University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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Friday, 15 December 2017 UP FAMNIT Department of Information Sciences and Technologies is looking for TWO assistants!

What are we looking for:

  • 2 assistants in the field of Computer science and informatics

What do we offer:

  • 1 year full time contract (40 hours a week), starting from 1st February 2018.

Required qualifications:

  • MSc (or equivalent of 2nd Bologna cycle) in Computer Science
  • valid habilitation title of Assistant in the field of Computer Science.

Required skills and competences:

  • teamwork, organizational and communication capability,
  • active knowledge of English,
  • knowledge of computer tools,
  • organization skills in working with students,
  • previous teaching experience is welcome.

Work assignments description:

  • active participation in the educational, scientific and research work,
  • leading exercises or trainings for students based on the instructions of the subject holder; collaboration with the lecturers in the preparation and implementation of student exams and other activities.
  • preparation of teaching materials, equipment and needed tools,
  • participation in the scientific and research work, transferring the results of the scientific research work into the study process and participation in activities related to the pedagogical and scientific research work,
  • active participation in the professional and development work of the University.
  • active participation in the bodies of the Faculty/University,
  • other tasks related to the position.

The needed documentation (CV, bibliography, copy of the habilitation decision – if available, short vision of the collaboration with UP FAMNIT, description of the competences in the fields, in which the candidate will work, description of the past pedagogical work) shall be submitted until 14th January 2018.

For more information:

Lara Gorela
000386 5 611 75 77

The call is published on the website of the Employment Service of Slovenia.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017 A weekend full of international visits and mathematical contents!

Last weekend UP FAMNIT hosted several international visits, especially from the field of Mathematics.
A successful end of the week started already on Thursday, 23 November 2017, when our professor and researcher Assoc. Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD received the Zois Certificate of Recognition for important achievements in scientific research work in the field of discrete mathematics.
Zois Awards and Recognitions are the most prestigious awards for exceptional achievements in scientific research and development activities, awarded to researchers in the Republic of Slovenia.

(On the photo: Ass. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD (UP FAMNIT Dean), Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, PhD, Prof. Pavel Exner, PhD, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD (UP Rector), Assoc. Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD, Tomaž Boh, PhD (State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia) and Assoc. Prof. Vito Vitrih, PhD (UP IAM Director)

The ceremony was attended also by Prof. Pavel Exner, PhD, President of the European Mathematical Society, who was our guest in the frame of the meeting of the Executive Council of the Society.
The meeting was held from Friday, 24 November, to Sunday, 26 November, in Portorož, where the University of Primorska will host the 8th European Congress of Mathematic – 8ECM. In addition to the president Prof. Exner, the meeting was attended also by the other members of the EC, which are all renowned university professors and researchers in various fields of mathematics.
At the three-day meeting they discussed the fruitful work of the Society and of course reviewed the process of organization of the 8ECM Congress.

The European Congress of Mathematics is the second biggest event in the field of mathematics in the world (in addition to the world's congress of mathematic). The Congress is organized every 4 years, with more than 1,000 mathematicians participating. Therefore, the organization of the event is currently in the full swing, which was noticed and praised also by the Council.

(On the photo: EMS Executive Council meeting participants)

Guests also visited UP FAMNIT, where they presented their research activities to students and researchers of the Faculty and UP IAM in the framework of the Mathematical research seminar.
On Friday, Akad. Prof. Marko Tadić, PhD from the University of Zagreb conducted a lecture entitled On non-commutative harmonic analysis and theory of automorphic forms.
Prof. Tadić obtained a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Zagreb. He is now a full professor at the University of Zagreb and does research in the field of noncommutative harmonic analysis, especially the representation theory of classical groups and classification of unitary representation and its interaction.
Prof. Tadić did also a two full-year work as a visiting professor at the University of Utah and visited several other international universities and institutions for research and teaching work (University of Chicago, University Paris VI, Max Planck Institute for mathematics Bonn, University Paris-Orsay, University of Münster, national University of Singapore, The Hong Kong University of Science and technology, University Denis Diderot – Paris 7). Since 2000 he has been a member of the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts. He is also a member of Academia Europaea.

On Monday, however, a series of visits was concluded with Prof. Vicente Muñoz Velázquez, PhD with a lecture entitled Complex, Symplectic and Kahler geometry.
Prof. Muñoz Velázquez is a full professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid Facultad de Matematicas. He received his doctorate in mathematics at the University of Oxford and does research work in the field of geometry and topology. He is an active member of Spanish Royal Society of Mathematics and a member of executive committee of the European Mathematical Association.

(Photo: lectures delivered by Acad. Prof. Marko Tadić, PhD and Prof. Vicente Muñoz Velázquez, PhD)

It is our great pleasure and honor to host so many internationally acclaimed scientists and researchers, which only helps in opening even more our University to the world.

Saturday, 25 November 2017 Mathematical Advent Calendar 2017

Elementary School students (8th and 9th year) and High School students are invited to compete in solving problems as part of the  Mathematical Advent Calendar.
The competitors are divided into three categories: 1st level (Elementary School, 2nd level (High School, first and second year) and 3rd level (High School, third and fourth year).

You will have fun with the Mathematical Advent Calendar from December 1st to December 20th.

There is one day (24 hours) available for solving each of the problems (from midnight till midnight).

In each category  three awards will be given, each award will be  a USB together with a T-shirt.

Only High School students and Elementary School pupils (8th and 9th year)  are allowed to compete; they have to create an account here.

Others can join here.

The rules of the quiz are available here.

Friday, 24 November 2017 Assoc. Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD awarded with the prestigious Zois Certificate of Recognition

We are honored to announce that our professor and researcher Assoc. Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD received the Zois Certificate of Recognition for important achievements in scientific research work in the field of discrete mathematics.
Zois Awards and Recognitions are the most prestigious awards for exceptional achievements in scientific research and development activities, awarded to researchers in the Republic of Slovenia.

Martin Milanič earned his doctorate degree at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (USA). Between July 2007 and February 2009 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Technology at Bielefeld University, and after that he was employed at the University of Primorska – on the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies and on Andrej Marušič Institute.

Assoc. Prof. Milanič, PhD deals with discrete mathematics, especially with algorithmic graph theory and theoretical computer science. His bibliography covers more than 70 original scientific articles and a chapter in a scientific monograph, with more than 290 pure citations over the past ten years.
He is also member of the Organising Committee of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics - 8ECM, which will take place in Pororož (Slovenia) in 2020.

