University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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An additional Erasmus+ Open Call for students for exchanges in the Academic Year 2022/2023 has been published.  The call enables applications for exchanges for the purpose of study and exchanges for the purpose of traineeship in the period from 1 June 2022 to 30 September 2023.

The application deadline is 10 October 2022. 

The Open Call and more information are available on this link.

You are invited to apply!


Friday, 30 September 2022 UP Famnit takes part in the ReNature project for restoring wetlands and meadows

The Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies is one of the partners in the ReNature project - restoration of the network of wetlands and meadows important for Natura 2000 and other protected species and habitat types in the Karst, the basin of Reka river and the Pivka intermittent lakes Nature Park.

In addition to UP Famnit, the Municipality of Pivka, the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Ljubljana and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) are participating in the project, whose leading partner is the Škocjan Caves Public Institute.

The Škocjan Caves Public Institute will, as part of ReNature, restore 8 wetlands and one vaulted spring, which is typical for the Brkini region. One of the most important activities of the leading partner is encouraging and organizing research work, as well as participating in it. 

After this year's successful start of the implementation of the ReNature project in May, in the middle of the previous month, between 12 and 15 September 2022, the project partners met at an official event in the Škocjan Caves area. In addition to the organization of the partners' work, the event was also aimed at visiting the project areas and getting to know the wider area of ​​Brkini, the valley of the Reka river, the Košana valley and the Pivka intermittent lakes Nature Park.


The €1,196,385.00 project will last two years, and its result will be the restoration of 45 ha of meadows and high-trunk orchards, as well as 8 wetlands and a well in the area of ​​Brkini, Vremščica and the Košana valley. It is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway with the resources of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the Republic of Slovenia.

ReNature is implemented within the framework of the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation programme.

Purpose of the project and role of UP Famnit

We are losing grassland and wetland ecosystems very quickly. Since these areas are very effective carbon sinks and the habitat of Europe's important Nature 2000 animal and plant species, by restoring them in the ReNature project, we will contribute to mitigating the climate crisis and the crisis of biodiversity.

More than 10 ha of meadows in the area of ​​Vremščica will be restored by the Faculty of Veterinary Faculty in cooperation with the Gabrče Agrarian Society, while the meadow areas in the Košana valley will be restored by the Municipality of Pivka.

In the project, UP Famnit researchers (Department for Biodiversity) in the field of biology, ecology and nature conservation and partners from the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research will map and list the ecosystem services (human benefits from the local landscape and nature) provided by meadow and wetland ecosystems. These areas perform various functions that are important for the life of various plant and animal species and human activities. Due to climate change (drought, evaporation, erosion, cracks, damage to ruins ...) and changes in use and the introduction of invasive non-native species of plants and animals, we are losing them very quickly, so the awareness-raising and educational activities, that the partners will carry out until spring 2024, are a very important part of the plan.

Together with other partners, our researchers strive to preserve the cultural landscape and thus the identity of our area, and new knowledge and the exchange of experience is a good starting point for new research on the effects of measures to adapt to climate change.


Friday, 30 September 2022 From the Treasure Hunt in Koper to the European Night of Researchers in Izola: ORIENTATION DAYS 2022

At the University of Primorska, we organize Orientation days for students from abroad at the beginning of each semester. The ones in September attended by both full time students and students on international exchanges (Erasmus+ exchanges).

Orientation days are an opportunity for foreign students to get to know their new environment as well as new people who will be part of their study life. This is how they first learn key information about the University of Primorska - both about the environment and studies. An important part of the reception is also help in preparing the appropriate forms and documents for the Administrative Unit.

Yesterday they met also the representatives of ŠOUP (Student Organization of the University of Primorska), who provided them with important information about extracurricular activities. They learned the first words in the Slovenian language and got to know tutors and representatives of ESN Primorska (Erasmus Student Network), who will support them by providing information during their studies.

Jelena, member of ESN Primorska and student of Biopsychology at UP Famnit, was among the volunteers who helped on the first day of Orientation days: "I helped for the first time in the organizational team at the Orientation Days and it was a truly exceptional experience. I am grateful for such a valuable an experience that will serve me in my further work and, of course, the opportunity to meet and work with such exceptional people."

Students got to know their surroundings both - through the traditional Treasure Hunt around Koper, during which they learn about the key points for living and studying in the city, as well as by visiting activities within the framework of the European Night of Researchers. The Saturday excursion to the Škocjan Caves will end the Orientation days.

Almost 230 students from 23 countries took part in this year's Orientation Days. The largest number of foreign students who have decided to study full-time at the University of Primorska come from North Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Among the students who will spend a semester with us in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme, most of them come from Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Portugal.

Video of the first day is HERE.


Photo moments from the Treasure Hunt

Meeting with the coordinator of undergraduate study programme Computer Science, dr. Branko Kavšek

Welcoming the international students of UP FAMNIT

We wish everybody a very successful start of the Academic Year!

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 University of Primorska with a prominent role in the new European project Biodiversity Genomics Europe

How to use genetics and genomics to slow down the decline of biodiversity around the world

The University of Primorska, as the coordinator of the Slovenian consortium ERGA, which is a part of the European Reference Consortium Genome Atlas (ERGA), participates in the Biodiversity Genomic Europe (BGE) project. The aim of BGE is to slow down the extinction of species and the decline of biodiversity worldwide using genetic and genomic approaches.

The Slovenian consortium connects eight Slovenian institutions working in the field of molecular ecology and nature protection: The University of Primorska, The University of Maribor, the University of Ljubljana, the Faculty of Environmental Protection in Velenje, the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and of Art, the National Institute of Biology, the Forestry Institute of Slovenia and the Natural History Museum of Slovenia.

The University of Primorska also participates in a citizen science campaign, implemented within the Step Change project, funded by the Horizon Europe 2020.

The comprehensive application of genomic science to biodiversity research will fundamentally change conservation science and policy - with impacts predicted to be on a scale similar to those of the Human Genome Project in medicine, receiving the Nobel prize in medicine in 2002. The new pan-European Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) consortium, launched today, 28 September 2022, is leading the way.

