University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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Friday, 30 June 2023 A student of the undergraduate programme Conservation Biology successfully presented her work at the international conference "Knowledge to Health - SANUS 2023"

Teodora Dalmacija, a student of the undergraduate program Conservation Biology at UP FAMNIT, participated in the international conference "Knowledge to Health - SANUS 2023" held in Bosnia and Herzegovina from June 23rd to 24th, 2023, where she successfully presented her research titled "Traditional use of Cannabis Sativa L. in the Balkans."

Within the conference, Teodora presented an analysis of available data on the traditional use of cannabis in the Balkan Peninsula. The results showed that traditional cannabis use in the Balkans involved the production of fibers for medicinal purposes as well as food use, where they commonly used seeds, stems, and fibers. She summed up her experience as a big success. "I am pleased to have been part of another international conference and to have presented my work and my faculty."

Cannabis is known as one of the most versatile plant species in terms of its uses. Humans have been utilizing it for various medical applications for millennia. However, many studies on cannabis today focus primarily on its medical purposes, often overlooking the various other compounds that are valuable in industries such as textiles and food. Despite the ongoing development of its various applications, particular aspects of traditional uses are currently fading away.

This research was part of the larger WECANN project, which explores the multi-purpose use of cannabis. To reach their goals, they established the CANNUSE database, for researchers and all who are interested in indifferent aspects of Cannabis use. The database includes over 2,300 entries from 649 publications related to medical, nutritional, fiber-related, and other uses of cannabis from various geographical regions and cultures around the world.

Thursday, 29 June 2023 Record attendance at the 11th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics in Koper

The last week of June is marked by the successful implementation of the 11th international Doctoral Summer School in Discrete Mathematics, jointly organized by UP FAMNIT, UP IAM, SDAMS and IMFM. A record number of 92 mathematicians registered for this scientific meeting, which had been held in Rogla in the previous years, but was organized at UP FAMNIT in Koper for the first time this year. So far, more than 700 professors, researchers and students from all over the world have attended the summer school.

Dr. Cheryl E Praeger, invited lecturer and honorary doctor of UP, who has been working with our university since 2003, summed up her impression of this year's summer school as follows: »I am very happy to be here. It's such a wonderful environment for math, especially for students. Two students from my university in Australia are here and say they are having a great time meeting other students and attending all the lectures. Such experiences broaden their minds and help them connect with other colleagues. It's so exciting for them to know that all this math is happening all over the world. It is an excellent initiative and I am glad that Slovenia supports it. People from the University of Primorska contributed so much to the development of mathematics in this area.«

Dr. Cheryl E Praeger

Two mini-courses were lectured by:

  • Karen Meagher, University of Regina, Canada: »Algebraic Graph Theory: an introduction to eigenvalues and the ratio bound with a focus on examples« and
  • Ted Dobson (University of Primorska, Slovenia): »Wreath products and double coset graphs«.

While invited speakers were:

  • Simeon Ball, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain»The geometry of error-correcting codes«,
  • Marston Conder, University of Auckland, New Zealand: »Some helpful things I have learnt over my career«,
  • Misha Muzychuk, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel: »On Jordan schemes«
  • Cheryl E Praeger, The University of Western Australia, Australia: »Edge-transitive Cayley graphs and graph quotients«,
  • Gabriel Verret, University of Auckland, New Zealand: »(k, t)-regular graphs« and
  • Jinxin Zhou, Beijing Jiaotong University, China: »On mixed dihedral groups and 2-arc-transitive normal covers of $K_{2^n,2^n}$«.

Among the students, who had the opportunity to give a 15-minute presentation this year, were also three UP FAMNIT alumni. Eda Kaja and Đorđe Mitrović (both graduates of Master's study programme Mathematical Sciences at UP FAMNIT) as well as Todor Antić (graduate of undergraduate study programme Mathematics at UP FAMNIT) like to return to our faculty, as they continued their journey at universities abroad: Eda at TU Darmstadt in Germany, Đorđe at University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Todor at Charles University in the Czech Republic. Đorđe and Eda, who attended the summer school in Rogla in 2019 as well, noticed that the group of participants is much larger this year: »There are many more people and the group is also more international. The competition for the prize, which is awarded for student presentations, is very strong.«

Left to right: Todor Antić, Đorđe Mitrović, Eda Kaja

Also this year, the students competed for the Best Student Talk Award. The winner was decided by the committee members Michel Lavrauw, Aleksander Malnič and Cheryl Praeger, and the award was given to Kamilla Rekvenyi for the talk entitled »The Orbital Diameter of Primitive Permutation Groups«. She received free participation at the next year’s 12th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics.

