University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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The Tutoring system at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural science and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) has been helping students with both academic problems and practical life challenges for many years. In the last academic year at UP FAMNIT, 27 students were part of it. Besides helping students, they contributed to the promotion activities of the Faculty with presentations for secondary school students, on information days and other events.

Among student tutors was also Matija Zagoranski, who is now a Master's student of Biopsychology, and also a tutor in the academic year 2022/23. In his speech, he highlighted the important role of tutors, which they have during the new arrival of freshmen students: »For new students, we are their best friends before they meet their best friends. «


UP FAMNIT highly appreciates the invested effort, which the student tutors devoted to other students. On that note, yesterday, on 24 October at 12:00, we presented them with a certificate of successful competition of their tutoring work for the academic year 2021/22.

19 active studentsreceived the certificates for successfully competed tutoring work for the academic year 2021/2022:

  • MIHAIL FILIPOVSKI, student of the study programme Bioinformatics (BSc),
  • INGA RAIČ, NADEEN AL HAWAMDEH, ELENA SPIROVA and PAVLE MIHAILOVSKI , students of the study programme Computer science (BSc),
  • KAROLINA TRAJKOVSKA and MILAN MILIVOJČEVIĆ, graduates of the study programme Computer Science (BSc),
  • DOROTEA REDŽEPI and NEVENA STOJNIĆ, students of the study programme Mathematics (BSc),
  • AJLA ŠEHOVIĆ, graduate of the study programme Mathematics (BSc),
  • SINOLICHKA NAUNOVSKA and EVA KREBL, students of the study programme Biopsychology (BSc),
  • MATIJA ZAGORANSKI, student of the Master’s study programme Biopsychology,
  • CITA JENKO, student of the Master's study programme Psychology,
  • MARUŠA PENCA KOCJAN, MOJCA PUNGERČAR and ZALA HORVAT , students of the study programme Conservation Biology (BSc),
  • LUKA DUNIŠ, student with a Master’s degree in Nature Conservation,
  • ARSEN MATEJ GOLUBOVIKJ, student of the Master’s study programme Data Science.

We would like to thank all student tutors for their work and all the hours they dedicate to the students throughout the academic year and wish them every success in the future. 









Thursday, 20 October 2022 Žiga Velkavrh, new Doctor of Science

Today, 20 October 2022, we welcomed another doctor of science at UP FAMNIT.

Žiga Velkavrh, a student of the doctoral study programme Mathematical Sciences at UP FAMNIT has succesfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Behavioral traits across time and countries: essays on indirect reciprocity, deception and nationality; under the mentorship of Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD and co-mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Aljaž Ule, PhD.

We sincerely congratulate the new doctor of science and wish him much success on his future journey in research!

Thursday, 20 October 2022 Promotion of new Doctors of Science at the University of Primorska

On Thursday, 20 October 2022, the Rector of the University of Primorska promoted 11 Doctors of Science who defended their doctoral dissertations between March and October 2022 at a ceremony in the UP Armeria. 307 students have completed their doctoral studies at UP so far.

Among the newly promoted doctors of science is Aleksandar Tošić, assistant lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies. He defended his doctoral dissertation entitled »Tradeoffs in using blockchain technology for security, privacy, and decentralization: theoretical and empirical perspectives« under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Jernej Vičič and the co-supervision of Assist. Prof. Michael David Burnard.

Summary of the doctoral dissertation
The dissertation makes four scientific contributions to the field of distributed computing. The study sets theoretical and empirical results in using blockchain technology in various domains. The results include a new consensus mechanism based on verifiable delay functions, a new test for detecting anomalies in large network graphs, a framework for decentralized authoritative multiplayer games, and contributions to security and privacy in wireless sensor networks.

Sincere congratulations to all new Doctors of Science!