Time is running out. An appalling one in four species on the planet are currently threatened with extinction, putting livelihoods, food supplies, and essential water and nutrient cycles at risk. Knowledge is of the essence in the fight to reverse this unprecedented loss of species and degradation of ecosystems - yet currently our understanding of how life on Earth functions and responds to environmental pressures is far from complete. Genomics provides crucial new tools to answer these questions, and the BGE consortium will cause a quantum leap in the use of genomics across the continent.

Despite centuries of scientific research, an estimated 80% of the world’s species still await scientific discovery and description. Even for described species, telling them apart is often difficult. Moreover, interactions within and among species, and between species and their environment, create a hugely complex picture from individual to planetary levels. Genomic science is our best hope for success in mapping these interdependencies and predicting how individuals and groups may respond to environmental change. By bringing together Europe’s key practitioners in two fundamental DNA-based technologies - DNA barcoding and genome sequencing - BGE will streamline the rollout of these methods across Europe.

What is DNA barcoding? DNA barcoding uses short sequences of DNA to discriminate between species - analogous to the way conventional barcodes distinguish products in a supermarket. With modern genetic sequencing techniques, DNA barcoding has the potential to dramatically accelerate the inventory of life on Earth, providing a basis for global conservation monitoring.

Foto: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

The BGE project is worth more than € 20 million, and 29 countries participate in it. Slovenia, as one of the biodiversity hotspots – areas with an unusually high level of biodiversity, will be able to determine the entire reference genomes of more than 30 species as part of the project, which will be selected by researchers from members of the Slovenian consortium.

Prof. dr. Elena Bužan (University of Primorska), the BGE project manager for Slovenia and the coordinator of the Citizen Science Committee at ERGA, commented: "We are very proud that in a very short time we managed to connect all Slovenian institutions working in the field of genomics and nature protection in this consortium, and thus including Slovenia as a biodiversity hotspot. I believe that this is the beginning of remarkable cooperation in Slovenian, European and global arena, and among researchers that are working in the field of genomics and biodiversity. The project will also contribute to raising awareness among various stakeholders (ministries, industry, NGOs, citizens) about the importance of genetics and genomic biodiversity for acquiring new knowledge and development in the fields of bio economy, agriculture and medicine. It will also raise awareness on the importance of genetic design as an important factor in adapting species to upcoming environmental changes. New knowledge will greatly enhance the value of research, the connection between researchers and end-users, and, perhaps most importantly, trust between various stakeholders.”

Prof. dr. Elena Bužan

More information is available here.


Monday, 26 September 2022 6 new ARRS projects awarded to UP

Researchers at the University of Primorska have been successful in obtaining 5 new research projects (four basic projects and one postdoctoral project) within the Public Call for (Co)Financing of Research Projects for 2022 of the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS). Researchers from UP Famnit and UP IAM will carry out research work in the fields of Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Sciences and Psychology.

The leaders of the newly acquired basic projects at UP Famnit are Prof. Dr. Dušanka Janežič, Prof. Dr. Martin Milanič, Prof. Dr. Enes Pasalic, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Batagelj and Dr. Tina Podlogar with her newly acquired postdoctoral project. Assoc. Prof. Sabina Ličen from the Faculty of Health Sciences (UP FVZ) also obtained a new ARRS project. 

Basic research projects involve experimental or theoretical work, aimed primarily at gaining new knowledge about the fundamentals of phenomena and perceptual facts. Given that the criteria for evaluating these types of projects include the scientific merit of the researchers and the scientific, technological and innovative excellence of the project itself, this latest success is yet another confirmation of the outstanding researchers working here, at the University of Primorska.

The results of the public call are available here.

We sincerely congratulate all the researchers and wish them a successful work!

The following projects, led by researchers at UP Famnit and UP IAM, will be implemented by the end of the year 2025:

  • Title: ProBiS-Fold approach for binding site detection for whole structural human proteome in drug discovery
  • Research field: Computer-intensive methods and applications
  • Project type: basic – small
  • Leading institution: UP Famnit
  • Leader: Prof. Dr. Dušanka Janežič
  • Partners: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Chemistry

The ProBiS-Fold approach, on which the ProBiS-Fold web server is based, will enable for the first-time interactions between most human protein structures not limited to the Protein Data Base structures only, prediction of selectivity and ligand binding, and observation of conserved water effects and ligand binding sequence variants. This work will provide the scientific community with a freely available, versatile server that researchers and clinicians can easily use from the web to detect molecules that bind to the proteins under their study. Our ProBiS tools will allow to combine several otherwise unrelated research areas, such as graph theoretical approaches, genetic variation studies,protein structure studies and molecular dynamics simulations.

  • Title: Tree-Independence Number of Graphs
  • Research field: Mathematics
  • Project type: basic – small
  • Leading institution: UP Famnit
  • Leader: Prof. Dr. Martin Milanič
  • Partners: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto

The initial results indicate that the tree-independence number is a worthy addition to the toolbox of structural and algorithmic graph theory. It not only forms a common generalization of treewidth and chordality, but is also related to the famous Erdős-Hajnal conjecture and to the flourishing theory of chi-boundedness. All these motivations lead to the main objective of the project: a thorough and continued study of the tree independence number with the ultimate goal of developing a theory of this novel graph invariant. We plan to investigate a number of relevant independence number, with the ultimate goal of developing a theory of this novel graph invariant. We plan to investigate a number of relevant questions split into two interrelated research themes (Theme 1: foundations of the tree-independence number, Theme 2: refinements of the tree independence number), each with a number of subtasks. We expect the proposed research to further demonstrate the usefulness of the tree independence number and related graph width parameters, resulting thus in increased understanding of structural properties of (treewidth, omega)-bounded graph classes and the computational complexity of various graph optimization problems on such classes.

