University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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Wednesday, 30 October 2019 Michael Chirillo: »Remembering where you left your tiger: synaptic remodelling in the mammalian brain during learning and memory«

We kindly invite you to the lecture

»Remembering where you left your tiger: synaptic remodelling in the mammalian brain during learning and memory«,

by Michael Chirillo, MD, PhD

(U.S. Fulbright Scholar 2018-2019, University of Belgrade, Kristen Harris Lab, The University of Texas at Austin).

The lecture will take place on Monday, November 11th 2019, at 12:30

in classroom FAMNIT VP1 (Glagoljaška 8).


Our brains are shaped by trillions of synaptic junctions that link central neurons into large neural circuits. Synapses are not static structures. They can be remodeled both structurally and functionally, a phenomenon termed synaptic plasticity. Understanding how changes to the structure of the synapse influence its function has been a central goal of the field of cellular neuroscience since its infancy. In this talk, we will discuss using electron microscopy (EM) to create three-dimensional reconstructions of central synapses in the mammalian hippocampus. We will also discuss long-term potentiation (LTP) and how neuroscientists use LTP to explore learning and memory at the cellular level. LTP induces dramatic structural plasticity at synapses and EM provides the necessary resolution to capture and investigate those changes.

About Michael Chirillo:

After finishing a combined MD/PhD at the University of Texas in 2017 he completed an internship in internal medicine and pediatrics at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. He worked with Kristen Harris at the Center for Learning and Memory in Austin, Texas on using 3-dimensional reconstructions from electron micrographs to understand how synaptic structure is altered with learning and memory.
While in Austin, Chirillo taught general human and animal physiology courses to undergraduate students. During that time, he was mentored by Dee Silverthorn, author of 'Human Physiology', the most popular undergraduate physiology text in the United States. The most recent edition of her text includes several additions by Chirillo. After internship in the summer of 2018, he was awarded a year-long Fulbright scholar grant from the U.S. State Department to work at the University of Belgrade on the introduction of novel teaching techniques in their general physiology courses. He also works with the medical school in Sarajevo and they were recently awarded a group grant to investigate several biochemical markers that might signal dysfunctional aging in elderly adults.

Monday, 28 October 2019 UP FAMNIT students won the first round of NASA Space Apps Challenge

From 18th to 20th of October, Inkubator Sežana held for the first time the NASA Space Apps Challenge, which has become the world’s largest global hackathon. It inspires local communities to come together, think intensely, and create solutions to important problems. Each year, Space Apps engages thousands of individuals in cities around the world to work with NASA’s open source data in a 48-hour sprint, in which participants hack solutions to challenges that NASA proposes, creating games, smartphone and computer apps, videos, teaching tools, and much more.

31 creative competitors participated the challenge in Sežana, while globally, 29.000 participants attended 230 events in more than 80 countries.

Among the six teams, one was composed by three students from UP Famnit: Maheshya Weerasinghe, Nina Klobas and Cuauhtlli Campos and two from UP FM: Nikola Nakov and Łukasz Popowicz. Within this year's challenge, they created a game and entered into the 2nd round.

Nina Klobas, student of Mathematical Sciences, comments the decision for participating in such a diverse team: »The decision to participate was really spontaneous. A friend of ours (Lukasz) was telling a story about his competition last year and he got me thinking that maybe it is worth trying. The team was set up a bit randomly. Maheysha and Campos are always open to do something more and new, so convincing them to participate was not hard. Lukasz and Nikola took part of the competition last year and they were planning to repeat the experience anyway. We are from different backgrounds (two from management, a mathematician and two computer scientists), which turned out to be our great advantage.« »We like to participate in this kind of activities where you put in practice what you have learned in your academic life. It was also a good opportunity to work with student from other backgrounds,« added Cuauhtlli Campos, PhD student of Computer Science.