Photo: RTV TV SLO (

The ceremony was attended also by Prof. Pavel Exner, PhD, President of the European Mathematical Society, who is currently visiting UP FAMNIT.
On the photo below: Ass. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD (UP FAMNIT Dean), Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, PhD, Prof. Pavel Exner, PhD, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD (UP Rector), Assoc. Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD, Tomaž Boh, PhD (State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia) and Assoc. Prof. Vito Vitrih, PhD (UP IAM Director).

Wednesday, 15 November 2017 Workshop on Discrete and Computational Biomathematics and Mathematical Chemistry 2017

This week UP FAMNIT is hosting the Workshop on Discrete and Computational Biomathematics and Mathematical Chemistry 2017 which is organized together with the Slovenian Discrete and Applied Mathematics Society

From Wednesday 15 November to Friday 17 November students and professors are invited to take part in lectures and other activities, which will be held also by guest lecturers from the University of Leipzig.

The Workshop programme and abstracts are available here.

(On the picture: guests from the University of Leipzig - Jörg Fallmann, Sarah Berkemer, Nancy Retzlaff, Jörg Fallmann and UP FAMNIT Assist. Nino Bašić)

Monday, 16 October 2017 Meet up party 2017/18

UP FAMNIT Student council warmly invites students and employees to the traditional Meet up party in the beginning of the year.

We will hang out in Center Adria Bowling in Ankaran (Jadranska certa 25) on Wednesday 25 October, starting from 8 PM.

You can reach Ankaran from Koper by Arriva public bus or by taking the bus organized by the Student Council which will leave from Koper at 7.30 PM (Bus station by the market) and from Ankaran (back to Koper) at 1.00 AM.

Entrance is free for all Famnit students and employees but everyone has to register HERE.

More info at:

See you in Ankaran!

Sunday, 15 October 2017 Alpine Europe Summer School Video released!

Between 28 and 30 June 2017, a diverse group of international students participated to the summer school The Forest Sector’s Contribution to Sustainability of the Built Environment in Alpine Europe, which was organised jointly by the University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies and Oregon State University College of Forestry (USA).

Young researchers from Finland, Indonesia, China, Sweden, Ukraine, United States of America and Slovenia traveled for two weeks, during which they learned about traditional and modern architecture of the built environment and explored good practices related to wood use in Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.

Watch the wonderful video about the summer school produced by OSU and read the blog maintained by the participants of the summer school.

Friday, 6 October 2017 UP Scholarship Fund - Call for applications

The call for scholarship applications of the Scholarship Fund of the University of Primorska has been published on Friday, 6 October 2017.

Students who would like to apply must submit the requested documentation by Sunday 15 October 2017.

The Scholarship Found of the University of Primorska is managed by the University, while it is supported by national, municipal, private and other financial sources. Special emphasis is given on linking students with prospective employers, who invest in the scholarship fund and also have an option to choose which students they will support with their funds.

You can read more about this year invitation here (find the documents in English), for more information please contact the Career Centre of the University of Primorska (05/61 17 636,

Friday, 6 October 2017 Special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics devoted to the workshop AGTAC (Koper, 2015)

We are very proud to announce that a special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics is now online. It is devoted to the workshop AGTAC - Algorithmic Graph Theory on the Adriatic Coast which was held at the University of Primorska in June 2015.

The scientific meeting was organized by UP FAMNIT and UP IAM and was attended by 100 participants from 21 contries.

Check the Guest editor's foreword and read the other interesting contributions about new results on topics in structural, algorithmic, and extremal graph theory.

Congratulations to the authors, editors and AGTAC organisers for the successful work!

(Participants of the workshop Algorithmic Graph Theory on the Adriatic Coast)

Monday, 2 October 2017 UP FAMNIT welcomes 76 new students from abroad!

This year the number of students from abroad who decided to study at UP FAMNIT has significantly increased: today we welcomed 76 new freshmen from 16 countries! In addition, there are 19 more students who came to Koper through programmes such as Erasmus+ and Erasmus Mundus.

Students from abroad represent almost 40 % of all FAMNIT freshmen and they come from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Italy, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mexico, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Turkey and Uzbekistan.

Most of them have participated to UP Orientation days 2017 where they learned about Slovenia, Koper and their study obligations.

We wish to all of them a pleasant start of the new chapter of their life and a successful year!

Thursday, 28 September 2017 "Orientation days 2017" at the University of Primorska

Today around 120 students were gathered together at the University of Primorska for the beginning of the “Orientation days 2017” intended for students from abroad who are enrolled in our study programs in the academic year 2017/2018 or will spend at UP their mobility period within the framework of the Erasmus + programme or other mobility programmes.

At the introductory meeting, we presented our University, the environment and the main characteristics of Slovenia and its inhabitants. Also, information on the procedures for the purpose of obtaining necessary permits for their stay in Slovenia were very useful. In these proceedings at the administrative unites students will be helped by the tutors and the Student Organization of the University of Primorska (ŠOUP). After visiting Koper, they went to the UP Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica, where they had the chance to taste some culinary delights of our region.

On Friday, September 29, 2017, the Mobility Coordinators and UP Enrollment Office will be available for them for any information needed. In the afternoon, they will attend workshops at the “European researchers’ night 2017” organized by UP in cooperation with the University of Maribor, the University of Nova Gorica, the National Institute of Biology from Ljubljana and Franko Miklošič High School from Ljutomer.

On Saturday, September 30, 2017, foreign students will start with the Slovenian language course, while on Sunday they will be able to enjoy relaxing on the beach.

We will conclude our orientation days with "Pozdrav brucem" – the Welcome day organized for all freshmen, which will take place on Monday, October 2, 2017, from 9.30 am on Tito Square in Koper.


Wednesday, 27 September 2017 MASTER'S STUDIES: Begining of courses and meetings with programme coordinators

Dear students,

courses of all Master's programmes will start on Monday, 2nd October 2017, as follows:

  • Mathematical Sciences (in English): Mathematical Research Seminar at 10.00 in Famnit-Pošta.
    Meeting with the programme coordinator: Friday, 29h September at 12.00 in Famnit-Muzejski4;
  • Computer ScienceSelected Topics in Image Processing on Tuesday, 3rd October at 16.00 in Famnit-Muzejski2.
    Meeting with the programme coordinator: Monday, 2nd October at 16.30 in Famnit-MP2;
  • Nature ConservationEcology of Terrestrial Ecosystems at 15.30 in classroom Ogenj, Campus Livade.
    Meeting with the programme coordinator: Monday, 2nd October at 10.30 in classroom Omega, Campus Livade.
  • BiopsychologyHealth Psychology at 11.30 in DĐD-3-MP1.
    Meeting with the programme coordinator: Wednesday, 4th October at 10.00 in DŠD-2-MP2.