  • Title: Discrete combinatorial objects in the spectral domain - intersection analysis
  • Research field: Mathematics
  • Project type: basic – small
  • Leading institution: UP Famnit
  • Leader: Prof. Dr. Enes Pasalic
  • Partners: University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute

The main goal of this project is to provide further analysis regarding certain combinatorial objects that are of crucial importance in cryptography stemming from certain hard problems in discrete mathematics that involve discrete exponential sums. More precisely, there exist special class polynomials over finite fields that possess exceptional (optimal) properties with respect to two well established cryptanalytic methods difference and linear cryptanalysis. Our ultimate goal is to inve the behaviour of the component functions in the spectral domain and to develop theoretical results related to the design of both AB and APN functions.

  • Title: Higher-level bibliographic services
  • Research field: Information science and librarianship
  • Project type: basic – small
  • Leading institution: UP Famnit
  • Leader: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Batagelj
  • Partners: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics

The objectives include the identification of potential higher-level services and development of several prototype bibliographic analyses and related tools, motivated by number of selected end-users. The development of methods and algorithms for high quality bibliographic entity resolution based on bibliographic network analysis. This will enable to implement processing pipelines that can be applied on bibliographic databases in order to obtain periodically refreshed high quality and up to date bibliographic data. Further development of methodologies and algorithms for analysis of bibliographic networks, based on our past research (2-mode networks, fractional approach, temporal networks and temporal quantities) motivated by specific types of analyses with emphasis on how the science is developing in “real-time”.


  • Title: Exploring and facilitating the assumption of the role of gatekeepers among Slovenian teachers in the context of COVID-19 epidemic consequences
  • Research field: Psychology
  • Project type: postdoctoral project
  • Leader at UP Famnit: Dr. Tina Podlogar 

The objectives of the proposed research project are to explore the existing interventions for teachers as gatekeepers and systematically gather the results of empirical studies about their usefulness and effectiveness. To study the role of general factors, related to the teachers’ willingness and competence to assume the role of gatekeepers (e.g. teachers’ own well-being, satisfaction with their work environment, mental health literacy, stigmatizing attitudes related to suicidal behaviour, experiences, specific trainings etc.) and specific factors related to the concurrent circumstances of COVID-19 epidemic and its long-term consequences (e.g. teachers’ experience of pandemic fatigue, changes in the frequency and quality of the teacher-student interactions, potential impact on mental health of children and adolescents as vulnerable groups as observed from the teachers’ perspective etc.), which may also be relevant in this regard. To develop and pilot implement an intervention for strengthening the willingness and competence of teachers to assume the role of gatekeepers. To evaluate the impact of the intervention by the means of objective and subjective measures. To prepare guidelines for further implementation of the intervention for teachers with the aim of strengthening their competencies and willingness to assume the role of gatekeepers.

Saturday, 24 September 2022 UP Famnit representative at the Erasmus+ 35th anniversary meeting

Erasmus+ is a European programme that supports education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. This year it marks its 35th anniversary, coinciding with the European Year of Youth. To mark the occasion, Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, invited 35 young people from different European countries to a meeting in Brussels on 20 September 2022 to share past experiences and future expectations for Erasmus+. Milan Milivojčević, a third-year student of the Computer Science programme at UP Famnit, attended the meeting as a representative of Slovenia. 

He himself has extensive experience of the programme, having spent his first year on an Erasmus+ exchange at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labe, Czech Republic. During his exchange he became active in the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), where he recognised the opportunities and, upon his return to his home university, made a proposal to re-establish the network, which was accepted as an excellent proposal by the management. He has gathered 30 volunteers around him to support the exchange students. They were initially known as the Primorska Student Exchange Network, as they received confirmation of their candidacy in June 2022. Their work provided daily support to students, bridged the gap between students and management and was a valuable source of information. This is what Milan Milivojčević presented to the Commissioner during the meeting in Brussels.

He summarised his impressions of the visit by saying: "The visit to Brussels was an excellent opportunity to meet the European Commissioner and Vice-President of the Commission, Margaritis Schinas. We discussed the current state of the Erasmus+ project, possible improvements and future plans and promotion. Each and every one of us, 35 representatives from European countries, had the opportunity to express our views and participate. An interesting part was the presentation of the origins and development of the programme, as we heard directly from the founding team members Hywel Cary Jones, Alan Smith, Angelika Verla and David O'Sullivan. I also had the opportunity to have a photo with Mr. Jones and express my enthusiasm and gratitude for the idea of Erasmus+."

The success of the programme at European level is reflected in the fact that the estimated budget of the programme for the period 2021-2027 is €26.2 billion, almost double the previous seven-year period (2014-2020). The renewed and strengthened programme places a strong emphasis on social inclusion, the green and digital transition, and promoting the participation of young people in democratic life. This is also part of the University of Primorska's efforts, visible in the project starting in October GDI: Green, Digital, Inclusive UP.

The Erasmus+ programme is therefore one of the key programmes for the University of Primorska in pursuing the goal of internationalisation and realising its vision. Since 1987, the programme has offered opportunities for mobility and cooperation in various fields (higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education, youth and sport). Over the 35 years of its existence, more than 10 million people have benefited from exchange opportunities (from the EU, other European countries, and beyond). In almost 20 years of its existence, 2,519 students from the University of Primorska have participated in exchanges with the UP and 1,398 students from the UP have visited abroad.

Erasmus+ brings new experiences, exposure to other cultures and sometimes means permanent relocation - according to European Commission statistics, 20% of people find love during their exchange.


Friday, 23 September 2022 GROW 2022 – mathematicians from University of Primorska, SDAMS and University of Ljubljana successfully implemented another international conference

In 2020, mathematicians from University of Primorska and  Slovenian Discrete and Applied Mathematics Society – SDAMS, in collaboration with Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana – FMF, obtained the privilege to organize the 10th Workshop on Graph Classes, Optimization, and Width Parameters  GROW 2022 which was held from 19 to 22 September 2022 at the University of Primorska in Koper.

The Workshop on Graph Classes, Optimization and Width Parameters (GROW) series of workshops bring together experts in both theoretical and practical issues to design new strategies for dealing with intractable graph problems. 

