Ponedeljkov seminar računalništva in informatike - Arhiv
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petek, 21. junij 2019 Dr. Hirokazu Kato: What is the next stage of Augmented Reality
V ponedeljek, 24. junija 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper) predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM. Izjemoma gre za serijo dveh predavanj, drugo sledi ob 17.15.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 24. junij 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Dr. Hirokazu Kato received Dr. Eng. degrees from Osaka University, Japan in 1996.
He has worked for Osaka University and Hiroshima City University and since 2007 he has been working for Nara Institute of Science and Technology.
Dr. Kato has studied about Augmented Reality for more than 15 years.
He developed a vision-based tracking library called the ARToolKit in 1999 which has had a significant impact on the growth of Augmented Reality research.
Dr. Kato received Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award from IEEE VGTC in 2009 and Lasting Impact Award at the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality in 2012.
NASLOV: What is the next stage of Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) has been studied for more than 20 years. Nowadays we can see a lot of AR applications such as PokemonGO. Some people think that AR technologies are almost completed and it has moved to a practical phase. But it is not true because current AR applications are not ideal style of AR. AR researchers still have to make the next breakthrough. In this talk, I would like to introduce my past works on AR and then explain my idea about what AR researchers have to do for the next breakthrough. After that I will briefly talk about my current research works which I am expecting to make the next breakthrough for AR.
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četrtek, 20. junij 2019 The process of strategic planning
V ponedeljek, 24. junija 2019, bo ob 17.15 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 24. junij 2019 ob 17.15 v FAMNIT-VP2
Ana Grdović Gnip is Assistant Professor at UP FAMNIT.
Her main research interests are macroeconomics, fiscal policy and time series analysis.
NASLOV: The process of strategic planning
This lecture is integral part of the PKP IoT Kakis project as transfer of knowledge. The lecture is about business strategic planing, focusing on SWOT and its new-fashioned counterparts: SOAR and PEST analysis. SWOT is a self-questioning analysis that helps firms to identify their strengths and weaknesses. It is also used to spot possible opportunities and potential threats from the environment and its competitors. This lecture focuses on the possibilities of improvement of the strategic management with emphasis on most common mistakes. Moreover, modern trends in strategic planning promote that SWOT should go hand in hand with SOAR and PEST analysis. SOAR is a strategic planning framework that helps firms focus on current strengths and opportunities and create a vision for future aspirations. On the other hand, PEST is an analytical framework for understanding external factors that influence a firm's business.
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torek, 18. junij 2019 Tokrat tudi v četrtek: Linear algebra, network science and optimization (LANSO) activities
V četrtek, 20. junija 2019, bo ob 14. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. junij 2019 ob 14.00 v FAMNIT-MP1
András London is assistant professor at the Department of Computational Optimization at the University of Szeged. His main research interests are graph based algorithms and their applications, complex networks (including economic, ecological, transportation networks and artificial network models of complex systems) and probabilistic methods in graph theory.
Tamás Vinkó is associate professor at the Department of Computational Optimization at the University of Szeged. His research interests are linear and nonlinear optimization and their aspects in network science.
NASLOV: Linear algebra, network science and optimization (LANSO) activities
Linear algebra, network science and optimization (LANSO) are strongly related fields of research. The fact that they intersect provides us with the convenience to formalize problems in one of them using the language of the others. Instead of diving into one particular topic we plan to give an overview of the scientific work done in our group. Hence, we will discuss some research questions related to community detection, influence maximization, stability of centrality measures and their applications on e.g. financial networks.
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petek, 14. junij 2019 A Blockchain Based Edge Computing Architecture for the Internet of Things
V ponedeljek, 17. junija 2019, bo ob 16. uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 17. junij 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2
Aleksandar Tošić is a PhD candidate and teaching assistant at UP FAMNIT. His research topics are distributed systems, distributed ledger technologies and their applications in the Internet of Things.
NASLOV: A Blockchain Based Edge Computing Architecture for the Internet of Things
Edge computing has been gaining momentum in the context of the Internet of Things due to its advantages such as low bandwidth utilization, responsiveness, scalability and privacy preservation. However, typical edge computing approaches still rely on centralized solutions like Kubernetes to orchestrate application execution. This design choice introduces a single point of failure that makes the network vulnerable and introduces other limitations.
