University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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Sunday, 31 March 2019 Our mathematicians at the traditional Vojtěch Jarník International Math Competition

Also this year, our math students participated at the oldest mathematics competition for students within EU: the 29th Vojtěch Jarník International Mathematical Competition, which was held in Ostrava (Czech Republic) on Friday, March 29th.

At this year's event, 145 students from 35 European universities competed. In the first category (for 1st and 2nd year students or under 22 years of age), Famnit was represented by Đorđe Mitrović (2nd year of Mathematics), Eva Siladji and Besfort Shala (both 1st year of Mathematics), in the second category our Faculty was represented by Roman Solodukhin (2nd year of Mathematical Sciences).

Mitrović, Shala and Solodukhin received the certificate of a successful participant.

Congratulations to our students and we wish them many successful performances!

Thursday, 28 March 2019 Call for enrolment into postgraduate study programmes in 2019/20 academic year

In 2019/20 academic year UP FAMNIT offers the following postgraduate study programmes:

  • doctoral (3rd cycle) study programmes: Mathematical Science (available also in English), Computer Science (available also in English);
  • master (2nd cycle) study programmes: Mathematical Sciences (available also in English), Data Science (available also in English), Mathematics with Financial Engineering, Computer Science, Nature Conservation, Biopsychology, Applied Psychology, Sustainable Built Environments (available also in English).

More information about the Call for enrolment 2019/20 and the application procedure is available on our website in the section Education/ Enrolment.

Candidates (SLOVENE CITIZENS AND EU CITIZENS) can apply in three terms:

  • first application term: from 8 April to 29 August 2019,
  • second application term: from 13 to 18 September 2019,
  • third application term: from 25 to 26 September 2019 until 12:00.


  • first application term: from 8 April to 1 July 2019,
  • second application term: from 17 July to 29 August 2019,
  • third application term: from 13 to 18 September 2019,
  • fourth application term: from 25 to 26 September 2019 until 12:00.

Candidates are invited to check our programme’s presentation and visit us on 10 May 2019 during the Open day! The exact Open day’s programme will be published later in the section Education/ Enrolment.

For more information please contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Tuesday, 26 March 2019 Updates on progress for the 8ECM at the EMS Meeting of Presidents in Berlin



The 2019 Meeting of Presidents of the European Mathematical Society was held on March 23 - 24, 2019 in TU Berlin, following a kind invitation from the German Mathematical Society (DMV) and the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM).

EMS Meetings of Presidents is an annual event, held for presidents of more than 100 national organizations and mathematical research institutions, in order to advance the networking and research in mathematics.

As part of the meeting, prof. Tomaž Pisanski, 8ECM Organising Committee Chair and prof. Klavdija Kutnar, dean UP FAMNIT and 8ECM Organising Committee Deputy-Chair, presented updates on the progress for the 8th European Congress of Mathematics, held July 5 – 11, 2020 in Portorož, Slovenia.

They also met with prof. Volker Mehrmann, EMS President, to discuss the upcoming activities for the 8ECM.

Prof. Mehrmann is a professor at the Institute of Mathematics at TU Berlin since 2000, his research is in the area of numerical mathematics, particularly numerical linear algebra and control theory. He assumed his duties as the EMS President in January this year and is appointed to the position of president for four years.


(Photo: prof. Volker Mehrmann, EMS President, prof. Klavdija Kutnar, dean UP FAMNIT and 8ECM Organising Committee Deputy-Chair and prof. Tomaž Pisanski, 8ECM Organising Committee Chair)

Monday, 25 March 2019 8ECM Scientific Committee Meeting held in Portorož, Slovenia



A Scientific Committee (SC) meeting was held 6 – 7 February, 2019 in Hotel St. Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia with the presence of all SC members and presided by Maria J. Esteban (CNRS and Université Paris-Dauphine).

The Science Committee was appointed by the EMS (European Mathematical Society) to select speakers for the plenary and invited lectures at the upcoming 8th European Congress of Mathematics. On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, prof. dr. Dragan Marušič, Rector of the University of Primorska and prof. dr. Tomaž Pisanski, 8ECM Organizing Committee Chair, welcomed the SC with some introductory remarks.


(Photo: Prof. dr. Maria J. Esteban, 8ECM Scientific Committee Chair, Prof. dr. Tomaž Pisanski, 8ECM Organising Committee Chair and Prof. dr. Dragan Marušič, Rector UP)


Following introductions, the participants decided on the final list of speakers for the 8ECM Plenary and Invited lectures, while they also had the opportunity to see the 8ECM venue at the Congress Centre and the Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica, where some of the programme sessions will be held.




Scientific Committee Chair:

Maria J. Esteban - CNRS and Université Paris-Dauphine

Scientific Committee Members:

Luigi Ambrosio - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa

Tadeusz Januszkiewicz - Polish Academy of Science

Barbara Kaltenbacher - University of Klagenfurt

Alexander Kuznetsov - Steklov Mathematical Institute

Halil Mete Soner - ETH Zürich

Péter Pál Pálfy - Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Tomaž Pisanski - University of Primorska

Pavel Pudlák - Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences

Tudor Stefan Ratiu - Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Oliver Riordan - University of Oxford

Zeev Rudnick - Tel-Aviv University

Valeria Simoncini - Università di Bologna

Stefaan Vaes - K.U.Leuven

Aad van der Vaart - Leiden University

Joachim Weickert - Saarland University


For the first time in the history of European mathematical congresses, Slovene mathematicians will be among the invited lecturers, namely three: academician prof. dr. Franc Forstnerič as a plenary speaker and dr. Andrej Bauer and dr. Špenka Špenko as invited speakers.

A full list of  speakers is published at


We would again like to thank all members of the 8ECM Scientific Committee for their contribution to the selection of plenary and invited speakers!


Monday, 25 March 2019 A postdoctoral research position at the University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenia)

The Departments of Mathematics of Andrej Marusic Institute (IAM) and Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT) at the University of Primorska, are seeking a top early-career researcher for a postdoctoral position within the project Topics in Structural Graph Theory: Invariants,
Separators, and Intersection Representations
funded by the Slovenian Research Agency.

The project will investigate several key problems within pure and algorithmic graph theory, with a focus on graph invariants and graph classes. It will be developed along three interconnected research lines:

  • conditions for the existence of a function bounding one invariant in terms of another one,
  • algorithmic aspects of selected graph optimization problems on various graph classes,
  • and the development of a unifying framework for generalizations of chordality.

Progress on these problems is expected to be obtained using an effective combination of various complementary concepts and techniques suitable for the study of graph classes such as: graph decompositions, graph width parameters, minimal separators, graph minors, extremal graph theory.

Applicants must possess a PhD in a relevant area and should show evidence of excellence in mathematics or theoretical computer science.
Expertise in structural and algorithmic graph theory is required, including a good knowledge of various aspects of graph theory, algorithms, and complexity theory. The successful candidate will be part of the Departments of Mathematics at IAM and FAMNIT, University of Primorska, and will work under the guidance of Associate Professor Martin Milanic.

Terms and conditions:

- The position is for two years, with the possibility of renewal for one additional year. By default, the starting date is September 1, 2019.
- The position comes with a teaching load of one course per semester at bachelor and/or master level programs (on topics related to Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory, Mathematical Programming etc.) offered by FAMNIT.
- There will be a possibility of co-supervision of a PhD student starting October 2019 and a possibility of collaboration within bilateral research projects.
- The salary and the length of the contract depend on the academic title into which the candidate can be elected following the university rules, (in Slovene). For example, for election into academic title Assistant Professor and Research Associate, one of the key necessary conditions is that the total number of papers published by the candidate in SCI journals, each paper divided by the number of authors, is at least 2.5.

Deadline & Application process:

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until June 30, 2019, or until the position is filled. Priority will be given to applications received by April 30, 2019.
Starting date: negotiable but preferably not later than October 1, 2019.

To apply, please send the following documents in electronic form to Martin Milanic ( with the subject line "Koper Postdoc 2019" in the Subject field:

  • Curriculum Vitae,
  • Publication List,
  • Research Statement,
  • Copies of three recent papers of preprints,
  • Names and e-mail addresses of at least three persons who can be contacted for reference (and have agreed to be contacted).

Informal inquiries should be addressed to Martin Milanic

Friday, 22 March 2019 Main sponsor for the 8th Congress of Mathematics is the Slovenian Insurance Association!

It is with great pleasure that we announce a sponsorship contract was signed between the Slovenian Insurance Association, GIZ and the UP Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Information Technology on Friday, March 22, 2019. The Slovenian Insurance Association thus became the head sponsor of the 8ECM, which will be hosted by the University of Primorska, in collaboration with all active mathematical institutions in Slovenia, from 5 to 11 July 2020 in Portorož.

The Slovenian Insurance Association will have a chance to participate on Career Day at the 8ECM, where they will have access to the best international staff in the field of actuarial and financial mathematics. These certainly will not be lacking, since we expect up to 2,000 scientists, researchers and students from the field of mathematics in Portorož next year.



(Photo: Mag. Maja Krumberger, Director of Slovenian Insurance Association in Prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Dean UP FAMNIT)

The 8ECM will host great names in mathematics, including a Fields medalist, Sir Vaughan Jones. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President of the ERC - European Research Council has also confirmed his participation.

European congresses of mathematics are held every four years and so far have been hosted by European capitals like Paris, Budapest, Barcelona, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Krakow and Berlin. This is why hosting the next European Congress of Mathematics in Slovenia is undoubtedly a great honor and opportunity, both for Slovenian mathematics, as well as for the University of Primorska and all participating institutions.

The importance of this event was also recognized by His Excellency Mr. Borut Pahor, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, with his honorary patronage.

We look forward to cooperation with the Slovenian Insurance Association and would like to thank them for their sponsorship for the 8th European Congress of Mathematics!


(Photo: Prof. dr. Dragan Marušič, Rector UP, mag. Maja Krumberger, Director of Slovenian Insurance Association, Prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Dean UP FAMNIT, Prof. dr. Tomaž Pisanski, 8ECM Organising Committee Chair)

Thursday, 14 March 2019 First application term for undergraduate studies - until 18 March 2019

First application term for EU citizens for undergraduate studies at UP FAMNIT 2019/2020 lasts until 18 March 2019.

All information about the application procedure are available here:

For more information please contact the Student Services (e-mail:, tel. + 386 5 611 75 75).

Tuesday, 12 March 2019 New research project obtained in the field of Mathematics

We are very pleased to inform you that UP IAM research group P1-0285 Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Game Theory has been once again successful in obtaining new research projects.

Assoc. Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD acquired funds from the Slovenian Research Agency to implement the adapted project N1-0102 Topics in Structural Graph Theory: Invariants, Separators, and Intersection Representations, because he received a score of B by the European Research Council for the research proposal for the ERC Consolidator Grant (ERC-2018-COG).

In the next 3 years, the project will investigate several key problems within pure and algorithmic graph theory, with a focus on graph invariants and graph classes. In fact, despite a number of recent breakthrough developments in the area, many deep and challenging questions remain. The final goal of the project is the development of new tools for a deep and algorithmically useful mathematical analysis of the structure of graphs in hereditary classes. Its impact will be an improved fundamental understanding of the boundaries of tractability for several practically relevant graph optimization problems.

The Slovenian Research Agency co-finances the so called adapted projects which were positively evaluated in ERC calls for proposals but not selected for funding, with the purpose of providing the applicants with the conditions to improve their own scientific excellence and the original idea of the research project. ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.

All information about the project and about our researchers are available on this website.