Ponedeljkov seminar računalništva in informatike - Arhiv
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četrtek, 12. december 2019 Marko TKALČIČ: Behavioural and Cognitive Modeling in Recommender Systems
V ponedeljek, 16. decembra 2019, bo ob 16.00 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 16. december 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Marko Tkalčič is associate professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT) at the University of Primorska in Koper, Slovenia. He aims at improving personalized services (e.g. recommender systems) through the usage of psychological models in personalization algorithms. To achieve this, he uses diverse research methodologies, including data mining, machine learning, and user studies.
NASLOV: Behavioural and Cognitive Modeling in Recommender Systems
Recommender systems are systems that help users in decision making situations where there is an abundance of choices. We can find them in our everyday lives, for example in online shops. State-of-the-art research in recommender systems has shown the benefits of behavioural modeling. Behavioural modeling means that we use past ratings, purchases, clicks etc. to model the user preferences. However, behavioural modeling is not able to capture certain aspects of the user preferences. In this talk I will show how the usage of complementary research in cognitive models, such as personality and emotions, can benefit recommender systems.
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petek, 29. november 2019 Raffaele DE AMICIS: Human Centric Immersive Environments.Challenges and perspectives.
V ponedeljek, 2. decembra 2019, bo ob 16.00 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 2. december 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Raffaele De Amicis is an Associate Professor, at the School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at Oregon State University. He received his Ph.D. in Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy. From 1999 to 2003, he was a research fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt, Germany and senior researcher at the at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Before arriving at Oregon State University, he was the Managing Director of GraphiTech, Center for Advanced Computer Graphics Technologies in Trento, Italy, where he was recognized for leadership in science, technology, and innovation. Dr. De Amicis’ research focuses on the possibilities provided by Mixed Reality technologies in the area of design, creativity, and analytics. He has managed and delivered complex research projects, applied immature technologies, and mitigate associated risks. He has been the PI of several multidisciplinary projects contracted or funded by the European Commission, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, governmental agencies and industry with an overall budget of 47 million Euros. As Vice-President of the Board of Directors at GraphicsMedia.net, Dr. De Amicis has developed strong competencies in how to build and manage successful multinational organizations. In this context, he has established strong linkages to diverse Academic and Research Institutes, both at the national and international level. During his career, he has developed strong academic outreach and collaborations with leading universities, industry, and community partners.
NASLOV: Human Centric Immersive Environments. Challenges and perspectives.
Over the last few years, disciplines such as Virtual & Augmented Reality, Computer Aided Design, and Human Factors, have undergone a profound evolution essentially driven by ever-increasing computational power and by availability of new hardware and software technologies. Arbitrary shaped non‐flat displays, portable augmented reality glasses, micro-projection units, portable marker-less gesture tracking systems, increasingly accurate biometric sensors, and brain-machine interfaces are becoming commodities. Previously, these technologies, were only available in “Big” research labs, but are now entering the mainstream market causing a profound paradigm shift for the general public level. This means not only adapting old interaction schemas but it will call for the development of brand new interaction mechanisms that can account for complex technological ecosystem issues.
In his talk, Dr. De Amicis will present his research on how users perceive, understand, and interact with real and digital objects during an immersive experience. First, he will discuss some of the results achieved concerning the design of a multimodal experience combining sketches, gestures, and speech, to accomplish design tasks in different contexts, ranging from lightweight near-to-the-eye displays, to large-scale displays and immersive environments. He will also present his research on the design of geo-intelligent complex visualization systems and products and related services, addressing aspects such as interactive spatial data infrastructure, context awareness, and highly dynamic interaction. The second part of his talk will be devoted, to describing his current and future research plan on how Mixed Reality, allows the interaction with hybrid space with varying degrees of interaction allowing the user to enter a highly effective information environment which heightens data awareness and understanding.
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petek, 22. november 2019 Nevena PIVAČ: On the Graph Search Trees
V ponedeljek, 25. novembra 2019, bo ob 16.00 uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem, Glagoljaška 8, Koper
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS in PROSTOR: 25. november 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Nevena Pivač is a student of two study programs: MSc in Computer Science and PhD in Mathematics, at UP FAMNIT. She is doing PhD under the supervision of full professor Martin Milanič and is employed as a young researcher at Institute Andrej Marušič. Her research topics include structural and algorithmic graph theory, combinatorial optimization, and mathematical modeling using integer linear programing.