After choosing the inspirational name of team Wind of change, they came up with the original idea, equipped with the knowledge of actually producing it and having the capabilities of selling it. Nina continues: »Our goal was just to have fun and see how good we work as a team. We also wanted to think of something new and unique, which could be used in some educational purposes.«

In the frame of this year’s topic they were able to decide between six categories: Living in our World, Earth’s oceans, Our moon, Planets near and far, To the stars, and “Invent your own challenge”. The Wind of change team chose the first one with the challenge 1UP for NASA Earth. They have created a game Ure planet with the slogan »Explore it. Save it.« Cuauhtlli Campos: »We believe that the proposed solution has a potential, but it is still in an earlier stage and it can be improved for a better version.«

Congratulations to our students! Fingers crossed for round two.

Monday, 21 October 2019 Three new Full Professors at UP FAMNIT

Distinguished colleagues,

we would like to inform you that

on Friday, 25 October 2019 in the classroom Famnit-VP2, Glagoljaška 8, 6000 Koper

will be taking place Inaugural Lectures:

at 11:30 a.m.
Elena Bužan, PhD Full Professor in research area Biochemistry,

at 12:50 p.m.
Martin Milanič, PhD Full Professor in research area Mathematics,

at 14:10 p.m.
István Kovács, PhD Full Professor in research area Mathematics,


We are kindly inviting you to join us at the lectures!

Monday, 21 October 2019 8ECM: Fields medallist Sir Martin Hairer to deliver the Hirzebruch Lecture



We are pleased to announce that Sir Martin Hairer KBE FRS will deliver the Hirzebruch lecture at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics.

Hairer is a professor of Pure Mathematics and Chair in Probability and Stochastic Analysis in the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London. His main area of research is the study of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs); other research interests include nonequlibrium statistical mechanics, stochastic differential equations, stochastic processes with memory, and the general theory of Markov processes.

The work that led to his Fields medal concerns the mathematical understanding of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs), and in particular, his “breakthrough approach” to resolving the nonlinear KPZ equation proposed by physicists Kardar, Parisi and Zhang in 1986. This, and Prof. Hairer’s subsequent work, develops a general theory of regularity structures that can be applied to a broad class of nonlinear stochastic PDEs, and goes a long way towards removing an obstacle in understanding nonlinear stochastic PDEs. Furthermore, the class of equations to which the theory applies contains several that are of central interest in mathematics and science and potentially opens the way to understanding the phenomenon of universality. His citation for the 2014 Fields medal award notes “his outstanding contributions to the theory of stochastic partial differential equations, and in particular … the creation of a theory of regularity structures for such equations.”

Prof. Hairer’s work in SPDEs has also been recognised with the award of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse’s Fermat Prize (2013) and the London Mathematical Society’s Fröhlich prize (2014) “for his work on the interface between probability theory and partial differential equations; a body of work that is widely recognised as revolutionizing an entire field of research.”

In addition to his mathematical research, Hairer’s interest in music and computer programming led to the creation of Amadeus, an award-winning sound-editing program for Mac, and a popular tool among DJs, music producers and gaming companies.

In the course of his career, Prof. Hairer has received numerous other prizes and honours, including the Whitehead prize and the Philip Leverhulme Prize (2008). He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2014, and of the American Mathematical Society in 2015. In 2016, he was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE).


We look forward to welcoming Professor Hairer at the 8ECM!

Please follow us on for more news and updates.





Wednesday, 16 October 2019 First steps of multicultural and multilingual project LanGuide

The 8th and 9th of October, UP FAMNIT hosted the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project LanGuide.

Partners from Croatia, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden gathered to discuss the first steps of the multicultural and multilingual project that will last until 2022. During the two days together they established a strong cooperation and discussed the project timeframe, which includes the following meetings. Project partners had the chance to visit the University and some faculties, as well as the cities of Koper and Piran.

