University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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Monday, 30 May 2022 Second application term for undergraduate studies for non-EU citizens

Today, 30 May 2022, starts the second application term for non-EU citizens for the enrolment in the undergraduate study programmes at UP FAMNIT and it lasts until 27 july 2022.

There are available places for the study programmes listed below:

  • Bioinformatics (Slovene version),
  • Mathematics (Slovene and English version),
  • Mathematics in Economics and Finance,
  • Mediterranean Agriculture,
  • Conservation Biology.

All information about the application procedure are available here.

For more information please contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75) or the Admissions Office of University of Primorska at

Monday, 30 May 2022 TRIPLE i in Suicidology Conference 2022


We are pleased to invite you to the 13th TRIPLE i conference: intuition, imagination and innovation in suicidology. The conference will be held from 31 May to 1 June 2022 in the Zoom online environment and in person at the premises of the University of Primorska (Meeting room, Titov trg 4, Koper, Slovenia). The event is organised by Andrej Marušič Institute, Slovene Centre for Suicide Research in collaboration with the De Leo Fund Onlus.

TRIPLE i is an international annual conference organised by the Slovene Centre for Suicide Research (UP IAM SCSR) in memory of the late Prof. Andrej Marušič and is held each year around the time of his birthday. The aim of the conference is to promote intuition, imagination and innovation in research and prevention of suicide and suicidal behaviour.

The programme includes topics of suicide research and clinical work with suicidal patients (theory, research, prevention, and interventions in suicidology). Existing difficulties in both research and clinical work will be specifically addressed.

The two-day conference will host internationally renowned experts in the field of suicidology such as Prof. Stephen Platt, Prof. David Gunnell, Prof, Holly C. Wilcox, Prof. Danuta Wasserman, Prof. Kairi Kõlves, Prof. Nicola Veronese, Prof. Lanny Berman, Prof. David A. Jobes, and more.

For more information visit the platform ŽivŽiv?! available here. In case you have additional questions, please send an email to

Students, professionals, scholars, practitioners or others interested in the topic of suicidal behaviours from different fields and different parts of the world are invited to join the conference. Let the TRIPLE i be the opportunity to express and practice your intuition, imagination and innovative ideas.

Warm welcome!

Diego De Leo and Vita Poštuvan

Thursday, 26 May 2022 1st Famnit Hackathon – another successful event carried out by Famnit students

On 21 and 22 May 2022 GDSC Primorska - Google developer Student Club at University of  Primorska successfully carried out the 1st Famnit Hackathon!

A Hackathon is a social coding event that brings computer programmers and students from other programmes together to improve upon or build a new software program.

8 teams of 3 students from Computer science, Bioinformatics, Mathematics, Psychology and Management study programmes have participated in the event. The teams had been either formed on their own, or on the Hackathon Team Building event prior to the Hackathon.

3 main categories were represented:Solutions to the sea overexploitation (A), Responsible Consumption (B) and Health & Mental Wellbeing (C).

Category winners:

(A) Danilo Radonjić, Amar Bapić, Selma Crnkić
(B) Riste Micev, Dimitar Pelivanov, Damjan Dimitrov
(C) Amila Mirvić, Jaša Selinšek, Natalija Robič

The overall winners, who won in the Responsible Consumption category, took the main prize of 500 EUR provided by Dinit Card Services, while the best idea award went to Zhaneta Koceva, Berna Asanova and Marija Zhivkovikj.


Other teams also showed great effort and produced amazing solutions, moreover some of them were also invited to further meetings with sponsors to discuss possible internships.

We would like to thank all the companies and organizations, that have shown interest in networking with our students: Dinit Card Services, Trapview, Mistral, Aquarium Piran, InnoRennew CoE and HICUP Lab. Some of their representatives have taken on mentoring roles during the competition and formed the jury team for the final project evaluation.

»The hardest part of organizing was coming up with a competition concept, that would be interesting both to students and companies involved. Also getting sponsors, but we were glad to have had a lot of companies dedicate their otherwise free time to our Hackathon. What made us happy is that the company representatives were happy with the work Famnit students produced and we helped students network with potential employers,« said the GDSC representatives.

Google developer Student Clubs are groups of undergraduate or master's students at individual universities in the international environment working in the field of Google technology.

