Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Seminarji Oddelka za biodiverziteto - Arhiv

2024 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

četrtek, 23. november 2023 Mateja Grego: Exploring the microplastic pollution of waterways

V sredo, 29. novembra 2023, bo izveden 6. seminar iz morskih vsebin.

ČAS IN PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje), od 12. do 13. ure.  

Predavateljica:  Mateja Grego

Mateja Grego is a marine biologist researching the impact of anthropogenic pollution, particularly from aquaculture and maritime traffic, on meiofaunal diversity and microplastic pollution in coastal sediments and rivers. The lecturer performed part of her PhD at the University of Ghent (experiments in situ and in vitro with 13C isotopes to study the benthic food webs) and postdoc at the University of Vienna (hypoxia/anoxia impact on harpacticoid copepod community). Since 2021, She has been coordinating the Plastic Pirates - Go Europe citizen science project in Slovenia. Additionally, Mateja serve as a National delegate in the Horizon Europe Mission Ocean working group. She also organized a summer school for the Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC+) in Piran in 2012, which led to one of the pioneering articles on microplastic pollution in marine sediments.

NASLOV: Exploring the microplastic pollution of waterways

This presentation delves into recent research findings concerning the pervasive issue of microplastic pollution in marine environments. It provides an overview of published results from scientific journals, encompassing the pollution of both seawater and sediment, as well as the intricate pathways of microplastics in the sea. With the escalating volume of research papers in recent years, the focus narrows down to the Mediterranean Sea, shedding light on the specific challenges and dynamics of microplastic pollution in this region. Finally, we will explore the issue of microplastic pollution in Slovenian rivers, where the research involved the wider public in the sampling process.

petek, 17. november 2023 Petra Slavinec: Raznolik svet mikroalg: diverziteta kokolitoforidov in njihova vloga v ekosistemu

V sredo, 22. novembra 2023, bo izveden 5. seminar iz morskih vsebin.

ČAS IN PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje), od 12. do 13. ure.  

Predavateljica:  Petra Slavinec

Petra Slavinec je mlada raziskovalka na Nacionalnem inštitutu za biologijo - Morski biološki postaji, v okviru doktorske naloge pa raziskuje fitoplankton, predvsem kokolitoforide pod mentorstvom izr. prof. dr. Patricije Mozetič. S kombinacijo mikroskopskih in molekularnih metod odkriva diverziteto kokolitoforidov v slovenskem obalnem morju, pa tudi njihov življenjski cikel, ter vlogo pri ekosistemskih storitvah v luči klimatskih sprememb.

NASLOV: Raznolik svet mikroalg: diverziteta kokolitoforidov in njihova vloga v ekosistemu

Mikroalge so zelo raznolika skupina mikroskopskih organizmov, ki jih najdemo tako v morskih, kot sladkovodnih okoljih. Tvorijo osnovo prehranjevalnih mrež številnih ekosistemov. Poleg taksonomije merila za razvrščanje mikroalg v skupine vključujejo tudi njihove morfološke, fiziološke in ekološke značilnosti. Glavne taksonomske skupine morskih mikroalg, tako po številu vrst kot po številčnosti, so diatomeje, dinoflagelati, kokolitoforidi in druge haptofiti, kriptofiti, enocelične zelene alge in cianobakterije. Tretja največja skupina mikroalg - kokolitoforidi - je skupina, za predstavnike katere je značilen zunanji skelet iz kalcitnih ploščic (CaCO3) različnih oblik – kokolitov. So pomemben primarni producent, ponor ogljika, imajo pa tudi pomembno vlogo pri biološki ogljični črpalki (BCP).

četrtek, 9. november 2023 Timotej Turk Dermastia: Diatoms and their complex network of interactions with their pathogens, simbionts, grazers and ecosystem as a whole

V sredo, 15. novembra 2023, bo izveden 4. seminar iz morskih vsebin.

ČAS IN PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje), od 12. do 13. ure.  

Predavatelj: Timotej Turk Dermastia

Timotej Turk Dermastia is a marine biologist who transformed into a microbiologist during the course of his PhD. Currently, he is conducting postdoctoral research in the field of diatom interactions with their viruses and methods for the detection and characterization of novel diatom viruses. His PhD at MBP-NIB was focused on diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzchia, which is one of the most common diatoms encountered in the world's oceans but is also one of the few diatom genera that are occasionally harmful to the environment and humans due to the production of a toxin called domoic acid. During the PhD, under the supervision of Associate Professor Patricija Mozetič, he was a FEMS fellow in Banyuls-sur-Mer, France, and has received a Fulbright Postdoctoral fellowship, which will be conducted next year.
NASLOV: Diatoms and their complex network of interactions with their pathogens, simbionts, grazers and ecosystem as a whole.

Diatoms are one of the world's most important phytoplankton groups, responisble for roughly 40% of the total phytoplankton primary production. They typically form spring blooms, where they accumulate enormous biomass. They form important ecological interactions with numerous links in the food chain. Harmful diatoms in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia affect the ecosystem up to the top by forming a bioacumulating toxin domoic acid, capable of inducing mass mortality events in marine vertebrates. Most diatoms also produce compounds that impair the reproduction of zooplankton. Lately, viruses and bacteria associated with diatoms have also become the subject of studies worldwide as they show to have yet unaccounted for and very important ecological roles. In this seminar we will these exciting studies and look to the future for things yet to be discovered.

četrtek, 9. november 2023 Oddgeir Andersen: Economic impact of parasites/diseases on a highly popular fish species in Norway

V torek, 14. novembra 2023, bo izveden seminar z naslovom Economic impact of parasites/diseases on a highly popular fish species in Norway

ČAS IN PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje), ob 12. uri.  

Predavatelj: Oddgeir Andersen

Oddgeir Andersen is a senior research scientist and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. His research focus is in the intersection between social studies and ecology. For example, human-nature interactions, use of natural resources or resource conflicts, nature-based tourism, outdoor life, environmental preferences and attitudes, socio-eological systems.
NASLOV:  Economic impact of parasites/diseases on a highly popular fish species in Norway

The focus of my talk will be on the economic impact of parasites/dieases on a highly popular fish species in Norway, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the Gyrodactylus salaris parasite. I will present how to measure the impact by using revealed preferences method (travel cost method) and the cost-benefit ratio of eradicating the parasite. G. salaris was introduced in Norway in 1975 by the fish- farming industry, and infected more than 50 rivers out of the 400 rivers with atlantic salmon.