Thursday, 20 October 2022 Successful conclusion of the »Growth Mindset Teaching in (Higher) Education International conference« at UP FAMNIT

On Wednesday, 19 October 2022, the international conference »Growth Mindset Teaching in (Higher) Education« was held at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP Famnit). The conference was a part of Erasmus+ project GrowthMinds, whose lead partner is UP FAMNIT.

At the event university, primary and secondary school teachers, school counsellors and adult educators had an opportunity to learn about different methods, tools and good practices in teaching students of different majors, as well as to participate in various substantive discussions on the topic of growth mindset.


More about the conference program is available here.

What is a growth mindset and why is it important to develop it in students?

People with a growth mindset believe to a greater extent than those with a fixed mindset that their abilities can change, they are more likely to embrace challenges and persist for longer despite failure. Experience so far shows that the growth mindset of students can be developed in various ways.

Students with a growth mindset seek out better feedback, persist for longer, cope better with transitions, and develop better self-regulation skills. A growth mindset is also associated with well-being, lower stress levels, prosocial behavior and other favorable psychosocial outcomes.

Higher education teachers and others who provide learning experiences for students play an important role in creating a stimulating and inclusive environment for them. Teachers can use different approaches to help their students not only succeed, but also help them believe that their success comes from effort and the use of effective (learning) strategies.

The GrowthMinds project

The two-year GrowthMinds project is led by the Head of the Center for Positive Psychology, Assist. Prof. Kristijan Musek Lešnik and it started on 1 November 2020. The activities directly include university educators and university students as the main target groups.

The project’s lead partner is UP FAMNIT, in collaboration with STEP Inštitut Zavod za psihologijo dela in podjetništvo (Slovenia), Balıkesir University (Turkey), University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureş (Romania) and University of Klagenfurt (Austria).

GwowtMinds is co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ KA203 programme.


Monday, 17 October 2022 RECTOR'S DAY 2022

This year, too, we will celebrate Rector's Day (19 October 2022) with sports and social activities. UP employees will have a rich programme of workshops, hikes, excursions, and other activities on the day, to which students are also invited. 



  • Morning yoga with SportUP: (Difficulty: 2) 

Morning yoga to start your day. In the courtyard of the Armeria or in case of bad weather or too many registrants, the activity will be held at UP FM (P6) sport hall, at 8.00.  Apply here 

  • Seafront walk from Koper to Izola(and back): (Difficulty: 1) 

A relaxed walk to Simon's Bay with the possibility of a guided tour of the Archaeological Park OR a relaxed walk to Simon's Bay with the possibility of a guided tour of the InnoRenew CoE building.  

The meeting point will be at the entrance to the gravel car park in Žusterna at 9.30.  Apply here 

  • Seafront walk from Turistica to Piran (and back), with a visit to the Aquarium: (Difficulty: 1) 

A relaxed walk to Piran with the possibility of a guided tour of the Aquarium. Meeting point at the Turistica car park at 9.30.  Apply here

  • Tinjan hike with SportUP: (Difficulty: 3) 

A circular walk along the trail to Tinjan. The meeting point will be at the cemetery parking lot in Dekani at 9.30.  Apply here 

  • Cycling trip along the Parenzana from Koper to Piran (and back): (Difficulty: 3) 

Cycling trip from Koper to Piran, with the possibility to visit the Aquarium and back. Full equipment is required. The meeting point will be in front of the UP building at 9.00 (possible combination with yoga) and in Žusterna at 9.15. Apply here 