For any additional questions or information please contact Student Services office (05/611 75 75,

We wish you a lot of academic success in the academic year 2017/2018!

Student Sevices UP FAMNIT



Dear freshmen!

Your first Academic year is about to start and we are warmly inviting you to take part of the activities and events of the first day!

  • 9:30–10:30: University of Primorska reception of freshmen on Tito square
  • 11:00–12:00: UP FAMNIT reception of freshmen – classroom Famnit-VP (Glagoljaška 8, 1st floor)
  • 14:00–15:00: Meetings with study programmes coordinators:
    • Mathematics in Economics and Finance: classroom Famnit-Muzejski1 (Muzejski 7, ground floor)
    • Biodiversity: classroom Famnit-Muzejski2 (Muzejski 7, ground floor)
    • Mediterranean agriculture: classroom Famnit-Muzejski4 (Muzejski 7, ground floor)
    • Biopsychology: classroom Famnit-VP (Glagoljaška 8, 1st floor)
  • 15:00–16:00: Computer Science (in English) – meeting with the programme coordinator: classroom Famnit-MP1 (Glagoljaška 8, 1st floor)
  • 15:00–17:00: informal socializing in Galeb study room (Kettejeva 1, ground floor)

The meeting for the programme Mathematics (in English language) will be on Friday, 29 September at 12.00 in the classroom Famnit-Muzejski-4 (Muzejski 7, ground floor).

All courses will start on Tuesday, 3rd October – please check the schedule here. Time and classroom changes will be regularly published on the website, but we advise you to register for the news and notices for your programme, as you will be immediately notified of any change.

See you soon!

UP FAMNIT professors and staff


Tuesday, 26 September 2017 Orientation days for international students

In the beginning of the new academic year, UP FAMNIT will welcome almost 100 students from abroad (75 degree-seeking students in first years and 19 students on exchange).

The number of international students is increasing also at the University of Primorska as a whole. Therefore, we are organizing ORIENTATION DAYS this year for all of them, which will help them to know the environment and the university.

Professors, researchers and students – you are invited to join us in our activities! The program is presented below. For more information you can contact the international office at



  • 1 pm: Welcome to the University of Primorska! Serious staff – procedures (location: UP FM)
  • 1.30 pm: Where is Slovenia and what is happening there? (location: UP FM)
  • 2.30 pm: Where am I? UP environment and faculties excursion – walking tour of Koper (location: around Koper)
  • 5 pm: bus transfer to Portorož
  • 6 pm: Who are my fellow students? Country fair & typical local dish (location: UP FTS Turistica)
  • 11 pm: bus transfer back to Koper


  • 10 am: Getting together & meeting other organizations (location: UP FM)
  • 11 am: Meeting of foreign students with the participants of the international conference (location: UP FM)
  • 12 noon: Meeting with the department coordinators, international offices and tutors (location: Faculties - at UP FAMNIT in classrooms Muzejski 1, 2, 3, 4)
  •  2.30 pm: Science for life – workshops and meeting UP researchers (locations: Taverna, Livade, San Simon beach)


  • 10 am: Crash Slovenian language course (location: UP FM)
  • 12 noon: Presentation of sport and socializing activities at the Coast for the weekend (location: UP FM)


  • Free day!


  • 9.30 am: University reception of all freshmen (location: Titov square)
  • 11 am: Faculty receptions of freshmen (location: Faculties – at UP FAMNIT in classroom VP)
  • 1 pm: “Welcome day for foreign students” – for all the students who did not attend the orientation days (location: UP FHS, Maestral 1)

Wednesday, 20 September 2017 Public Tender for Young Researchers Candidates for the Year 2017

University of Primorska published a public tender for young researchers candidates with selected mentors:





Assoc. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD

1.01 Natural sciences and mathematics / Mathematics

P1-0285 Algebra, discrete mathematics, probability, and game theory

UP Andrej Marušič Institute


Deadline:  4th  October 2017 by 2 p.m. 

Below you can find the needed documentation for application to the public tender:

Wednesday, 20 September 2017 Course schedules for the autumn semester 2017/18

We would like to inform you that the course schedules for the undergraduate and Master's study programmes for the autumn semester 2017/18 are published on our website ( The lectures start on Monday, 2 October 2017 and last until Friday, 19 January 2018.

On the same page you will also be able to find instructions for viewing the course schedule. Please read them carefully.

Students are divided into groups for laboratory work in some courses in undergraduate study programmes (Computer Science (1st and 2nd year of study), Biodiversity (1st and 2nd year of study) and Biopsychology (1st and 3rd year of study)). The list of students will be published on Friday, 29 September 2017.

Please check the schedule every week, because weekly schedules can differ.

The schedule might change until Friday, 29 September. Please check the schedule again before the beginning of the academic year.

Changes after that will be published in the notices of Student Services. You will be able to find them here: (for each study programme separately). We advice all students to register for the news, as they will also receive e-mails with the news and will be notified immediately of any change.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Friday, 15 September 2017 From 18 to 22 September 2017: third (last) application term for candidates from non-EU countries and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship

From 18 September to 22 September 2017 (third application term) candidates from non-EU countries and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship can apply for undergraduate studies at UP FAMNIT: Mathematics, Mathematics in Economics and Finance, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Biodiversity, Mediterranean Agriculture and Biopsychology.

All information about the application procedure are available here.

For more information please contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Wednesday, 13 September 2017 Second application term for postgraduate studies – from 14 September to 20 September 2017

On 14 September starts the second application term for postgraduate studies at UP FAMNIT 2017/2018 and it lasts until 20 September 2017.

The application is possible for all study programme that are included in the call for enrolment.

All information about the application procedure are available here.

For more information please contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Friday, 1 September 2017 Today, 1 September 2017 second application term for the enrolment in subsequent year, study for graduates and parallel studies: undergraduate study

1 September 2017 starts the second application term for undergraduate studies (enrolment for the subsequent year, study for graduates and parallel studies) at UP FAMNIT and it lasts until 15 September 2017:

  • for candidates from EU,

All information about the application procedure are available here.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017 UP FAMNIT's partners high on ARWU 2017

The ShanghaiRanking Consultancy published the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for 2017. On the subject ranking list for mathematics the University of Primorska reached position #401-500, which represents a good achievement for a small sized university.

The list of the world’s best higher education institutions includes many universities, where UP FAMNIT graduates continue their studies, and a considerable number of UP FAMNIT project and research partners.

UP FAMNIT graduates currently study, or recently graduated, at the following prestigious universities: University of Copenhagen (#30), University of Edinburg (#32), Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (#40), Technical University Munich (#50), Rutgers, The State University of New Yersey – New Brunswich (#79), University Amsterdam, University Paris Diderot – Paris 7, University of Birmingham, VU University Amsterdam, University of Bonn (all #101-150).