The winner, Kamilla Rekvenyi, a mathematician from Hungary who is currently a PhD student at Imperial College London, praised the organization of the event and the climate she felt at our faculty: »I think the courses are very well done and it is very nice that there are so many connections, that we can explore. Everything is organized very well. So many social events, that bring everybody together, makes it such a nice thing. We have been having ideal days: meeting up, doing maths, having some chats, going to the beach and having social time. I really like the building as well and how everybody is so open and friendly. I can see how this would be a very nice place to also work. I am really enjoying it.«

Left to right: 
Aleksander Malnič, Cheryl PraegerKamilla Rekvenyi and Michel Lavrauw

Read more about this year's program and participants here.

Thursday, 29 June 2023 UP FAMNIT Dean Election Results

The elections for the Dean of UP FAMNIT were held at UP FAMNIT on Thursday, 22 June 2023 for early elections and today, 29 June 2023 for regular elections. The Electoral Committee has released its final report, indicating the voter turnout for each group of voters as follows:

  • University teachers and researchers recorded a turnout of 81.4% (105 voters),
  • Students had a turnout of 2.4% (22 voters),
  • Other employees had a turnout of 81.5% (22 voters).

A total of 149 voters turned out to vote in the elections.

Based on the valid ballot papers counted, candidate Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović received 79.2% of the valid votes, while candidate Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Ivović received 20.8% of the valid votes. As a result, Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović will continue to serve as the Dean of UP FAMNIT for the next four-year term of office.

In the first half of July 2023, the Senate of UP FAMNIT is expected to hold an extraordinary meeting to adopt a decision on the election results. They will propose the appointment of Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović as the Dean of UP FAMNIT for the next term of office (23 November 2023 - 22 November 2027) to the Rector of the UP.

We would like to congratulate Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović on his re-election and wish him continued success in leading the Faculty in the next term of office, along with many rewarding experiences and opportunities for growth.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023 UP FAMNIT invites young enthusiasts of computer science or mathematics to two summer camps

The Faculty UP FAMNIT (University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies) is organizing two summer camps Math is Cool and ORADA computer workshop, intended for all students who finished elementary school (students who have finished the last year of elementary school and high school students) and have an interest in mathematics or computer science. This year's summer camps will take place from August 20 to August 24 2023.

Summer camp Math is Cool” 

This year the Faculty is organizing its 12th edition of the FAMNIT summer camp "Math is Cool". The camp is designed for students who have finished elementary school (students who have finished the last year of elementary school and high school students) and have an interest in mathematics. Simultaneously, the camp will also be conducted in English.

The summer camp includes:

  • lectures and workshops about interesting mathematical topics,
  • project work in groups, and
  • social and sports activities.

More information about the camp you can find on the website.


You can apply HERE. 


Summer camp “ORADA computer workshop”

Summer camp ORADA is designed for students who have finished elementary school (students who have finished the last year of elementary school and high school students) and have an interest in computer science. 

The summer camp includes:

  • Workshop: Poker in Python 
  • Workshop: Rubik's Cube: From group theory and Algorithms to Speed-solving 
  • Group project work and
  • Various social and sports activities.

More information about the application you will find on the following website page:

More detail about the camp is available on the website of the camp.



In addition, we offer both camps a 70% discount to participants who have attended the national Vega competition (or Bober for ORADA camp)

There is a limited amount of funds available to cover the participation full-costs for participants who meet the following criteria:

  • Provide proof of participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad upon registration, or
  • Provide proof of a Gold VEGA Award in Mathematics or the highest recognition at the national level in a logic competition (or Bober for ORADA camp) in the years 2021, 2022, or 2023 upon registration.

The deadline for application for both camps is 31 July 2023. 

Some moments from last year's camp you can find HERE. 

