University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Monday, 30 May 2022 TRIPLE i in Suicidology Conference 2022


We are pleased to invite you to the 13th TRIPLE i conference: intuition, imagination and innovation in suicidology. The conference will be held from 31 May to 1 June 2022 in the Zoom online environment and in person at the premises of the University of Primorska (Meeting room, Titov trg 4, Koper, Slovenia). The event is organised by Andrej Marušič Institute, Slovene Centre for Suicide Research in collaboration with the De Leo Fund Onlus.

TRIPLE i is an international annual conference organised by the Slovene Centre for Suicide Research (UP IAM SCSR) in memory of the late Prof. Andrej Marušič and is held each year around the time of his birthday. The aim of the conference is to promote intuition, imagination and innovation in research and prevention of suicide and suicidal behaviour.

The programme includes topics of suicide research and clinical work with suicidal patients (theory, research, prevention, and interventions in suicidology). Existing difficulties in both research and clinical work will be specifically addressed.

The two-day conference will host internationally renowned experts in the field of suicidology such as Prof. Stephen Platt, Prof. David Gunnell, Prof, Holly C. Wilcox, Prof. Danuta Wasserman, Prof. Kairi Kõlves, Prof. Nicola Veronese, Prof. Lanny Berman, Prof. David A. Jobes, and more.

For more information visit the platform ŽivŽiv?! available here. In case you have additional questions, please send an email to

Students, professionals, scholars, practitioners or others interested in the topic of suicidal behaviours from different fields and different parts of the world are invited to join the conference. Let the TRIPLE i be the opportunity to express and practice your intuition, imagination and innovative ideas.

Warm welcome!

Diego De Leo and Vita Poštuvan