More about the project “Language guidance tool for improving language knowledge –LanGuide”

The objectives of the project LanGuide are to build an open access students/teachers/administrative staff centered guidance tool for improving language knowledge and supporting the acquisition of language knowledge through the language guidance tool. The developed methodology will be implemented in the preparation of language resources, covering 3 levels of difficulty, for preselected LSP fields for English. The resources will be included in the language guidance tool software and mobile app. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2019 8ECM: Kathryn Hess to deliver a public lecture



We are pleased to announce that Professor Kathryn Hess will deliver a public lecture at the 8ECM, to be supported by European Women in Mathematics (EWM)

Hess is a professor of mathematics and life sciences at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. She received her PhD from MIT. Her research focuses on algebraic topology and its applications, primarily in the life sciences, but also in materials science.  She has published extensively on topics in pure algebraic topology including homotopy theory, operad theory, and algebraic K-theory, and has co-authored the monograph String Topology and Cyclic Homology (Birkhäuser Basel, 2006). Current collaborations include the Blue Brain Project, which, as described by Hess, involves “applying algebraic topology to analyzing how the structure of the brain shapes its function, which is one of the central mysteries of neuroscience.”

In 2016, Prof. Hess was named a fellow of the American Mathematical Society for her "contributions to homotopy theory, applications of topology to the analysis of biological data, and service to the mathematical community", and was elected to the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences. She has also been recognised as a distinguished speaker of the European Mathematical Society (2017). Among her numerous teaching awards are the “Polysphère d’Or” and best teacher in the Faculty of Life Sciences from EPFL. In addition, she has served as a member of several international organizations, including at present the Standing Committee for European Women in Mathematics, and the International Advisory Committee for the International Congress of Mathematicians -  ICM 2022.

Prof. Hess has made significant contributions in outreach and development within the mathematical community, including co-founding the network “Women in Topology” in 2011, and creating the Euler course at EPFL, an accelerated maths programme for children with exceptional mathematical potential.

We look forward to welcoming Professor Hess at the 8ECM!

Please follow us on our website for updates and further news.


Wednesday, 16 October 2019 Theoretical computing for solving practical problems

UP FAMNIT hosted two international conferences: MATCOS-19 and StuCoSReC 2019

Last week, two conferences were held at UP FAMNIT at the same time: on Thursday morning we started with StuCoSReC 2019 (Student Computer Science Research Conference) and continued with MATCOS-19 (Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science).

The two-day conference MATCOS, which takes place every three years, was organized by UP IAM, UP FAMNIT and InnoRenew CoE. This year, we had two goals: first, to present ideas and solutions in the field of theoretical computing that have been directly used in real-world applications. And second: to gather theoretical results based on ideas that can be used to solve practical problems. Topics have covered the following areas: algorithms and data structures, computational complexity, optimization, artificial intelligence, machine learning to graph theory and computer geometry.

Short introductions were this year’s novelty. “This turned out to be a great idea, as we enabled higher number of participants at the conference and an exchange of ideas between them," said the chair of the organizing committee, Assist. Prof. Rok Požar, PhD. A total number of 21 regular and 16 short contributions were held in two parallel sections. "This allowed more time for discussion among more than 50 participants, who came from Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Romania and Hungary," added Rok Požar.

Before MATCOS-19, over 40 students together with their mentors from more than 10 Slovenian and foreign institutions attended StuCoSReC 2019. The conference was organized by University of Primorska, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, and Jozef Stefan Institute with the support of ACM Slovenia (Association for Computing Machinery) and it was held in conjuction with the 22th International Multiconference Information Society.

The purpose of the student conference was to encourage both doctoral and master's students of computer studies to active research work. The main goal was to create a space where students can present their research work and this year they delivered 19 research projects and two posters. Among 22 accepted contributions for conference proceedings, 4 were written in Slovenian language.

Topics were quite different: from classical theoretical computing (optimization problems, automata etc.) and artificial intelligence to other innovative and applied projects (game strategies, word marking, stock trading tools, analysis of bat behavior, football forecasting winner etc.).

Another important purpose of the conference was to create an environment where students from different institutions meet, get to know each other, exchange ideas, and start new research collaborations. StuCoSReC is open for foreign students as well, and this year around half of the participants came from abroad. Of course, socializing and networking was very important and useful part of the meeting, since young researchers had the chance to exchange good practices and shared valuable advices.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019 8ECM: Professor Robin Wilson to give a public lecture and curate postage stamp exhibition!


We are pleased to announce that mathematician and philatelist Professor Robin Wilson will present a special public lecture and mathematical-themed postage stamp exhibition at the 8ECM.

