University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Friday, 9 September 2022 First graduate of Undergraduate study programme Conservation Biology

On Friday, 2 September 2022, Luka Kostadinovski successfully completed the Undergraduate study programme Conservation Biology with the thesis &ldquo "Population status of false ringlet, Coenonympha oedippus (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera: Nymphalidae), on Cerje two years after fire" under the mentorship of assoc. prof. Jure Jugovic and assoc. prof. Martina Lužnik.


His research took place in the area of ​​Cerje, which was also hit by a severe wildfire in 2019. In this area, he compared the population status of false ringlets between 2020 and 2021. As he said, this is one of the most endangered species of butterflies in the whole of Europe. The results of the research showed that their population has increased by two times, and where also the habitat has been restored compared to 2020. 

"The field of Conservation Biology, inspired me from the very beginning, because due to the small group of students, professors can pay more attention. Through my studies, I also gained and upgraded my knowledge with theoretical and practical work. I am thankful to all professors and assistants, especially to asocc. prof. Jure Jugovic and assoc. prof. Martina Lužnik." he concluded. 

He would also like to express gratitude to all professors and assistants, especially to his supervisor asocc. prof. Jure Jugovic and co-supervisor assoc. prof. Martina Lužnik.

Luka Kostadinovski is the first graduate of the Undergraduate study program in Conservation Biology.

In the academic year 2018/19 changes occurred in the study programme, which include also the change of the study programme's name from Biodiversity to Conservation Biology.

Congratulations and good luck on his further research journey!

                                                                                   Luka Kostadinovski