  • Therapeutic Tea Party with Poetry Reading (from 9.00 to 10.30, Armerija UP lobby): the UP Book Club meeting will take the form of a tea party, where we will read and listen to each other, the purpose of the meeting is to spend some time in a café atmosphere... in the company of a book, of course. 
  • UPreplet (UP Volunteering) workshop (from 10.30 to 12.30 in the foyer of the UP Armoury): "Rokavčki pomagački" are knitted or crocheted squares of 30 x 30 cm, which are then sewn into a tube and sewn with buttons and other decorations. They are intended for people with dementia, as they calm them and help with therapies, and their beneficial effects are certified by the Spominčica Association, which also accepts them on request. You can make the gloves all the time, you can start and then pass them on to the next person, or just stop and chat over a cup of tea and coffee. 
  • Board Games Tournament (from 10.30 to 12.30 in the Meeting Rooms of the UP Armoury): there will be competitions in activities and tarok.  
  • UPdate (from 10.00 to 11.00, various locations): you can sign up for a chat with your colleagues. After the registration closes, we will form groups and you will receive an email with the time and location of the meeting where you will meet and chat with 3 UP colleagues - be surprised. If the conversation doesn't go well, the conversation cards will help you.
  • Ponovitev premiere PEF Teatra (od 19.00 do 20.30) v Centru mladih Koper. Napoved predstave: V premožni družini se prepletajo prijateljstvo, sovraštvo, ljubezen, ljubosumje in spletke. Po pretresljivem dogodku detektiv preiskuje primer in ga poskuša rešiti. Katera ženska ima dovolj velik motiv? Je zločin zakrivilo več žensk? Je sploh katera kriva?  Predstava je prirejena je po francoskem filmu z istoimenskim naslovom, pripravili pa so jo študenti UP PEF. Vstopnina: prostovoljni prispevek. Apply here 


  • Luka, SportUP: About sleep: About sleep (workshop, from 13.00-14.00): This virtual workshop will teach us about the biological rhythms that have an important influence on the quality of sleep and consequently on our wakeful energy levels and long-term health. We will also learn about the different types of sleep and their importance.   Apply here 
  • Growth Mindset Teaching in (Higher) Education International Conference. The event is free to attend and open to all higher education teachers. The programme is a full day, but you can attend only a few lectures. The conference programme is available here: More about the project > HERE <. 

The registration form > 


On the occasion of World Ethics Day on 20 October, the UP Commission for Ethics in Research Involving Human Subjects (KER) is organising an event aimed at raising ethical awareness. They want to highlight the topics that most often cause problems when submitting applications to the KER. The event is aimed at all UP employees, especially those who have submitted or will submit applications.

More >> HERE 

Thursday, 13 October 2022 MATCOS-22 – The Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science

Today, October 14, 2022, the conference MATCOS-22 The Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science was successfully concluded at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT). The two-day event was organized by Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM) and UP FAMNIT in cooperation with the research institute InnoRenew CoE.


MATCOS-22 was held as part of the 25th Multi-Conference on Information Society, which took place from 10 to 14 October 2022, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

 MATCOS-22 participants were also welcomed by the dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović

For the scope of the conference, two goals were set - to come up with ideas and solutions from the field of theoretical computing, that can be directly used in real world applications, and to collect theoretical results based on some fruitful ideas, that may be useful to adopt for practical problems. Special emphasis was placed on applications such as simulation, bioinformatics, digital signal and image processing, data science, digital forensics, logistics, smart homes/cities and IoT (Internet of Things).

                               Prof. Andrej Brodnik, co-chair of MATCOS-22 programme committee

 »This year too, just like last year, we introduced regular and short papers and in this way enabled a larger number of participants and mutual exchange of ideas. The program included a total of 32 papers (11 regular and 21 short), and the presentations were held in two parallel sections, so that the participants had enough time for discussion. We are glad that more than 40 participants, who contributed to the creative atmosphere of the event, took part in MATCOS-22« summed up Assoc. Prof. Rok Požar, chair of the MATCOS-22 Organizing Committee.


This year’s keynote speaker was Prof. György Turán (University of Illinois at Chicago and Research Group on AI, University of Szeged). In his keynote lecture titled »Interpretability of deep-learned error-correcting codes«, he answered questions about whether the error-correcting codes, today often created by deep learning, differ from the traditional ones whose existence was demonstrated by C. Shannon in 1948.