Robin Wilson is an Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics at the Open University, Emeritus Professor of Geometry at Gresham College, London, and a former Fellow of Keble College, Oxford University. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. A former President of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, he has written and edited over 40 books on a variety of subjects, including Lewis Carroll in Numberland and Stamping Through Mathematics on the history of mathematics, Introduction to Graph Theory and Four Colours Suffice on graph theory, and How to Solve Sudoku. He is a regular contributor to the Mathematical Intelligencer.

Long involved with the popularization of mathematics and its history, Prof. Wilson has been awarded the Mathematical Association of America’s Lester Ford award for his ‘outstanding expository writing’, and the Stanton Medal for outreach activities in combinatorics by the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications.

Professor Wilson will be bringing his popular, illustrated lecture on the development of mathematics as portrayed through stamps to the 8ECM. The accompanying exhibition will feature more than 200 stamps from around the world. All are from Prof. Wilson’s private collection and are included in Stamping Through Mathematics. The exhibition will be on display in the near vicinity of the 8ECM venue and, as with the lecture, will be open to the general public.

In more philatelic news, a special postage stamp will also be issued by Post of Slovenia for the occasion of the 8ECM. Further details will be available on the 8ECM website.


(Photo: Gersham College)


We look forward to welcoming Prof. Wilson at the 8ECM in July!

For more information on this and other topics, please follow us on our website.

Thursday, 10 October 2019 Our younger generation of mathematicians closer to US researchers

UP FAMNIT and UP IAM Departments of Mathematics have recently obtained new funds through a public tender for co-financing scientific research cooperation between Slovenia and the USA, this time from 2019 to 2021. Out of 99 approved projects, nine are signed by our researchers.

This means that in the next two years we will strengthen the existing cooperation by hosting in the following US Universities and Research Institutions: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Mississippi State University, College of William & Mary, University of Delaware, Troy University, The Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA), Rutgers University in National Institutes of Health.

Leaders of the nine approved projects are: Dr. Nina Chiarelli, Dr. Nino Bašič, Dr. Slobodan Filipovski, Dr. Matjaž Krnc, Dr. Safet Penjić, Dr. Graham Luke Morgan, Dr. Dušanka Janežič, Dr. István Kovács and Dr. Karla Ferjančič.

In the past, our mathematicians have already acquired a number of bilateral projects to collaborate with the US, but this year’s novelty is that project leaders are mostly part of the younger generation of our mathematicians. With this new success we continue connecting with the whole world.

Other researchers from our university were also successful, new bilateral projects will be implemented by dr. Martina Blečić Kavur (UP FHŠ), dr. Matjaž Nahtigal (UP FM), dr. David BrianDeVallance and dr. Iztok Šušteršič (UP and InnoRenew CoE).

Congratulations to our mathematicians on the new important achievement!

(On the picture - from left: dr. Graham Luke Morgan, dr. Dušanka Janežič, dr. Nino Bašič, dr. Safet Penjić,
dr. Nina Chiarelli, dr. Matjaž Krnc and dr. Karla Ferjančič)

The list of all approved projects is available here.

More about the projects:

  • István Kovács: Graphs, polytopes and configurations, UP IAM & University of Alaska Fairbanks,
  • Slobodan Filipovski: The cage problem, UP IAM & Mississippi State University,
  • Graham Luke Morgan: Distinguishing number of graphs, UP IAM & College of William & Mary,
  • Safet Penjić: Algebraic characterizations and combinatorial properties of (non)regular graphs with thin module of endpoint zero, UP IAM & University of Delaware,
  • Karla Ferjančič: Rational spline motions of a low degree, UP IAM & Mississippi State University,
  • Nina Chiarelli: F-WORM colorings in hereditary graph classes, UP IAM & Troy University,
  • Nino Bašić: Chemical graphs on steroids, UP IAM & The Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA),
  • Matjaž Krnc: Certain problems in hypergraphs, graphs, and games, UP FAMNIT & Rutgers University,
  • Dušanka Janežič: Computer Algorithm Development for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Macromolecules, UP FAMNIT & National Institutes of Health.




Wednesday, 9 October 2019 8ECM: Mehrmann, Esteban and Bridson guests at UP FAMNIT


On Tuesday 8th October we had the great honour to host three distinguished mathematicians who are also involved in the organisation of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics.

Martin R Bridson FRS, Maria J. Esteban and Volker Mehrmann started their visit in Slovenia with the reception at the Presidential Palace hosted by the President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, who is also 8ECM honorary patron.
The day after, a visit at UP FAMNIT was of course obligatory. Our guests delivered three lectures to our students and professors who had also the chance to interact with them.



On Wednesday they stayed in Portorož, where the congress will take place, working on the preparation of the biggest scientific meeting in Slovenia so far.

As said, our guests are not only distinguished mathematicians but they are also involved in the organisation of 8ECM. Professor Volker Mehrmann (Technische Universität Berlin) is President of the European Mathematical Society, Professor Maria J. Esteban (Université Paris-Dauphine) is chair of the 8ECM Scientific Committee, and Professor Martin R. Bridson FRS (University of Oxford) is chair of the 8ECM Prize Committee.

We are happy to have had them as guests here.

Monday, 7 October 2019 Volker Mehrmann, Maria Esteban, and Martin Bridson to visit Slovenia in the run-up to the 8ECM


Today marks the beginning of a week-long visit to Slovenia by three distinguished mathematicians closely associated with the upcoming 8th European Congress of Mathematics (8ECM): Professor Volker Mehrmann (Technische Universität Berlin), President of the European Mathematical Society, Professor Maria J. Esteban (Université Paris-Dauphine), chair of the 8ECM Scientific Committee, and Professor Martin R. Bridson FRS (University of Oxford), chair of the 8ECM Prize Committee.

Today’s schedule in Ljubljana begins with a reception at the Presidential Palace hosted by the President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, after which Professors Mehrmann, Esteban and Bridson will give lectures at a colloquium at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (UL FMF).

On the photo (from left): UP Rector, Professor Dragan Marušič, Professor Martin R. Bridson FRS, UP FAMNIT Dean, Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, Professor Maria J. Esteban, Professor Volker Mehrmann and Prof. Dr. Tomaž Pisanski

Tomorrow, on Tuesday, they will travel to Koper where they will attend a reception at the Rectorate of the University of Primorska hosted by UP rector Professor Dragan Marušič, before giving public lectures at a seminar at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT).

From Koper, the visit will proceed to the Congress Centre Bernadin in Portorož, venue for the 8ECM in July 2020, for further meetings.

On the photo (from left): Professor Martin R. Bridson FRS, Prof. Dr. Tomaž Pisanski, Professor Volker Mehrmann, UP FAMNIT Dean, Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar and Professor Maria J. Esteban

We extend our thanks and a warm welcome to Professors Mehrmann, Esteban, and Bridson on the occasion of their visit to Slovenia. 

For more information on the day-long talks at UL FMF and UP FAMNIT, please see and

For more information and updates on the 8ECM, please follow us on our website

Friday, 4 October 2019 8ECM and ESOF 2020 will connect Piran and Trieste

Yesterday an important step towards forming a cross-border scientific partnership took place in Piran with the official signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the organizers of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics – 8ECM, EuroScience Open Forum Trieste - ESOF2020 and the host municipalities of both events, Piran and Trieste.

This collaboration will come to life in July 2020, when Portorož and Trieste will host the two biggest scientific events in the region.

From left: Mayor of Piran, Đenio Zadković, UP FAMNIT Dean, Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar and Mayor of Trieste, Roberto Dipiazza

The 8th European Congress of Mathematics will be held from 5 to 11 July 2020 at the Congress Centre Bernardin in Portorož. The organizers expect about 2000 participants from all over the world, making it the largest mathematical event of the year. The 8ECM is hosted by the University of Primorska, in cooperation with all active institutions in Slovenia in the field of mathematics.