On this seminar, the presenter will describe some experiments to evaluate the performance of a decentralized consensus-based algorithm combined with a shared data structure over a distributed network of sensors deployed in a cultural heritage building.
The proposed implementation shows that the architecture, albeit simplified, is feasible. This indicates research directions towards designing better migration algorithms, optimizing shared data synchronization, privacy preservation, and ultimately solving data locality problems.
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ponedeljek, 10. junij 2019 Preučevanje najboljših Blockchain tehnologij na področju igralskih platform
V ponedeljek, 10. junija 2019, bo ob 16.00 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 10. junij 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-Muzejski3
Gašper Moderc je študent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT in bo na seminarju predstavil svoje delo v okviru predmeta Raziskovalni seminar.
NASLOV: Preučevanje najboljših Blockchain tehnologij na področju igralskih platform
Na seminarju bodo predstavljene osnove tehnologije Blockchain (veriženje blokov) in osnove igralnih pogonov. Nato bodo prikazane različne tehnologije Blockchain-a, ki so specializirane na področju računalniških iger. Te tehnologije so Enjin, WAX, Decentraland, Loom Network in FunFair. Predstavljena bo tudi analiza teh tehnologij za ustreznost uporabe v bodoči magistrski nalogi - torej po posebej postavljenih standardih.
Predavanje bo v slovenskem jeziku.
ponedeljek, 3. junij 2019 Tokrat dve predavanji: Proizvodni informacijski sistemi z vidika pretoka podatkov in SCADA sistemi -- implementacija in možnosti uporabe
V ponedeljek, 3. junija 2019, bo ob 16.00 v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko,
naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem (Glagoljaška 8, Koper)
predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 3. junij 2019 ob 16.00 v učilnici FAMNIT-Muzejski3
Tokrat bosta izjemoma 2 predavanji.
NASLOV 1. PREDAVANJA: Proizvodni informacijski sistemi z vidika pretoka podatkov
Jan Bratina je študent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT in bo na seminarju predstavil svoje delo v okviru predmeta Raziskovalni seminar.
V trenutnem razvoju industrije igrajo veliko vlogo prav proizvodni informacijski sistemi. Namen tega članka je predstavitev proizvodnih informacijskih sistemov in razumevanje njihovih vlog. Predvsem je pomembno razumevanje pretoka podatkov med sistemi, zato je predstavljena tudi implementacija SCADA sistema na določeno proizvodno linijo. Pri predstavitvi te implementacije največ pozornosti posvetimo prav pretoku informacij med PLC krmilniki ter SCADA sistemom in kasnejšemu prenosu teh informacij na višji nivo, kjer jih obdela MES sistem. Ampak SCADA sistem ne obsega samo komunikacije s PLC krmilniki, zato so predstavljene tudi funkcionalne in nefunkcionalne zahteve za implementacijo SCADA sistema. Nato bo predstavljen še uporabniški vmesnik in natančen potek komunikacije SCADA sistema s PLC krmilnikom.
NASLOV 2. PREDAVANJA: SCADA sistemi -- implementacija in možnosti uporabe
Anej Marušič je študent magistrskega študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika na UP FAMNIT in bo na seminarju predstavil svoje delo v okviru predmeta Raziskovalni seminar.
Namen seminarja je podrobneje spoznati SCADA sistem. To smo naredili najprej z navedbo in kratko raziskavo, zakaj pride do potreb za uporabo SCADA sistema. V pregledu področja smo se nato posvetili nekaterim možnostim za implementacijo takega sistema ter ugotavljali njihove prednosti in slabosti. Naposled smo izbrali eno od možnosti, s katero smo SCADA sistem implementirali. Implementacija SCADA sistema s pomočjo programskega orodja Ignition nam omogoči globlje razumevanje SCADA sistemov in njihove izgradnje, prav tako pa tudi izgradnje sistema na splošno in integracije sistema v okolje v podjetju.
Obe predavanji bosta v slovenskem jeziku.