Friday, 31 March 2023 Department of Mathematics (UP FAMNIT) established a vital link with the University of Rijeka
Yesterday, 30 March 2023, the Department of Mathematics (UP FAMNIT) went to the University of Rijeka, where mathematicians from both faculties exchanged their knowledge and discussed all the possibilities of future cooperation.
The meeting began with a seminar entitled "Erdős-Ko-Rado property of transitive permutation groups" by Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović. The engaging presentation sparked lively discussions among the participants. After the discussion, they also announced and discussed upcoming conferences that will be held in Croatia and Slovenia.
“Overall, the visit was very successful. The crucial aspect of the meeting was strengthening the collaboration between the University of Rijeka and Primorska. I strongly believe that this will lead to new and exciting research opportunities, knowledge sharing, and student exchange programs. Besides that, we were delighted to see so many enthusiastic mathematicians come together to share their knowledge and ideas. The meetings proved to be an excellent opportunity to socialise, exchange ideas and discuss new research areas. We look forward to more such meetings in the future!, sums up Dr. Blas Fernandez from the Department of Mathematics (UP FAMNIT).
Thursday, 30 March 2023 Within the project - A Day of planting Melliferous plants, Dr Živa Fišer highlighted the importance of wild pollinators
Last year, Slovenian beekeepers launched the project A Day of planting Melliferous plants, supported by the company Avto Krka and Rotary Slovenia and North Macedonia. This year they gave special attention to the wild pollinators. For this reason, they invited Dr. Živa Fišer from the Department of Biodiversity (UP FAMNIT) to present their importance. The lecturer emphasized their significant role in providing pollination and also our part in ensuring a safe and adequate living environment.
Partners of the project encouraged schools to maintain biodiversity, therefore, they gave them a wild pollinator hotel made by Tončka Hočevar Centre for Conservation and Education.
The project runs until 2030 and aims to plant 2 million Melliferous plants. Part of donation given by Avto Krka and the Rotary Federation of Slovenia will devoted to reforestation of the burnt Kras region.
In the coming weeks, the University of Primorska is preparing the final stage before the opening of the UP University Library at the new location - the former Kolosej in the center of Koper.
Due to the relocation of the library materials, the installation of the unified collection, and the conversion of the materials, the UP UK departments in Koper and Izola (UP FVZ) will have to be closed from 3 April to 15 May 2023. During this period, no borrowing renewal, or return of materials will be possible; no overdue fees, will be charged during this period.
Professors, researchers, students, and other library users are therefore kindly invited to borrow physical materials latest by Friday, 31 March, and to return them after the opening of the University Library UP at the new location.
Between 3 April and 15 May, the electronic databases will be available without interruption and without changes as before. Bibliographic activity will also be uninterrupted during this period.
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 Join Estimathon, organized by Jane Street - the main sponsor of EGMO
Do you know how many computers were connected to the Internet on 1 January 1989? Or how many YouTube videos have more than 1 billion views? What about the bandwidth beneath the Atlantic Ocean?
If you want to solve problems like these, join us at the upcoming Estimathon, organised by Jane Street - the main sponsor of EGMO - The European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad.
After the competition, you will have a unique opportunity to learn about all the career opportunities offered by the company.
The Estimathon takes place on 19 April 2023 in the lecture room - VP3 UP FAMNIT (Glagoljaška 8, Koper,) 2nd floor.
Application deadline >>17 April 2023, 6 pm.
Apply >>> HERE
The University of Primorska (UP) has published on its webpage the criteria and conditions for co-financing doctoral studies at UP for the academic year 2023/2024.
Co-funding tuition fees of public doctoral programs are governed by the Decree on co-financing of doctoral studies (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 22/17 and 105/20; hereinafter: Decree) and the Act Amending the Higher Education Act.
In the academic year, 2023/2024 the tuition fees for co-funding of doctoral studies will be provided to all doctoral students meeting the requirements of the Decree and Criteria for the selection of candidates for co-funding tuition fees in doctoral studies at the University of Primorska.
Doctoral students who are interested in co-funding of tuition fees of PhD programmes and are meeting the requirements from Criteria UP will have to complete the Statement on the fulfilment of the conditions for co-funding tuition fees in doctoral studies for students of the University of Primorska and submit it upon the invitation to enrol the Doctoral degree programmes at the University of Primorska. Faculties conducting doctoral study programmes will publish the Statement on their websites upon enrollment.
Tuition fees for co-funding of doctoral studies may be granted to students meeting the following requirements:
- they are enrolled in the 1st year of doctoral studies and the average grade of exams at the previous level of study is 8 or if they have a scientific publication. The relevance of the publication has to be approved by the Commission for Scientific Research and Development of the UP.
- they are enrolled in the 2nd 3rd or 4th year of doctoral studies and have regularly advanced to the 2nd 3rd and 4th year of doctoral studies. Regular advancement to the higher year of doctoral studies is also considered in cases when the student has an extension of status for justified reasons in accordance with the Higher Education Act, the Statute of UP and in accordance with Article 49 of the Act on Intervention Measures to Contain the COVID-19 Epidemic and Mitigate its Consequences for Citizens and the Economy.
- they have not yet obtained the level of education matching the level of education obtained under third-cycle doctoral study programmes;
- their studies under doctoral degree programmes to obtain a PhD, regardless whether they have been completed, are not or have not been co-funded from public funds.
All candidates who wish to receive co-financing must fill out and submit the Statement on the fulfilment of the conditions for co-funding tuition fees in doctoral studies for students of the University of Primorska!
Students will be informed about the share of co-founded tuition fee after the Call for enrollment into the Doctoral degree programmes ends, by the end of November. The co-financing share will be the same for all doctoral students and will depend on the number of enrolled students meeting the Criteria and the funds received from the Ministry of Higer Education, Science and Innovation.
For specific information about co-financing of doctoral studies please contact: Laura Šušteršič Zorn:
For additional information you can contact Student Services (UP FAMNIT).
Friday, 24 March 2023 Discover the possibilities of algebra with our seminar series at FAMNIT
Given the growing interest in applying algebraic methods to study problems from other fields, we have organised a (learning) Algebra Seminar, principally catered to graduate students and postdocs at FAMNIT.
The seminar meets semi-regularly on Thursdays at 14:00 in MP3, for more information and to join the mailing list, please contact the organisers Francesca Gandini (francesca.gandini@famnit.upr.
At the 37th regular session, the Senate of the University of Primorska th regular session, the Senate of the University of Primorska, has adopted the Decision on the call for regular elections of the Rector of the University of Primorska.
An integral part of the Decision on Calling for Elections is the Schedule for the Implementation of Electoral Tasks.