The congress will feature an extensive scientific program, including minisymposia, satellite conferences, public lectures by world-renowned mathematicians, round tables, workshops, exhibitions and meetings of mathematical societies. The organizers have paid additional attention to the accompanying activities and popularization of mathematics. The congress will include, among other things, a mathematical-historical exhibition of stamps, set up by philatelist and eminent mathematician, Prof. Robin Wilson. There will also be a large contingent of business representatives who will be recruiting young mathematicians as part of a career day. A variety of educational math workshops and summer camps for children will be offered during the congress, as a way to both entertain and bring math closer to the younger generation.

The importance of the 8ECM has been recognized with the honorable patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor.

At the same time, the EuroScience Open Forum Trieste will be held in Trieste from 5-9 July 2020. This is the largest European meeting in the field of research and innovation, attended by scientists, innovators and representatives of the business and public communities.

The EuroScience Open Forum brings together more than 4,000 researchers, educators, industrialists and journalists from around the world, the number expected by organizers in Trieste next year. Trieste's candidacy has received positive attention from the professional sector, as the concept of the forum emphasizes the openness of the city to a wider region, including Slovenia. This is a key opportunity for Trieste to further establish itself in the European area through its internationally recognized scientific and research centers.

As part of ESOF2020 a Science Festival will take place in the city, which will host various music, cultural, artistic and educational events from June 27 to July 11, 2020.

Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, 8ECM Organizing Committee Chair, Prof. Stefano Fantoni, president of ESOF 2020 Trieste, Mr. Genio Zadković, Mayor of Piran, Slovenia and Mr. Roberto Dipiazza, Mayor of Trieste, Italy.

Signatories of the agreement (from left to right): Prof. Dr. Tomaž Pisanski (for 8ECM), Prof. Dr. Stefano Fantoni (for ESOF2020), Mayor of Piran, Đenio Zadković and Mayor of Trieste, Roberto Dipiazza

The signatories of the agreement proudly emphasized the importance of a cross-border scientific connection, which is undoubtedly of great importance for the participants of both events, as well as for the research community and scientific institutions in Slovenia and Italy.

Thursday, 3 October 2019 UP Scholarship Fund - Call for applications

We would like to remind you that the deadline for submtting the requested documentation for the University of Primorska Scholarship is Thursday 10 October 2019.

The Scholarship Found of the University of Primorska is managed by the University, while it is supported by national, municipal, private and other financial sources. Special emphasis is given on linking students with prospective employers, who invest in the scholarship fund and also have an option to choose which students they will support with their funds.

You can read more about this year invitation here (find the documents in English), for more information please contact the Career Centre of the University of Primorska (05/61 17 636,

Thursday, 3 October 2019 The most numerous generation of freshmen is here!

20 % more students – huge interest in Computer Science and Biopsychology.

On October 1st, we welcomed the 13th generation of freshmen, who started their studies on undergraduate level. The official opening of the new academic year 2019/20 took place at Tito Square in Koper, where freshmen from all faculties of the University of Primorska gathered at the traditional freshmen welcome.

Due to the very high number of enrolled international students, UP FAMNIT organized two receptions, in Slovenian and English language. New students have been welcomed by UP FAMNIT Dean, Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ademir Hujdurović, tutors and representatives of the Student council.

    The biggest classroom Tramontana was full of freshmen - twice.

Faculties in Slovenia are currently dealing with smaller generations of students, while the number of enrolled students at UP FAMNIT has been increasing for several years. In fact, this year we have 672 students, 278 of them came from abroad. The number of freshmen is 235 (119 come from Slovenia and 116 from abroad) and we are proud to share the information that our students come from the following 30 countries: Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Ghana, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Maldives, Mexico, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan. Additional 16 students will spend the first semester at our faculty in the frame of various mobility programs – they are from Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain

Tutors at UP FAMNIT take care of solving students' daily problems.

We are extremely pleased that we have exceeded the number of enrolled students for almost 20 %, compared to last year. As in previous years, the biggest interest is for the study program Computer Science, followed by Biopsychology and Conservation Biology. In October we are also starting two new study programmes: Data Science (Master’s study) and Mediterranean Agriculture (higher education professional study programme), which is among the most popular this year.

We wish to all new and “old” students a relaxed academic year, full of scientific curiosity and challenges, new friends and good grades!