Friday, 23 June 2023 More than 330 mathematicians in Kranjska Gora for the 10th Slovenian international conference on graph theory

This week, the 10th Slovenian international conference on graph theory”, also known as the "the Bled conference", took place in Kranjska Gora for the tenth time.

This was already the 10th edition of the international conference, which takes place every four years, and this year it was once again one of the world's largest events in the field of graph theory. From the very beginning, conference organizers have been the most prominent Slovenian researchers in the field of graph theory: prof. Tomaž Pisanski, prof. Dragan Marušič, prof. Bojan Mohar and prof. Sandi Klavžar. The main organizer of this year's conference was UM FNM (University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics), which cooperated with IMFM (Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics), UP (University of Primorska), UM (University of Maribor) and company Abelium d. o. o.

Over 330 mathematicians participated at the conference. Increasing number of participants is the proof that the Slovene international conference has become one of the most important global conferences in the field of graph theory, which has repeatedly attracted established researchers and prospective young doctoral and postdoctoral students from around the world. It is offering a platform, where they can exchange the most important findings and insight into the most current problems in the field of graph theory.

During the conference, more than 300 lectures were offered, of which 11 were plenary lectures delivered by top mathematicians from all over the world. Among them were also recipients of the most prestigious mathematical awards.

Plenary speakers:

  • Csilla Bujtás, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Zdeněk Dvořák, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Michel Lavrauw, University of Primorska, Slovenia
  • Karen Meagher, University of Regina, Canada
  • Torsten Mütze, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  • Dieter Rautenbach, Ulm University, Germany
  • Gordon Royle, University of Western Australia
  • Pablo Spiga, University of Milano--Bicocca, Italy
  • Edwin R. van Dam, Tilburg University, Netherlands
  • David Wood, Monash University, Australia
  • Anders Yeo, University of Southern Denmark

Next week, June 26, the traditional and 11th International Doctoral Summer School from Discrete Mathematics starts in Koper. 95 mathematicians applied, among them both university professors and researchers as well as doctoral students. The summers school offers another important platform for connecting young people and experienced mathematicians.

Photo by: Katja Berčič

Thursday, 22 June 2023 What is the genetic and chemical diversity of Slovenian and Corsican immortelle?

At the beginning of June, our faculty was visited by Prof. Marc Gibernau and Prof. Félix Tomi from the University of Corsica as part of the bilateral project »Genetic & chemical diversity of Slovenian & Corsican immortelle«.

The implementation of the project started on January 1 this year, and in the collaboration between UP and the University of Corsica (CNRS - Laboratoire Sciences Pour l'Environnment), the leading institution in Slovenia is UP FAMNIT.

The department of UP FAMNIT, within which the project is implemented, is the Department of Applied Natural Sciences.

It was the first visit as part of the project, a team of Slovenian researchers will visit the University of Corsica this fall, and two more meetings will follow next year.

Presentation of the project:

Immortele (Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don) represents a bio-factory of natural phyto-compounds, therefore the holistic study of the plant is extremely important, which enables the achievement of the desired quality of plant extracts and essential oils, the discovery of targeted natural compounds and their potential in industry. Bioactive properties have contributed to its attraction and introduction into agricultural production, especially in Corsica, Spain and the Balkan countries. Corsican immortelle essential oil is the most recognized and appreciated worldwide in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry, while Slovenia is a pioneer in the field of immortelle cultivation, since only family farms that offer various immortelle products deal with immortelle.

The main problem of the countries in the Adriatic area is the uncontrolled flow of planting material and inappropriate declarations without precise identification of subspecies/species, therefore the main purpose of the project is the valorization and authentication of genetic resources of immortelle from different areas of the Mediterranean with the help of biochemical and genetic profiling. The researchers of UP FAMNIT and UC-CNRS (University of Corsica – CNRS, Laboratoire Sciences Pour l'Environnment) have not cooperated until now, so the project opens up new possibilities for the establishment of long-term research cooperation between universities that are focused on the holistic study of Mediterranean plants.

The project is managed by dr. Alenka Baruca Arbeiter, and the financer is the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARRS).

The project will last until 31 December 2024.

Tuesday, 20 June 2023 Assoc. Prof. Andraž Legat at ETH Zürich

Assoc. Prof. Andraž Legat from the Department of Applied Natural Sciences attended the Doctoral Examination of Lucas Michel at ETH Zürich (ETHZ) on 5th of June as a member of PhD Committee. Supervisor of the thesis entitled »Automated Localized Electrochemical Characterization (ALEC) as a new investigation method to study localized corrosion of steel« was Prof. Dr. Ueli Angst, ETHZ. Members of the Committee were also Dr. Patrick Schmutz, EMPA, and Dr. Stefano Mischler, EPFL. In the afternoon Prof. Legat held at the Institute for Building Materials, which is part of ETHZ, a lecture entitled »Monitoring and characterization of stress-corrosion cracking processes under various conditions«.

Thursday, 15 June 2023 Researches from the Department of Biodiversity visited Institute Nina in Norway: Knowledge and best practices exchange for a sustainable future

Researchers from the Department of Biodiversity visited the prestigious Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) in the picturesque city of Trondheim, Norway, at the end of May as part of the ReNature project. The NINA Institute is known as a leading institution in Norway for applied ecological research, with expertise in genetics, populations, species, ecosystems, and landscape levels in terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal marine environments.


The visit was carried out between May 30th and June 1st, during which the Department of Biodiversity from UP FAMNIT, together with the hosts and other Slovenian partners (Škocjan Caves Regional Park, Pivka Intermittent Lakes Landscape Park, and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ljubljana), visited various wetland renaturation projects. The focus was primarily on highly significant peat bogs.


The team was excited by the opportunity and exchanging knowledge with the Norwegian experts and witnesses of the unique efforts in preserving and restoring wetlands. Throughout their fieldwork, they were introduced to the latest methods and techniques used in renaturation and also understood the importance of these types of ecosystems for biodiversity conservation. 


The outcome of the visit brings in the exchange of new ideas and best practices, which are crucial for future collaborations and for the more effective management of future environmental challenges to ensure a sustainable future.  


Thursday, 15 June 2023 InnoRenew CoE hosted researchers from Valencia Polytechnic University

Today, researchers Ignacio Guillén Guillamon and Ana Isabel Jimenez from Valencia Polytechnic University participated in a meeting at InnoRenew CoE as part of the Erasmus+ exchange programme.

Professor Ignacio Guillén Guillamon presented his research area on sustainable built environment during the weekly staff meeting at InnoRenew CoE. The presentation focused on new technologies for GHG-neutral urban planning. 

During their visit, they met and discussed also with several researchers from the Department of Applied Natural Sciences UP FAMNIT and toured the building and research laboratories of InnoRenew CoE.


Wednesday, 14 June 2023 Elective Courses

The University of Primorska offers students elective courses from various fields. The Rules of electiveness at the University of Primorska (in the Slovenian language) enable students to select courses at other faculties of the University of Primorska. Students can complete their study obligations at other faculties and collect credit points that will be recognized as completed study obligations at their own faculty.


The deadline for submitting application form for electiveness among UP members for the academic year 2023/2024 is Thursday, 5 October 2023.

More information on the application and selection options is available in the links below.


For more detailed assistance please contact the Student Office of the individual faculty of the University of Primorska.

Monday, 12 June 2023 Young enthusiasts visited UP FAMNIT

Today, 12 June, 45 talented primary school students from Primary School Oskar Kovačič Škofije, Solkan and Dušan Bordon gathered in sunny Koper for a Natural Science Day and had fun.

After the warm welcome, the students and their teachers began with the first workshop entitled  "From snakes and ladders to share prices", under the auspices assist. Ana Zalokar with PhD, from the Department of Mathematics UP FAMNIT. Within the workshop, she introduced students to the Markov chain, named after the Russian mathematician Andrei Markov (1856-1922). Especially educational and fun were the boarding games, where they counted the routes, predicted the weather and watched what was happening on the stock market. 


After the 1st workshop, they moved from the mathematical to more computational topics, entitled “How almighty is the almighty computer,” held by Dr. Nino Bašić from the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies, UP FAMNIT.  The lecturer gave an introduction to the functional and historical features of the computer. The students also found out the order in which their favourite ice cream can be found and when the world will end. 


During the end of the workshop, the students had a short break with the sandwiches we prepared for them and then continued with the Natural Science Day in Livade 1.0 in Izola.

Dr Katarina Šoln from the Department of Biodiversity UP FAMNIT broad students to the workshop entitled “ What is hiding under the microscope?" into the mysterious world of plants and animals. Throughout the workshop, the lecturer familiarizes students with the function of the light microscope and its fresh preparation as well as independent microscopy. Besides, they determined the presence of starch in a banana and marvelled together at the fascinating world under the microscope. The workshop was held as part of the World Federation of Scientists (WFS).  

Young enthusiasts took part in the workshop “Online safety,” under the auspices of Assist. Tjaša Ogrizek, from the Department of Psychology UP FAMNIT, Matija Zagoranski, an MSc student of Biopsychology and Matej Kržišnik, an MSc student of Psychology, who introduced students to the fascinating world of social networks and their wonders and hidden features. Lectures aimed to encourage and empower students to act responsibly and safely, while using social media. Thereby reducing the negative consequences that are often the result due carelessness or ignorance. 



Friday, 9 June 2023 The Molecular Ecology Group of the Department of Biodiversity becomes part of the European BEPREP project

How important is nature conservation for the recovery of biodiversity? Can it help in preventing future outbreaks of epidemics, or pandemics?

With the related question, the Department for Biodiversity will meet, which is now part of the European project BEPREP. The project aims to prevent the future pandemic by studying and identifying best practices for biodiversity restoration and public health measures, which reduce the risk of highly communicable diseases.


Within the project, their focus will be on effective and strategic communication during its performance. While addressing key stakeholders, various communication tools will be used such as posters, slides, templates and additional materials - leaflets, infographics - tailored to the various stakeholders and the project results.

Epidemics and pandemics have been threatening the health and well-being of people around ever since. Because of its sudden appearance, prevention of their outbreaks will be crucial for our future - at both European and global levels.  Biodiversity has appeared as a crucial paradigm in disease risk reduction,  which is also identified as the main tool for its reduction in disease risk. 


The BEPREP project is funded by the EU UNION HORIZON 2020 programme, which aims to reduce knowledge gaps and also provide practical directions for its future. In this context, the project seeks to find answers and provide information directly from the environment. Where the findings of the project will significantly contribute to further actions and infections.


Thursday, 8 June 2023 13th generation of UP FAMNIT graduates

On Thursday, June 8, UP FAMNIT celebrated the thirteenth generation of graduates - there have been 126 of them in the last year – that will enrich the broader national and international community with their skills and knowledge as: graduate bioinformatics, conservation biologists, biopsychologists, mathematicians, financial mathematicians and computer science and agricultural engineers, masters of mathematics, nature conservation, biopsychology, psychology, data science,  computer science and sustainable built environments.

The 13th generation of graduates was addressed by the Vice Rector for Research and Development of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dr. Štefko Miklavič, as well as the UP FAMNIT Dean, Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović. Congratulations on the completion of the studies were also given by Martina Mrakovčić, youth worker at Zavodu Nefiks.

Two students shared their memories and thoughts at the end of their study experiences at the faculty: Karolina Trajkovska, graduate of the undergraduate study programme Computer Science and Petra Slavinec, graduate of the master’s study programme in Nature Conservation.

Harpist Bilka Peršič brought a charming musical atmosphere to the ceremony.

Following the tradition, this year too, a few students received rewards of the Faculty for their outstanding study and research achievements and the development of extracurricular activities.

Recipients of the Faculty rewards are:

  • Tilen Gimpelj, undergraduate study programme Bioinformatics, reward for study/research work,
  • Sara Milovanova, undergraduate study programme Bioinformatics, reward for study/research work,
  • Kaja Vereš, master's study programme Nature Conservation, reward for study/research work,
  • Hana Hanžek Turnšek, master's study programme Nature Conservation, reward for study/research work,
  • Dr. Blas Fernandez, doctoral study programme Mathematical Sciences, reward for study/research work,
  • Dorotea Redžepi, undergraduate study programme Mathematics, reward for study/research work,
  • Katarina Marjanović, undergraduate study programme Biopsychology, reward for study/research work,
  • Katarina Ćosić, master's study programme Biopsychology, reward for study/research work.

Recipients of rewards for their active involvement in the development of extracurricular activities for students, based on the proposal of the UP FAMNIT Student Council:

  • Lucia Nikolić, master's study programme Nature Conservation,
  • Pavle Mihailovski, undergraduate study programme Computer Science.

We sincerely congratulate all graduates and recipients of rewards and wish them success in their further study, research and careers.




Monday, 5 June 2023 Internationally coloured May at UP FAMNIT

In May the Department of Mathematics, Department of Information Sciences and Technologies and Department of Biodiversity UP FAMNIT, hosted professors and researchers from various universities and countries, who got introduced to our university, teaching process, and opening possibilities for future cooperation.

Knowledge sharing, exchanging views and gaining experiences are just some of the main motives for visiting professors and researchers. Below, they told us more about their visit and all the impressions they were particularly excited about.   

Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović hosted, within the Erasmus + programme, assist. Prof. Elvis Baraković, from the University of Tuzla, between 15 - 22 May 2023.  In a short statement, he confessed that this is not his first visit here: “A few years ago I was involved in the bilateral project between Bosnia and Slovenia. However, during the week I will give courses in the field of Mathematics to PhD and BSc students, which I am looking forward to. I'm glad that this time I am here with my family, whose I would like to share my experience and show them Koper and its surroundings. I also have a few very good friends here, who I also intend to visit, and go with them for a coffee or two.” summed up.  

Assoc. prof. Jasna Prezelj from the Department of Mathematics UP FAMNIT hosted  Prof. Chiaro de Fabritiis from the University of Ancona, Italy - who already cooperated with our professors - from 15 to 22 May. She described her experience as the following: “I have been in very good relations with the professor here, therefore I took advantage of the Erasmus + exchange and got the opportunity to meet them again. The main purpose of my visit is above all to start a mutual collaboration between the faculties, besides, I am looking forward to one day my colleagues from here also visiting me in Ancona, where we can continue our work.   

Asoc. Prof. Russ Woodroofe, from the Department of Mathematics, hosted Prof. Hilong Dao from the University of Kansas, USA, from 13 to 17 May 2023. Professor Hilong's visit was part of the project, which started a few months ago in Canada. The project particularly aims to combine combinatorics and algebra. In a short statement, he described his very first impressions of his visit. “I have to admit that I am enjoying the week here, besides, Professor Russ is a great interlocutor. For instance, just a regular conversation brings us to interesting and productive debates. However, this is also my first visit to Slovenia, and I'm fully impressed. It's for sure one of my favorites. In my opinion, the biggest advantage is the size of the country, and also the people who are incredibly friendly and among all it is not touristy. Your cakes are tasty as well!” he added in a laugh.


A researcher at UP IAM and professor at UP FAMNIT, assist., Aleksandar Tošić with PhD, from the Department of Information Science and Technology, hosted Assoc. Dr Nagh Naghmeh Ivaki from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, from 21 to 26 May. During its visit, Dr Naghme Naghmeh already gave a seminar as part of the ERASMUS+ exchange programme. In a brief statement, she also described why she visit UP FAMNIT. “I wanted to get to know your university, particularly the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies, where I believe we will find opportunities for future collaboration. If I look back, I will rate this visit as a great success. Besides my formal visit, I was also impressed by your country, university and people from the department. I have to admit that the Department here is much smaller but very professional, which pleasantly surprised me.” 

Dr. Živa Fišer and Dr. Peter Glasnović from the Department of Biodiversity, hosted Joana Costa from the Institute of Superior de Agronomia, who finished her STSM on the invasive Oxalis pes-caprae. The main objective of the visit was to investigate the reproductive strategies and population structure of the invasive plant species Oxalis pes-caprae in the Mediterranean basin. Now the researchers of the University of Primorska can start with morphometric analyses of Mediterranean populations and analyses of pollen loads. 

Exchanges at UP FAMNIT

Establishing new links with professors and research from prestigious universities is one of the most important objectives of the faculty. Within that, we can grow and create important connections for future development.

Besides, we promote mobility within existing schemes (Erasmus+, CEEPUS) and within bilateral agreements on different levels (national, university, faculty), as well as possibilities outside formal programmes, in individual arrangements  

The close cooperation with the Andrej Marušić Institute (UP IAM), in the field of research, is an additional advantage, as it attracts various researchers and professors from foreign universities, who participate in the study programme implementation, conferences and scientific meetings. Namely, every year over 70 visiting professors and researchers attend our events. 


The Slovenian Science Foundation (SZF) awarded the Prometheus of Science Awards for 2022 at a ceremony held at the Prešeren Hall of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences (SAZU) on Tuesday, 30 May 2023. Among the winners of the University of Primorska are the UP Faculty of Education (UP PEF), together with Radio Koper, and the InnoRenew CoE research institute. The Communicator of Science Award for 2022 was awarded to Dr. Lovrenc Lipej.

The Prometheus of Science Award was given to the InnoRenew CoE (Centre for Research and Innovation in Renewable Materials and Healthy Living Environments), which the University of Primorska and a consortium of project partners established in 2017. It now brings together 68 experts from 20 different countries in five research groups in a highly interdisciplinary way.

Their excellence is best illustrated by their new institute building, which combines cutting-edge expertise in several fields to achieve sustainable construction, including architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, psychology, ergonomics, information technology, wood science, and the expertise of multidisciplinary researchers in the field of healthy living environments.

More than 2,300 people of all generations have visited the building in the meantime.

Since its foundation, they have continuously worked to popularise the science of wood and sustainable construction in various ways – through national and international associations, by participating in trade fairs, round tables, and conferences, by teaching at the faculties of Slovenian and foreign universities, by workshops at primary and secondary schools, and by active participation in the co-creation of study programmes such as »Sustainable Built Environment« and »Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments«.

They use many channels to inform the Slovenian and international general public - social networks, websites, publications in various regular columns, newsletters, newspapers and magazines, TV and radio programmes, conferences, by organising various events, exhibitions, ceremonies and international conferences, as well as through the activities of the InnoRenew CoE Living Lab.

Among the recipients of the highest and only award of its kind - the Prometheus of Science, which has so far been introduced for those researchers, artists, teachers and journalists who stand out in communicating science to different audiences, is also the UP Faculty of Education (UP PEF), the Department of Class Education and Radio Koper for the joint radio programme »One cat, four mice«, which consists of eight series.

This popular science programme explains one of the most important sciences - mathematics - to the general public through a narrative interweaving, dating back to the earliest civilisations (Late Neolithic, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, India, Ancient Greece and the Arab world). The audience is further engaged by the anecdotes, the musical background and the unique style of the presenter/editor. The contributions to the show were prepared by Prof. Dr. Mara Cotič (didactics of mathematics), Prof. Dr. Darjo Felda (professor of mathematics), and Asst. Daniel Doz. The show was aired every Monday in April and May, in the year 2022 (archive of the show).

The honorary title of Communicator of Science for 2022 was awarded to Dr. Lovrenc Lipej, full professor at UP FAMNIT, where he shares his knowledge with students of the courses »Marine Biodiversity«, »Biotic Globalisation in the Oceans«, »Ecology of the Sea« and »Selected Chapters in Zoology of Marine Animals«.

Congratulations to all the award winners!

Thursday, 1 June 2023 Registrations for the 32nd IASP World Congress are now open

The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute, Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research are organising the 32nd IASP World Congress, which will take place at the Bernardin Congress Centre, Slovenia, 19-23 September 2023.

>>> Early bird registration is open until 30 June 2023 at the following link.


We are honoured that the event will be held under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Nataša Pirc Musar.

The Congress is a traditional biennial event that seeks to position the issue of suicide at a global and regional level, with the aim of demonstrating the need for action at local levels as well. This one-week event is an opportunity to engage with a highly diverse community of academics, researchers, clinicians, crisis workers, people with lived experience, volunteers and all those involved in suicide prevention or working in related fields.

The 32nd IASP World Congress offers a rich scientific and social programme, lectures and workshops for early career researchers, and an event dedicated to the local community. The latter is called Dan povezovanja: za ljudi z izkušnjo samomorilnega vedenja, bližnje in žalujoče and will take place on 23 September 2023 at the Bernardin Congress Centre, in the Aurora, Daphnia and Nautilus halls.

The event is aimed at the general public, in particular bereaved people, individuals with lived experience and professionals, with the purpose of raising awareness about suicidal behaviour, mental health and bereavement after suicide. It offers a variety of activities, including short lectures on the topics of bereavement and recognition of distress, panel discussions, a Living Library and a workshop titled »The Beneficial Power of Sound«.

>>> The event is free with registration as places are limited. For more information, please follow this link.