NASLOV: On the Graph Search Trees
Graph searches and the corresponding search trees can exhibit important structural properties and are used in various graph algorithms. We present various graph search algorithms, such as breadth first search (BFS), depth first search (DFS), their lexicographic versions (LBFS, LDFS), maximal neighborhood search (MNS) and maximum cardinality search (MCS). The problem of deciding whether a given spanning tree of a graph is a search tree of a particular search on this graph was introduced by Hagerup and Nowak in 1985, and independently by Korach and Ostfeld in 1989 where the authors showed that this problem is efficiently solvable for DFS trees. We show that the search tree problem is polynomial-time solvable for LDFS, in contrast to LBFS, MCS, and MNS, where we show the NP-completeness.
Joint work with Jesse Beisegel, Carolin Denkert, Ekkehard Kohler, Matjaž Krnc, Robert Scheffler, and Martin Strehler.
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petek, 15. november 2019 Vlado STANKOVSKI: Fog Computing for Smart Services and Applications
V ponedeljek, 18. novembra 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS in PROSTOR: 18. november 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Vlado Stankovski, PhD, is associate professor at the University of Ljubljana. He has over 15 years experience with Grid and Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, Semantics, Software Engineering, Machine Learning, and Data Mining technologies. His current interests are in Blockchain applications in these domains. He began his career in 1995 as Consultant and later as Project Manager with the Fujitsu-ICL Corporation in Prague. From 1999-2003 he worked as a researcher at the University Medical Centre in Ljubljana. From 2003 he is employed at UL. Dr. Stankovski has experience in software integration, and has worked with various middleware technologies in the course of the past 10+ years. He has been involved in various EU projects including the FP6 DataMiningGrid project (2004-2006), InteliGrid (2004-2007), FP7 mOSAIC (2011-2013), H2020 SWITCH (2015-2018), H2020 ENTICE (2015-2018) and currently the DECENTER (2019-2021) project. At the moment, he also contributes to the Software Engineering cluster of Horizon 2020 projects.
NASLOV: Fog Computing for Smart Services and Applications
The quadrumvirate technologies – Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud and Blockchain are currently converging with the aim to facilitate numerous new smart services and applications. They are the substrate of Fog computing. Fog computing is an architecture that uses edge devices to carry out a substantial amount of computation, storage, communication locally and thus addresses the requirements of Big Data pipelines, which start at the Edge of the computing network and may run across multiple computing tiers up to various public or private Cloud providers. With Big Data pipelines implemented by means of Fog computing it is increasingly possible to realise dependable smart environments. As its application potential is vast, the industrial interest is immense. The DECENTER (https://www.decenter-project.eu/) EU-Korean project currently develops a new Fog Computing platform that will support various smart applications. The talk will focus on the use cases, design and architecture of DECENTER.
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četrtek, 7. november 2019 Jan VČELÁK: Wireless communication technologies for IoT
V ponedeljek, 11. novembra 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS in PROSTOR: 11. november 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Jan Včelák, Ing., PhD, in period 2014–2019 department head in CTU – University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, department for monitoring and intelligent control. He is a lecturer in CTU – subjects Data Acquisition and Transfer BE3M38SPD. His expertise is mainly in sensor networks design including IoT and WSN, sensor design for special purposes, and complex sensor systems covering data acquisition, transmission, processing and presentation. As a postdoc researcher, he was a team leader in microsystems group in Tyndall NI (Cork, Ireland).
His tasks at CTU are mainly in coordination of R&D activities and project management. He is a coordinator of several research projects in the field of IoT sensor design, renewable energy sources, energy storage as well as microgrid design. He is author of several impacted publications, patents and utility models in Czech Republic as well as in USA. In the field of SmartCity his focus is in micro grids, renewable energy sources usage and electromobility integration in buildings energy systems.
NASLOV: Wireless communication technologies for IoT
The three most used IoT LPWANs will be introduced in the presentation – UNB Sigfox, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT together with their properties, limitations and features. LoRaWAN wireless network will be shown in detail. Tools and SW platforms to build own LoRaWAN infrastructure will be shown together with HW implementation on sensor side and administration of devices and gateways.