GDSC Primorska provides developers with a learning environment and in its circle invites students of all undergraduate and master's programs who strive to upgrade their knowledge and skills in the field of modern technology. Learning takes place in the form of interactive workshops and seminars, in which lecturers also participate, and members are equipped with their extensive knowledge and good practices.

Club members are also happy to accept ideas and suggestions to better the community. You can contact them at

We also invite you to visit GDSC Primorska Facebook and Instagram profiles.



Wednesday, 25 May 2022 Online Info Week for Master's studies

If you are interested in studying at UP FAMNIT or you are still undecided about your postgraduate studies, join our Online Info Week for Master's study programmes from 26 May to 3 June 2022!


UP FAMNIT Master's study programmes are interdisciplinary and diverse, and offer to students everything they need: knowledge, project work, case study, research activities and well equipped laboratories.

You are invited to join the presentations of our study programmes, which will be held from 26 May to 3 June 2022 on ZOOM.

Study programmes coordinators will present our study and research activities as well as answer your questions.

Programmes that are held in English language will be presented in English.

There is a specific day and time of presentation for each Master's study program, so we invite you to see the list below. More information about our info events and Zoom links can be found here.




26 may 2022

Biopsychology (SLO)

5:00 PM

Psychology (SLO)

6:00 PM

30. maj 2022

Computer Science (SLO)

5.00 PM

31. maj 2022

Data Science (EN)

4:00 PM

Mathematical Sciences (SLO)

5:00 PM

Mathematical Sciences (EN)

6:00 PM

2. junij 2022

Nature Conservation (SLO)

6:00 PM

3. junij 2022

Sustainable Built Environments (SLO)

5.00 PM

Sustainable Built Environments (EN)

6:00 PM


Click HERE and discover all Master's study programmes at UP FAMNIT!

For more information:

The CALL FOR ENROLMENT into UP FAMNIT postgraduate study programmes in 2022/23 is available HERE.

You are invited to join us!

Wednesday, 25 May 2022 Famnit student Diar Gashi achieved remarkable success on the Open International Internet-Olympiad in mathematics 2022

UP FAMNIT students have been competing at the Open International Internet-Olympiad in mathematics (OIIO) for many years and every time they are ranked among the best contestants.

Once again, they excelled at this year's competition.

The first round of the competition took place on February 25 where 6 Famnit students took part in the competition:

  • Todor Antić (Mathematics, 3rd year),
  • Jelena Glišić (Mathematics, 3rd year),
  • Milan Milivojčević (Computer Science, 3rd year),
  • Matjaž Madon (Mathematics, 2nd year),
  • Lazar Marković (Mathematics, 2nd year),
  • Diar Gashi (Mathematics, 1st year).

In the second round of the competition, which took place on March 26, as many as five students qualified (Diar Gashi, Milan Milivojčević, Jelena Glišić, Matjaž Madon in Todor Antić), among which Matjaž Madon and Milan Milivojčević scored the highest.

Diar Gashi ranked highest among Famnit students, advancing to the 3rd, final round of the competition, which took part on May 12, occupying the excellent 2rd place and receiving the 1st prize.

Diar Gashi

We sincerely congratulate all contestants and wish them much success in future!

Tuesday, 24 May 2022 The programming team of Famnit students represented the University of Primorska at the CERC competition

After last year's successful participation in the University Programming Marathon (UPM), which has been taking place at three Slovenian universities at the same time for a quarter of a century (UL, UM and UP) under the auspices of ACM Slovenia, Famnit's students Ina Bašić, Jelena Glišić and Ajla Šehović also competed in the SCERC (Central Europe Regional Contest), which is an integral part of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), the largest and most prestigious university computer science competition in the world.

In cooperation with the ACM Slovenija association, the University of Ljubljana hosted the Central European Regional Programming Contest (CERC) for the first time in Slovenia on 23 and 24 April this year.

This year, Slovenia was represented at the CERC competition by four teams from the University of Ljubljana, two teams from the University of Maribor and one team from the University of Primorska, consisting of Famnit students.

Dr. Andrej Brodnik (competition leader) from the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies at UP FAMNIT also contributed to the implementation of the competition.

Congratulations to the competitors who represented the University of Primorska at CERC 2021!