For many years, UP FAMNIT and UP IAM are cooperating in research and projects with more than 150 universities and research institutions, from which we also welcome guest lecturers and researchers. Our partners are:
Stanford University (#2), University of Cambridge (#3), University of Oxford (#7), University of Washington (#13), Northwestern University (#22), Imperial College London (#27), University of Wisconsin – Madison (#28), University of British Columbia (#31), Utrecht University (#47), Technical University Munich (#50), Vanderbilt University (#52), The University of Queensland (#55), University of Helsinki (#56), Aarhus University (#65), Peking University (#71), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (#79), Ohio State University (#80), University of California, Davis (#85), University of Western Australia (#91), Moscow State University (#93), George-August University Goettingen (#95), University of Southampton, University of Sheffield, University of Adelaide (all #101–150), University of Vienna, La Sapienza University Rome, University of Leipzig, Oregon State University (all #151-200).

This year, 1.300 universities have been ranked by ARWU and the best 800 are now published. ARWU adopts six objective indicators to rank world universities, including the number of alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, the number of Highly Cited Researchers, the number of articles published in journals Nature and Science, the number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index – Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, and per capita performance.

ARWU has been recognised as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy league table. 

Monday, 21 August 2017 Second (last) application term for undergraduate study starts 22 August

Tomorrow, 22 August starts the second application term for undergraduate studies at UP FAMNIT in Academic year 2017/18:

  • candidates from EU can apply in the second term from 22 to 29 August 2017.

Candidates must fill in the online application form and send the needed documentation.

All information about the application procedure are available here.

For more information you can contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Wednesday, 9 August 2017 Student exchange for study with partner universities from Egypt and Jordan

The University of Primorska publishes the call for student exchange (for study) with partner universities from Egypt and Jordan in the frame of the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME - Higher Education Mobility Consortium (KA107).

The call includes 1 incoming mobility from Egypt and 1 incoming mobility from Jordan to UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) for 6 months!


Monday, 7 August 2017 Our first year students again successful at IMC 2017

The 24th International mathematical competition for University Students – IMC 2017, which takes place every year in Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria, finished on Sunday. This year's edition was held between 31 July and 6 August.

FAMNIT and the University of Primorska were represented by three of our first year Mathematics students: Filip Božić, Daniil Baldouski and Arbër Avdulahu, who received a honourable mention.

Results, problems and their solutions will be soon found on the competition's website.

We congratulate to our first year students for their achievements and we wish them a lot of success also in their future endeavours!

Friday, 4 August 2017 UP ORIENTATION DAYS

So… you've decided to come to the University of Primorska and move to the Slovenian coastile.
Now what?
No worries, we are here to help!

Join us a few days before the start of the semesterand learn how to survive here as a student!

Between Thursday, 28 September and Saturday, 30 September, we are organizing Orientation days for all new UP students from abroad!

We highly recommend that you attend, as you will:

  • Learn about the university and the area
  • Learn about the administrative procedures you need to do when moving to Slovenia
  • See what you can do as a studen t besides studying (where to eat, where to party, and where to spend your free time)
  • Meet fellow students
  • Meet tutors
  • Meet faculty members, professors, researchers
  • Meet international officers
  • Meet the Student Organisation of the University of Primorska
  • Learn about the study and research at the University of Primorska

Preliminary programme:

Thursday, 28 September 2017:

  • FIRST STEPS IN PRIMORSKA - Start at 2 pm
    • Welcome at the University of Primorska
    • About Slovenia, the region, and interesting spots
    • Practical information important for your stay
    • Excursion around faculties, including bus to Portorož
    • Fair – present your own country*
    • Party in Portorož

Friday, 29 September 2017:

  • GETTING TO KNOW THE FACULTY - Start at 10 am
    • Meeting with programme study coordinators, faculty members, and departments
    • Discussions on expectations
    • European researchers' night – a chance to see research equipment, meet researchers, and learn about UP's research

Saturday, 30 September 2017:

  • USEFUL TIPS AND TRICKS - Start at 10 am
    • Crash Slovenian course
    • Socializing time

Sunday, 1 October 2017:

    • Free time

Monday, 2 October 2017:

  • 1, 2, 3, GO!
    • Before noon: Faculty receptions• 11 am: rector's reception of all freshmen

The exact programme will be sent to you via e-mail before your arrival!

IMPORTANT ==> Confirm your participation at, so that we can plan the event accordingly before 31 August 2017!

*Bring food and drinks that represent your country and anything else you believe would help others understand where you are coming from. Be creative!

More information: contact your faculty international office and/or student office.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017 Stronger cooperation with US universities and research institutions

UP FAMNIT and UP IAM have recently obtained new funds through a public tender for co-financing scientific research cooperation between Slovenia and USA. This means that in the next two years our researchers will strengthen the existing cooperation by hosting in the following US Universities and Research Institutions: National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Oregon State University, Rutgers University, Seattle University, Vanderbilt University, Mississippi State University, University of Washington.

Leaders of the seven approved projects are: dr. Dragan Žnidarčič, dr. Andreja Kutnar, dr. Martin Milanič, dr. Štefko Miklavič, dr. Dragan Marušič, dr. Klavdija Kutnar and dr. Vito Vitrih.

The list of all approved projects is available here.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017 Until 15 August 2017: second application term for candidates from non-EU countries and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship

Until Tuesday, 15 August 2017 (second application term) the candidates from NON-EU COUNTRIES AND SLOVENE NATIONALS WITHOUT SLOVENE CITIZENSHIP can apply for undergraduate studies at UP FAMNIT: Mathematics, Mathematics in Economics and Finance, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Biodiversity and Mediterranean Agriculture.

All information about the application procedure are available here.

For more information you can contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Tuesday, 1 August 2017 7th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics

Last week, mathematicians from 20 countries took part of the 7th PdH Summer School in Discrete Mathematics which is traditionally organized by UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

Two mini-courses were lectured by Vladimir Alexander Gurvich (Rutgers University, USA) and Robin Wilson (Open University, UK), while invited speakers were Marco Buratti (University of Perugia, Italy), Marston Conder (University of Auckland, New Zealand) György Kiss (UP and Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary), Joy Morris (University of Lethbridge, Canada), Mikhail Muzychuk (Netanya Academic College, Israel), Ilya Ponomarenko (Petersburg Department of V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russia) in Tamás Szőnyi (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary).

For many of the participants this was not the first time at the Summer School in Rogla, which clearly shows both the popularity and the quality of this scientific mathematical meeting.