In accordance with the decisions on the call for regular elections of the Rector of the University of Primorska, the deadlines for completing the election start from today, 22 March, 2023.
In accordance with the Schedule for conducting election tasks for the regular elections of the Rector, the deadline for submitting a candidate for Rector of the University of Primorska is from 22 March 2023 to 21 April 2023 until 12:00 (noon).
The three groups of voters who have the right to vote for the election of the Rector of the University of Primorska, are the following:
- higher education teachers, scientific workers, research assistants and higher education staff,
- students, and
- other employees.
More detailed instructions and the forms are published on the link > Election of the rector of the University of Primorska 2023.
After five years of challenges both on a personal and professional level, we are pleased to invite you to the 6th edition of the Slovenian Entomological Symposium with international attendance, which will be held in Izola on September 15-16, 2023. The symposium is organized by entomologists from the Department of Biodiversity of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (University of Primorska) together with the Slovenian Entomological Society of Štefan Michieli. We are pleased to invite all amateur and professional entomologists to present their achievements, results and visions related to different fields of entomology.
Important dates:
- Deadline for registration and abstract submission: 1. 6. 2023
- Registration fee: 50 € for employees and 25 € for students and pensioners.
- Deadline for payment of registration fee: 1. 7. 2023
The fee includes the Book of Abstracts, organization expenses and refreshment during coffee breaks.
For the process of registration fee payment, please go to the tab REGISTRATION.
Official languages: Slovene and English.
UP has published a call for young researchers who will train for the profession of researcher and carry out doctoral studies at UP in the next four years. In 2023, five vacancies are announced under the following mentors, UP faculties/institute and research fields:
- prof. Istvan Kovacs; PhD, UP IAM (mathematics),
- Alenka Baruca Arbeiter; PhD, UP FAMNIT (plant production; biotechnology),
- Assoc. Prof. Jakub Sandak, PhD, UP IAM (forestry, wood and paper technology; materials),
- Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan; PhD, UP IAM (psychology; psychiatry),
- Assist. Prof. Patricia Blatnik; PhD, UP FM (economics; public health).
Candidates who have completed a second-level study program in the last four years and have an average grade in all exams and coursework including the grade of the Master's thesis of at least 8.00, can apply for the call until June 15, 2023. One young researcher will be selected for each mentor. UP will enter into a full-time, fixed-term employment contract with the selected young researchers.
Link to the Call for young researchers, generation 2023 >>> HERE <<<.
Tuesday, 21 March 2023 Visit by researchers from Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Last week the HICUP Lab hosted professors from Interactive Media Design Lab, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan: Prof. Hirokazu Kato (director of IMD Lab), Assoc. Prof. Masayuki Kanbara and Assist. Prof. Taishi Sawabe.
During the visit Assoc. Prof. Kanbara and Assist. Prof. Sawabe presented at Monday Computer Science seminar. Kanabra presented a study, which analyzed the “Gentle stroke with speech” behavior with the aim of modeling the “talking and stroking behavior” in a situation in which a person is caring for another person, while Sawabe introduced us to Comfort Intelligence (CI), an intelligence system that considers passengers’ comfort inside moving autonomous vehicles.
Monday, 20 March 2023 Dr. Katarina Šoln received a fellowship from the World Federation of Scientists (WFS)
We are honoured to announce that Dr. Katarina Šoln was nominated by the Slovenian Science Foundation (SZF) and received a fellowship from the World Federation of Scientists (WFS).
Photo: Mateja Grašič
The main focus of the recipient was on science and science popularization, where her field is allelopathy, which she described as "the plant's secret biochemical weapon, which makes allelopathic plants more successful in competing with other plants for water, space, and sunlight. It is very common among invasive plants, which also have a presence in the home garden - not every plant belongs together ” she summed.
Dr. Katarina Šoln is very passionate about delivering knowledge specific to nature, which is also one of her main goals." I think it is important to present interestingly and understandably all the mysteries of the natural world to the public, therefore, I will organize biology workshops for children, write popular articles about nature, give a few public lectures, and make short videos about plant life", she concludes.
Slovenian Science Foundation (SZF) has been in partnership with the World Federation of Scientists (WFS) since 2002, where the main task relies on the development acceleration of young researchers in the field of planetary necessity.
Fellowships play a distinct social role in promoting the completion of doctoral work, as well as contributing to a more favorable socio-economic situation for young PhDs.
On 17 March 2023 the University of Primorska publishes the Call for enrolment into master and doctoral study programmes in the academic year 2023/2024.
The first round application period opens on 6 April 2023.
The list of study programmes with available enrolment slots is available:
- for master and doctoral study programmes > HERE
Information about application enrolment > HERE
For additional information, you can contact Student Services.
Dr. Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE research group leader at InnoRenew, associate professor and research associate at the UP FAMNIT and UP IAM recently published a scientific article »Engineered living materials for sustainable and resilient architecture«, in Nature Reviews Materials.
In the article, Dr. Sandak discusses the progress in biomimetics which allows for the fabrication of man-made materials and surfaces with properties similar to biological ones.
“These advancements enable the development of a new generation of building materials for architecture that have remarkable properties typically unachievable with a traditional approach,” said Dr. Sandak.
The Nature Reviews Materials journal is an online-only journal for weekly publication in all scientific disciplines within materials science, with the impact factor 76.679.
Read more here.
Saturday, 18 March 2023 UP FAMNIT hosted the National Competition for Biology
Today, on March 18 2023, the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) successfully concluded the National Competition in Biology intended for high school students. This year, 238 high school students competed in the national competition, which guaranteed their successful participation during the school competition where 1677 students were engaged.
Throughout the competition, the students were divided into two different groups, with different topics, where the first and the second one competed in "Biology of the Salt Pans", while the second group, of third and fourth years students, contested in the obligatory curriculum and as well in the content which is applicable for the matura examination.
The competition was co-organised by University of Primorska and ZOTKS an organization that has thrived for more than 70 years to educate young people in the field of technic and science.
In parallel with the competition, a lecture from Prof Dr. Elena Bužan took part, who gave knowledge on innovative teaching methods, focusing on the latest methods of biodiversity monitoring. Afterwards, Taja Pajmon Rak, told participants more about the UP Science Centre and the possibilities of cooperation with high schools.
Friday, 17 March 2023 20TH SOLEMN ACADEMY UP, UP 2.0
17 March marks the birthday of the University of Primorska, since it was entered in the court register on that day in 2003, and this year marks its 20th anniversary. The celebrations culminate in a gala academy, which this year took place on Thursday, 16 March 2023, and which, along with the awarding of the University's prizes, was a special occasion with the presence of distinguished guests.