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ponedeljek, 4. november 2019 Jože Rožanec: Predstavitev štipendij ASEF za raziskovanje v tujini
V ponedeljek, 4. novembra 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS in PROSTOR: 4. november 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Jože Rožanec je diplomirani inženir na področju računalništva. V teku svoje kariere je pridobil izkušnje v raznih mednarodnih podjetjih. Leta 2016 je opravil raziskovalni obisk na Univerzi UC Berkeley v okviru štipendij ASEF, da je nadgradil znanje na področju umetne inteligence. Sedaj opravlja doktorat na Mednarodni podiplomski šoli Jožefa Stefana na področju strojnega učenja.
NASLOV: Predstavitev štipendij ASEF za raziskovanje v tujini
ASEF (American Slovenian Education Foundation) je neprofitna izobraževalna organizacija, ki vsako leto podeli štipendije slovenskim študentom, da opravijo 10 tedenski raziskovalni obisk na najboljših univerzah v ZDA in po svetu. Predstavili bomo organizacijo, štipendije, kako se uspešno prijaviti, ter odgovorili na potrebna vprašanja.
Predavanje bo tokrat v slovenskem jeziku.
petek, 18. oktober 2019 David Kodarin: Entrepreneurial experience in starting a green/eco business
V ponedeljek, 21. oktobra 2019, bo ob 16.00 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 21. oktober 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
PREDAVATELJ: David Kodarin
David Kodarin, a university graduate in civil engineering, who has many years of experience working abroad. He decided to start his entrepreneurial career back in Slovenia. David is the co-founder of KAKIS (www.kakis.eu), which offers sustainable outdoor toilets. In his spare time, he co-creates other sustainable products, such as the houzEKO's sustainable tiny house on wheels (www.houzeko.com) and the Foodular automated modular greenhouses (www.foodular.eu). He also serves as president of the Association Pritisk, which deals with sustainable tourism and sports recreation.
NASLOV: Entrepreneurial experience in starting a green/eco business
I will describe my beginnings, why I chose this path, why I've started a green starup and how I came up with the idea of ecological dry toilets. I will further explain how to start a company, what can happen in an entrepreneurial way, how to get finances, etc. Finally, I will describe where I coworkers with different students for research and development. I used varied programs as the company has already used Demola, Erasmus Student Practices and PKP. I will present with simple words how to develop environmentally friendly products with sustainable value. Students will learn how to start a low risk startup with their idea, and how to bring that idea to market.
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petek, 11. oktober 2019 The Journey to Mars: The risks of long-duration human space exploration, and how we are overcoming them
V ponedeljek, 14. oktobra 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 14. oktober 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Kim Binsted received her BSc in Physics at McGill (1991), and her PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh (1996). Her thesis topic was the computational modeling and generation of punning riddles, and her program, JAPE (Joke Analysis and Production Engine), generated puns such as "What do you call a Martian who drinks beer? An ale-ien!" She then went to Japan, where she conducted research at Sony's Computer Science Laboratories on human-computer interfaces, and then started a company, I-Chara KK, which developed social software agents for mobile phones. In 2002, she joined the faculty of the Information and Computer Sciences Department at the University of Hawaii, where she does research on artificial intelligence, human-computer interfaces, and long-duration human space exploration. In 2015, she received a MS in Planetary Geology, for attempting to characterize the deuterium-hydrogen ratio in the primitive Earth mantle.
Kim is a co-investigator at the UH-NASA Astrobiology Institute, which formed in late 2003. She was a NASA Summer Faculty Fellow at Ames Research Center in 2003 and 2004, where she worked on sub-vocal speech recognition technology in the Neuroengineering Lab. She was Chief Scientist on the FMARS 2007 Long Duration Mission, a four-month Mars exploration analogue on Devon Island in the Canadian High Arctic. In 2009, she spent her sabbatical as a visiting scientist at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), working on the CSA's planetary analogues program. She spent the summers of 2016 and 2017 in Russia on a Fulbright Award. She is now the principal investigator for the NASA-funded HI-SEAS (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation) program, which conducts long-duration space exploration simulations at an isolated habitat on Mauna Loa. She is currently serving as an AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow in Senator Whitehouse's office in Washington, DC.
NASLOV: The Journey to Mars: The risks of long-duration human space exploration, and how we are overcoming them
Long space journeys, such as the trip to Mars, pose unique risks to the human body and mind. I will describe efforts by myself and others to mitigate those risks and enable long-duration human space exploration. In particular, I will discuss research conducted at HI-SEAS (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation, hi-seas.org).
