University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Thursday, 3 October 2019 The most numerous generation of freshmen is here!

20 % more students – huge interest in Computer Science and Biopsychology.

On October 1st, we welcomed the 13th generation of freshmen, who started their studies on undergraduate level. The official opening of the new academic year 2019/20 took place at Tito Square in Koper, where freshmen from all faculties of the University of Primorska gathered at the traditional freshmen welcome.

Due to the very high number of enrolled international students, UP FAMNIT organized two receptions, in Slovenian and English language. New students have been welcomed by UP FAMNIT Dean, Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ademir Hujdurović, tutors and representatives of the Student council.

    The biggest classroom Tramontana was full of freshmen - twice.

Faculties in Slovenia are currently dealing with smaller generations of students, while the number of enrolled students at UP FAMNIT has been increasing for several years. In fact, this year we have 672 students, 278 of them came from abroad. The number of freshmen is 235 (119 come from Slovenia and 116 from abroad) and we are proud to share the information that our students come from the following 30 countries: Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Ghana, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Maldives, Mexico, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan. Additional 16 students will spend the first semester at our faculty in the frame of various mobility programs – they are from Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain

Tutors at UP FAMNIT take care of solving students' daily problems.

We are extremely pleased that we have exceeded the number of enrolled students for almost 20 %, compared to last year. As in previous years, the biggest interest is for the study program Computer Science, followed by Biopsychology and Conservation Biology. In October we are also starting two new study programmes: Data Science (Master’s study) and Mediterranean Agriculture (higher education professional study programme), which is among the most popular this year.

We wish to all new and “old” students a relaxed academic year, full of scientific curiosity and challenges, new friends and good grades!