                 Group photo with MATCOS-22 organizers and participants

For more detailed information on the conference, please visit


Wednesday, 12 October 2022 The doctoral thesis defence of the student Žiga Velkavrh

Žiga Velkavrh, student of the doctoral study programe Mathematical Sciences at UP FAMNIT will defend his doctoral thesis Behavioral traits across time and countries: essays on indirect reciprocity, deception and nationality; under the mentorship of Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD and co-mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Aljaž Ule, PhD.

The defence will take place on Thurdsay, 20 October 2022 at 15:00 in Famnit-VP2 and on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 850 5354 8014

Passcode: 365102

The doctoral disertation will be available in the library at UP FAMNIT in the following days.


Yesterday, the »DIGI-MAT: DEALING WITH MATHEMATICS LEARNING CONTENT USING DIGITAL TOOLS« training, which took place between 1 and 11 October 2022, live on UP FAMNIT and via the ZOOM application, was successfully completed.

The education was part of the continuing education and training of professionals in education, which we carried out at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT).

DIGI-MAT professional training was divided into three topics, which were presented to the trainees by  Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović, Prof. Dr. Martin Milanič, Prof. Dr. Štefko Miklavič and Assist. Prof. Nino Bašić. 

The training was carried out in a combined format; two days of 5 hours live and two Zoom meetings of 3 hours.

             Lectures by Prof. Dr. Martin Milanič                                  Lectures by Assist. Prof. Nino Bašić

»This year, for the first time, the Department of Mathematics organized a seminar for primary and secondary school mathematics teachers »DIGI-MAT: Dealing with learning content using digital tools«, where the participants learned about the basics of cryptography, combinatorics and the use of the Python programming language. One of the purposes of education is the integration of mathematics teachers in the entire educational vertical - i.e. from primary school to faculty. In this way, we can change the experience, highlight potential problems and look for solutions. The first reactions of the participants were positive, so we are looking forward to future trainings«, summed up Dr. Ana Zalokar, DIGI-MAT programme coordinator.

According to the KATIS system (Catalog of further education and training programs for professional workers in education for the school year 2022/2023), participants received 1 point for the completed education.



On Saturday, 8 October 2022, the second edition of ŠtartUP - a social and sporting event aimed at welcoming all University of Primorska students  - took place in the Žusterna Seaside Park.  

The event is aimed at introducing the students to older students and getting to know each other, as well as a more personal approach to the students, as the contact offices present, who are in contact with the students throughout their studies (international offices, student affairs offices), presented them with the content that will help them in their studies. Last but not least, the event was also attended by the teaching staff, so they were able to make personal contacts, which, due to the smaller groups, is an advantage of studying at the University of Primorska.   


Nataša, Head of the International Office at Turistica said that she considers such events "an excellent opportunity to connect and get to know students and employees, not only within individual faculties, but at the level of the entire university. It is an interesting and fun way to learn - especially through social, sports and board games - about the possibilities of involvement in the activities of the university and its members, as well as in the extracurricular activities offered by various associations. This is even more important and necessary after these last two years of the pandemic, during which we have almost become accustomed to this distance. We hope and wish that this year will finally be different and we will return to the old tracks when such events were held regularly." 

Associate Professor Dr. Mike Burnard, coordinator of the Data Science programme at UP FAMNIT, points out that "StartUP event are also an opportunity for professors and assistant professors to get to know their students and to strengthen the bonds between colleagues from member institutions." 

Alongside UP members, the University's centres and units were also presented, which are also dedicated to cooperation with the wider community and to linking the University's content with the environment.   

The UP Institute Andrej Marušič (IAM) presented the Cycle Around The Globe campaign, which aims to cycle the circumference of the Earth and thus raise awareness about suicide prevention. The event collected 200 km for the campaign and educated the participants about the signs and ways of recognising distress.