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četrtek, 12. september 2019 Tokrat dve predavanji: "Cognitive Load Inference for Ubiquitous Computing Adaptation" in "Determining sentiment of tweets using lexicon and (AnA)-affirmative and non-affirmative words"
V ponedeljek, 16. septembra 2019, se bosta v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM zvrstili dve predavanji.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 16. september 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Veljko Pejović is an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His interests include mobile computing, HCI, resource-efficient computing, and the interaction of technology and society. His work on modelling user movement and communication behaviour from mobile call records won the 2013 Orange D4D Challenge, while his work on interruptibility modelling resulted in the best paper nomination at the ACM UbiComp'14 conference.
NASLOV: Cognitive Load Inference for Ubiquitous Computing Adaptation
From not disturbing a focused programmer, to entertaining a restless commuter waiting for a train, personal ubiquitous computing devices could greatly enhance their interaction with humans, should they only be aware of the user’s cognitive load. While mobile sensing and machine learning lead to impressive advances in the inference of human movement, physical activity, routines, and other behavioural aspects, inferring cognitive load remains challenging due to a subtle manifestation of a user's mental engagement via vital signal reactions. These signals are often captured with obtrusive, expensive, purpose-built equipment, preventing seamless cognitive load inference for human - ubiquitous computing interaction adaptation. In our work we aim to enable large-scale unobtrusive cognitive load inference. In the talk I will present our experiences from different user studies in which we built and evaluated cognitive load inference models relying on data coming from a commodity smart phone, a wearable sensing device, and a software-defined-radio-based wireless radar. Finally, I will present our guidelines for future efforts in cognitive load inference and argue for closer interdisciplinary collaboration in this exciting research domain.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 16. september 2019 ob 17.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Sead Jahić studied mathematics in Tuzla, and graduated in 2012. From 2012 to 2016 he was teaching assistant at the University of Tuzla in the field of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. In the past academic year (2018/2019) he was teaching assistant at UP FAMNIT, where he taught the courses Programming 1, Programming 3 and Language Technologies for 3rd year students of the bachelor program. He is also a PhD student in Computer Science on the same University and his research is in the fields of Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP).
NASLOV: Determining sentiment of tweets using lexicon and (AnA)-affirmative and non-affirmative words
On the seminar a simple model for sentiment tagging of Tweeter messages based on AnA (affirmative and non-affirmative) words and tagged sentiment dictionary (Kadunc-Šikonja dictionary) will be presented. A lexicon was used in combination with intensifiers, where an intensifier (AnA word), that stands next to a word, produces more powerful (more positive or more negative) sentiment values for that word - tweet at all.
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četrtek, 29. avgust 2019 How overall coverage of an association rule learning classifier affects its accuracy?
V ponedeljek, 2. septembra 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 2. september 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Jamolbek Mattiev has a master degree in computer systems and software from the National University of Uzbekistan. He is currently finishing the second year of the PhD program Computer Science at UP FAMNIT and is employed as teaching assistant on the BSc Computer Science program at UP FAMNIT. He is doing his research in the fields of Data Mining and Machine Learning.
NASLOV: How overall coverage of an association rule learning classifier affects its accuracy?
Classification and association rule are two important technologies in data mining. Researchers have recently proposed several classification techniques based on the concept of association rules (also known as CBA-based methods). Experimental results show that in average the CBA-based approaches could achieve higher accuracy than some of traditional classification methods. Associative classification (AC) is a data mining approach that combines classification and association rule to build classification models (classifiers).
In this seminar, we will present associative classification, where class association rules are generated and analyzed to build a simple, compact, understandable and relatively accurate classifier. Furthermore, we find the overall coverage and average rule coverage of the classifier that affects its the accuracy. We compare the accuracies our method that uses constrained exhaustive search with that of some “classical” classification rule learning algorithms that use greedy heuristic search on some “real-life” datasets. We have performed experiments on 11 datasets from UCI Machine Learning Database Repository. Overall coverage shows the power of the classifier. Experimental evaluations show that our proposed method outperforms Naive Bayes and C4.5 on average accuracy.
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ponedeljek, 1. julij 2019 Learning causal patterns in people mobility behaviour
Danes, v ponedeljek, 1. julija 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 1. julij 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1
Branko Kavšek has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Ljubljana. He is an assistant professor at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, a researcher at the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies and member of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. His research fields include Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning. In particular, the subfields of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Frequent Pattern Discovery and Association Rule Learning, Learning Probabilistic Models and Bayesian Networks Learning, Clustering, and Data Mining applied to Big Data.