Read more about this year's programme here.


On the piuctures: participants of the Summer School, (below, from left to right) Prof. Vladimir Alexander Gurvich, PhD and Prof. Robin Wilson, PhD.

Thursday, 20 July 2017 DO SCIENCE with US, choose a MSc at UP FAMNIT!

Our programmes are open to all!

Currently, almost 15 % of all our students are international. Combined with exchange students, more than 10% of international staff and more than 60 visiting professors and researchers annually, you will have a chance to truly feel the international beat of UP FAMNIT.

Read more about our Master's study programmes which are designed also for international students.

Mathematical Sciences

Computer Science

Nature Conservation

Mathematics with Financial Engineering


Applied Psychology

Sustainable Built Environments

Discover what is going on in our Departments!

Want to know more about the Faculty? Check out Quick fact about the Faculty.

For questions about the Slovenian Educational System continue reading our General Information.

All you need to know about the applicaton procedure is available here: Enrolment 2017/18!


Being a student in Slovenia brings you numerous benefits – from discounts (on public transport, entrance fees to events or other activities), eating in restaurants across the country using a special coupon system which significantly reduces the costs of living, to the possibility to work through an instrument called ‘Student Work’. This allows temporary and part-time work for students who can easily find a flexible job in different areas.

Study in Slovenia is even more convenient for students from European Union Member States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, the Republics of Macedonia and Serbia, since they do not pay any tuition fee, while part-time and PhD student have the University tuition, which are very low in comparison to others worldwide.

On the Slovenian coast, students can benefit from many sports and cultural activities, parties and trips which are organised by several student organisations. They also organise welcome or orientation weeks to help international students get to know each other and settle in. The University has a strong tutoring system, whereby students help other students at most of the faculties in solving everyday problems. In addition, everyone can choose to stay in a student dormitory or in a private apartment, where the student dorm is of course a cheaper choice.

Discover all the advantages of studyin in Slovenia at!

Monday, 17 July 2017 New journal ADAM included in the Media Registry

The new journal The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics (ADAM) has been included in the Media Registry. The journal is published by UP FAMNIT and Slovenian Discrete and Applied Mathematics Society (Slovensko društvo za diskretno in uporabno matematiko - Associazione slovena per la matematica discreta e applicata).

ADAM is a modern, high quality on-line open source international scientific journal in the field of discrete and applied mathematics. It is published twice a year in English language with abstracts in Slovenian.

You can read more about the journal here, while you can access the journal's website here

Thursday, 13 July 2017 Until 14 July 2017: first application term for candidates from non-EU countries and Slovene nationals without slovene citizenship

Until Friday, 14 July 2017 (first application term) the candidates from NON-EU COUNTRIES AND SLOVENE NATIONALS WITHOUT SLOVENE CITIZENSHIP can apply for undergraduate studies at UP FAMNIT.

All information about the application procedure are available here.

For more information you can contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Tuesday, 27 June 2017 20 international students are exploring good practices on wood use in Slovenia

A diverse group of international students will be staying on the Slovene coast between 28 and 30 June. They are participating at the international summer school The Forest Sector’s Contribution to Sustainability of the Built Environment in Alpine Europe, which is organised jointly by the University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies and Oregon State University College of Forestry (USA). Young researchers from Finland, Indonesia, China, Sweden, Ukraine, United States of America and Slovenia will be travelling for two weeks, during which they will learn about traditional and modern architecture of the built environment and explore good practices related to wood use in Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.

The summer school started on Sunday, 25 June in Ljubljana. The group then headed to Gozd Martuljek and Bled and today they are visiting Kočevje and the virgin forests in the region, while they will also stop in Ribnica to see the company Riko hiše.

As already mentioned, the group will arrive to Koper on 28 June, where they will visit the Port of Koper and Škocjanski zatok. They will continue the trip to Dragonja and Sečovlje salt pans, more specifically Lepa Vida Spa, where they will be discovering good practices of wood use in building modern buildings. They reserved Thursday for visiting the University of Primorska, more specifically UP FAMNIT, where students will learn about the rich international research work of the faculty.

Students will then continue their trip towards Venice and towns of Castelnuovo, Pieve and Cavalese and Bressanone. After a stop in Austrian Innsbruck, the summer school will finish in Zürich (Switzerland).

The aim of the summer school is to learn about sustainable built environment in Alpine Europe on specific examples. For this purpose, a number of visits to research organisations and companies active in modern research and development are planned.


The summer school is another example of the efforts made by the University of Primorska in the field of sustainable construction. UP FAMNIT researchers from the Department of Applied Natural Sciences are especially active in this area. They are trying to minimise the impact of the construction on the pollution and are trying to discover new technologies and support methodologies to decrease the environmental pollution. Their research focuses on different ways materials from sustainable resources (esp. wood) can be used. They are solving technological challenges in the use of sustainable materials and are trying to improve their characteristics. With fundamental research they are learning how the modification of natural materials impacts the environment and perform substantiated psychophysiological research of human perception of naturalness of different materials, and the impact of different materials in the living environment on health and wellbeing of people.

All of these ideas are implemented also by the Centre of Excellency InnoRenew CoE while the faculty will offer a new study programme next year: Sustainable Built Environment. The programme will educate professionals, who will be able to solve complex problems emerging in the sector of sustainable built environment.

Follow the blog maintained by the participants of the summer school and stay up-to-date with what is happening daily. 

Tuesday, 27 June 2017 New possibilities for exchanges!

We are happy to announce that UP FAMNIT successfully attained Erasmus+ support for exchanges in academic years 2017/2018 and 2018/2019.

We will be able to offer scholarships to incoming students from nine countries outside the EU:

  • Australia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • New Zealand
  • Russian Federation
  • Serbia
  • United States of America

Under the scheme we already supported students from Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Russian Federation, Serbia and United States of America, while we still have funding possibilities for students from Izrael.

Additional support was granted to the faculty for staff mobility.
We will be accepting them from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Kazakhstan and Russian Federation, while our colleagues will visit institutions in Australia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, New Zealand.

For details on the arrangements, please contact the international office at your institution or at UP FAMNIT (

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Koper!

Tuesday, 20 June 2017 Public Tender for Young Researchers Candidates for the Year 2017

University of Primorska publishes a Public tender for young researchers candidates for the year 2017.

The purpose of the Public Tender is the selection of the candidates for young researchers to be trained in the programme group P1 – 0285 (Algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and game theory) at the University of Primorska Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM) for obtaining a doctorate of science.

Candidates may apply until 28 July 2017.

The Public Tender and the needed documentation are available here.