This year's keynote talks were held by:

The workshop was coordinated by Martin Milanič (UP FAMNIT and UP IAM) in collaboration with Sergio Cabello (UL FMF). The organizing committee also included Nina Chiarelli and Matjaž Krnc (both UP FAMNIT and UP IAM), Peter Muršič (UP FAMNIT), Clément Dallard (LIFO, University of Orléans) and Kenny Štorgel (UP FAMNIT and Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto).

Left to right: Martin Milanič and Sergio Cabello

»The organization required a lot of effort and work, which was paid off by the scientifically extremely successful implementation of the event, which included three plenary lectures, 26 other lectures, and two open problem sessions. Furthermore, the 65 participants had a number of lecture rooms at their disposal during the workshop for discussions in small groups. A special edition of the international SCI journal Discrete Applied Mathematics will be dedicated to the event,« summarized Martin Milanič.

The lectures were held in the Tramontana lecture hall at the Faculty of Humanities. Gathering of participants outside the lecture halls was made possible during a welcome reception held on Sunday, 18 September at UP FAMNIT, a hike on the Karst edge from Črni Kal to Socerb on Tuesday, 20 September, and a workshop dinner on Wednesday, 21 September. The day after the workshop the participants also had lecture halls available at UP FAMNIT to work in small groups.

Reception of GROW 2022 participants

»The conference was very well organized and it was nice to see that everyone was interacting and connecting with people they haven't met before. Groups of people have started working on new programs at this conference and it is great to see that we have such a community, because you get a feeling that you belong to some bigger group as well as in terms of getting all this information that you don't access easily online or through e-mail,« said Marthe Bonamy, who was also impressed by Koper and its beautiful sunsets.

Marthe Bonamy

Bart M. P. Jansen highlighted the importance of the cooperation of the scientific community and the exchange of knowledge, and he also emphasized the beauty of the local environment: »After several years in which physical conferences were impossible, it was wonderful to reconnect with colleagues and to meet the new generation of junior researchers in person. To do effective research it is important to know what others are working on and how far they have reached, so that we can build on the combined knowledge of the entire community to advance the state of the art. GROW has a wonderful mix of high-quality lectures by top researchers in the field and opportunities for informal discussions. The hike on the Karst plateau offered great views of the seaside while bringing researchers into contact with each other on a personal level. The venue in Koper is ideal for a meeting of this form: it has large modern lecture halls while the compact old town makes it easy to meet up for meals

Bart M. P. Jansen

Moments from the hike on the Karst edge from Črni Kal to Socerb

»The fact that we have such highly qualified scientists here is very important, as it is a field in which only the most active people can take on the role of organizers of regular conferences. From this point of view, hosting the conference is also a confirmation of the mathematical and scientific results of our professors. In addition, it can be a great experience for local students, who have the opportunity to see how such a conference is run,« added Bojan Mohar.

Left to right: Nina Chiarelli, Martin Milanič, and Bojan Mohar

GROW workshops have been held since 2001, and the 10th edition was held in Koper.  The workshops are invitation-only, held every odd year - the last conference in 2019 was held by the research group at Technical University Wien.

The list of previous conferences is available here

Thanks for the successful implementation of the conference go also to the UP FAMNIT student volunteers (Ina Bašić, Sadmir Kudin, Andrej Perković, Dorotea Redžepi, Gregory Robson, Nevena Stojnić, Ajla Šehović, and Draženka Višnjić).

 Group photo with GROW 2022 organizers and participants

We are sharing some additional photo moments below.


Thursday, 22 September 2022 The last application period for enrolment into undergraduate and postgraduate studies at UP September 22-23, 2022

On Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23, 2022, the candidates have the opportunity to apply for enrolment into undergraduate, master and doctoral study programmes at the University of Primorska in the frame of the calls for enrolment into study programmes in the academic year 2022/2023.

The following application deadlines are open:

  • fourth application term for undergraduate study programmes for non-EU citizens,
  • third application term for undergraduate study programmes for EU citizens and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship,
  • second application term for undergraduate study programmes for persons displaced from Ukraine with temporary protection,
  • third application term for postgraduate study programmes for EU citizens,
  • fourth application term for postgraduate study programmes for non-EU citizens and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship,
  • fourth application term for postgraduate study programmes for persons displaced from Ukraine with temporary protection.

All information about the application procedure are available here.

For more information please contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Wednesday, 21 September 2022 Up Famnit students successfully host Biological-Psychological Student Conference for the second time

Last week, September 15th – 17th, 2022, the second edition of the Biological-Psychological Student Conference was held at UP Famnit. Both participants and organizers, who organized the event for the second year in a row, were satisfied with the high level of the programme.

 34 participants from all three public Slovenian universities and from Croatia (Zagreb, Pula, Zadar) were registered and attended the conference live, in the premises of UP Famnit. Those registered contributed with oral presentations and posters from the fields of biology and psychology, and some even successfully connected these two fields.

 In order to diversify and raise the quality of the scientific programme, the organizers invited four more guest lecturers to participate, who gladly gave the conference the atmosphere of a real scientific event. At the end of the conference, the organizers and all participants are very grateful to dr. David Gosar (Pediatric Clinic, UKC Ljubljana), dr. Nina Gunde-Cimerman (UL Faculty of Biotechnology), dr. Neven Iveša (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula) and dr. Tina Tinkara Peternelj (UP Famnit).

Approximately 20 students, members of the Association of Conservation Biologists - BIODIVA and the Association of Biopsychology Students, participated in the organization. They were also helped by professors and assistants of UP Famnit, who participated in the scientific committee and thus ensured that the conference was organized at a high level. The result of the team’s hard work is the Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Biological-Psychological Student Conference, which is already published and accessible >>here<<.