NASLOV: Learning causal patterns in people mobility behaviour
The work done on the OPTIMUM project will be presented on this seminar. The aim of the OPTIMUM project was to implement a smart multi-modal transit concept, involving up to 500 users in the greater regions of Vienna (AUT), Birmingham (UK) and Ljubljana (SI). The integration of various real-time traffic data sources will provide the required information to realize traffic-state aware routing and guiding the travelers towards their destination. Members of the traffic receive proactive recommendations for personalized trip and re-routing based on their personal plans, traffic information and historical data, city authorities receive predicted traffic enabling to dynamically plan and respond. Various tasks towards reaching the project goal will be presented, namely "predicting users’ mobility", "transportation mode detection", "visualizing mobility patterns", and especially "identifying events and causal patterns in mobility data".
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petek, 21. junij 2019 Dr. Hirokazu Kato: What is the next stage of Augmented Reality
V ponedeljek, 24. junija 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM. Izjemoma gre za serijo dveh predavanj, drugo sledi ob 17.15.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 24. junij 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Dr. Hirokazu Kato received Dr. Eng. degrees from Osaka University, Japan in 1996.
He has worked for Osaka University and Hiroshima City University and since 2007 he has been working for Nara Institute of Science and Technology.
Dr. Kato has studied about Augmented Reality for more than 15 years.
He developed a vision-based tracking library called the ARToolKit in 1999 which has had a significant impact on the growth of Augmented Reality research.
Dr. Kato received Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award from IEEE VGTC in 2009 and Lasting Impact Award at the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality in 2012.
NASLOV: What is the next stage of Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) has been studied for more than 20 years. Nowadays we can see a lot of AR applications such as PokemonGO. Some people think that AR technologies are almost completed and it has moved to a practical phase. But it is not true because current AR applications are not ideal style of AR. AR researchers still have to make the next breakthrough. In this talk, I would like to introduce my past works on AR and then explain my idea about what AR researchers have to do for the next breakthrough. After that I will briefly talk about my current research works which I am expecting to make the next breakthrough for AR.
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četrtek, 20. junij 2019 The process of strategic planning
V ponedeljek, 24. junija 2019, bo ob 17.15 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 24. junij 2019 ob 17.15 v FAMNIT-VP2
Ana Grdović Gnip is Assistant Professor at UP FAMNIT.
Her main research interests are macroeconomics, fiscal policy and time series analysis.
NASLOV: The process of strategic planning
This lecture is integral part of the PKP IoT Kakis project as transfer of knowledge. The lecture is about business strategic planing, focusing on SWOT and its new-fashioned counterparts: SOAR and PEST analysis. SWOT is a self-questioning analysis that helps firms to identify their strengths and weaknesses. It is also used to spot possible opportunities and potential threats from the environment and its competitors. This lecture focuses on the possibilities of improvement of the strategic management with emphasis on most common mistakes. Moreover, modern trends in strategic planning promote that SWOT should go hand in hand with SOAR and PEST analysis. SOAR is a strategic planning framework that helps firms focus on current strengths and opportunities and create a vision for future aspirations. On the other hand, PEST is an analytical framework for understanding external factors that influence a firm's business.
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torek, 18. junij 2019 Tokrat tudi v četrtek: Linear algebra, network science and optimization (LANSO) activities
V četrtek, 20. junija 2019, bo ob 14. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. junij 2019 ob 14.00 v FAMNIT-MP1
András London is assistant professor at the Department of Computational Optimization at the University of Szeged. His main research interests are graph based algorithms and their applications, complex networks (including economic, ecological, transportation networks and artificial network models of complex systems) and probabilistic methods in graph theory.
Tamás Vinkó is associate professor at the Department of Computational Optimization at the University of Szeged. His research interests are linear and nonlinear optimization and their aspects in network science.
NASLOV: Linear algebra, network science and optimization (LANSO) activities
Linear algebra, network science and optimization (LANSO) are strongly related fields of research. The fact that they intersect provides us with the convenience to formalize problems in one of them using the language of the others. Instead of diving into one particular topic we plan to give an overview of the scientific work done in our group. Hence, we will discuss some research questions related to community detection, influence maximization, stability of centrality measures and their applications on e.g. financial networks.
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petek, 14. junij 2019 A Blockchain Based Edge Computing Architecture for the Internet of Things
V ponedeljek, 17. junija 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 17. junij 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Aleksandar Tošić is a PhD candidate and teaching assistant at UP FAMNIT. His research topics are distributed systems, distributed ledger technologies and their applications in the Internet of Things.
NASLOV: A Blockchain Based Edge Computing Architecture for the Internet of Things
Edge computing has been gaining momentum in the context of the Internet of Things due to its advantages such as low bandwidth utilization, responsiveness, scalability and privacy preservation. However, typical edge computing approaches still rely on centralized solutions like Kubernetes to orchestrate application execution. This design choice introduces a single point of failure that makes the network vulnerable and introduces other limitations.
On this seminar, the presenter will describe some experiments to evaluate the performance of a decentralized consensus-based algorithm combined with a shared data structure over a distributed network of sensors deployed in a cultural heritage building.
The proposed implementation shows that the architecture, albeit simplified, is feasible. This indicates research directions towards designing better migration algorithms, optimizing shared data synchronization, privacy preservation, and ultimately solving data locality problems.
Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.
ponedeljek, 10. junij 2019 Preučevanje najboljših Blockchain tehnologij na področju igralskih platform
V ponedeljek, 10. junija 2019, bo ob 16.00 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 10. junij 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-Muzejski3
Gašper Moderc je študent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT in bo na seminarju predstavil svoje delo v okviru predmeta Raziskovalni seminar.
NASLOV: Preučevanje najboljših Blockchain tehnologij na področju igralskih platform
Na seminarju bodo predstavljene osnove tehnologije Blockchain (veriženje blokov) in osnove igralnih pogonov. Nato bodo prikazane različne tehnologije Blockchain-a, ki so specializirane na področju računalniških iger. Te tehnologije so Enjin, WAX, Decentraland, Loom Network in FunFair. Predstavljena bo tudi analiza teh tehnologij za ustreznost uporabe v bodoči magistrski nalogi - torej po posebej postavljenih standardih.
Predavanje bo v slovenskem jeziku.
ponedeljek, 3. junij 2019 Tokrat dve predavanji: Proizvodni informacijski sistemi z vidika pretoka podatkov in SCADA sistemi -- implementacija in možnosti uporabe
V ponedeljek, 3. junija 2019, bo ob 16.00 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 3. junij 2019 ob 16.00 v učilnici FAMNIT-Muzejski3
Tokrat bosta izjemoma 2 predavanji.
NASLOV 1. PREDAVANJA: Proizvodni informacijski sistemi z vidika pretoka podatkov
Jan Bratina je študent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT in bo na seminarju predstavil svoje delo v okviru predmeta Raziskovalni seminar.
V trenutnem razvoju industrije igrajo veliko vlogo prav proizvodni informacijski sistemi. Namen tega članka je predstavitev proizvodnih informacijskih sistemov in razumevanje njihovih vlog. Predvsem je pomembno razumevanje pretoka podatkov med sistemi, zato je predstavljena tudi implementacija SCADA sistema na določeno proizvodno linijo. Pri predstavitvi te implementacije največ pozornosti posvetimo prav pretoku informacij med PLC krmilniki ter SCADA sistemom in kasnejšemu prenosu teh informacij na višji nivo, kjer jih obdela MES sistem. Ampak SCADA sistem ne obsega samo komunikacije s PLC krmilniki, zato so predstavljene tudi funkcionalne in nefunkcionalne zahteve za implementacijo SCADA sistema. Nato bo predstavljen še uporabniški vmesnik in natančen potek komunikacije SCADA sistema s PLC krmilnikom.
NASLOV 2. PREDAVANJA: SCADA sistemi -- implementacija in možnosti uporabe
Anej Marušič je študent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT in bo na seminarju predstavil svoje delo v okviru predmeta Raziskovalni seminar.
Namen seminarja je podrobneje spoznati SCADA sistem. To smo naredili najprej z navedbo in kratko raziskavo, zakaj pride do potreb za uporabo SCADA sistema. V pregledu področja smo se nato posvetili nekaterim možnostim za implementacijo takega sistema ter ugotavljali njihove prednosti in slabosti. Naposled smo izbrali eno od možnosti, s katero smo SCADA sistem implementirali. Implementacija SCADA sistema s pomočjo programskega orodja Ignition nam omogoči globlje razumevanje SCADA sistemov in njihove izgradnje, prav tako pa tudi izgradnje sistema na splošno in integracije sistema v okolje v podjetju.
