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petek, 17. marec 2023 Cuauhtli Campos: Designing Interactive Paper Display by Interlacing Physical and Digital Content Using Horizontal Touchscreens
V ponedeljek, 20. marca 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. marec 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Cuauhtli Campos is a PhD student in Computer Science in the field of Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies and an assistant researcher at the InnoRenew CoE within the Wood Modification Group. His doctoral work is at the intersection of interactive paper technologies, immersive and playful reading experiences and augmented reality.
NASLOV: Designing Interactive Paper Display by Interlacing Physical and Digital Content Using Horizontal Touchscreens
Ubiquitous nature, versatility, and durability enabled the paper to maintain its importance in the digital age. It is not surprising there have been numerous attempts to combine paper with digital content. Despite this, several shortcomings persist, for example: these systems still demand users to handle or wear hardware (e.g. smartphones, HMDs) especially problematic when augmenting an activity that primarily happens on the paper (e.g. augmenting reading without disrupting the reading experience per se) or when users are expected to interact with paper for a longer period of time, such as when studying. Furthermore, these applications still require elaborated setups of hardware around the user (e.g. complex projector placement), which can also occlude the augmentation preventing the system from functioning as intended. One way to overcome these limitations is to place the screen emitting digital content and supporting interactivity (e.g. tablet computer or a tabletop display) beneath the paper. The paper thus becomes ``the screen'' on which the additional content is viewed whilst the interactivity is supported using the sensing capabilities of the underlying display. However, in such setups, the paper also acts as a barrier through which light and sensing signal need to pass degrading the quality of the displayed image and input sensing capabilities. This creates an interesting area for further investigation on the characterization of light transmittance through paper and on the exploration of methods to alter such optical properties. For example, could this be done through paper perforation or the addition of commonly available paper inks? Furthermore, no research explores how the presentation of digital content could be used to improve the perceived quality of imagery when viewed through paper. For example, could the movement of digital content such as text improve its resolution of it and make it more readable? On the other hand, no research explored how the conductivity of paper would affect the touch and stylus interaction as the paper is placed on top of a touch screen surface and how to overcome such interference The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the aforementioned gaps in knowledge through the characterisation of paper and ink properties and exploration of methods that could be used to improve interactivity and perceived quality of displayed imagery. All this will lead us to the overreaching goal of designing, constructing, and evaluating a novel Interactive Paper Display in which the light source is placed beneath the paper.
Predavatelj bo na seminarju predstavil dispozicijo svoje doktorske disertacije, ki jo opravlja pod mentorstvom izr. prof. Klena Čopiča-Puciharja in somentorstvom izr. prof. Matjaža Kljuna.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, tokrat v živo v FAMNIT-VP2 !!!
sobota, 11. marec 2023 Masayukija Kanbara in Taishi Sawabe - Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
V ponedeljek 13. marca 2023, ob 16.00 uri v VP1 (UP FAMNIT), bo Hicup-lab gostoval profesorje z laboratorija za oblikovanje interaktivnih medijev z Inštituta za znanost in tehnologijo - Nara, iz Japonske. V sklopu ponedeljkovega seminarja bosta predstavila svoje področje izr. prof. Masayukija Kanbara in doc. Taishi Sawabe, prisoten pa bo tudi direktor laboratorija (IMBD) Hirokazu Kato.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 13. 3. 2023, 16.00, VP1 (UP FAMNIT)
PREDAVATELJ: Masayuki Kanbara
Dr. Masayuki Kanbara received a Ph.D. degree in engineering from Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) in 2002. He was an assistant professor at the Information Science Department at NAIST since 2002 and a visiting researcher at University of California, Santa Barbara in 2008-2009. He has been an associate professor at NAIST since 2010. Fields of research are focused on augmented reality, computer vision and Human-Robot Interaction.
NASLOV: Gentle Stroke with Speech by Robot for Infusing Positive Emotion
It has been demonstrated that the action of “stroking” has a relaxing effect on the body and mind. However, while some studies have shown the importance of “Gentle stroke with speech,” it has not been clarified how human actually perform the “Gentle stroke with speech” behavior. In this study, we analyzed the “Gentle stroke with speech” behavior with the aim of modeling the “talking and stroking behavior” in a situation in which a person is caring for another person.
PREDAVATELJ: Taishi Sawabe
He received his B.E. adviser, Prof. Ma, from Ritsumeikan University in the field of biomimetics robots. He received a Ph.D. from Adviser Prof. Hagita at the Ambient Intelligence Laboratory at NAIST. His research interest is Biomimetics robots, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Human Comfort, and Autonomous Vehicles. Mini projects: TSUNDERE-Interaction, VR Live Agent-Interaction.
NASLOV: Comfort Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles
In this presentation, I will introduce an intelligence system that considers passengers’ comfort inside moving autonomous vehicles, which is called Comfort Intelligence (CI). In the research, anxiety reduction is mainly targeted. Anxiety comes from a variety of stress factors. In the field of vehicles, I defined stress in autonomous vehicles as Autonomous Vehicle Stress (AVS) to estimate, classify and consider reduction methods for reducing anxiety in autonomous vehicles. Moreover, anxiety is not only about stress but also has to consider motion sickness, called Autonomous Vehicle Motion Sickness (AVMS) which is mixed with car sickness and VR sickness in the future autonomous vehicle environment. Therefore, this study explains the importance of considering comfort intelligence (CI) by looking at previous research on anxiety, as well as discussing stress and motion sickness perspectives.