Anja Klepac, president of the conference, described her experience as follows: "After 340 days from the first edition, the second Biological-Psychological Student Conference was once again successful. This time we focused our attention even more on the accompanying and social programme. With the support of the scientific committee, we listened to a variety of current scientific topics, which of course led to lengthy debates. Despite the many sleepless nights of the organizers, the satisfaction of the participants and the new friendships made outweighed all the effort.‎"

 Taja Pajmon Rak, the other president of the conference, told us that "We were very happy that this year we managed to organize the conference completely in person and that among the participants there were quite a few passive ones, which came to listen to the scientific programme. Last year we had to broadcast the entire program online, but this year we decided to organize the event in person, to encourage socializing and networking among students (and we are glad we achieved this goal). The organizing team got quite few younger students, even though they didn't know anything about organizing conferences. Thus, in the core organizing team, we have high hopes for younger, up-and-coming students who (with our help, of course) will continue organizing this conference for a long time, years after we are no longer here. Our hope of course, is for our conference to become permanent, kind of a tradition for students from all over Slovenia and abroad, in order for them to come to Koper every year." ‎

 The organizers are grateful to the Student Council of UP Famnit and the Municipality of Koper for the financial support of the project. A special thanks goes to UP Famnit for all the support and help, without it the event could not be held at such a level.


Tuesday, 20 September 2022 This year we »Cycle Around the Globe« for Suicide Prevention

Every year we celebrate the World Suicide Prevention Day on the 10th of September, and this year, to raise awareness of the issue in Slovenia, the University of Primorska organised an event in Ljubljana's Cukrarna Gallery. It was aimed at informing the public about the activities on the occasion and to officially announce the hosting of the 32nd World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, organised next September by the University of Primorska and IASP.

UP IAM and the Slovene Centre for Suicide Research already joined the "Cycle Around the Globe" campaign and started cycling the length of the Earth, or 40,075 kilometres, joined by cyclists from all over the world.

The campaign aims to raise awareness for suicide prevention efforts around the world in order to reduce the incidence of suicide and suicidal behaviour. We ask our global community to engage with each other and join together to spread awareness and to cycle any distance on any road, track or gym and help us work together to prevent suicide.

From 10 September – 10 October 2022, we are asking you to cycle with us and log your kilometres by filling in the online form. You can share your highlights from your cycling journeys with the community on the Prekolesarimo svet 2022 Facebook event.



Dear freshmen!

Your first Academic year is about to start and we are warmly inviting you to take part of the activities of the first day! The meeting with the study programmes coordinators will take place on 2 locations: in Koper (Glagoljaška8) and in the Livade 1.0 building, Livade 6, Izola:

  • KOPER – student gather at 9:30 in the park in front of the faculty, and from 10.00 to 11.30 there will be meetings with the study programme coordinators:
    • Mathematics (Slovene) and Mathematics in Economics and Finance: in classroom Famnit-MP1 (1st floor),
    • Computer Science (Slovene): in classroom VP3 (2nd floor),
    • Bioinformatics (Slovene): in classroom MP6 (2nd floor),
    • Biopsychology: in classroom VP2 (1st floor),
  • IZOLA - student gather at 9:30 in front of Livade 1.0, and from 10.00 to 11. 30 there will be meetings with the study programme coordinators:
    • Conservation Biology: in classroom Famnit 3 (3rd floor),
    • Mediterranean Agriculture: in classroom Livade-Epsilon (ground floor).

Meetings with study programme coordinators for students enrolled in English programmes (Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Mathematics) will take place during Orientation days at UP (for more info please check: You are kindly invited to apply, if you haven't so far.

We kindly ask you to come on time, as the meetings will start at 10.00 with the official welcome from the rector UP.

All courses will start on Tuesday, 4th October – please check the schedule here (

All notices from Student Services (changes of the course schedule,…) will be regularly published on the website (, but we advise you to register for the news and notices for your programme, as you will be immediately notified of any change.

See you soon!

UP FAMNIT professors and staff

Monday, 19 September 2022 UNDERGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Autumn Semester 2022/2023

We would like to inform you that the course schedules for all study programmes for the Autumn Semester 2022/2023 are published on our website ( Lectures start on Monday, 3 October 2022 and last until Friday, 20 January 2023.

On this website you can also find a short clip that will show you how to check the course schedule.

Important information about the course schedule:

  • Please check the schedule regularly, because weekly schedules can differ.
  • The schedule might change until Friday, 30 September. Please check the schedule again before the beginning of the academic year.
  • In some undergraduate courses, students are divided into groups for laboratory work. Students will receive the information about the group on their student university e-mail no later than Saturday, 1 October or on their personal e-mail if they are enrolled in the 1st year of study.

The pedagogical process will take place also in the University Campus Livade in Izola. The location and classroom is marked in the course schedule.

Changes after that (from Monday, 3 October) will be published in the notices of Student Services. You will be able to find them here: (for each study programme separately). We advice all students to register for the news, as they will be immediately notified by email about any change.

Freshman will have meeting with the study programme coordinators on Monday, 3rd October. All information is published on our website. All lectures and tutorials start on Tuesday, 4th October.

Students of the 2nd and 3rd year start with lectures and tutorials on Monday, 3rd October (acording to the course schedule).

Meetings with study programme coordinators for students enrolled in English programmes (Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Mathematics) will take place during Orientation days at UP (for more info please check:

In the beginning of October, study programme coordinators will meet all 2nd and 3rd year students. Exact terms will be published in the notices of Student Services.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Monday, 19 September 2022 POSTGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Autumn Semester 2022/2023

We would like to inform you that the course schedules for all study programmes for the Autumn Semester 2022/2023 are published on our website ( Lectures start on Monday, 3 October 2022 and last until Friday, 20 January 2023.

On this website you can also find a short clip that will show you how to check the course schedule.

Important information about the course schedule:

  • Please check the schedule every week, because weekly schedules can differ.
  • The schedule might change until Friday, 30 September. Please check the schedule again before the beginning of the academic year.

The pedagogical process will take place also in the University Campus Livade in Izola. The location and classroom is marked in the course schedule.

Terms for the meetings with the study programme coordinators with the 1st year students:

  • Mathematical Sciences – Slovene (PMA): Monday, 3 October at 16.00 in Famnit-MP3 (Glagoljaška 8, Koper, 2nd floor);
  • Computer Science (PRIN): Monday, 3 October at 11.30 in Famnit-MP7 (Glagoljaška 8, Koper, ground floor);
  • Nature Conservation (PBI):  Monday, 3 October at 15.00 in Livade-Epsilon (University campus Livade Izola, Livade4, ground floor);
  • Biopsychology (PBP): Monday, 3 October at 12.00 in Brolo-B2 (Trg Brolo 12, Koper, 2nd floor);
  • Psychology (UPSI): Thursday, 6 October at 14.00 in Famnit-VP3 (Glagoljaška 8, Koper, 2nd floor);
  • Data Science – Slovene (PZ): Monday, 3 October at 15.00 in Famnit-MP2 (Glagoljaška 8, Koper, 2nd floor).