The keynote speaker was the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, she emphasised: »Strong links between your university and your innovation and a focus on interdisciplinary, challenge-based challenges in teaching and research have been and will continue to be continue to be the key to your success.«
The guests were welcomed by Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of UP, and Katja Kosem, President of the UP Student Council.
»Therefore, we do not fear for the future of the University of Primorska. Because every minute, hour, day, month, year, we act according to the principle “don’t ever stop wondering”, as our anthem says. This gives us the strength to pick ourselves up even when things go wrong and to achieve even better results than we had planned. We draw this strength and resilience right from our name, UP. In the Slovenian language, “up” means “hope”, so there is always an all-pervasive hope and a desire to improve everything we do. And through the English word “up”, by being aware that we have to do it with confidence, looking up.« dr. Klavdija Kutnar, rector.
»(At UP) you have the opportunity to gain some added value, not just tick off a box and get your degree. A university is a home. Not just for us but also for international students who come to Slovenia for the first time and get an idea of the country based on what they experience at our university. Well, we also rather like to travel around. To gain new experiences, acquaintances, knowledge. But we always like to come back home – to the University of Primorska.« Katja Kosem, President of the UP Student Council
Dr. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon also addressed the audience on the occasion of receiving the title of Honorary Doctor of UP and will deliver his inaugural lecture on Friday, the University's birthday, as the 20th Honorary Doctor of UP.
On the proposal of the UP Famnit and the UP IAM, the title of Honorary Doctor of the University of Primorska is awarded to Academic Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon for his outstanding achievements in science and his significant contribution towards developing the University of Primorska and enhancing its reputation.
Professor Bourguignon is a distinguished academic – his research area is differential geometry and his work focuses on the Ricci curvature. He is also the co-author of the monographs A Spinorial Approach to Riemannian and Conformal Geometry (EMS, 2015) and Mathematics, A Beautiful Elsewhere (Thames and Hudson, 2012). For most of his career, he was associated with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), which provided him great freedom to continue his research.
Until 2013, he was Director of the prestigious international research institute Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES). Under his leadership, no fewer than three IHES members were awarded the Fields Medal, which, together with the Abel Prize, is the most prestigious award in mathematics. His research and teaching received continuous support by the École polytechnique, where he taught from 1986 to 2013. As President of the Société mathématique de France (1990–92), Professor Bourguignon was instrumental in establishing the European Mathematical Society (EMS), founded in 1990, which he chaired from 1995 to 1998. The most notable achievements of his tenure include the launch of the Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS), the increased visibility of the EMS and his massive support for young mathematicians.
Professor Bourguignon received the Prix Paul Langevin in 1987 and the Prix du Rayonnement Français in Mathematical Sciences and Physics from the French Académie des Sciences in 1997. He has received several honorary titles over the course of his career: he is an honorary member of the London Mathematical Society (LMS) and the German Mathematical Society (DMV). In 2008, he was made honorary doctor of Keio University, Japan, and, in 2011, honorary doctor of Nankai University, China.
Professor Bourguignon has been collaborating with the mathematicians from our University for many years. He first visited our University in December 2016, and after we succeeded in our bid to organise the 8th European Congress of Mathematics in June 2021, our ties were strengthened even further. In addition to his invaluable advice and assistance in providing content for the Congress, he contributed to its smooth organisation and thus to the promotion of the University within the global university network through his active role at the Congress. The presentation of the title Honorary Doctor of the University of Primorska is thus a special honour for both the recipient and the University.
The Rector, together with the Vice-Rectors and Deans, then presented the 2022 University of Primorska Awards:
On the proposal of the UP FM, the 2022 title of Professor Emeritus of the University of Primorska is awarded to Professor Milan Vodopivec for his excellent work in economics as the highest ranking Slovenian economist, his significant contribution to the education of young researchers and his work on unemployment reduction policies.
Professor Milan Vodopivec completed his doctoral studies at the University of Maryland (1988) and worked at the University of Primorska from 2011 to 2022. Today, he is the highest-ranked Slovenian economist in terms of citations according to the RePEc/IDEAS ranking, and the author and editor of an extensive body of scientific research. As a Lead Economist at the World Bank, where he advised many governments on their labour market policies (between 1988 and 2011), he developed the internationally prominent UISIM simulation model, a standard tool in the analysis of unemployment insurance systems in individual countries. His work is also important at national level, as he is one of the authors of the pension reform and a pioneer in the use of administrative data for economic analysis, contributing to the provision of data sources for research purposes at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS). He was project leader of three basic and six target research projects at the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) as well as the project leader of a European Commission project. He has also taught courses on the labour market, supervised three young researchers and PhD candidates, and contributed to the education of young researchers with a book for them, A Message-Driven Writing Technique.
On the proposal of UP Famnit and the UP IAM, the 2022 UP Formal Charter is awarded to Assistant Professor Nino Bašić for his significant contribution to the development of the University of Primorska in all of its activities and for his outstanding work both in the popularisation of mathematics and computer science among young people and in his integrating role among University of Primorska employees.
Nino Bašić completed his doctoral studies at the University of Ljubljana and has worked at the University of Primorska since 2016. His research interests are in discrete mathematics and its applications in the natural sciences. He is the project leader of one Slovenian Research Agency project, two bilateral projects with the US and a member of the Management Committee of a COST Action. He has organised several scientific conferences and been a member of the Organising Committee of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics (8ECM). During the pandemic, he organised an international webinar on biomathematics and mathematical chemistry, which is still running today and attracts world-renowned scientists. He has been Layout Editor (and since this year Editor) of Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (AMC) and The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics (ADAM), and Managing Editor of the newly established journal Discrete Mathematical Chemistry (DMC). Among the courses he teaches at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Mathematical Chemistry, a completely new course he has devised himself, is a special feature. He is also actively engaged in the popularisation of maths and computer science among young people: he participates in competitions (as a committee member and as a mentor) and is among the editorial staff at Presek journal. He plays an exemplary integrating role among all employees, garnering better interpersonal relationships through his willingness to help and cooperate.
On the proposal of the UP PEF, the 2022 Gold Medal of the University of Primorska is awarded to Professor Amalija Žakelj for her significant contribution to the development of didactics of mathematics and her great encouragement in increasing her colleagues’ engagement in project work.
