University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies


Following the floods in August, which affected a large part of Slovenia, UP has primarily established a policy to address the issue of students who were either affected by the floods or involved in various forms of post-flood assistance, and to put in place support mechanisms to assist them in completing their studies within the identified options.

However, at the beginning of September, the Law on Intervention Measures to Eliminate the Consequences of Floods and Landslides (ZIUOPZP; Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 95/23, 2.9.2023) was adopted, which allows the University to take measures to address the consequences of the floods and landslides in August 2023, which may affect the fulfilment of students' study obligations:

  1. change the conditions for progression in the study programme or for repeating a year of study;
  2. allow the extension of student status for those:
  • who, as a direct result of the damage suffered as a consequence of the floods, have been unable to complete their study requirements regularly and on time,
  • who have actively participated in the relief efforts as a result of the disaster and have therefore also been unable to complete their studies regularly and on time.

Any evidence of the inability to fulfil the study obligations (e.g. an appraisal, a report of the damage to the insurance company or the municipality, a decision of the Centre for Social Work on emergency social assistance, a certificate of intervention by the local fire brigade, etc.) is considered as proof.

At its 42nd regular session (20 September 2023), the Senate of the University of Primorska adopted a decision regulating changes to the conditions for advancement in a study programme or for repeating a year of study in accordance with the Act on Intervention Measures to Eliminate the Consequences of Floods and Landslides (ZIUOPZP), in summary:

In accordance with the UPALMPD, the conditions for advancement to a higher year of study for enrolment in the academic year 2023/2024 in individual study programmes of the UP will be amended. The study programmes are as follows:

- UP FHŠ (Undergraduate: Geography, Communication and Media, Intercultural Language Mediation, History, Geography – double-discipline; Master: Cultural Studies and Anthropology);

- UP FAMNIT (Undergraduate: Biopsychology; Master: Biopsychology, Sustainable Built Environment, Psychology);

- UP FTŠ TURISITCA (Undergraduate: Management of Tourist Destinations (full-time/ part-time), Management of Tourist Enterprises (part-time), Tourism; Master: Heritage Tourism, Tourism; PhD: Innovative Tourism);

- UP FVZ (Undergraduate: Applied kinesiology, Physiotherapy, Nutritional Counselling - Dietetics, Nursing; Master: Applied Kinesiology, Dietetics, Nursing; PhD: Applied Kinesiology, Prevention for Health);

- UP PEF (Undergraduate: Pedagogy, Pre-school Teaching, Primary School Teaching, Social Pedagogy, Visual Arts and Design; Master: Inclusive Pedagogy, Andragogy, Social Pedagogy, Early Learning; PhD: Educational Sciences, Early Learning and Teaching).

UP students who wish to exercise this right shall submit an application in the VIS/ŠIS system with document(s) proving their inability to perform their study obligations due to floods, landslides or the consequences of a disaster.

For information on adjustments to the individual conditions of the above study programmes, please contact the Faculty Students Office.