Meetings with study programme coordinators for students enrolled in English programmes (Mathematical Sciences, Data Science) will take place during Orientation days at UP (for more info please check:

In the beginning of October study programme coordinators will meet 2nd year students. Exact terms will be published in the notices of Student Services.

Changes after that (from Monday, 3 October) will be published in the notices of Student Services. You will be able to find them here: (for each study programme separately). We advice all students to register for the news, as they will be immediately notified by email about any change.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Friday, 16 September 2022 Aleksandar Tošić, new Doctor of Science

Yesterday, 15 September 2022, we welcomed another doctor of science at UP FAMNIT.

Aleksandar Tošić, a student of the doctoral study programme Computer Science at UP FAMNIT has succesfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Tradeoffs in using blockchain technology for security, privacy, and decentralization: theoretical and empirical perspectives; under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Jernej Vičič, PhD and co-mentorship of Assist. Prof. Michael David Burnard, PhD.

We sincerely congratulate the new doctor of science and wish him much success on his future journey in research!

Tuesday, 13 September 2022 The doctoral thesis defence of the student Aleksandar Tošić

Aleksandar Tošić, student of the doctoral study programe Computer Science at UP FAMNIT will defend his doctoral thesis Tradeoffs in using blockchain technology for security, privacy, and decentralization: theoretical and empirical perspectives; under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Jernej Vičič, PhD and co-mentorship of Assist. Prof. Michael David Burnard, PhD.

The defence will take place on Thurdsay, 15 September 2022 at 7:00 on Zoom:

The doctoral disertation is available in the library at UP FAMNIT.

Tuesday, 13 September 2022 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation – Amar Bapić

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation Constructing new superclasses of bent functions and further constructions of cryptographically significant mappings outside M# of the student Amar Bapić, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Mathematical Sciences.

The presentation will take place on Tuesday, 20 September 2022 at 14.00 on Zoom:


As part of the 200. years of G. J. Mendel, the founder of genetics we cordially invite you to the exhibition:


This exhibition, in the form of a comic strip by illustrator Lucie Seifert, presents the life of Gregor Johann Mendel from his birth, through his years of study in the Czech Republic and Vienna, his entry into a monastery, to his teaching practice. The focus is on his research activities, in particular his experiments in pea cross-breeding and his subsequent discovery of how hereditary traits are passed on from parents to child.

Mendel's (un)successful lecture on the results of his research is also presented. In addition the exhibition deals with his successors Hugo de Vries, Carl Erich Correns and Erich von Tschermak, who independently of each other confirmed his discoveries and conclusions in 1900. It also recalls the attitude of Nazism and Communism towards genetics and it summarises how the knowledge gained from genetics is being applied in various fields, including agriculture, forensic science, medicine and archaeology.

Gregor Johann Mendel, pioneer of genetics and a world-renowned scientist, was born in the village of Hynčice, in what is now the Czech Republic. His discoveries and work marked a certain historical period and made a notable contribution to the common good of mankind, which resonates even today.

The exhibition is under the honorary patronage of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana, H.E. Ex. Juraj Chmiel and is hosted by Mendel University in Brno.

The exhibition will be on display from 13 September to 13 October 2022 in the lobby of the Armeria of the University of Primorska.

On the opening day, at 4 pm, the exhibition will be opened by dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of the University of Primorska, dr. Andreja Kutnar Director of the InnoRenew CoE Institute and Mr. Jan Beneš, Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Ljubljan.



Monday, 12 September 2022 InnoRenew CoE and the University of Primorska successfully organised the international congress Woodrise 2022

The Woodrise 2022 congress was held in Bernardin on 6-7 September 2022 under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor. More than 200 international participants attended the congress to listen to lectures about the best examples of sustainable construction from around the world.

Among the keynote speakers was Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the mastermind behind the development of the New European Bauhaus, whose inspirational speech highlighted the urgency of action to mitigate climate change: “If we keep global warming below two degrees, which is very difficult to achieve, we can prevent many natural disasters. We can achieve this by fundamentally transforming the built environment and by using more wood, which is storing the carbon dioxide. We already have the first opportunity now, when it will be necessary to renovate Ukraine’s cities, ruined because of the war.”

                Hans Joachim Schellnhuber. Image: UP                             Woodrise 2022 roundtable discussion. Image: UP

All keynote speakers were also part of the roundtable discussion. They shared their thoughts and views on multi-storey timber construction, and current architectural and engineering developments. In particular, they focused on the renovation, rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing buildings using timber construction technologies.

The congress included thematic workshops where a number of research projects on timber construction and the latest developments in the performance of tall timber construction were presented. Additionally, research projects were presented in a poster exhibition. Further, the travelling exhibition “Women Ambassadors Creating the Future of Wood Science” was also part of the congress. Among the ambassadors is Dr. Andreja Kutnar, InnoRenew CoE director and University of Primorska’s professor.

From 8–9 September 2022, attendees joined the technical and business tours of the construction and wood processing industry in Slovenia and the surrounding region.

Woodrise 2022 is grateful to its sponsors – Securo AS, SHERPA Connection Systems, Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld, Langzauner, Sema Software, Rothoblaas, Beck Group, Hasslacher Norica Timber, iQwood, CBD, Jelovica hiše, M Sora and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.


Friday, 9 September 2022 First graduate of Undergraduate study programme Conservation Biology

On Friday, 2 September 2022, Luka Kostadinovski successfully completed the Undergraduate study programme Conservation Biology with the thesis &ldquo "Population status of false ringlet, Coenonympha oedippus (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera: Nymphalidae), on Cerje two years after fire" under the mentorship of assoc. prof. Jure Jugovic and assoc. prof. Martina Lužnik.