Ina Bašić, Ajla Šehović and Jelena Glišić

Monday, 23 May 2022 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation – Kenny Štorgel

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation Certain Graph-Theoretic Invariants and Decompositions: From Structure to Bounds and Algorithms of the student Kenny Štorgel, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Mathematical Sciences.

The presentation will take place on Wednesday, 1 June 2022 at 10.00 in the classroom FAMNIT-Avla Glagoljaška.

Monday, 23 May 2022 Project STEP CHANGE is in full swing – Steering Committee Meeting at UP FAMNIT

Last week, Faculty of mathematic, natural Sciences and Information Technologies hosted a Steering Committee Meeting for STEP CHANGE, an international project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

A three-year project, with a funding just over 2 million euros is coordinated by the researchers from the Department of Biodiversity at UP FAMNIT. The project, launched in March 2021, will draw on the expertise of 11 partners from 7 European countries and Uganda Uganda (including Oxford University, Aarhus University in Denmark and Tor Vergata University in Italy), to increase the mutual responsiveness of science and society while boosting the capacity of scientific investigation over phenomena that cannot be completely seized within conventional disciplinary boundaries.

STEP CHANGE builds on the assumption that citizen science can play an even broader societal and scientific role than is generally acknowledged. The overall objective of the project is to explore the potential of citizen science and to formulate recommendations and instruments for better cementing this approach within R&I institutions as well as changing researchers’ mindsets on its value.

Through 5 Citizen Science Initiatives, the project partners obtain important information in the fields of health, energy and the environment. The project assumes active public participation in scientific or research projects - hence the term "Citizen science". In Slovenia, the initiative focuses on wildlife conservation in Slovenia, which will contribute to additional development of the Hunting Information System (HIS) and further the cooperation between leading researchers of game in Slovenia and the Hunting Association of Slovenia (HAS).

Representatives of all partner institutions attended a two-day meeting, held at UP FAMNIT, during which they reviewed current activities within all five initiatives and examined the public response in the countries where the initiatives are currently taking place.

"I am glad that after one year of online meetings, we were finally able to meet live in Koper. The meeting was an exceptional opportunity to get to know each other better and share invaluable experiences", concludes prof. Elena Bužan, the project leader.

The next STEP CHANGE Steering Committee Meeting will take place in November 2022 in Brussels, with participation of the European Commission representatives.

More information about the project:


Thursday, 19 May 2022 The book »Symmetry in Graphs« by authors from the University of Primorska published by Cambridge University Press

The book »Symmetry in Graphs« was published by Cambridge University Press in the series Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Authors of this first full-length book on the major theme of symmetry in graphs are Ted Dobson, Aleksander Malnič and Dragan Marušič, researchers of the University of Primorska.

Books within the Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics series aim to introduce the reader to an active area of mathematical research. Besides being suitable for graduate students, the treatments are applicable for experts from other branches of mathematics, seeking access to research topics.


ABOUT »Symmetry in Graphs«

The book begins with the basic material, leading the reader towards major problems and most active research themes of this fast-growing field, which forms a part of algebraic graph theory. Authors motivate the detailed discussion of individual topics that follow the introduction.

It is concerned with the study of highly symmetric graphs, particularly vertex-transitive graphs, and other combinatorial structures, primarily by group-theoretic techniques. Investigations of the field shed new light on permutation groups and related algebraic structures.

Featuring many examples and over 450 exercises, it is an essential introduction to the field for graduate students and a valuable addition to any algebraic graph theorist's bookshelf.


»The book is an excellent introduction to graph symmetry, assuming only first courses in each of group theory and graph theory. Illustrative and instructive examples of graphs with high symmetry are given along with motivating problems. The theory of group actions is interspersed throughout the book, as appropriate to the development of the graph story, and there are separate chapters treating different research directions, for example, vertex-transitive graphs and their automorphism groups, the Cayley Isomorphism Problem, and Hamiltonicity. The book provides a seamless entry for students and other interested people into this fascinating study of the interplay between symmetry and network theory, with extensive lists of exercises at the end of each chapter, and important research problems on graph symmetry discussed throughout the book, and especially in the final chapter.«
Cheryl Praeger - University of Western Australia, Perth

»Dobson, Malnič and Marušič have done us a real service. They offer a thorough treatment of graph symmetry, the first text book on the topic. What makes this even more useful is that their treatment is detailed, careful and gentle.«
Chris Godsil - University of Waterloo, Ontario

»A book like this is long overdue. It brings together a vast array of important and interesting material about graph symmetries, and is very well presented. Congratulations to the authors on a fine achievement. «
Marston Conder - University of Auckland

More about the publication can be found here.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation – Nina Krohne

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation »Suicidal Behavior in Women: The Role of Intimate Partner Violence and Resilience to Suicidality« of the student Nina Krohne, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Suicidology and Mental Health.