A new feature this year was the invitation to local associations and organisations to present themselves at the event - giving them the opportunity to showcase their activities, recruit new members or attract new visitors. We are extremely pleased that more than 20 local societies and organisations recognised the event as an opportunity to introduce themselves to students and to recognise the contribution that the student population in seaside towns makes. We also received a great response from local businesses that donated gifts for the raffle.


Stands were offered with a symbolic entry fee, which was fully and directly donated to the Association "Pomagalčica Pomagalčica", the event also had a humanitarian note. 

This year, more than 400 students visited the event and welcomed by more than 100 staff representatives of the associations,so the welcome was truly massive and enriched the events in the new Žusterna Seaside Park.

Naja, a student from UP FTŠ Turistica, pointed out "I really like the event, there is a lot going on, there are a lot of new things to learn". Lana from UP PEF complimented "... very good organisation of the event and all the prepared activities of the points where we collected stamps to participate in the UP Raffle". 

Katja Kosem, President of the UP FTŠ Student Council and President of the UP Student Council, actively joined the UP FTŠ stand at the event, which created an informative and fun quiz on tourism for students to test what they had learnt during the info days. "We also prepared a game where you have to pack a suitcase in one minute together with a card where you indicate your dream destination and what "non-material" you would take with you to that destination. It is the activity that has attracted the most students".

We wish all students a successful start, progress and conclusion of the academic year 22/23! 









Thursday, 6 October 2022 InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2022

About the conference

The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2022, Rethinking buildings and materials for a sustainable future, will provide a forum to explore renewable materials and their use for creating healthy, sustainable buildings during five thematic sessions: 

  • Environmentally friendly and energy-efficient materials and practices to improve the built environment 

Material processing and product design improvements for all stages of a building’s lifecycle to reduce harm and increase efficiency. 

  • Sustainability in the built environment: Challenges and solutions 

Barriers and opportunities for building with renewable materials, from circularity to architecture to impact assessment and beyond. 

  • State-of-the-art solutions for building design and assessment 

Technologies for building design optimization, sustainable construction management and service life monitoring, including building information modeling (BIM), digital twin, sensor technologies, internet of things (IoT), life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC). 

  • Built environments for well-being 

Materials, designs, technologies and promotional activities to improve physical and mental well-being. 

  • Bridging the gap between research and society 

Interdisciplinary research, case studies, knowledge transfer, acceptance studies, industry implementation, policymaking, communication strategies, and everything in between that forms practices to take society towards a sustainable future.  

A roundtable discussion about the European Year of Youth 2022 will also be organized as part of the conference. 

IRIC2022 is an opportunity to share and discuss emerging science and innovations in renewable materials that can be used in the built environment to enhance human and environmental well-being. 

Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline 31 Avgust 2022
  • Registration deadline 1 November 2022
  • Payment deadline 4 November 2022
  • 17-18 November 2022 InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2022

Call for abstracts 

IRIC2022 welcomes 300-word abstracts for presentations in five thematic areas: 

  • Environmentally friendly and energy-efficient materials and practices to improve the built environment 
  • Sustainability in the built environment: Challenges and solutions 
  • State-of-the-art solutions for building design and assessment 
  • Built environments for well-being 
  • Bridging the gap between research and society  

Please follow the IRIC2022 abstract template and submit through the conference portal.   

Abstract submission closes on 31 August 2022. 

Keynote speaker

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thomas Brudermann  

Thomas Brudermann is an associate professor at the University of Graz. He works in the interdisciplinary field of sustainability and innovation research, focusing on decision-making related to sustainability transitions and climate psychology. He holds a master’s degree in informatics and a doctoral degree in psychology. 

Thomas also works with national and international research institutions, including the International Institute for Applied System Analysis, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, and the University of Klagenfurt. He was a visiting researcher at the National Institute for Environmental Studies in Japan and a visiting faculty member at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand. 