Professor Amalija Žakelj completed her doctoral studies at the University of Ljubljana in 2004 and has been employed at the University of Primorska since 2016, although she has been teaching at the Faculty for over three decades. Her research interests include didactics of mathematics and curriculum development. She is also a lecturer of courses in didactics of mathematics and is involved in the development of new study programmes. She has been involved in a number of national and international projects as a team leader, and has been an exceptional driving force for colleagues in the field, encouraging them to participate more in project work. She has participated in the organisation of various meetings, chaired the Mathematics in Education mini-symposium and led the activities within the 8th European Congress of Mathematics. She has also made a significant contribution to the development of didactics of mathematics as co-editor and co-author of the scientific monograph Selected Topics in Didactics of Mathematics, which contains selected papers from 8ECM. She is professional and values open communication with other specialists, as she bridges the gap between research and practice in her role of national coordinator for statistical literacy and member of the National Baccalaureate Committee.
On the proposal of the UP Famnit and the UP IAM, the 2022 UP Scientific Excellence Award goes to Associate Professor Matjaž Kljun for his outstanding research breakthrough in 2022, brought about by vision, perseverance, leadership and scientific excellence.
Matjaž Kljun began working at the University of Primorska in 2003, when he participated in developing and setting up his research field by providing a vision of its potential with a firm basis in close international cooperation. He then completed his doctoral studies in 2014 at Lancaster University, where he built a strong social network of young researchers, who form the core of his collaboration. He has also assimilated Anglo-Saxon research methods, marked by collaboration, the exchange of ideas, encouragement and a reward approach, which the research team has now adopted. All of this led to a remarkable research breakthrough in 2022, when he co-authored 12 original scientific articles (type 1.01), eight of which were SCI (Science Citation Index) journals, ten were Q1 (Quartile 1), and five were A’’ (exceptional achievements), increasing his A1 score by 1.36 in just one year. He is also the recipient of two international prizes from the research community, with two papers receiving honourable mentions – Solids on Soli: Millimetre-Wave Radar Sensing through Materials (14th Conference on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems) and A Survey of Augmented Piano Prototypes: Has Augmentation Improved Learning Experiences (16 th Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces). He shares his research achievements and broad knowledge with his students at the UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies.
On the proposal of the UP FTŠ - Turistica, the 2022 UP Scientific Excellence Award goes to Associate Professor Metod Šuligoj for his outstanding degree of research excellence in tourism and his multifaceted research work.
Metod Šuligoj completed his first PhD at the University of Ljubljana in 2009 and the second one at the Catholic University of Croatia in 2021. He has been working at Faculty of Tourism Studies Turistica since 2010. He demonstrates his scientific excellence by publishing in top-ranked journals beyond the field of tourism and in languages besides English. His articles in Slovenian scientific journals contribute to the development of Slovenian terminology and the promotion of less common topics in Slovenian social sciences and humanities. In 2022, he published four scientific papers, all in indexed journals (SSCI or SCOPUS), and one interdisciplinary monograph. His (usually interdisciplinary) research is conducted both independently and in collaboration with national and international authors, and covers the territory of Slovenia and South-Eastern Europe. His remarkable concern to share his knowledge and experience with younger generations is one of the missions of great researchers. His joint publications in indexed journals prove that he pursues high standards in this area as well. Moreover, he is constantly in contact with practice and presents the solutions he develops within various projects in scientific publications. The integration of all these elements with his successful teaching career tops off his scientific excellence.
On the proposal of the UP FM, the 2022 UP Educational Excellence Award goes to Professor Štefan Bojnec for his outstanding pedagogic work and exceptional mentoring, especially that provided to doctoral students.
Professor Štefan Bojnec completed his doctoral studies in 1988 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb, and has worked at the University of Primorska since 2003. He is Head of the Department of Economics and is the lecturer of seven first- and second-cycle courses. He also lectures at foreign universities as a guest lecturer or within international exchanges. The results of surveys carried out among students show exceptionally high ratings, indicating their satisfaction with his teaching. He has also made a significant contribution as a supervisor, not only of master’s and bachelor’s theses, but also of 54 scientific master’s theses and 16 doctoral dissertations (he was a co-supervisor for 5 of them). Five PhD candidates under his supervision have received university or faculty awards for their excellent dissertations. Furthermore, he has made a significant contribution to the education of young professionals as a supervisor to (eight) young researchers. In recent years, he has been shortlisted for the PhD Supervisor of the Year Award by the Slovenian Society of Young Researchers. All of these features of educational excellence are based on his outstanding scientific research, which has produced impressive results as well as garnered him a Zois Prize for achievements in economics.
On the proposal of the UP Famnit, the 2022 Srečko Kosovel Award for UP Students goes to Jakob Povšič for his thesis Zero-Knowledge Authentication under supervisor Professor Andrej Brodnik.
Jakob Povšič completed the undergraduate study programme in Computer Science at the UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. His thesis Zero-Knowledge Authentication deals comprehensively with the issue of authentication. It first highlights the issue from the perspective of the role of authentication, then focuses on authentication using a username and password, and analyses the vulnerability of traditional password management. The thesis goes well beyond the level of the expected learning outcomes, both because of its remarkable independent work and its exceptionally comprehensive approach. This extends from the formulation of the theoretical bases to a detailed engineering implementation plan. The latter uses the standard Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), making the implementation of the theoretical bases immediately applicable. Much of the knowledge used in the final thesis comes from outside the curriculum, demonstrating the candidate’s scientific and engineering approach. He successfully presented his thesis at the 7th Student Computer Science Research Conference (StuCoSReC) in 2021.
On the proposal of the UP FTŠ - Turistica, the 2022 Srečko Kosovel Award for UP Students goes to Nika Klepec for her master’s thesis The Heritage of the Volna Laško Textile Factory and its Museum Interpretation under supervisor Associate Professor Katja Hrobat Virloget and co-supervisor Assistant Professor Neža Čebron Lipovec.
Nika Klepec completed her master’s degree in Heritage Tourism, an interdisciplinary study programme of the UP Faculty of Tourism Studies Turistica and the UP Faculty of Humanities. The thesis includes a scientific analysis and self-critical reflection on preliminary incisive social action activities that the author carried out herself: she interviewed former textile workers from the Volna Laško factory, organised a café soirée (2017) and set up an exhibition (2018), which goes beyond the research students usually conduct for the purposes of a master’s thesis. The thesis highlights the topical issue of local community participation in museum presentations and heritage interpretation, which fits with the contemporary participatory trend of an evolving method. Nika Klepec opted for a process that is very challenging and complex due to the activation of a local community and multiple memories and perceptions, especially for someone only at the beginning of their research journey. From a research point of view, the thesis is particularly topical, as it deals with contemporary issues, such as the post-socialist collapse of industry, the related social restructuring, and the current patrimonialisation process of artefacts dating back to the socialist period.
On the proposal of the UP FVZ, the 2022 Srečko Kosovel Award for UP Students goes to Jernej Pleša for his master’s thesis Association between selected biomechanical variables and approach jump, linear acceleration and change of direction in male volleyball players under supervisor Professor Nejc Šarabon and co-supervisor Assistant Professor Žiga Kozinc.
