University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Thursday, 30 March 2023 Within the project - A Day of planting Melliferous plants, Dr Živa Fišer highlighted the importance of wild pollinators

Last year, Slovenian beekeepers launched the project A Day of  planting Melliferous plantssupported by the company Avto Krka and Rotary Slovenia and North Macedonia. This year they gave special attention to the wild pollinators. For this reason, they invited Dr. Živa Fišer from the Department of Biodiversity (UP FAMNIT) to present their importance. The lecturer emphasized their significant role in providing pollination and also our part in ensuring a safe and adequate living environment.

Partners of the project encouraged schools to maintain biodiversity, therefore, they gave them a wild pollinator hotel made by Tončka Hočevar Centre for Conservation and Education. 

The project runs until 2030 and aims to plant 2 million Melliferous plants. Part of donation given by Avto Krka and the Rotary Federation of Slovenia will devoted to reforestation of the burnt Kras region.