His research took place in the area of ​​Cerje, which was also hit by a severe wildfire in 2019. In this area, he compared the population status of false ringlets between 2020 and 2021. As he said, this is one of the most endangered species of butterflies in the whole of Europe. The results of the research showed that their population has increased by two times, and where also the habitat has been restored compared to 2020. 

"The field of Conservation Biology, inspired me from the very beginning, because due to the small group of students, professors can pay more attention. Through my studies, I also gained and upgraded my knowledge with theoretical and practical work. I am thankful to all professors and assistants, especially to asocc. prof. Jure Jugovic and assoc. prof. Martina Lužnik." he concluded. 

He would also like to express gratitude to all professors and assistants, especially to his supervisor asocc. prof. Jure Jugovic and co-supervisor assoc. prof. Martina Lužnik.

Luka Kostadinovski is the first graduate of the Undergraduate study program in Conservation Biology.

In the academic year 2018/19 changes occurred in the study programme, which include also the change of the study programme's name from Biodiversity to Conservation Biology.

Congratulations and good luck on his further research journey!

                                                                                   Luka Kostadinovski


ŠtartUP – Meet & Greet event for all UP students will take place on Saturday, 8 October 2022, from 9am onwards in the new Žusterna Seaside Park, Koper.

An event full of sport activities organised by SportUP, socialising, meeting and making new connections among UP students, presentations of local organizations and activities organised by UP faculties will keep us entertained until late afternoon.

You must register for the event.

ŠtartUP 2022 event trailer HERE


  • There will be drinking fountains with running water at the venue, so please bring your own water bottle for hydration (glasses will not be available).
  • Lunch will be provided for all participants, but in the interest of "zero waste sustainability we encourage you to bring your own cutlery and a deeper plate or bowl.
  • At registration you will also receive an  activity card to collect stamps at the various presentation points. Each student with 20+ stamps (out of 30) will be entered into a raffle with generous prizes, so we encourage you to actively collect and participate.
  • The location of the event provides ample opportunities for lounging in the sun, so keep a bath towel or picnic blanket in your rucksack or bag.
  • Alcohol and other illegal substances are not allowed on site. Violators will be asked to leave by security.
  • All participants are responsible for the order and cleanliness of the venue, so please dispose of your rubbish in the designated areas.

The EVENT SCHEDULE will be as follows:

  • 9.00 - Registration for the event, at which you will receive a wristband, an activity card and a UP T-shirt. (open till 11.00)
  • 10.00 - Official start of the event with a speech by the UP Rector Prof. Klavdija Kutnar
  • 10.00-13.00 - SportUP sports and social activities, activities at different presentation points around the venue
  • 13.00 - Lunch
  • 14.00-17.00 - SportUP sports and social activities, activities at different presentation points around the venue

All those who have registered for the BUS SHUTTLE will receive the exact details in the next few days. Due to the high interest, we kindly ask you to stick to the announced times and instructions, otherwise we cannot guarantee your transport. For this reason, we recommend you to be on the bus 15 minutes before departure.

Departure times in the morning:

  • 9.00PORTOROŽ (bus station in front of UP FTŠ Turistica)
  • 9.30IZOLA (bus station in the center of Izola (by the Post office)

Departure times in the afternoon

  • 17.00 – bus station Žusterna for IZOLA
  • 17.30 – bus station Žusterna for PORTOROŽ

***If you are registered for a bus but do not need it, please let us know as soon as possible to the number +386 31 713 527 stating your first and last name, e-mail and where you will wait for the bus (Portorož or Izola). Also, if you have not registered and would like to take the bus, please let us know.

We have no doubt that this event will be a great start to the new academic year for you and for us.

***If you would like to join the event as a volunteer to help organise both the StartUP event as well as the Orientation Days for International Students, you are welcome to join us by applying here >

See you on Saturday!

- ŠtartUP team.


Thursday, 8 September 2022 UP Famnit Nature Conservation student presented the results of her research on the »Forgotten Catch of Small-Scale Bottom Set Nets in Northern Adriatic« at the European Congress of Conservation Biology

Hana Hanžek-Turnšek, student of the Master’s studies in Nature Conservation, took part in the 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology, which was held between 22 and 26 August 2022 at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.

At the congress, the student presented the preliminary results of the research entitled »Towards Sustainable Fisheries: Forgotten Catch of Small-Scale Bottom Set Nets in Northern Adriatic«, which was carried out under the mentorship of assoc. prof. Bojan Lazar and assist. Matic Jančič, in collaboration with the co-authors.

The results showed, that the fishermen of northern Istria discard large amounts of the entire catch, and benthic invertebrates represent the majority of these discards. A large amount of waste could be problematic for the ecosystem, as organisms are subjected to many stress factors, such as barotrauma, exposure to air, physical injuries, etc. However, based on these results, it cannot yet be assessed, whether this branch of fishing has a significantly negative impact on ecosystems.

The European Congress of Conservation Biology was the student's first scientific event, where she presented the results of her research. »Participating in the congress was a great experience, as I had the opportunity to learn about many new topics and methodological approaches directly from respected European researchers and experts, who developed them,«said Hana Hanžek-Turnšek.

The congress, which aims to bring together practitioners and researchers of nature conservation, exchange knowledge and promote the biodiversity of Europe, is organized every two years by the European section of the Society for Conservation Biology. At the Czech University of Life Sciences, it took place again this year after 13 years.


In the frame of the Call for enrolment into postgraduate (master and doctoral) study programmes in the academic year 2022/2023, the University of Primorska is openinig on Thursday, 8 September 2022:

  • the second-round application period for Slovene citizens and citizens of EU member states and
  • the third-round application period for foreigners from non-EU countries and Slovenes without Slovene citizenship.

The application period will be open until Thursday, 15 September 2022.

The list of study programmes with free enrolment places is available:

Wednesday, 7 September 2022 Start of the study process in the University Campus Livade in Izola in the next academic year 2022/23

We inform all students that in the next academic year 2022/23, the pedagogical process will be again also in the University Campus Livade in Izola.

For three study programmes - Conservation Biology, Mediterranean Agriculture and Nature Conservation - the study process will be carried out mainly in Izola, and partly still in Koper.

Individual courses of some other study programmes will also be held at the University Campus Livade in Izola, namely:

  • Bioinformatics (undergraduate): lab work and some lectures for biological courses;
  • Biopsychology (undergraduate): lab work for one course in the the 1st and 3rd year of study;
  • Biopsychology (Master's) and Psychology (Master's): elective course Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration.

Detailed information for the first semester 2022/23 will be available when the course schedule will be published, presumably 2 weeks before the start of the new academic year.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Tuesday, 6 September 2022 President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor inaugurates the Woodrise 2022 international congress

Yesterday, 5 September 2022, the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor, officially opened the Woodrise 2022 international congress, which is taking place in Bernardin, Slovenia under the President’s honorary patronage. The InnoRenew CoE and the University of Primorska are organising it on 6-7 September 2022.

“It is my honour to address you as the President of the Republic of Slovenia and the honorary patron of the 4th Woodrise International Conference, the globally recognised conference in the field of contemporary sustainable construction,” said Borut Pahor, Slovenian’s president, in his opening remarks, and added: “I am pleased that Slovenia is hosting the conference as it is perfect for sustainable development. The raw materials needed for future sustainable development are abundant here. And we also have the services of people who know how to manage them responsibly. All of the above fills me with optimism that sustainable development is not perceived as a threat to current prosperity, but as a guarantee for a future in which we will all be able to enjoy a clean, peaceful, natural and safe environment.”

Dr. Andreja Kutnar, InnoRenew CoE director, said: “It is clear that the built environment needs to change, therefore I am very please that at Woodrise 2022 we gathered researchers, industry representatives and policy makers, under one roof, as I am sure that only together we can create a path towards new solutions that are needed in the built environment.”

            President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor
  at Woodrise 2022. Image: Daniel Novakovič/STA.   
           Dr. Andreja Kutnar. Image: Daniel Novakovič/STA.  

Dr. Iztok Šušteršič, President of the Woodrise 2022 congress and research group leader at the InnoRenew CoE, also addressed the participants: “Europe set a very clear goal of decarbonization. It went even further and established programs like the New European Bauhaus, which aims to create sustainable future. This is why this congress is important since word wide experts will share their experience how to use sustainable and natural materials, like wood, to renew and renovate the building stock from around the globe.”

 Dr. Iztok Šušteršič. Image: Daniel Novakovič/STA.                                 Image: Daniel Novakovič/STA. 

The ceremony, moderated by Ms Breda Biščak, was also attended by the Mayor of Piran, Mr Đenio Zadković, who welcomed the participants, and Dr Štefko Miklavič, Vice-Rector for Research and Development at the University of Primorska, and other guests. The cultural programme was enriched by the musician Marina Martensson.

Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Dr. Andreja Kutnar and
the president of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor. Image: Daniel Novakovič/STA.

The main part of the Woodrise 2022 will take place 6-7 September 2022 in the Congress Centre Bernardin, where the best examples of timber use for sustainable renovation of the existing building stock will be presented. Keynote speakers include Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the mastermind behind the development of the New European Bauhaus, who will share with participants the urgent need to transform the built environment if we are to achieve the European Union’s ambitious climate goals.

Woodrise 2022 is one of the world’s most important congresses in the field of contemporary  sustainable construction, bringing to the Slovenian coast international experts in the field of multi-storey timber construction, who will present the latest architectural and engineering developments in this sector during the two-day event.

Woodrise 2022 is grateful to its sponsors – Securo AS, SHERPA Connection Systems, Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld, Langzauner, Sema Software, Rothoblaas, Beck Group, Hasslacher Norica Timber, iQwood, CBD, Jelovica hiše, M Sora and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.


On 2 September 2022, an event was held at the Cukrarna Gallery to inform the public about the activities on the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September and to officially announce a key event in the field of suicide prevention - tthe University of Primorska will host the 32nd World Suicide Prevention Day in September 2023.  This is a special honor and a testament to the excellent work of researchers in the field of suicide prevention who have been working at the University of Primorska since 2011 within the Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research at the UP Institute Andrej Marušič.   


In the first part of the program, moderated by dr. Vita Poštuvan, the participants were welcomed by dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of UP, who emphasized that such large international events are proof of the University's excellent involvement in the international environment. Dr. Rory O'Connor, President of IASP, congratulated the organizers. Dr. Diego De Leo, Head of the Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research  and a world-renowned suicidologist, emphasized the importance of Slovenia hosting IASP because suicide is a key public health problem at the national level.  He handed over the floor to dr. Mojca Gobec, Head of the Disease and Injury Prevention Sector at the Directorate for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia. The announcement of the Congress was concluded by Ms. Wendy Orchard, Director of IASP,  who highlighted the importance of studying and preventing suicide.  

The second part of the event showcased the activities that have helped improve mental health in the past year and will support it in the coming year. World Suicide Prevention Day is now in its 20th year, this time under the theme ""Creating Hope through Action" ; - key activities include the lighting of candles on World Mental Health Day and the Cycling around the World campaign, which runs from 10 September to 10 October, World Mental Health Day. The activities were presented by dr. Vita Poštuvan alongside other activities of the Slovenian Centre for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Saška Roškar (NIJZ)  presented the activities and data of the National Institute, and Anamarija Zavasnik (representative of the Slovenian Association for Suicide Prevention / Psychological Counselling Centre "Posvet") presented the activities for people in need. More information on the activities is available in the press release > HERE.

The event was further enriched with a dance interpretation of hardship and mental health by dancer Lia Ujčič, who in a three-part performance took the audience through a depiction of physical distress, through the awareness of emotional adversity and to the final liberation.

If you are in need, please ask for help. 

SOS – Emergency phone

116 123: Confidental phone Samarijan in Sopotnik (24h/dan)  
116 111: TOM for children and young people (12-20h)  
01 520 99 00: Mental distress call (19-7h)  

Find out more about professional help > HERE.