Assoc. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD

1.01 Natural sciences and mathematics / Mathematics

P1-0285 Algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and game theory

UP Andrej Marušič Institute

Assoc. Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD

1.01 Natural sciences and mathematics / Mathematics

P1-0285 Algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and game theory

UP Andrej Marušič Institute


Monday, 12 June 2017 Courses for exchange students in 2017/18 published

All incoming students can check the offer of courses for 2017/18 academic year in the file here or on the page here

For support in creating learning agreements contact international office at

Friday, 9 June 2017 TUM Alumni meeting in Slovenia

We are very happy to announce a TUM (Technisches Universität München) Alumni event in Slovenia!

Prof. Dušanka Janežič, PhD is very engaged in the TUM Alumni network and she is really looking forward to meet other TUM Alumni in Slovenia. Therefore, she invites all interested to the University of Primorska in Koper on Saturday, June 17 at 1 p.m. for a nice get together in a beach café afterwards.

The meeting is also a great chance to get in touch with other TUM Alumni and exchange experiences about your time at TUM and your (business) life after that.

Please find more information about the event and your guide in the Community-Blog (

Feel free to share this invitation with all other TUM Alumni you know and who might be interested in the event.

See you on Saturday, June 17 in Koper!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017 Visiting lecturers and researchers met the Rector of the UP

At the end of spring semester, UP Rector Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, met lecturers and researchers from abroad who are currently involved in the pedagogical process and research activity at the University of Primorska.

The reception offered a pleasant opportunity for an informal networking and for planning interdisciplinary integration and cooperation.

 The meeting was attended by some of current UP FAMNIT visitors:

  • Prof. Janko Gravner, PhD (University of California Davis, USA),
  • Adrian Gradinar (Lancaster University, UK),
  • Assist. Prof. Miklos Kresz, PhD (University of Szeged, Hungary),
  • Prof. Ted Dobson, PhD (Mississippi State University, USA),
  • Marcin Anholcer, PhD (Poznan University of Economics and business, Poland),
  • Rachel Barber (Mississippi State University, USA),
  • Kawa Arkadiusz, PhD (Poznan University of Economics and business, Poland).

In the Academic year 2016/17 UP FAMNIT hosted 70 lecturers and researchers from abroad. Their visits were supported under the project GUEST UP, different bilateral projects or they visited us individually.

Monday, 5 June 2017 Scholarship opportunities at UP FAMNIT

The University of Primorska offers scholarships for students of BSc study programmes Mathematics and Computer Science.

If you are interested in studying at UP FAMNIT, and you have some excellent high school achivements in the field of Mathematics or Computer Science, send us an informative PRE-APPLICATION for the 2017/18 academic year.

To apply, please fill in our informative pre-application form and return it to us as soon as possible. You will be then notified, whether you are eligible for scholarship.

For additional clarifications and explanations, please visit our website or contact our International Office at

Thank you very much for considering UP FAMNIT in your plans for future studies!

Friday, 2 June 2017 Another success of our students at the Open International Internet Olympiad

UP FAMNIT students continue achieving great results in international mathematical competitions. Two of our mathematics students successfully finished the first two rounds of the Open International Internet Olympiad for Higher Education Students and entered the finals on 23 May 2017.

Among 6,413 participants from 175 universities, Arber Avdullahu (1st year Mathematics, BSc) placed 4th and won the silver medal, while Marko Palangetić (1st year Mathematical Sciences, MSc) placed 33rd and won the bronze medal.

The super final round of the competition will be held in Israel in October.

Famnit's students traditionally participate in the Open International Internet Olympiad. Last year, due to the excellent participation of our students, University of Primorska won the title »University winner«.

We congratulate our students for their fantastic achievements!


Friday, 26 May 2017 Israeli ambassador visited UP FAMNIT

On Wednesday, 24 May, Israeli ambassador, His Excellency, Eyal Sela visited Koper. After he stopped at the Port of Koper, he participated in a meeting at the University of Primorska, where he met the rector, prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, Deans of UP FHŠ and UP FAMNIT, prof. Irena Lazar, PhD and assoc. prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD and UP FTŠ vice dean assoc. prof. Gorazd Sedmak, PhD. Afterwards he also wished to visit UP FAMNIT. 

During a pleasant and relaxed meeting at the faculty, we presented the extensive collaboration we are having for years with Israeli institutions and people. Our students are participating at an elite international summer school Kupcinet-Getz International Summer School. They are very active in Open International Internet Olympiad, where our university received a Title of the Winner University last year and two years ago, they had a chance of meeting 15 Nobel laureates in the field of physics, chemistry, biology and economics in Israel.

Also our research collaboration is excensive. UP FAMNIT implemented 3 bilateral projects with Israeli institutions in recent years. Besides, Ben Gurion University of the Negev participated as an associate partner in the project EuroGiga GREGAS. The ambassador commended the collaboration with the Ben Gurion University of the Negev and emphasised the strategic importance of collaboration with them, as they will receive extensive development funds for the future with an expectations of further development and increase of influence.  

UP FAMNIT researchers published tens of joint SCI articles with Israeli colleagues, while is research cooperation intensive also in other areas: Israeli professors and researchers participate in our pedagogic process and they are giving lectures and participating at summer schools and scientific meetings, which we organise.

After the general presentation of collaboration, the Department of Applied Natural Sciences more specifically showcased their work. The countries share the challenges in the Mediterranean agriculture, even if the conditions are different. Considering the research progress, everyone agreed that there is still a lot of potential for future research and general cooperation between our and Israeli institutions. 

Thursday, 11 May 2017 Successful awarding ceremony of 2017 Gjakova Mathematics Competiton

On Wednesday, 10th of May, the final part of 2017 Gjakova Mathematical Competition took place in Gymnasium Hajdar Dushi in Gjakova (Kosovo). Pupils from all around the city came to attend the awarding ceremony of the competition, which took place on 27th of April 2017.

The event, which was covered by local media, was introduced by a very warm welcome of UP rector, dr. Dragan Marušič, and UP FAMNIT Dean, dr. Klavdija Kutnar.
In her congratulation speech, city mayor Mimoza Kusari-Lila, has strongly encouraged the young audience to engage in studying natural sciences, which can guarantee a better future to them and to the entire country. UP rector dr. Dragan Marušič emphasized the fact that mathematics, computer science and natural sciences are the fields of the future, because they are in compliance with the overall technological development of the world. He encouraged pupils from Gjakova to work hard and never give up.

The main awards of the competition went to three pupils from Gymnasium "Hajdar Dushi":
- Golden medal (12th grade category): Visar Buza
- Silver medal (12th grade category): Blert Beqa
- Golden medal (11th grade category): Endrit Beqa


All three have now the chance to participate for free to UP FAMNIT Summer Camp Math in cool in August 2017, while Visar and Blert have received a scholarship to study Mathematics at the University of Primorska.

Before the awarding ceremony UP Rector Prof. Dragan Marušič and UP FAMNIT Dean Assoc. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar had a pleasant meeting with the Mayor of the Municipality of Gjakovë, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, and the Director of the Directorate of Education in the Municipality of Gjakovë, Diana Qarkaxhija, who from the beginning strongly supported the idea of organizing a mathematics competition, which came from UP FAMNIT 1styear Mathematics students Eda Kaja, Lisi Qarkaxhija and Arbër Avdullahu.

Congratulations to all participants of the competition and to the three winners of the golden and silver medals!


Wednesday, 10 May 2017 Fully funded Joint PhD (co-tutelle) in Computer Science at University of Primorska (Slovenia) and University of St Andrews (UK) - starting Oct 2017

UP FAMNIT is offering one fully-funded PhD scholarship for a planned Joint PhD (co-tutelle) in computer science with University of St Andrews (UK). The planned collaboration with St Andrews is dependent on finalising arrangements on the co-supervision of the Joint PhD.

We welcome applications from International students who are enthusiastic about working as part of a multidisciplinary team focusing on applied computer science research in the following areas:
• Human-computer Interaction
• Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality
• Pervasive and Ubiquitous computing.

The selected candidate will be offered a tailored research project at UP FAMNIT. It's planned that this will be in collaboration with the University of St Andrews (UK) subject to approval. The intention is that upon the successful completion of PhD the candidate will be awarded a joint degree under a planned Joint PhD (co-tutelle) agreement.

  St andrews      primorska

What does the scholarship include?

The selected candidate will receive a 36-48 month scholarship which includes:

  • Monthly payments between 700€ and 1000€ —  subject to the candidate’s academic performance and previous experience and expertise.
  • Tuition fees.
  • Research equipment and a working desk.
  • Yearly budget for other research costs for covering fieldwork and conference attendance.

More information

Please follow the link here to read about eligibility criteria, student's obligations and direction on how to apply.  

Tuesday, 2 May 2017 2017 Gjakova Mathematics Competition

On Thursday, 27th April, 43 pupils from several high school from Gjakovë (Kosovo) participated to the first Gjakovë Mathematics competition. The idea for organizing the competition came from UP FAMNIT 1st year Mathematics students Eda Kaja, Lisi Qarkaxhija and Arbër Avdullahu, and it was immediately supported by Gjakovë Municipality and the University of Primorska.

The competition was held at AAB College amphitheater in Gjakovë, where 15 pupils from 12th grade and other 28 from 11th grade tested their knowledge in mathematics.

As some of them said, the questions were far from being easy but at the same time reasonable enough for math enthusiasts and those who wanted to challenge themselves with university-level tasks.

One of the aims of the competition was to to discover, encourage and challenge mathematically gifted pupils who will consider the possibility to study at UP FAMNIT. In fact, two scholarships will be offered by the University of Primorska to the best ones, while others will be invited to take part to the traditional summer school Mathematics is cool in August 2017.

Official results will be announced during the ceremony in Gjakovë on May 10th.

2017 Gjakova Mathematics Competition was well covered by local media, which proves the importance of this kind of international cooperation between the University of Primorska and the towns where our students come from.

Apart from our threes students from Kosovo, UP FAMNIT would like to thank everyone who has contributed in making the competition happen. Special thanks go to:
Mimoza Kusari-Lila, Mayor of Gjakovë,
Diana Qarkaxhija, Director of the Directorate of Education, Gjakovë Municipality,
Dardan Bakija, Lawyer of Directorate of Education, Gjakovë Municipality,
Jusuf Qarkaxhija, Visar Qarkaxhija and Rifat Haxhija, AAB College in Gjakovë.

Many thanks also to the numerous teachers from around the city who were involved in promoting the competition and recruiting pupils!

And of course, congratulations to all participants!

Saturday, 29 April 2017 Info day for Master's and PhD studies

If you are interested in studying at UP FAMNIT or you are still undecided about your postgraduate studies, come to our Info day, which will take place on Friday, 12 May in University Campus Livade in Izola.

This year teaching staff and students will not only present you our the postgraduate programs – you will have the chance to taste how it really is studying at UP FAMNIT.


From 15.00

Meetings with professors and programme coordinators, info-point for application and enrollment procedure

At 16.00

Mathematical Sciences / Mathematics with Financial Engineering:
Financial risks management and mathematics (Assoc. Prof.
Mihael Perman, PhD)


Applied Psychology:
Research and interventions in jails (Assist. Nuša Zadravec Šedivy)

At 17.00

Computer Science:
When the interlacement of digital and real create a new reality (Assist. Prof.
Klen Čopič Pucihar, PhD)


Sustainable Built Environments:
Wood – material of healthy living environments (Assoc. Prof.
Andreja Kutnar, PhD)

At 18.00

Biopsychological aspects of the contact with nature (Assist.
Marko Posavčević)


Nature Conservation:
Advanced Topics in Conservation Biology (Assoc. Prof. Elena Bužan, PhD)

For more information: / 05 611 75 75

The CALL FOR ENROLMENT into UP FAMNIT postgraduate study programmes in 2017/18 is available HERE.

See you!

Monday, 10 April 2017 Today, 10 April 2017 first application term for postgraduate study starts

10 April 2017 starts the first application term for postgraduate studies (enrolment in the 1st year, for the subsequent year and parallel studies) at UP FAMNIT and it lasts until 1 September 2017:

  • for candidates from EU,

All information about the application procedure are available here.

Candidates are invited to check our programme’s presentation and visit us on 12 May 2017 from 4 p.m. during the Open day! The Open day will take place in the University Campus Livade (Livade 6, Izola).

Friday, 10 March 2017 Call for enrolment into postgraduate study programmes in 2017/18 academic year

In 2017/18 Academic Year UP FAMNIT offers the following doctoral (3rd cycle) study programmes: Mathematical Science (available also in English) and Computer Science.

In 2017/18 Academic Year UP FAMNIT offers the following master (2nd cycle) study programmes: Mathematical Science (available also in English), Mathematics with Financial Engineering, Computer Science, Nature Conservation, Biopsychology, Applied Psychology, Sustainable Built Environments*.

*NEW: From 1 October 2017 (academic year 2017/18) the master programme Sustainable Built Environments will be implemented at UP FAMNIT. At the moment the merging process of the Faculty of Built Environment into UP FAMNIT is under way.

From 1 October 2017 (academic year 2017/18) the Master's and Doctoral study programme Applied Kinesiology will be offered at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences.

More information about the Call for enrolment into postgraduate study programmes in 2017/18 is available here: Postgraduate Call for enrolment

Candidates can apply in two terms:

  • first application term: from 10 April to 1 September 2017,
  • second application term: from 14 to 20 September 2017 (available places will be published on 14 September 2017 on this website).

More information about the application procedure is available here: Enrolment 2017/18

Candidates are invited to check our programme’s presentation and visit us in May 2017 during the Open day! The exact Open day’s date and programme will be published in next days!

Monday, 13 February 2017 Open days 2017 – Famnit welcomes new candidates

Last weekend (10 and 11 February) pupils from all over the country came to the Slovenian Coast and attended the traditional University of Primorska Opening days.

Prospective students were warmly welcomed by our Dean Assoc. prof. Klavdija Kutnar and UP FAMNIT Student Council president Martin Senič. After the initial greetings, everyone was invited to attend presentations of specific study programmes, where lecturers, assistants and students presented what it means to be a part of Famnit. We also organized a tour of the new University campus Livade in Izola, where visitors learnt what it is like to be working in the lab.

Dear freshmen, see you in Autumn!

Ckeck the pictures on our Facebook profile.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017 Open days – Welcome to Famnit

Feel free to visit us during the open days, which will be organised on

Friday, 10 February at 10:00
Friday ,10 February at 15:00
Saturday, 11 February at 10:00.


  • Dean’s greetings
  • Presentation of Student council and beside study activities
  • Presentation of undergraduate programmes at UP FAMNIT
  • Presentation of facilities in Koper and Izola

Coordinators, professors and assistants will present our undergraduate programmes (first Bologna cycle), and outline any admissions requirements of your selected programmes. They will also happily reply to all your questions. We will show you how the faculty life looks like and you will have the opportunity to talk to our students and walk through our facilities in Koper and Izola.

See you!

Monday, 6 February 2017 Today, first application term for undergraduate study starts

Today, 6 February starts the first application term for undergraduate studies at UP FAMNIT:

  • candidates from NON-EU CITIZENS AND SLOVENE NATIONALS WITHOUT SLOVENE CITIZENSHIP can apply in the first term until 14 July 2017,
  • candidates from EU can apply in the first term until 3 March 2017,
  • candidates can apply for the subsequent year of study (i.e. second or third year) in the first term until 3 March 2017.

All information about the application procedure are available here.

For more information you can contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Wednesday, 1 February 2017 Call for enrolment into undergraduate study programmes in 2017/18 academic year

In 2017/18 Academic Year UP FAMNIT offers the following study programmes: Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biopsychology, Computer Science (available also in English), Mathematics (available also in English), Mathematics in Economics and Finance, Mediterranean Agriculture.

NEW: In 2017/18 Academic Year the undergraduate study programme Computer Science will be offered also in English language (1st year).

All information about the application procedure are available here.


Candidates can apply in two terms:

  • first application term: from 6 February to 3 March 2017,
  • second application term: from 22 to 29 August 2017 (available places will be published on 21 August 2017 on this website).


Candidates can apply in three terms:

  • first application term: from 6 February to 14 July 2017,
  • second application term: from 1 to 15 August 2017 (available places will be published on 1 August 2017 on this website),
  • third application term: from 18 to 22 September 2017 (available places will be published on 18 August 2017 on this website).

Candidates are invited to visit us during the open days, which will be organised on 10 and 11 February 2017!

Thursday, 26 January 2017 Summer School / Faculty-led: Sustainable construction in Alpine Europe

University of Primorska (UP FAMNIT) and Oregon State University (College of Forestry) from the USA are organising a joint summer school / faculty-led programme The Forest Sector's Contribution to Sustainability of the Built Environment in Alpine Europe

During the summer school you will become familiar with sustainable construction in Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Croatia. 

The programme will be held between 24 June and 8 July. Students can obtain 6 ECTS throught the University of Primorska or 6 credits in WSE through the Oregon State University. 

Students from Europe and Northern America will be participating in the programme. 

You can read more about the programme on the webpage:

Wednesday, 18 January 2017 Eight professors from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan training at UP FAMNIT

On Monday, 16 January 2016, eight professors from three Uzbekistani and one Kazakhstani universities visited UP FAMNIT, where they are attending a two weeklong training in MATLAB and COMSOL.

The atmosphere on the first day was relaxed: Guests were initially greeted at our faculty and then attended a formal welcome with the rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD, Head of Department for Education and International Cooperation of the University of Primorska, Tatjana Mikelić Goja and the course organisers - dr. Boštjan Frelih, Iker Malaina and Aleš Oven. 

Immediately the next day, our guests rolled up their sleeves and started solving problems in Matlab. 

The training is organised under the project ECCUM. Together with partners from Spain (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) and Italy (Politecnico di Torino) we are helping our colleagues from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan develop and launch a master study programme in mathematical engineering. Curriculum and syllabuses have already been developed. In the current phase of the project, we are building the skills, which will be needed by the course providers for effective teaching. They will pass the knowledge gained at the University of Primorska to their students back home.

Training is simultaneously implemented also in Spain. Thus, partner institutions from Central Asia will be able to combine the knowledge and take the best of both institution.

Master study programme Mathematical Engineering will be implemented at the universities Urgench State University, Uzbekistan; Turin Polytechnic University, Uzbekistan; Bukhara Engineering – Technological Institute, BETI, Uzbekistan; A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, Kazakhstan; International Information Technology University, IITU, Kazakhstan.

Project is co-financed under the programme Erasmus+ - Capacity building in higher education. It is one of the 140 projects, selected for co-financing by the European Commission in 2015. With them, the EU is emphasising its role in the higher education around the world and simultaneously helps to build modern and interesting study programmes promoting employability of young graduates from different parts of the world. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017 Erasmus+ open call for outgoing students - programme countries

An Erasmus+ open call enables students of the University of Primorska to spend a part of their studies abroad. Students can attend studies or traineeships abroad. 

Application deadline: 26 January 2017.

For more information click here.

Friday, 6 January 2017 Visit us during open days on 10 and 11 February

Interested in UP FAMNIT?

Feel free to visit us during the open days, which will be organised on 10 and 11 February!

We will show you how the faculty life looks like and you will have the opportunity to talk to our students and walk through our facilities in Koper and Izola.

Coordinators, professors and assistants will present our undergraduate programmes (first Bologna cycle), and outline any admissions requirements of your selected programmes. They will also happily reply to all your questions.

See you on Friday 10th (at 10:00 and 15:00) and Saturday 11th February 2017 (at 10:00)!