Jernej Pleša completed his master’s degree in Kinesiology at the UP Faculty of Health Sciences. In his thesis, he designed and conducted large-scale and organisationally demanding biomechanical studies on a large sample of volleyball players, addressing both fundamental and applied aspects of sports science. The quality and comprehensiveness of the thesis, which goes well beyond the requirements of the master’s programme, is evidenced by the resulting scientific publications. The candidate used the research questions from the thesis to draw up and publish (with the help of his supervisor and co-supervisor) a remarkable number of papers: in total, he is the co-author of 15 scientific papers, including a category A’’ paper and four category A’ ones. He has demonstrated to be highly independent, proactive and professional when preparing his scientific papers, which he continues to be in his doctoral study programme. His master’s thesis thus represents an important contribution to sport science and an excellent foundation for further research in the field.
On the proposal of the UP FHŠ, the 2022 Srečko Kosovel Award for UP Students goes to Lara Sorgo, PhD for her doctoral thesis Literary perspectives on identity and belonging: a critical analysis of some case studies of Istrian Italian literature under supervisor Professor Nives Zudič Antonič.
Lara Sorgo has completed her doctoral studies in Language and Interculturality at the UP Faculty of Humanities under supervisor Professor Nives Zudič Antonič. Her top-quality thesis is original, topical, methodologically sound and a major achievement in international research circles. It focuses on identity and belonging in the works of four authors, who can be seen as harbingers of the current issues of complex societies, such as linguistic and cultural pluralism, hybridism, uncertain identities and intercultural dialogue. The originality of the research is based on the observation that the proposals of some intellectuals from the past are still relevant today. Bridging the ethnic and territorial belonging from the past raises the issue of the coexistence of many different cultures in the same territory. During her studies, the candidate was an excellent student: she was involved in two international projects, authored or co-authored four original scientific papers and one chapter in a monograph, collaborated with educational and research institutions, and participated in international conferences. Her thesis garnered her an award by the Centre for Research on Minorities (CERM) of the University of Insubria.
On the proposal of the UP Famnit, the 2022 UP Prize for UP Students is awarded to Milan Milivojčević for his wide-ranging volunteer work and major contribution to the reputation and national and international visibility of the University of Primorska and the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies.
Milan Milivojčević completed the undergraduate study programme in Computer Science at the UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, and is now enrolled in the master’s study programme. During his undergraduate studies, he participated in programming and mathematics competitions, where he achieved notable results. He is also a very active volunteer. He has been a successful student tutor at the Faculty for three years and a technical advisor for the Google Developer Student Club of the UP as well as an event organiser (FAMNIT Hackaton 2022). Moreover, he has participated in organising several conferences (8ECM, ICFP 2021 and CUI 2021), providing assistance and ICT support to the guests, as well as events dedicated to the promotion of maths and computer science. After an Erasmus+ exchange in the Czech Republic, he re-established the Primorska Student Exchange Network (PSEN), which organises events for Erasmus students, and set up the Student Buddy and Accommodation systems. In December 2022, after only 6 months of operation, ESN Primorska became a full member of the ESN network. In September 2022, he represented Slovenia and the University of Primorska at the Erasmus+ 35 years — 35 experiences event in Brussels, organised by the EU to mark the 35th anniversary of the programme. His involvement in a wide range of activities and his immense eagerness to help and work are undoubtedly an example to UP students and employees alike.
On the proposal of the UP Pef, the 2022 UP Prize for UP Students is awarded to Maja Humski for her active involvement in extracurricular activities at the Faculty of Education and her representation of the University of Primorska.
Maja Humski is a student of the master’s programme Inclusive Pedagogy at the UP Faculty of Education. She is a member and current president of the UP PEF Student Council. In addition to her formal duties (as a representative in the Academic Assembly and various Faculty committees), she has been a key organiser of high-profile campaigns (a field day for the staff and students, Secret Santa, From PEF to an Oscar, Biodiversity Week at UP PEF, etc.) and events at the Faculty and University (presentations at orientation days, Santa Claus pantomimes for children of employees, etc.). As a student, she participated in re-accreditation procedures carried out by the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (NAKVIS). She was also a tutor to Slovenian students and special needs students. She is a member of the UP PEF ECO Council and founding member of the PEF Theatre, which has garnered her a Faculty acknowledgement. Always eager to broaden her knowledge in her extracurricular activities, she was the only student of the Faculty to participate in a Student Innovative Community Service Project (ŠIPK) and took part in workshops and conferences.
On the proposal of the UP College of Deans and Directors, the 2022 Acknowledgement of a Member of the UP Support Staff is awarded to Nataša Kogovšek for her diligent, professional and reliable work in the Rector’s Office and the custodianship of key UP bodies.
Nataša Kogovešek has worked as a member of the Rector’s Office at the University of Primorska since 2006. She has been involved in coordinating the duties and schedules of the University’s management, paying special attention to the protocol of the University’s ceremonies and other events. Given her diligence and conscientiousness, she was entrusted with the custodianship of the following UP bodies: the Senate, the Administrative Board and the Student Council, the College of Deans and Directors and the College of Secretaries General. She also manages the UP Awards and Prizes Committee. Her effective organisational skills ensure that meetings are convened in a timely manner, that materials and adopted decisions are properly prepared, and that the University’s and Faculties’ managements as well as our colleagues from the Rector’s Office and the faculties are kept consistently informed. She is characterised by her competence and humanity, having established a professional, friendly and respectful relationship with the management of all the faculties. Her skills, experience, kindness, general knowledge and demonstrated loyalty to the University contribute to the quality and reliability of her work.
Thursday, 16 March 2023 The successful conclusion of the Faculty Competition in Programming - FTP
FTP (Faculty Programming Competition) in which you will test your programming skills in a fun and engaging way. You will develop a program (player), which plays a turn based against other programs (players). The goal is to develop a strategy, which best responds to other strategies, without being able to see their source code.
The Competition - FTP took place between 1 October 2022 and 1 January 2023, where 25 undergraduate and postgraduate students in Computer Science (UP FAMNIT) tested their programming skills.
"This year we successfully concluded a re-united Faculty competition in programming. I would like to give a special thanks to GameArt for the collaboration and the rewards that all participants have received. However, the best competitors will also get an additional invitation by GameArt to attend the internship." concluded in the brief statement the head of the competition Aleksandar Tošić from the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies (UP FAMNIT).
The contestants ended up competing interactively in a programming competition, and the best spots went to:
Alex Vincek 1st place
Robert Gavranović 2nd place and
Nejc Razpotnik 3rd Place
We would like to sincerely congratulate all the participants!



In accordance with the minister's decision, the first round application period for enrolment in the first year of undergraduate and second-cycle integrated master's degree programmes for Slovenian citizens, citizens of EU Member countries and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship at public higher education institutions and independent higher education institutions carrying out study programmes under a concesion in the academic year 2023/2024 is extended until 27 March 2023 (extended by one week).
List of undergraduate study programmes of the University of Primorska to which the above-mentioned decision refers:
The corrected timetable is published at >>> >>>
Link to general news from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation >>> Dveletni prehodni rok pri vpisu bo veljal za vse javne univerze | GOV.SI <<<.
In the framework of the Call for Enrolment in undergraduate and unified master's study programmes in the academic year 2023/2024, the University of Primorska announces the following free enrolment places for 30 undergraduate study programmes (7 higher professional and 23 academic study programmes):
1.539 enrolment places for Slovenian citizens and EU citizens, of which 1.219 for full-time study and 320 for part-time study,
71 enrolment places for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, of which 57 for full-time and 14 for part-time study,
247 enrolment places for foreign citizens of non EU countries, of which 212 for full-time and 35 for part-time study.
For the 1st year of study, there are also 91 enrolment places for candidates for parallel studies.
The Call of Enrolment is available at: LINK
The application for enrolment is entirely electronic on the eVŠ web portal. The candidate submits the application with a means of electronic identification of at least a medium level of reliability (with a qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card) or with an AAI account (account of the authentication and authorization infrastructure) or with a username and password via the system SI-PASS , which operates within the framework of the Trust Service Authority of Slovenia.
Each candidate can submit one application for enrolment, where they select a maximum of three study programmes in the order of priority, in which they wish to enrol and for which they meet or will meet the conditions for enrolment by the deadline. The order of the selected study programmes is important, as the candidate will be ranked in the first one for which they will meet all the conditions.
Pi Day is a holiday celebrating the mathematical constant π (pi) on 14 March each year, and is also the International Day of Mathematics. In the American date notation, 14 March is written as 3/14, which are the first three digits of pi. On this day, events are held all over the world, mostly competitions to memorise the decimals of a number. PIphilology covers various mnemonic techniques that can help us to know the maximum possible number of decimals of PI. One way is PIpoetry - i.e. poetry in which the number of letters in the nth word of a composition must equal the nth decimal in the decimal notation of Pi. PIphilology is a technique that can help us to know the maximum number of decimals of Pi.
PIpoetry is a form of poetry in which the number of letters in the nth word of a composition must equal the nth decimal in the decimal notation of Pi. The first Slovenian competition in PIetry was organised at UP, in 2014, within the Department of Mathematics of UP Famnit and UP IAM.
This year, we celebrated this day at UP with the presentation of the scientific monograph Symmetry in Graphs by Ted Dobson, Aleksander Malnič and Dragan Marušič, first full-length book on the major theme of symmetry in graph. It was published in 2022 by Cambridge University Press. The books within the series Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics aim at introducing the reader to an active area of mathematical research. As well as being suitable for postgraduate students, the topics covered are also useful for experts and professionals from other branches of mathematics seeking access to research topics.
ABOUT »Symmetry in Graphs«
The book begins with the basic material, leading the reader towards major problems and most active research themes of this fast-growing field, which forms a part of algebraic graph theory. Authors motivate the detailed discussion of individual topics that follow the introduction.
It is concerned with the study of highly symmetric graphs, particularly vertex-transitive graphs, and other combinatorial structures, primarily by group-theoretic techniques. Investigations of the field shed new light on permutation groups and related algebraic structures.
Featuring many examples and over 450 exercises, it is an essential introduction to the field for graduate students and a valuable addition to any algebraic graph theorist's bookshelf.
On Monday, 13 March 2023, a solemn promotion of Doctors of Science of the University of Primorska took place in the hall of the Armeria Palace in Koper. The Vice-rector of the University of Primorska promoted eleven new Doctors of Science, who completed their doctoral studies between October 2022 and February 2023. As of today, the University of Primorska has 320 Doctors of Science. This year UP FAMNIT gained eight new doctors of science.
Miha Markelj defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP FTŠ - Turistica entitled »Designing and Applying the Method for Cultural Landscape Evaluation and Sustainable Tourism Development: Example of the Selščica valley« under the mentorship of izr. prof. dr. Igor Jurinčič
Doctoral dissertation summary
In the protected cultural landscape Sorica-Danje-Torka, the dissertation, takes into account the knowledge of early historical development and shows the possibility of long-term preservation and development of the cultural landscape area. A clearly defined and applicable methodological basis, based on the strict evaluation of individual spatial or cadastral units, gives us a new and a wider set of data whose implementation in sustainable tourism products and later in selected scenarios of sustainable tourism development clearly shows us how to preserve and develop such cultural landscape area while taking into account it cultural and natural specific features.
Žiga Velkavrh defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP Famnit entitled »Behavioral traits across time and countries: essays on indirect reciprocity, deception and nationality«;; under the mentorship of prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar and co-mentorship of izr. prof. dr. Aljaž Ule
Doctoral dissertation summary
In the doctoral dissertation we use controlled lab economic experiments to investigate altruism and (dis)honesty in situations where helping strangers and honesty are socially desirable but individually suboptimal. We manipulate the access to reputation information. We also examine the behavioral strategies of individuals and conclude that behavior based on personal experience should not be neglected in the future. We conclude the doctoral dissertation with the results of cross-national study, in which we find that Slovenian and international students are similar, while the behavior of Dutch students slightly deviates.
Andrès David Santamaría-Galvis defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP Famnit entitled »On partitionability and shellability of relative simplicial complexes« under the mentorship of izr. prof. dr. Russ Woodroofe
Doctoral dissertation summary
Shellability and partitionability are two well-known and mutually related combinatorial properties of simplicial complexes. In his doctoral work, Andrés David investigated what spaces admit a partitionable triangulation, like the real projective plane, the dunce hat, and the open Möbius strip. In this endeavor, he developed tools that reduce the discussion about partitionability or shellability of a given complex in terms of simpler constituent relative subcomplexes. Andrés David also explored some computational aspects of shellability, namely, that the property is NP-complete.
Dean Lipovac defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP Famnit entitled »Human preference for wooden materials and their role in restorative environments« under the mentorship of doc. dr. Michael David Burnard
Doctoral dissertation summary
Lipovac’s dissertation examined the role of wood in restorative environments, environments where people can relax and recover from stress. Through a review article and four empirical studies, Dean Lipovac investigated whether wood can improve the comfort and well-being of building occupants by examining how people perceive and respond to different wood materials in different contexts. The results show that people prefer wood in different contexts, but that exposure to smaller wood surfaces is unlikely to significantly affect people's emotional states, physiological activity, and cognitive performance.