InnoRenew CoE will host IRIC2022 at its new building in Izola, Slovenia.  Livade 6a, 6310 Izola, Slovenia 



  • Full registration: €150  
  • Student registration: €75  
  • Conference dinner: €60 
  • All prices includes VAT. 
  • Registration will be open until 1 November 2022, 23:59 CEST.


  • Payment must be made by bank transfer to the InnoRenew CoE bank account. A copy of the transfer receipt must be attached to the registration form.  
  • ACCOUNT HOLDER: InnoRenew CoE / Livade 6a, SI-6310 Izola, Slovenia 
  • BANK: NLB d.d. / Trg republike 2, 1520 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
  • IBAN: SI56029220262173147 
  • REFERENCE: 00-00 

Enter “InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2022” in the remarks field, and include the following information: 

  • Participant name 
  • Participant surname 
  • Address for issuing/receiving invoice (it can be either a personal or institutional address, but if the invoice is issued to an institution, include the institution’s tax number) 

 The payment deadline is 4 November 2022, 23:59 CEST. 

An invoice will be provided after the conference.  

Accommodations and travel

Hotels in Izola:


Shuttle service: 

The easiest way to travel to Izola from the airports above is to take a shuttle service like GoOpti transport. Reservation for transfer can be made directly to your hotel. Prices are lower if the shuttle is booked well in advance (1-2 months). 

Bus or train:

Travel by bus to Izola is possible. Once in Izola, public transportation is available to move around the city. 

You can travel by train from most European countries via connection to Koper (Slovenia), Trieste (Italy) or Ljubljana (Slovenia). From these locations, you need a bus transfer or other transport to reach Izola. 

Conference sponsors

Would you like to increase your visibility within the interdisciplinary field of renewable materials for healthy built environments? Become an IRIC2022 sponsor.

Contact us at for more details. 


Scientific committee 

Richard Acquah, Mateja Erce, Niki Hrovatin, Albert Kravos, Dean Lipovac, Han Lei, Sasikala Perumal, Faksawat Poohphajai, Lea Primožič, Nežka Sajinčič 

Organizing committee

Elizabeth Dickinson, Gertrud Fabian, Lea Primožič, Amy Simmons 

Conference organizers

The conference is organized by the InnoRenew CoE and the University of Primorska.

Contact information

Please send questions or comments to

Past conferences


    Thursday, 6 October 2022 How to encourage a growth mindset in students? Join the Growth Mindset Teaching in (Higher) Education International conference at UP FAMNIT

    On Wednesday, 19 October 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the international conference »Growth Mindset Teaching in (Higher) Education« will take place in the lobby (Avla) of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP Famnit). The conference is a part of Erasmus+ project GrowthMinds, whose lead partner is UP FAMNIT.

    The event is intended for all university, primary and secondary school teachers, school counselors and adult educators.

    The exact program of the conference is available here.

    Participation is free, you only need to register at this link.

    About the GrowthMinds project

    The GrowthMinds international project, whose lead partner is UP FAMNIT, includes various activities with which pedagogical staff at the university level will be able to develop new competencies for the use of the so-called concept of growth mindset in their work.
    The project aims to increase the quality of the learning process through the use of new learning techniques and is co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ KA203 programme.

    The two-year project is led by the Head of the Center for Positive Psychology, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kristijan Musek Lešnik and it started on 1 November 2020. The activities directly include university educators and university students as the main target groups.

    With a co-financed part of 171,459 EUR, the project will bring together the following partners: 


    Monday, 3 October 2022 We are starting the academic year with the biggest generation of Famnit students to date

    The academic year 2022/23 began with a traditional ceremony, which took place this year in the Livade 1.0 building in Izola, where the management of the university and its members, representatives of the municipalities of Slovenian Istria, representatives of the UP Student Council and the UP Student Organization (ŠOUP) gathered. The rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, was first to address the students in her speech.

    In Izola, freshmen students of the undergraduate study programs Mediterranean Agriculture and Conservation Biology were also present, and after the official part of the event, they had meetings with the coordinators of the study programs in the modernly equipped lecture rooms of Livade 1.0.

    In the morning, we welcomed other students from the other undergraduate programs in the Museum Park in front of UP FAMNIT in Koper. After taking a group photo, the students went to the lecture rooms, where together with the program coordinators, they watched the live broadcast from the event in Izola.

    Via a recorded speech, the dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović, also shared his thoughts at the beginning of the new academic year.

    UP rector's speech in Livade

    Group photo of Famnit's freshmen students of the Mediterranean Agriculture and Conservation Biology study programs with the Dean of UP FAMNIT in front of the Livade 1.0 building

    Group photo of Famnit's freshmen students and tutor students in the Museum Square, Koper

    In the name of starting the academic year with a modern and greener approach to communication with students, we also presented the STUDO application, which is intended for all students and provides quick and easy access to key university information. Within it, as the first university in Slovenia, we are also presenting a digital student card, with which we step into a greener and more sustainable future.

    After the meetings with the coordinators, there was a meeting with this year's tutors, who are available to the students to solve any problems and help them get started in student life.

    The events at the beginning of the new academic year will continue on Saturday, October 8, when we will hold the Štart UP event at the Žusterna Park - a sports and social event for all UP students, where presentations will be made by various organizations from the University and from the local environment. Students will have the opportunity to win prizes for successfully completed activities at individual points throughout the day.

    Some more statistics

    At UP FAMNIT, we welcomed the 16th generation of students, this year again the biggest so far.

    The final enrolment statistics for the academic year 2022/2023 will be definite by the end of this month, however, according to unofficial data, 933 students are enrolled at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, of which 440 come from abroad, which represents as much as 47 percent. Foreign students come from 27 countries: North Macedonia, Ghana, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Belarus, India, Montenegro, United States of America, Philippines, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria , China, Bangladesh, Estonia, Brazil, Iran, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Poland and Tunisia.

    361 students are enrolled in the first year for the first time this academic year; 278 of them in undergraduate study programs, 68 in Master's programs, and 15 students are enrolled in the first year of doctoral programs.

    We wish all students a successful, interesting and fun academic year!


    Sunday, 2 October 2022 Young researchers visited us at the workshops on the occasion of the European Researchers' Night 2022

    On Friday, September 30, 2022, this year's European Researchers’ Night took place, as part of which the University of Primorska prepared interesting workshops for visitors.

    The European Researchers’ Night is an annual event, organized at the initiative of the European Commission. In 2022, it is financed from the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01 program, under the Marie Skłodowska Curie actions, and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. European Researchers’ Night 2022 (ENR2022) is implemented under the slogan ‘Science for all’.

    The workshops were held from 8:00 a.m. until the evening hours at various locations in Koper (University of Primorska rectorate, Museum Square, UP Faculty of Humanities, UP Faculty of Management), Kozina (Mythical Park Rodik), Izola (Livade 1.0 building, InnoRenew CoE, Archaeological Park Simonov zaliv, UP Faculty of Health Sciences) and Piran (Science Center of the University of Primorska, Aquarium Piran).

    In Koper, in the company of our UP Famnit researchers, they got to know the interior of the best-selling mechanical puzzle/toy in the world - the Rubik's cube. We also introduced them to regular polyhedra as well as to those, that are not regular, with an emphasis on symmetric objects, which are considered pleasing by mathematicians.

    With the workshop 'I get myself' we strove to raise awareness about the importance of protecting mental health and a healthy lifestyle.

    In the Livade 1.0 building in Izola, young enthusiasts together with Famnit's researchers unmasked invisible wild animals in our environment and learned about aromatic plants taking into account the environmental and ecological characteristics of the Mediterranean production area.

    You can read more about the workshops prepared by UP Famnit researchers and the rest of the program here.

    Below are some moments from the workshops 'Rubik's cube' and 'Meet the polyhedra'.