The presentation will take place on Wednesday, 25 May 2022 at 13.00 via Zoom on link:

ID: 862 4363 1813

Monday, 16 May 2022 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation - Blas Fernandez

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation On certain problems related to Terwilliger algebras and distance-balanced graphs of the student Blas Fernandez, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Mathematical Sciences.

The presentation will take place on Wednesday, 25 May 2022 at 17.00 in the classroom FAMNIT-VP3 and via Zoom on link:

Friday, 13 May 2022 Famnit Hackathon: growing networks, meeting company representatives and making new friends

GDSC Primorska is organising a UP FAMNIT Hackathon on the faculty level!

A Hackathon is a social coding event that brings computer programmers and students from other programmes together to improve upon or build a new software program.

When and where?
21 and 22 May at Avla (Famnit, Glagoljaška 8).

Sustainable development, health and wellbeing.

Students from all Famnit programs are invited to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams. A few days before the event, you will have the chance to form teams at our welcoming event. All teams should have 2-3 members from the Computer Science/Mathematics programme, out of 4, to ease the implementational part.

Apply immediately if you are willing to work with new people, have fun, grow your network, get in touch with the sponsoring companies, win and earn some prizes.

Application form:

See you at the Famnit Hackathon!


Thursday, 12 May 2022 Forest Genetic Monitoring Training School in Kaunas, Lithuania

The Forest Genetic Monitoring Training School will be organized within the framework of ConservePlants COST Action (CA18201), with the support of International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and aims at training Postdoctoral fellows, Ph. D. candidates, early career scientists (M.Sc. Level or above), and practitioners (M.Sc. level or above) involved in genetic conservation actions.

Instructors: Prof. Filippos Aravanopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Prof. Darius Danusevičius (Vytautas Magnus University), Dr. Darius Kavaliauskas (Bavarian Office for Forest Genetics), Prof. Om Rajora (University of New Brunswick)

Date: 5July – 8 July 2022

Place: Kaunas, Lithuania

Local organiser: Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Institute of Forestry, Kaunas, Lithuania

Local contact:

The immediate objective of the Training School is to provide participants with knowledge about genetic and genomic aspects of Forest Genetic Monitoring and about how to start Forest Genetic Monitoring programs, including the selection, establishment and maintenance of plot; background information on indicators and verifiers; overview of fieldwork, laboratory and data analysis.

The mid-term objective is to foster collaborations, in research and training on FGM, and to establish a network of FGM Plots for different tree species.

Applicants should apply by 15 May using the form.

More about the programme can be found here.


Thursday, 12 May 2022 Call for papers for the conference MATCOS-22

The Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science (MATCOS-22) will be held October 13-14 2022 in Koper, Slovenia. The conference is organised by the University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM), and the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP Famnit) in cooperation with InnoRenew CoE.

MATCOS-22 will be held in conjunction with the 25th Multi-Conference on Information Society, October 10th - 14th, 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

During the past years, other fields have used several subjects, methods and approaches of Theoretical Computer Science, and several results have been integrated into practical applications. Solutions for NP-hard problems, algorithmic-oriented AI and data science, new models and methods in system biology and bioinformatics, automata theory approaches in software and hardware verification, practical quantum computing solutions and the development of other prospective new models of computation are good examples to buttress the above statement.

There is a special emphasis on use in applications such as simulation, bioinformatics, digital signal and image processing, data science, digital forensics, logistics, smart homes/cities and IoT, computational social science etc.

Paper submission deadline is July 17th, 2022.

Papers must be in English and provide sufficient details to allow the program committee to assess their merits. The submissions of regular papers, as well as their final versions, are limited to 4 pages sharp and will be published in an Information Society multi-conference proceeding.