Bojan Dolar defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP FM entitled »The intergenerational succession of leadership in a family business« under the mentorship of prof. dr. Roberto Biloslavo
Doctoral dissertation summary
The research purpose was to explore in-depth the first-generation succession in a family business from the perspective of the incumbent and the successor, in order to gain new insights, improve knowledge and understanding of this phenomenon and contribute to its better effectiveness.
The applied qualitative multiple case study and content analysis method led to some recognizable contributions to science such as the five-dimensional conceptual framework and the successional orientation and to several findings useful for succession practice.
Renè Rodriguez Aldama defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP Famnit entitled »Generic constructions of minimal codes from special classes of functions over finite fields« under the mentorship of prof. dr. Enes Pasalic and co-mentorship of doc. dr. Nastja Cepak
Doctoral dissertation summary
In recent decades, linear codes have been successfully employed to build strong security algorithms. A special class of codes called minimal has been used to derive secure two party computation protocols and secret sharing schemes. René's doctoral thesis introduces generic methods to obtain minimal codes using the theory of Boolean functions and finite fields. Moreover, since the geometric and combinatorial nature of the constructions cover a wide range of possibilities, codes with flexible parameters and additional properties are built, for instance, not satisfying the so-called Ashikhmin-Barg bound or with a large minimum distance.
Amar Bapić defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP Famnit entitled »Constructing new superclasses of bent functions and further constructions of cryptographically significant mappings outside M#« under the mentorship of prof. dr. Enes Pasalic and co-mentorship of doc. dr. Samir Hodžić
Doctoral dissertation summary
The thesis introduces results which lead to new secondary constructions of (vectorial) bent functions outside the completed Maiorana-McFarland class and it introduces two new superclasses of bent functions: SC and CD, with their applications. Some known constructions of bent functions (e.g. indirect sum and 4-decomposition) are studied as well and conditions for which the obtained functions lie outside M#.
Marc Elmeua González defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP FVZ entitled »Biomechanical analysis of equestrian sports« under the mentorship of prof. dr. Nejc Šarabon
Doctoral dissertation summary
This thesis presents a compilation of four studies on muscle activity and biomechanics of riding, as well as on measures to make riding safer. The aim of the thesis is to describe the biomechanical responses of the rider to the horse's movement and how these are influenced by training interventions and equipment modification.
Differences in muscle activation patterns and mechanical stress redaction on the trunk have been observed between advanced riders and novice riders. Furthermore, it appears that adjustments to riding equipment and feedback training can reduce the mechanical stress redaction.
Blas Fernandez defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP Famnit entitled »On certain problems related to Terwilliger algebras and distance-balanced graphs« under the mentorship of prof. dr. Štefko Miklavič and co-mentorship of izr. prof. dr. Ademir Hujdurović
Doctoral dissertation summary
Blas Fernandez's doctoral dissertation consists of two parts. In the first part, Blas discusses the so-called Terwilliger algebra of a graph. In the past, this algebra was mainly used to study distance-regular graphs and associative schemes. The main contribution to science in the first part of the doctoral dissertation is therefore the use of the Terwilliger algebra for the study of classes of graphs that are not necessarily distance-regular. In the second part of the dissertation, Blas studies the so-called distance-balanced graphs. In this work, Blas resolves several open questions about these graphs raised by other researchers in the literature and classifies a special subclass of regular distance-balanced graphs. The results, which are covered in the doctoral dissertation, are published in six articles in international SCI journals.
Jaka Gašper Pečnik defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP Famnit entitled »Advanced Adhesive Applications for Timber Construction Elements« under the mentorship of izr. prof. dr. Matthew Schwarzkopf and co-mentorship of viš. znan. sod. dr. Vaclav Sebera
Doctoral dissertation summary
The PhD conducted by Jaka Gašper Pečnik entitled »Advanced adhesive applications for timber construction elements«; is focused on several innovative adhesive applications and experimental methods from static to dynamic loadings in the field of adhesives use in strucutral timber elements. The finding of the study emphasised the complexity of material variability, from selection of the adhesive systems to the type of wood species, and showed how these variabilities reflect in the performance of composites, joints, or modified wood.
Sadmir Kudin defended his doctoral dissertation at the UP Famnit entitled »Specifying bent functions outside M# and some results on correlation immune functions« under the mentorship of prof. dr. Enes Pasalic and co-mentorship of doc. dr. Samir Hodžić.
Doctoral dissertation summary
This thesis investigates and clarifies relations between certain classes of bent functions, namely: the Maiorana-McFarland class, the C and D class, and the PSap class. It also introduces and investigates several new notions related to vectorial Boolean functions, namely: vectorial bent-negabent functions and vectorial bent functions weakly or strongly outside of a given class of bent functions. Some open problems about correlation-immune and resilient functions are also investigated and solved in the thesis.
Sincere congratulations to all new Doctors of Science!
Thursday, 9 March 2023 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation - Cuauhtli Campos Mijangos
We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation Designing Interactive Paper Displays by Interlacing Physical and Digital Content Using Horizontal Touchscreens of the student Cuauhtli Campos Mijangos, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Computer Science.
The presentation will take place on Monday, 20 March 2023 at 16.00 in the classroom FAMNIT-MP6 and via Zoom on link:
Meeting ID: 841 6031 9340
Passcode: 488109
WHEN? 14 March 2023, 3.14 p.m.
WHERE? UP Armeria, Tito square 4, Koper
Pi Day is a holiday celebrating the mathematical constant π (pi) on 14 March each year, and is also the International Day of Mathematics. In the American date notation, 14 March is written as 3/14, which are the first three digits of pi. On this day, events are held all over the world, mostly competitions to memorise the decimals of a number. PIphilology covers various mnemonic techniques that can help us to know the maximum possible number of decimals of PI. One way is PIpoetry - i.e. poetry in which the number of letters in the nth word of a composition must equal the nth decimal in the decimal notation of Pi. PIphilology is a technique that can help us to know the maximum number of decimals of Pi. PIpoetry is a form of poetry in which the number of letters in the nth word of a composition must equal the nth decimal in the decimal notation of Pi. The first Slovenian competition in PIetry was organised at UP, in 2014, within Department of Mathematics of UP Famnit and UP IAM.
This year, we will celebrate this day at UP with the presentation of the scientific monograph Symmetry in Graphs by Ted Dobson, Aleksander Malnič and Dragan Marušič, first full-length book on the major theme of symmetry in graph. It was published in 2022 by Cambridge University Press, as part of the Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics series - a series of books aimed at introducing the reader to an active field of mathematical research. Besides being suitable for graduate students, the treatments are applicable for experts from other branches of mathematics, seeking access to research topics.
ABOUT »Symmetry in Graphs«
The book begins with the basic material, leading the reader towards major problems and most active research themes of this fast-growing field, which forms a part of algebraic graph theory. Authors motivate the detailed discussion of individual topics that follow the introduction.
It is concerned with the study of highly symmetric graphs, particularly vertex-transitive graphs, and other combinatorial structures, primarily by group-theoretic techniques. Investigations of the field shed new light on permutation groups and related algebraic structures.
Featuring many examples and over 450 exercises, it is an essential introduction to the field for graduate students and a valuable addition to any algebraic graph theorist's bookshelf.
Wednesday, 8 March 2023 Student from Japan enthusiastic about HICUP-LAB
Master's student, Yuri Yoneyama from Japan, decided to come to Slovenia as part of a research project involving human-computer interaction and augmented reality. Below, she reveals all about her journey and her work. In addition, she also explained the differences and similarities between Slovenia and Japan.
Yuri, a Master's student, at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan, visited the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT), in February, as she mentioned she was amazed by Slovenia quite some time ago.
However, her main reason relied on the visit of Assoc. prof. Matjaž Kljuna and Assoc. prof. Klen Čopič Pucihar from the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies (UP FAMNIT), who visited Japan to present their research area, where they also met and worked together on a joint project.
She considers the HICUP - Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Primorska as an important crossroads between Japan and Slovenia.
"In my home country-Japan, I am doing my Master's in the field of human-computer interaction and augmented reality. Within that, my research project relies on people who are struggling with social anxiety, which is also recognised as one of the most common mental health disorders. Besides, my greatest wish shortly is that people with special glasses, which I am designing, will tackle their anxiety easier. " She also presented her prototype in the HICUP lab, where enjoys her work and is learning a lot, even though sometimes it can take a lot of effort.
In the interview, she also mentioned that Slovenia was a great surprise for her, as she certainly did not imagine that it is such a developed country. "You live in a wonderful country, which I would love to revisit! However, you have a very advanced laboratory and very hard-working professors, which provides a pleasant working environment, " she smiled, "sometimes they can be amusing as well. If I compare it to Japan, the work structure here is very different! We have stricter rules," says Yuri Yoneyama.
She was also very fascinated by Slovenian culture and people.“ We don't have carnivals in Japan as Slovenian people have, also I would like to add that people here are very nice. If I emphasize my visit to the store where the shop assistant kindly smiled and was also very hospitable.” The biggest gap between countries is in her opinion public transport, as she adds "well, just terrible! in Japan, we have very good connections, and if there are delays, this can be very punishable", she concludes.
Monday, 6 March 2023 Call for Student Tutors for the 2023/2024 Academic Year is now open!
The new Rules on the tutoring system at the University of Primorska are in force, and as a result the new application deadline for student tutors is now open earlier.
We invite you to (re) apply for tutors in the upcoming academic year 2023/2024 and enrich your student experience and the experience of your younger colleagues.
What is tutoring?
Tutoring is an organized help to students based on a personal approach. The call is open for the following positions:
- tutors,
- tutors for foreign students,
- tutors to help students with special needs.
Who is tutoring intended for?
Student tutoring is intended primarily for first-year students who find themselves in a new living and educational environment. Tutors help them with important information and integration into the new environment.
Tutors for foreign students offer support to newcomers who come to UP for exchange or full-time study. Tutors help them integrate into the new environment as well as with administrative and language barriers.
You can apply online through the UP FAMNIT application.
Application deadline is 31 March 2023.
Introductory training for tutors will be organized in May 2023.
The organization and operation of the tutoring system is regulated by the Rules on the tutoring system at the University of Primorska (Pravilnik o tutorskem sistemu na Univerzi na Primorskem). An official English translation will be available shortly soon.
For additional questions, please contact:
Faculty member: UP FAMNIT
The University of Primorska invites applicants for a research assistant (postdoc with possibility to extended
tenure track faculty position). We seek candidates with a PhD in Life Sciences (molecular biology, ecology, biology, forestry, veterinary, biochemistry etc.). Applicants with experience in wildlife genomics will have priority; postdoctoral and teaching experience are required. Work position is classified in 43th salary grade, from 1st April 2023 onward in 44th salary grade. Trial work is three (3) months. Expected starting date is May 2023.
The candidate will become a member of the Molecular Ecology group at the Department of Biodiversity in the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. The group uses molecular tools to investigate many different topics and species, from wildlife monitoring to adaptation, and from conservation biology to wildlife management. The group has a keen interest also in citizen science in wildlife monitoring.
Your tasks:
A selected candidate will contribute to the management of national and international research projects and maintain and promote open science practices. The candidate will also teach a minimum of 1 course per semester, train, and supervise students. Work environment will also include international travel due to project meetings.
Your profile:
- A relevant university education with a completed doctoral/PhD degree and a strong potential in research.
- Experience with conducting population genomics analyses is preferred but not required.
- Exceptional organizational skills and strong ability to accomplish tasks independently.
- Teaching or supervision experience required.
- Excellent spoken and written English is required.
Application instructions:
Interested applicants are requested to send the application in electronic form to and “Tenure-track position” in the object.
Please attach in pdf format:
- A cover letter explaining your interest in the position and how you fit the description
- a CV
- a list of publications highlighting the five most relevant ones.
Application deadline: 31 March 2023
The University of Primorska (UP) welcomed a delegation from the University of Silesia to explore opportunities for internationalisation and research collaboration. The UP Sector for Internationalisation and Project Office hosted the delegation for two days to discuss approaches to internationalisation, project support and the researcher’s view.
On Tuesday, the delegation was welcomed and given a general presentation of UP and its internationalisation and science communication. This was followed by an introduction to general approaches to internationalisation and supporting research. The delegation then heard about central support mechanisms for international students and general approaches to project support, and visited Science Center UP – Aquarium Piran. Finally, they learned about integration into the environment, with a focus on Slovene language learning.
The next day, the delegation met with a research group and heard about faculty support mechanisms at UP FAMNIT and UP FVZ. They also explored UP FM Study Affairs and technological transfer at the Center of Knowledge Development & Transfer, at InnoRenew. The day concluded with a tour and an introduction to research institute InnoRenew CoE.
The visit from the University of Silesia was a great success, providing an opportunity for both universities to discuss approaches to internationalisation and research collaboration. UP looks forward to future collaboration.