Obe predavanji bosta v slovenskem jeziku.
torek, 28. maj 2019 Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
Tokrat izjemoma v četrtek, 30. maja 2019, bo ob 10.30 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS in PROSTOR: četrtek, 30. maj 2019 ob 10.30 v FAMNIT-MP4
Maheshya Weerasinghe, First-year Computer Science PhD student, FAMNIT, University of Primorska and University of St. Andrews, UK. Research interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Learning, and Knowledge Retention.
NASLOV: Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
The first step in immersive VR research is creating a virtual world. VR environment design and functionality varies a lot depending on the project type and what we want to achieve. If we're planning a browsing study looking at visual strategies, it would be sufficient to create 360-degree content with the stimuli. If we want to learn how users interact with the stimuli and navigate within the scenario, then 3D environments are more suitable. They allow more flexibility and control over the environment, which enables to create any type of situation and alternatives. At the same time, novel technologies such as eye tracking can be incorporated with VR environments to achieve several additional goals. Eye tracking in VR reveals what is behind an individual's subconscious reactions and behaviors when interacting with objects and environments, all while leveraging the full control and flexibility of virtual worlds. When working with eye tracking in VR, we are able to leverage the benefits of both technologies. VR allows us to create any type of simulated environment, where visual stimuli and scenarios can be quickly switched or easily repeated, while eye tracking gives you insights into where the participant's visual attention is at each moment of the experience and what visual elements trigger certain responses and behaviors. Eye tracking can also enhance VR experiences. By enabling more natural interactions through gaze, eye tracking contributes to more immersive and user-friendly experiences in VR.
Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.
petek, 24. maj 2019 Zakaj je delodajalec Actual I.T. d.d. prava izbira za vas?
V ponedeljek, 27. maja 2019, bo ob 16.00 uri v prostorih UP FAMNIT, GlagoljaŠka 8, Koper, predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAÄUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 27. maj 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
GOVORCI: mag. Magda Šturman, mag. Boštjan Petelin, Denis Pucer in Patrik Širol (iz podjetja Actual I.T. d.d.)
Mag. Magda Šturman, vodja OE Kadri, pravne in splošne zadeve v Actualu I.T. d.d.
Magistrirala je na Fakulteti za družbene vede iz smeri Managementa kadrov in delovnih razmerjih. Ima bogate delovne izkušnje na kadrovskem področju, pa tudi kot predavateljica.
Mag. Boštjan Petelin, BU direktor Transport&Logistic v Actualu I.T. d.d.
Magistriral je na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Ima bogate delovne izkušnje na področju prodaje, projektnega vodenja in poslovne informatike.
Denis Pucer, vodja razvoja Oil&Gas v Actualu I.T. d.d.
Diplomiral je na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko v Ljubljani. Ima bogate delovne izkušnje pri razvoju programske opreme in je preizkusil vse vloge, ki obstajajo pri razvoju programske opreme.
Patrik Širol, programerski inženir v Actualu I.T. d.d.
Diplomiral na FAMNIT-u. Z Actualom je pričel sodelovati že kot študent, preko štipendijskega sklada, nato se je v podjetju zaposlil in v kratkem času iz programerja napredoval v programerskega inženirja.
NASLOV: Zakaj je delodajalec Actual I.T. d.d. prava izbira za vas?
Predstavili vam bomo podjetje Actual I.T. d.d., ki bo letos praznovalo 25 letnico obstoja in s FAMNIT-om odlično sodleuje že vrsto let. Actual ponuja celovite informacijske rešitve, ki so podpora poslovnim procesom na posameznih področjih poslovanja. Actual je del skupine DBA Group iz Italije. Skupina Actual je prisotna na trgih Slovenije, Hrvaške, Bosne in Hercegovine, Srbije ter Italije.
Z jasnimi strateškimi usmeritvami in razvojnimi prioritetami postajamo pomemben igralec na trgih jugovzhodne Evrope, EU, Južne Amerike, Afrike in Rusije.
Na srečanju bomo kratko predstavili kdo smo, kaj delamo, kaj potrebujemo, kaj nudimo in kako je pri nas. To boste slišali iz prve roke bivšega študenta UP FAMNIT, ki je v Actualu zaposlen in pridno gradi svojo kariero.
Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku.