here: (for each study programme separately). We advice all students to register for the news, as they will be immediately notified by email about any change.

Freshman will have meeting with the study programme coordinators on Monday, 2nd October. All information is published on our website ( All lectures and tutorials start on Tuesday, 3rd October.

Students of the 2nd and 3rd year start with lectures and tutorials on Monday, 2nd (acording to the course schedule).

Meetings with study programme coordinators for students enrolled in English programmes (Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Mathematics) will take place during Orientation days at UP (for more info please check:

In the beginning of October, study programme coordinators will meet all 2nd and 3rd year students. Exact terms will be published in the notices of Student Services.

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Dear freshmen!

Your first Academic year is about to start and we are warmly inviting you to take part of the activities of the first day! The meeting with the study programmes coordinators will take place on 2 locations: in Koper (Glagoljaška8) and in the Livade 1.0 facility in Izola (Livade 6):

  • KOPER – student gather at 9:30 in the park in front of the faculty, and from 10.00 to 11.30 there will be meetings with the study programme coordinators:
    • Mathematics (Slovene) and Mathematics in Economics and Finance: in classroom Famnit-MP1 (1st floor),
    • Computer Science (Slovene): in classroom VP3 (2nd floor),
    • Bioinformatics (Slovene): in classroom MP6 (2nd floor),
    • Biopsychology: in classroom VP2 (1st floor),
  • IZOLA - student gather at 9:30 in front of the Livade 1.0 facility, and from 10.00 to 11. 30 there will be meetings with the study programme coordinators:
    • Conservation Biology: in classroom Livade-FAMNIT 3 (3rd floor),
    • Mediterranean Agriculture: in classroom Livade-Epsilon (ground floor).

Meetings with study programme coordinators for students enrolled in English programmes (Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Mathematics) will take place during Orientation days at UP (for more info please check: You are kindly invited to apply, if you haven't so far.

We kindly ask you to come on time, as the meetings will start at 10.00 with the official welcome from the rector UP.

All courses will start on Tuesday, 3rd October – please check the schedule here (

All notices from Student Services (changes of the course schedule,…) will be regularly published on the website (, but we advise you to register for the news and notices for your programme, as you will be immediately notified of any change.

See you soon!

UP FAMNIT professors and staff

Monday, 25 September 2023 POSTGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Autumn Semester 2023/2024

We would like to inform you that the course schedules for all study programmes for the Autumn Semester 2023/2024 are published on our website ( Lectures start on Monday, 2 October 2023 and last until Friday, 19 January 2024.

On this website you can also find a short clip that will show you how to check the course schedule.

Important information about the course schedule:

  • Please check the schedule every week, because weekly schedules can differ.
  • The schedule might change until Saturday, 30 September. Please check the schedule again before the beginning of the academic year.

Terms for the meetings with the study programme coordinators with the 1st year students:

  • Mathematical Sciences – Slovene (PMA): Monday, 2 October at 14.00 in Famnit-MP2 (Glagoljaška 8, Koper, 2nd floor);
  • Computer Science (PRIN): Monday, 9 October at 12.00 in Brolo-B7 (Trg Brolo 12, Koper, 2nd floor);
  • Nature Conservation (PBI):  Monday, 2 October at 14.30 in Livade-Famnit 3 (University campus Livade Izola, Livade 4, 3rd floor);
  • Biopsychology (PBP): Monday, 2 October at 12.00 in Famnit-MP1 (Glagoljaška 8, Koper, 1st floor);
  • Psychology (UPSI): Monday, 2 October at 12.00 in Famnit-VP3 (Glagoljaška 8, Koper, 3rd floor);
  • Data Science – Slovene (PZ): Monday, 2 October at 14.00 in Brolo-B6 (Trg Brolo 12, Koper, 1st floor);.

Meetings with study programme coordinators for students enrolled in English programmes (Mathematical Sciences, Data Science) will take place during Orientation days at UP (for more info please check:

In the beginning of October study programme coordinators will meet 2nd year students. Exact terms will be published in the notices of Student Services.

We would like to inform you:

  • PBP2, UPSI2: the course Master Thesis – seminar is not on the course schedule; students will be informed later.

Changes after that (from Monday, 2 October) will be published in the notices of Student Services. You will be able to find them here: (for each study programme separately). We advice all students to register for the news, as they will be immediately notified by email about any change.

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Following the floods in August, which affected a large part of Slovenia, UP has primarily established a policy to address the issue of students who were either affected by the floods or involved in various forms of post-flood assistance, and to put in place support mechanisms to assist them in completing their studies within the identified options.

However, at the beginning of September, the Law on Intervention Measures to Eliminate the Consequences of Floods and Landslides (ZIUOPZP; Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 95/23, 2.9.2023) was adopted, which allows the University to take measures to address the consequences of the floods and landslides in August 2023, which may affect the fulfilment of students' study obligations:

  1. change the conditions for progression in the study programme or for repeating a year of study;
  2. allow the extension of student status for those:
  • who, as a direct result of the damage suffered as a consequence of the floods, have been unable to complete their study requirements regularly and on time,
  • who have actively participated in the relief efforts as a result of the disaster and have therefore also been unable to complete their studies regularly and on time.

Any evidence of the inability to fulfil the study obligations (e.g. an appraisal, a report of the damage to the insurance company or the municipality, a decision of the Centre for Social Work on emergency social assistance, a certificate of intervention by the local fire brigade, etc.) is considered as proof.

At its 42nd regular session (20 September 2023), the Senate of the University of Primorska adopted a decision regulating changes to the conditions for advancement in a study programme or for repeating a year of study in accordance with the Act on Intervention Measures to Eliminate the Consequences of Floods and Landslides (ZIUOPZP), in summary:

In accordance with the UPALMPD, the conditions for advancement to a higher year of study for enrolment in the academic year 2023/2024 in individual study programmes of the UP will be amended. The study programmes are as follows:

- UP FHŠ (Undergraduate: Geography, Communication and Media, Intercultural Language Mediation, History, Geography – double-discipline; Master: Cultural Studies and Anthropology);

- UP FAMNIT (Undergraduate: Biopsychology; Master: Biopsychology, Sustainable Built Environment, Psychology);

- UP FTŠ TURISITCA (Undergraduate: Management of Tourist Destinations (full-time/ part-time), Management of Tourist Enterprises (part-time), Tourism; Master: Heritage Tourism, Tourism; PhD: Innovative Tourism);

- UP FVZ (Undergraduate: Applied kinesiology, Physiotherapy, Nutritional Counselling - Dietetics, Nursing; Master: Applied Kinesiology, Dietetics, Nursing; PhD: Applied Kinesiology, Prevention for Health);

- UP PEF (Undergraduate: Pedagogy, Pre-school Teaching, Primary School Teaching, Social Pedagogy, Visual Arts and Design; Master: Inclusive Pedagogy, Andragogy, Social Pedagogy, Early Learning; PhD: Educational Sciences, Early Learning and Teaching).

UP students who wish to exercise this right shall submit an application in the VIS/ŠIS system with document(s) proving their inability to perform their study obligations due to floods, landslides or the consequences of a disaster.

For information on adjustments to the individual conditions of the above study programmes, please contact the Faculty Students Office.

Thursday, 21 September 2023 Teaching computing and informatics in kindergarten and the first four grades of primary school: As part of the B-RIN project, we were visited by Prof. Ivan Kalaš from Comenius University in Bratislava

In the framework of the B-RIN project: Developing basic content and skills in computing and informatics in kindergartens and primary schools (from 1st to 5th grade), we were visited by Prof. Ivan Kalaš from Comenius University in Bratislava. Yesterday, September 20, 2023, he presented Slovakian experiences in teaching computer science and informatics in kindergarten and primary school at a day-long workshop. In Slovakia, computer and informatics lessons are a compulsory subject in both primary and secondary schools.

Computer science and informatics lessons in primary and secondary schools in Slovakia are based on the content-defined and clearly elaborated as well as didactically and digitally supported material "Computing with Emil", which was developed and evaluated by Prof. Kalaš with his research team. The materials, which have so far been translated and adapted for seven countries, contain didactic guidelines for educators and teachers, workbooks for children and students, and software adapted to this. At the workshop, we learned about the Emil system and took a closer look at materials for the 3rd and 4th grade of elementary school. The Slovakian experience will represent a basis for content and implementation, tested in at least five hundred schools so far, which will also be used as a pilot in the implementation of the B-RIN project. For this purpose, we will translate and adapt existing materials and pilot them in selected Slovenian kindergartens and elementary schools involved in the project.

University of Primorska members, who participated in the workshop, are Dr. Andrej Brodnik, Dr. Rok Požar and Dr. Nino Bašić from UP FAMNIT, Dr. Sonja Čotar Konrad, Dr. Andreja Klančar, Dr. Maja Lebeničnik, Dr. Blaž Simčič, Dr. Sanela Hudavernik and Dr. Karmen Drljić from UP PEF as well as Dr. Mirko Prosen and Dr. Sabina Ličen from UP FVZ.

Prof. Ivan Kalaš is a professor of Informatics education (Computing) at Comenius University, Bratislava, and since 2013 a visiting professor at UCL Institute of Education, London. His professional interests include development of constructionist interfaces for early computing education and research in the field of the impact of digital technologies on learning. He is a co-author of several programming environments for children, including Comenius Logo, Imagine Logo, Thomas the Clown and RNA (Revelation Natural Arts) adopted by thousands of schools, home and abroad. He is also an author or co-author of several books and textbooks on children programming and informatics, which have been published in several languages and countries in Europe and elsewhere. He has been active in several national and international policy efforts and initiatives. Ivan represents Slovakia in the IFIP Technical Committee for Education. From 2008 to 2013, he was a member of the International Advisory Board of the Microsoft Partners in Learning initiative. From 2014 till 2016 he was a member of the UCL ScratchMaths project, focusing on the development of innovative programming content and corresponding pedagogy for English pupils aged 9 to 11.

The B-RIN project is implemented within the development area Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, with the components Strengthening competences, in particular digital competences and those required by the new professions and the green transition and for investment measure E: Comprehensive transformation (sustainability and resilience) of green and digital education.  The projects are co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, and the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

University of Primorska is the leading partner of the project and the project leader is dr. Sonja Čotar Konrad from UP PEF.

Wednesday, 20 September 2023 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation – Nuwan Tharanga Attygalle

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation Improving interaction with radar-based gesture recognition when sensing through materials of the student Nuwana Tharange Attygalleja, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Computer Science.


The presentation will take place on Friday, 29 September 2023 at 13.00 on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 851 5031 5452
Passcode: 502765


Cordially invited!


On Tuesday, 19 September 2023, the Congress of the World Alliance for Suicide Prevention (IASP), which this year is organised by the University of Primorska - UP IAM, Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research, officially opened. The acquisition of the organisation is an honour and a recognition of the work of the Centre so far. 

The main theme of this year's congress, hosted by the UP IAM SCRS, is "The Power of Togetherness". The IASP Congress is a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral event that provides an opportunity to exchange knowledge and local, national and international strategies for suicide prevention. The Congress will bring together renowned experts in the field of suicide research and prevention, as well as other individuals with their own experience of suicidal behaviour or who have lost a loved one to suicide, and all those actively working in the field of suicide prevention.

The Congress, which is held under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Nataša Pirc Musar, was opened by Dr Rory O'Connor, President of IASP, who emphasised the importance of the Congress for the European and international professional community. The opening ceremony was also addressed by the Rector of UP, representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Municipality of Piran, WHO, the American Association of Suicidiology. The closing address by Dr. Diego De Leo, who welcomed the participants on behalf of the Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research, emphasised the importance of research and study of both suicide and the creation of new forms of help, support and improvement of mental health.

The Congress was attended by over 700 participants from more than 80 countries, mainly from Australia, India, the USA, the UK, India, Morocco and Pakistan, and of course Slovenia. The congress, which runs until Friday, will address the broadest topics in the study and prevention of suicide, and will conclude on Saturday, 23 September, with a Day of Connecting, dedicated to the local community, as it is the translation of knowledge into practice that can help prevent death by suicide and help in cases of bereavement, helping loved ones and all those affected. The event is free of charge.

Friday, 15 September 2023 ŠTART UP - meet and greet event for all UP students



An event full of sports activities organized by SportUP, socializing, meeting and making new connections among UP students, presentations of local organizations, and activities organized by UP faculties will keep us entertained until late afternoon. 

  • When?  7. 10. 2022, od/ from 10.00
  • Where? Obmorski park Žusterna, Koper  
  • What? Meet - Socialise - Games – Fun


The EVENT SCHEDULE will be as follows:

10.00  - Registration for the event, at which you will receive a wristband, an activity card and a UP T-shirt and official start of the event with a speech by the UP Rector Prof. Klavdija Kutnar

10.00-13.00  - SportUP sports and social activities, activities at different presentation points around the venue

13.00  - Lunch

14.00-17.00  - SportUP sports and social activities, activities at different presentation points around the venue


There will be drinking fountains with running water at the venue, so please bring your own water bottle for hydration.

Lunch will be provided for all participants, but in the interest of "zero waste” sustainability, we encourage you to bring your own cutlery and a deeper plate or bowl.

The location of the event provides ample opportunities for lounging in the sun, so keep a bath towel or picnic blanket in your rucksack or bag.

At registration, you will also receive an activity card to collect stamps at the various presentation points. Each student with 20+ stamps (out of 30) will be entered into a raffle with generous prizes, so we encourage you to actively collect and participate.

Alcohol and other illegal substances are not allowed on site. Violators will be asked to leave by security.

All participants are responsible for the order and cleanliness of the venue, so please dispose of your rubbish in the designated areas.

Check last year event >



Every beginning is difficult, but it's easier if you're not alone. Student tutors and teacher tutors will help you find information and integrate into student life.Every beginning is difficult, but it's easier if you're not alone. Student tutors and teacher tutors will help you find information and integrate into student life.

If you want your own tutor, write to us at:


The UP student dormitories will help you with accommodation. We are waiting for your questions:


We are the only public Slovenian university with its own scholarship fund. it is intended to reward the most promising students and establish contacts with potential employers already during their studies. Are you interested? Look at this > website and call us. At the UP Career Center, we offer you all the support you need.


The UP Student Council invites you to join its members. With us, you will take care of extracurricular activities and help organize various events. More at


Friday, 15 September 2023 Kenny Štorgel, new Doctor of Science

Today, 15 September 2023, we welcomed another doctor of science at UP FAMNIT.

Kenny Štorgel, student of the doctoral study programme Mathematical Sciences at UP FAMNIT has successfully defended his doctoral thesis Certain Graph-Theoretic Invariants and Decompositions: From Structure to Bounds and Algorithms; under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Borut Lužar, PhD and co-mentorship of Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD.

We sincerely congratulate the new doctor of science and wish him much success on his future journey in research!

Thursday, 14 September 2023 Erasmus+ Open Call Ka131 For Applications for Co-Financing of The Mobility for Teaching Has Been Announced

We are thrilled to announce the release of the ERASMUS+ KA131 call for co-funding staff mobility for teaching, which was made available on September 11, 2023.

This Open Call provides an opportunity for participants to engage in mobility experiences within Program countries. These countries encompass all EU member states, along with Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia, the Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, and Iceland. Mobility can be pursued at higher education institutions that hold an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement with UP or UP FAMNIT.

The deadline for submitting mobility applications is September 25, 2023.

For comprehensive information, including specific details regarding the mobility duration, terms and conditions, mobility grants, and the application procedure, we encourage you to consult the Open Call directly. Furthermore, you can find all pertinent information on the UP webpage as well as the FAMNIT webpage.

Should you have any additional inquiries or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Thursday, 14 September 2023 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation – Katja Žagar

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation A human-centric approach to assess and improve comfort in buildings based on occupants’ responses and use of artificial intelligence of the student Katja Žagar, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments.

The presentation will take place on Monday, 25 September 2023 at 11.00 in InnoRenew CoE, Livade 6a, 6310 Izola, room Tilia.

Thursday, 14 September 2023 UP Famnit students successfully concluded the Biological-Psychological Student Conference for the third time

The third edition of the Biological-Psychological Student Conference took place at UP FAMNIT on the weekend of September 14-16, 2023.

The conference was divided into two modules, psychological and biological, which ran place in parallel. The participants presented contributions from the fields of biology and psychology. UP FAMNIT students participated in the organization of the event as part of the Association of Biopsychology Students, and the expert committee consisted of researchers from our faculty: dr. Alenka Baruca Arbeiter and dr. Matjaž Hladnik from the Department of Applied Natural Sciences, dr. Peter Glasnović, dr. Vladimir Ivović and dr. Felicita Urzi from the Biodiversity Department, Katarina Kocbek, dr. Vlasta Novak Zabukovec, dr. Vesna Jug and dr. Tina Tinkara Peternelj from the Department of Psychology and dr. Dean Lipovac from InnoRenew CoE and the Andrej Marušič Institute.

The program was enriched by the lectures of four invited speakers:

  • dr. Urška Battelino with the lecture PSYCHOANALYTIC WORK WITH METAPHOR IN OCD,
  • dr. Dean Lipovac with the lecture BUILT ENVIRONMENT THAT CONSIDERS PEOPLE'S NEEDS and

The book of abstracts of the 3rd Biological-Psychological Student Conference has already been published and is available here.

The students would like to thank UP FAMNIT forall the support, and within the faculty, especially the Department of Psychology and the Student Council. The organizers were also supported by Marjetica Koper, Luka Koper and GOLD ISTRA TARTUFI.

Thursday, 14 September 2023 Researchers from 6 coutries exchange findings in entomology

The 6th Slovenian Entomological Symposium with international participation took place in Izola at the Livade 1.0 facility from 15 to 16 September. The symposium brought together 63 participants from six countries - in addition to Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Italy, the Netherlands and Russia. 

It was organised by the entomologists of the Biodiversity Department of UP Famnit and the Slovenian Entomological Society of Stefan Michielli - a scientific and professional association of members involved in entomology, the science of insects. The symposium was a forum for the exchange of interesting findings, achievements, results and visions in different fields of entomology: insect taxonomy and phylogeny, forest and agronomic entomology, conservation entomology, insect diversity and entomological methodology.

»The meeting was organized for the first time by entomologists from the Department of Biodiversity UP FAMNIT in cooperation with the Slovenian Entomological Society of Štefan Michieli. On this occasion, we would like to sincerely thank the organizers for the trust and honor shown when handing over the baton. Sincere thanks to the organizers of the previous implementation of this event from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Maribor, as well as to the members of the expert committee for their help in planning and conducting the symposium. The organization of the event would not have been possible without the financial support of UP FAMNIT, for which we are extremely grateful. Thanks also to all the authors, whose contributions formed an important part to shaping the content of the symposium,« summed up the organizers. They also announced the next symposium, which will be held again at our faculty again: »The symposium is an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, exchange opinions, continue existing and conclude new collaborations. We look forward to the next meeting, i.e. the 7th Slovenian Entomological Symposium with international attandance in 2025, to be held at our faculty again.«

The book of abstracts, which includes publications as well as posters and other contents, has been published by UP Publishing and is available electronically at the link.


Thursday, 14 September 2023 Conference in Bled and 150th anniversary of the birth of the father of Slovenian mathematics

The conference of Slovenian mathematicians, with around 100 registered participants, was held on September 15 and 16, 2023 in the Bled Festival Hall. The event was organized by the Mathematics Committee of DMFA in co-organization with UP FAMNIT, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana and the company Abelium. The event was carried out under the auspices of the The Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (by short SASA).

The conference also marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of the father of Slovenian mathematics, Josip Plemelj, to whom the first part of the conference was dedicated, when speacher about Plemelj and his legacy were given by Prof. Milan Hladnik, Prof. Franc Forstnerič and Assoc. Prof. Željko Oset.

  • dr. Boštjan Kuzman with the lecture "Professor Josip Plemelj - the life story of an extraordinary man",
  • Prof. Milan Hladnik with the lecture "Professor Plemelj and solving Hilbert's 21st problem" and
  • Assoc. Prof. Željko Oset with the lecture "Intellectual network of dr. Josip Plemelj".

At the beginning of the mini-symposium about Plemelj, the conference participants were addressed by prof. Peter Štih, president of SASA (The Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts ), prof. Gregor Majdič, UL rector, and Mr. Anton Mežan, mayor of Bled.

In the research-applicative part, the most important achievements of Slovenian mathematics in recent years were presented, as well as the research work of successful researchers of the younger generation. In addition, one of the goals of the meeting was also the presentation of achievements in various fields of mathematics, including applied ones. The pedagogical part included the presentation of professional topics in the field of of teaching mathematics and physics. There were 16 contributions in the research application section, and 17 in the pedagogical section.

UP IAM and UP FAMNIT researcher from the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies, Dr. Nino Bašić, Dr. Karla Ferjančič, Dr. Nastja Cepak, Prof. Štefko Miklavič and Prof. Vito Vitrih, also attended the conference.

All papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Prof. Štefko Miklavič, Dr. Karla Ferjančič, Prof. Vito Vitrih, Dr. Nastja Cepak and Dr. Nino Bašić (from left to right)

Wednesday, 13 September 2023 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation - Filip Majstorović

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation Free Volume Studies of Lignocellulosic Cell Wall Polymers of the student Filip Majstorović, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments.

The presentation will take place on Thursday, 28 September 2023 at 16.00 via link:

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 29th Slovenian Science Festival Space-Earth-People

The event will be held between September 26 and 28 in Ljubljana and Koper with international participation.
The festival is organized by the Slovenian Science Foundation (SZF) and the University of Primorska.
The honorary patron is the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Igor Papič.

The event organizers want to encourage festival participants to think about the connection between man and the universe through science.

With the help of natural science and humanities experiments, shows, workshops, lectures, talks, exhibitions and field trials, the Slovenian Science Festival will present what it all represents about people's connection to nature and how our actions affect our planet.

In Ljubljana, the festival will take place on the premises of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana. At our university, the festival events will take place in two locations, namely on the premises of the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies.

Location: classroom UP FHŠ

Workshop:  Science from a Suitcase

Performance: 26., 27., 28.9. – 10 am -11:00 am  and 26., 27.9. – 1 pm – 3pm  

Researchers: Prof.  Irena Lazar, Asist. Prof. Zrinka Mileusnić, Andrej Preložnik

The workshop Earth in People: Science from a Suitcase contains various topics from life in antiquity, which come from copies of archaeological objects stored in interpretation suitcases. Children have the opportunity to pick up objects that are usually inaccessible and stored in glass cases and take a closer look at them. At the same time, they get to know topics from life in the past - writing and its development, medicine and hygiene among the Romans, nutrition and dietary habits, trade, etc.

With that, of course, we explain to them how an archaeologist recognizes and chronologically places the found objects, how we learn about life in the past, what the objects mean and why they are important earth layers during archaeological excavations, and how the finds of Roman coins help them in this.

The following is a presentation of modern non-destructive chemometric analyses of individual materials and what kind of answers they can bring us. The workshop allows an experiential walk through visible and invisible archaeological heritage; thus acquainting the children with the modern methods of archaeologists' work and the importance of protecting, learning about and educating about our heritage and the importance of civic science.

Location: classroom UP FHŠ

Workshop: Earth and People: visible and invisible archaeological heritage

Performance: 26 and 27 of September, 9.00 am - 3 pm (45 to 60 minutes duration)

Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Boris Kavur in Assoc. Prof. Martina Blečić Kavur

The workshop Earth and People: Visible and Invisible Archaeological Heritage is divided into two topics, Ceramics - Production and Archaeology and Copper - Metallurgy and Archaeology, which present in an interesting and entertaining way the selected archaeological heritage from the basic extraction of raw materials (from the earth) to the creative and innovative human production of individual objects in the past. This is followed by a presentation of archaeological processing methods and, in particular, modern non-destructive chemical analyses of individual materials. Then, digitalisation and the production of reconstructions and various replicas are presented. The multimedia presentations (presentations, previews of films and digitalised items in various formats) are based on a variety of content with innovative approaches, with the possibility of trying out various devices and direct tactile contact with objects of Slovenian and replicas of world archaeological heritage (e.g. the Venus of Willendorf). In this way, we provide an experiential walk through the visible and invisible archaeological heritage and introduce the children to the work of an archaeologist.

Location: Livade 1.0,  Izola

Workshop for students of the 3rd triad elementary school, teachers are also invited.: Fantastic animals and where to record them

Date of performance:  26 and 27 of September, at 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (the workshop lasts for an hour)

Researchers: Luka Duniš, Minja Krstić

Primary and secondary school students and teachers will have the opportunity to take part in a treasure hunt called "Fantastic Animals and where to record them", where children will learn how to collect and use data on wildlife. They will also be introduced to the SRNA app, developed in the Step Change project, to collect wildlife data. During the workshop activities, students will be introduced to the principles of citizen science and learn how to record wildlife data using the SRNA app and how to use camera traps to monitor wildlife.

Location: Livade 1.0, Izola

Workshop for students of the 3rd triad elementary school, teachers are also invited: Wildlife Detective: unmasking the invisible wildlife around you

Date of performance:  26 and 27 of September, at 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. (the workshop lasts for an hour)

Researchers: Aja Bončina, assistant

As part of the activity "Wildlife detective: revealing the invisible wildlife around you", students and teachers will learn how to efficiently monitor biodiversity with innovative approaches, based on modern, genetic methods. These approaches enable the understanding and research of many important wildlife features (what they eat, what kind of environment they live in, are their populations stable in nature, whether are they resistant to diseases, how we identify the entire biodiversity in just one reaction, etc.). Students and teachers will also learn the basics of field research, more precisely, how can we efficiently collect genetic samples from the environment (environmental DNA) or animals (e.g. collection of hair, faeces, and other traces). Appropriate collection and analysis, based on molecular data, enable the understanding of wildlife features and are consequently important for the species’ protection and management.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 The doctoral thesis defence of the student Kenny Štorgel

Kenny Štorgel, student of the doctoral study programe Mathematical Sciences at UP FAMNIT will defend his doctoral thesis Certain Graph-Theoretic Invariants and Decompositions: From Structure to Bounds and Algorithms; under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Borut Lužar, PhD and co-mentorship of Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD.

The defence will take place on Friday, 15 September 2023 at 14:00 in the classroom FAMNIT-VP1. The defence can also be viewed on zoom:

The doctoral disertation is available in the library at UP.

Monday, 11 September 2023 Doctoral position: Exploring Biobased Multipurpose Materials

The University of Primorska in collaboration with InnoRenew CoE is seeking a dynamic and motivated PhD candidate to work on development of biobased multipurpose materials, aligned with ongoing projects conducted at University of Primorska. The researcher will be employed at the University of Primorska and collaborate with the InnoRenew CoE, Materials Group. They will become a doctoral candidate at the University of Primorska (doctoral study program Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments). The candidate will work in Izola and Koper, Slovenia.

Goals and Tasks

The candidate will be responsible for designing and conducting experiments to evaluate the barrier properties, biodegradability, and the performance of biobased multipurpose materials. The applicant should be proactive and motivated to perform interdisciplinary research. Key tasks will cover biomass and material analysis using various techniques, including chemical, biochemical, physical, optical, spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. The applicant should have a good knowledge of English, both orally and in writing.

Preferred qualifications

  • The ideal candidate should possess a master's degree in biotechnology, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, wood science, or related fields. Further requirements include:
  • excellent communication skills in English,
  • the ability to interact with the industry and other researchers,
  • and the ability to formulate and communicate new research ideas (research proposal preparation).

The candidate is expected to have an interest in interdisciplinary work and the capacity to work in an international environment. The applicant must also fulfill the requirements for doctoral students at the University of Primorska. For more details, see:

What we offer:

  • 1-year contract with an option for renewal (recommended duration for doctoral studies is 3 years)
  • Competitive salary with possible performance-based raises
  • Opportunity to work with established researchers and with state-of-the-art research equipment

Employment opportunities, admissions policies, activities, services, and the facilities of the University of Primorska do not exclude any person based on race, color, age, sex, gender, religion, national origin, or disability. In processing your application, the GDPR will be respected and your information will not be shared outside of the relevant staff at the University of Primorska. By submitting your application, you agree that the data you provide be reviewed by these organizations.

How to apply

  • Interested applicants should send:
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Motivation letter for this doctoral position (maximum one A4 page)
  • Summary (track record) of previous research experience (master’s thesis for example)
  • Certified copy of master’s degree certificate and official transcript of records, and their translations, if the originals are not in English Please mention PhD Multipurpose Materials in the title (subject) of your email.

All materials should be in English and submitted in PDF format no later than 15 of September 2023.

The candidate should clearly state if graduating in 2023. For any additional information, you can contact us by email:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For further information about the research topic, please contact Dr. Rene Herrera at

The expected start date of the PhD enrolment is 1st October 2023.

Please send applications to:

Friday, 8 September 2023 UP FAMNIT part of the cross-border project that strengthens cross-border ties for the preservation and restoration of Natura 2000 areas in the wider border area

Ljubljana, September 7, 2023 - The cross-border project E-NAT2CARE, which started in September 2023, has the main goal of preserving and restoring a high level of biodiversity and the richness of ecosystems, from the Alps to the Karst landscape, in the area of ​​the Veneto and Friuli-Julian regions and Western Slovenia.

Foto: D. Tome

The E-NAT2CARE project is a continuation of the excellent results of the NAT2CARE project from the previous Interreg Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 program period, which showed that cross-border areas need coordinated management in order to stop the decline of biodiversity and the deterioration of the conservation level of habitats and species. Forests consisting of old-growth trees and containing large amounts of dead wood are among the most diverse ecosystems. They ensure the survival of many plant and animal species, have an important economic value, an educational and aesthetic role, and contribute to mitigating climate change. Due to felling, climate change and unpredictable and violent natural events, such as fires and floods, such forests are in serious danger, even in the area of ​​the Alps and the Karst. This also endangers many species that need such a forest to survive. On the other hand, there is a growing need for sustainable management of water resources.

The specific goals of the E-NAT2CARE project are:

  • To establish innovative, joint cross-border monitoring approaches of indicator groups of animals, insects attached to dead wood and owls, which are good indicators of the state of forest conservation. These approaches will enable the coordinated collection of important information on the biology, ecology and distribution and threat of target species and habitats in the transboundary area. The information obtained in this way is crucial for designing, implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of conservation measures, as well as for determining guidelines and nature conservation priorities in protected areas and beyond.
  • Strengthen community awareness of ecosystem services. We will achieve this by creating an atlas of ecosystems and ecosystem services in the Karst area and developing a system for evaluating ecosystem services and tools for defining the economic amount for creating a payment scheme for ecosystem services, with an emphasis on water.
  • To strengthen cooperation between science and society, at the local and regional level, with the aim of revealing the exceptional biotic diversity of the wider cross-border area, strengthening the understanding of biotic diversity and ecosystem services, their involvement in the planning and implementation of nature conservation measures with an emphasis on protected areas.

Foto: A. Žunič Kosi, D. Tome, M. Di Lenardo

The partners of the project, which will last until 2025, are: National Institute of Biology (NIB) (lead partner of the project), Parco Naturale regionale delle Prealpi Giulia (PNPG), Park Škocjanske jame (PŠJ), Università degli Studi di Udine - Dipartimento di Scienze Agroalimentari , Ambientali e Animali (UNIUD) and the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT).

You can read more about the project at the link:

Contact: responsible person of the project, phone, email: dr. Alenka Žunič Kosi, +386 59 232 774,