Only submissions sent in pdf format via EasyChair will be accepted (in the submission indicate whether you are submitting a regular paper or a short paper). The link is available here.

For more detailed information on paper submission, travel and accommodation information, and general info regarding the conference, please visit

All personal inquiries must be sent to


Wednesday, 11 May 2022 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation - Sadmir Kudin

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation Specifying bent functions outside M# and some results on correlation immune functions of the student Sadmir Kudin, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Mathematical Sciences.

The presentation will take place on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 10.00 in the classroom FAMNIT-VP2.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022 Student Dren Neziri received the Golden award at the Jurij Vega Awards Competition

After a successful performance at the International Mathematical Kangaroo organized by the DMFA of Slovenia and receiving the Bronze award, Dren Neziri, a UP FAMNIT student, entered the national Jurij Vega Awards Competition, which took place on April 23 in Ljubljana.

At the 7th Student Mathematics Jurij Vega Awards Competition (also organized by DMFA), Dren Neziri took an excellent 3rd place and thus received the Golden award and 3rd Prize.

Dren Neziri at the Vojtěch Jarník International Mathematical Competition 2022

In addition to Famnit's student, Tamara Logar (UP FVZ) also took part in the national competition, which was attended by 35 students, and received a silver award.

The competition for students in mathematics was first held in the school year 2006/07 and covers two levels of competition: the school competition for the Bronze award and the national competition for the Silver and Golden awards.

In addition to popularizing mathematics, the organizers of the competition strive to deepen and expand mathematical knowledge over the complexity of the regular program in mathematics for higher education. Moreover, such an event is a good starting point for comparison between students and for discovering and encouraging mathematically gifted students.

The tasks for the school competition, which this year was attended by 402 competitors (21 of them from the University of Primorska), are prepared by the International Mathematical Kangaroo Competition Commission, and the tasks for the national competition are in the domain of the National Competition Commission.

»The school competition required a bit more coordination compared to the national competition, as students competed in several locations at the same time. Both competitions, school and national, are of the same format, but the tasks in the national competition are of course more demanding. Solving tasks with encirclement certainly facilitates the work of the commission, as the data processing process is easier and faster,« said dr. Nino Bašić from the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies at UP FAMNIT, Secretary of the National Competition Commission.

All the results are available here.

Friday, 6 May 2022 Presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation - Rene Rodriguez Aldama

We invite you to the presentation of the topic of the doctoral dissertation Generic constructions of minimal codes from special classes of functions over finite fields of the student Rene Rodriguez Aldama, enrolled in the doctoral study programme Mathematical Sciences.

The presentation will take place on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at 11.00 in the classroom FAMNIT-VP3.

Friday, 6 May 2022 EDUFarm project – invitation for participation for farmers in protected areas in Slovenia

Managing a farm in a protected area is a challenge in itself, as a well-balanced relationship between the economy and nature conservation must be upheld. The pilot project EDUFarm (Preservation of biodiversity of agricultural landscape through development and integration of educational model in agricultural activity) that is led by researchers from the Department of Biodiversity at UP FAMNIT, focuses on developing an efficient and economically sustainable model of farm management conservation of biodiversity.

The project was created with the desire to raise awareness of farm owners and other target groups (schools, Universities, and general public) about the importance of conserving and protecting biodiversity in the agricultural and cultural landscape, identifying biodiversity indicators and developing an economically sustainable farm management model.

More information about the project and the research group, which also includes the Mahne Farm and the Lambergar Farm, can be found here.

Prof. Elena Bužan, PhD (project manager), >assistant Sandra Potušek and Aja Bončina have prepared a survey questionnaire, through which they want to gain insight and consider the perspective of the farmers in protected areas in Slovenia, and the importance of preserving biodiversity in the agricultural landscape.

The results gained from this survey will be the basis for the development of a decision tree, which will serve as a tool to improve the preservation of biodiversity on farms, while enabling them to make the best use of existing financial mechanisms i.e. government and EU support, available for biodiversity conservation.

The results will also provide an understanding for the reasoning behind potential non-use of these existing financial mechanisms. Subsequently, this would offer a more detailed insight into why the measures and financial support that is available for preservation of biodiversity in the agricultural landscape is not utilized systematically.

All farms in protected areas are invited to complete the questionnaire: