University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 Conference on Applied Statistics brought together 90 experts from 12 countries

The 19th International Conference on Applied Statistics organised by the Statistical Society of Slovenia, UP FAMNIT and the University of Ljubljana, took place in Koper from 24 to 26 September 2023.  


The three-day event brought together 90 participants from 12 countries, besides Slovenia including also Austria, CroatiaCzech Republic, France, Italy, PortugalRomania, Serbia, Turkey, United Kingdom and USA.

At the beginning of the conference, the participants were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, the Rector of the University of Primorska, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ademir Hujdurović, the Dean of UP FAMNIT and Prof. Dr. Matevž Bren, the President of the Statistical Society of Slovenia.  

Throughout the scientific program, successful researchers and experts in data analysis, data science, and statistics presented their research contributions. The conference was also enriched with interesting content by renowned speakers:  

  • Dankmar Böhning (University of Southampton) with the lecture Capture-recapture methods with applications in health and society, 

  • Cécile Proust-Lima (University of Bordeaux) with the lecture Analysis of multivariate longitudinal and survival data: From joint models to random forests and

  • Richard De Veaux (Williams College) with the lecture Data science ethics: Some stories from the trenches. 

»We are pleased to have successfully brought the 19th edition of the Applied Statistics conference to UP FAMNIT for the first time,« said Assist. Prof. Dr. Ana Zalokar from the Department of Mathematics, co-organizer of the conference. She also added that the international nature of the event brought together different perspectives and opinions, which is one of the main goals of the conference: »I noticed that the conference attendees were enthusiastic about the program's content. After all, it brought together 90 participants from around the world, with different views, which we can be very proud of.«

At the end of the conference, presentations that demonstrated scientific strength, clarity, and potential impact were selected for publication in a special issue of the Advances in Methodology and Statistics journal.