Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Seminarji Oddelka za biodiverziteto - Arhiv

2024 2023
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petek, 27. oktober 2023 Martin Vodopivec: Meduze in numerično modeliranje

V sredo, 8. novembra 2023, bo izveden 3. seminar iz morskih vsebin.

ČAS IN PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje), od 12. do 13. ure.  

Predavatelj: Martin Vodopivec

Lecturer studied physics at the University of Ljubljana and graduated with a thesis on the influence of giant molecular clouds and dark matter halos on the distribution of stars in our galaxy. After graduation, however, he was allowed to join a group of researchers working on the development of a chain of numerical ocean models. The project was a collaboration between the Agency of Environment and the National Institute of Biology, where he became more and more involved with marine biology. This led to a PhD thesis on the influence of offshore platforms on the Adriatic moon jellyfish population and a shift in his career towards biophysical modelling. He is currently head of the physical oceanography sub-unit at the Marine Biology Station Piran and is in charge of in situ oceanographic measurements and satellite data analysis. He is working on a coupled physical-biogeochemical model of the Adriatic Sea, focusing on the role of jellyfish in the ecosystem, and developing an individual-based model of Pelagia noctiluca (mauve stinger jellyfish).

Meduze in numerično modeliranje

Jellyfish are widespread throughout the world's oceans and are expected to thrive under projected future ocean changes (i.e., warming, acidification, oxygen depletion) and increased ocean exploitation (i.e., overfishing, maritime transport, marine infrastructure development). Due to their adaptability and simplicity, they are ubiquitous in various marine ecosystems and, under favorable conditions, form massive blooms that significantly disrupt the ecosystem. I will present two coupled physical-biological models of jellyfish population dynamics. Both are based on particle-tracking algorithms which were modified to incorporate individual based models. One was developed to elucidate the impact of offshore gas platforms on the population of the moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita s.l.) in the Adriatic Sea, the other to better understand the occurrence of mauve stinger (Pelagia nociluca) in different parts of the Mediterranean Sea. The latter is still under development and I will present some preliminary results.

četrtek, 19. oktober 2023 Tinkara Tinta: Marine Microbes in the sea of change

V četrtek 25. oktobra 2023, bo izveden 2. seminar iz morskih vsebin.

ČAS in PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje), od 12. do 13. ure. 

Predavateljica: Tinkara Tinta

Tinkara Tinta is a marine microbiologist studying the effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on microbial community dynamics in marine ecosystems. Her research is interdisciplinary and draws on the background in biochemistry (BSc) and her area of expertise – marine microbial ecology (PhD). During PhD, she was a FEMS fellow at Lund University, Sweden. For postdoctoral research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UCSD, USA) she received a Fulbright Fellowship. Her research at the University of Vienna, Austria, was funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. Currently, she is working at MBP-NIB, which is located in a coastal area subject to constant fluctuations in environmental parameters and anthropogenic impacts, with increasing blooms of certain organisms and various types of pollution. Here, they focus their research on the interactions between the coastal microbiome and bloom-forming jellyfish and microbial indicators of faecal pollution, including potential pathogens, and impacts on marine biogeochemical cycles.

NASLOV: Marine Microbes in the sea of change

POVZETEK: Oceans and seas constitute the largest part of Earth's biosphere, and their smallest inhabitants – microbes - are invisible to the naked eye, but account for most of the ocean’s biomass and are the most productive and diverse members of marine food webs. The key factor contributing to the cosmopolitan distribution of microbes in oceanic habitats is the plasticity of their genomes (and thus their adaptability) and the different types of metabolic processes, some of which unique to microbes. In seawater, the pool of organic matter (OM) is composed of a plethora of chemical compounds of different origins, characterized by different size, complexity, availability, and reactivity. Through a chain of biochemical reactions, all particulate OM is eventually transformed into dissolved OM, which is almost exclusively accessible to microbes that operate various metabolic networks, and in this way, drive biogeochemical cycles at the base of the oceanic food web. The abundance, metabolic activity, and composition of microbial communities are influenced by a range of physical, chemical, and biological parameters, as well as by various interactions among organisms. Marine microbes are subject to constant fluctuations in environmental parameters, especially in coastal areas, and the resulting changes in microbial community dynamics affect the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems. Natural and anthropogenic influences are paving the way for projected changes in future oceans and will likely inevitably impact marine life, microbes, and the biogeochemical cycles they drive. However, the complexity, underlying mechanisms, and consequences of these processes remain unclear. Recent methodological advances in analytical chemistry and "omics" technology are providing insights into the relationship between individual compounds within the complexity of the OM pool and the metabolic network operated by the microbial community under specific environmental conditions. Only when we have gained this mechanistic understanding will we be able to predict the response of the marine ecosystem to natural and anthropogenic perturbations.

sreda, 11. oktober 2023 Bojana Stojanova: "Plant mating systems response to rapid environmental change – examples of contemporary evolution and adaptive phenotypic plasticity"

V četrtek 19. oktobra 2023, bo izveden seminar z naslovom "Plant mating systems response to rapid environmental change – examples of contemporary evolution and adaptive phenotypic plasticity".

ČAS in PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje),  od 12.00 do 13.00 ure.

Predavateljica: Bojana Stojanova

About the guest lecturer: Bojana Stojanova is a plant evolutionary ecologist investigating plant adaptation to environmental change, with a specific focus on reproductive strategies. She is currently working as a non-tenure track assistant professor at the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.

NASLOV: "Plant mating systems response to rapid environmental change – examples of contemporary evolution and adaptive phenotypic plasticity".

About the seminar: I will summarise two research projects investigating different mechanisms of plant mating system adaptation to rapid environmental variation. The first one explores contemporary evolution in entomophilous, short-lived arable weeds in response to climate change and pollinator decline using the resurrection approach. This approach consists of resurrection ancestral genotypes harvested in natural populations in the past and stored in seed repositories for several generations, then growing them side-by-side with their contemporary descendants harvested in the same population at present. The second one explores the adaptive value of plastic cleistogamy; a mixed-mating system where plants produce variable proportions of closed (cleistogamous) flowers which are obligately self-pollinated, and open, chasmogamous flowers which are potentially outcrossed. I investigate how cleistogamy varies between natural populations coming from contrasting climates and habitats, whether this variation is due to plasticity or genetic differentiation, and whether it confers an adaptive reproductive advantage in response to environmental variation.

torek, 10. oktober 2023 1. SEMINAR IZ MORSKIH VSEBIN:Dsolve Project Research Area 5. Circularity of biobased, biodegradable, and non-degradable plastics

V sredo, 11. oktobra 2023, bo izveden prvi seminar iz morskih vsebin.

ČAS in PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje), od 12. do 13. ure. 

Predavatelj: Dorian Vodopia

Dorian Vodopia, born on the 5th of March 1996 in Rijeka, Croatia, attained a bachelor’s degree in Marine Sciences at the University Juraj Dobrila of Pula, Croatia in 2017. Thesis title: “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their impact on the sperm of sea urchin A. lixula”. Subsequently, in 2020 he obtained a master’s degree in Nature Conservation at the University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia. Thesis title: „Embryotoxicity and oxidative stress in the sea urchin P. lividus after co-exposure to PMMA microparticles and NSAID indomethacin”. From January 2021 to January 2023, he was employed as a project associate at the Laboratory for Marine Nanotechnology and Biotechnology, Centre for Marine Research in Rovinj, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia. Since April 2023, he has been employed as a PhD fellow at UiT- The Arctic University of Norway, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, HARVEST research group, DSolve Project Research Area 5. His PhD work is: „Inclusion of ghost fishing and its effects on ecosystems and biodiversity in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA)”.

NASLOV: Dsolve Project Research Area 5. Circularity of biobased, biodegradable, and non-degradable pl astics

POVZETEK: An overview of the SFI DSolve project and the latest developments in Research Area 5: Circularity of biobased, biodegradable, and non-degradable plastics, will be presented. Including the ALDFG retrieval operation done in collaboration with the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries, a long-term in-situ assessment of “Ghost Fishing” impacts on benthic environments: stock-specific catch rates in relation to gillnets and pots, and modelling the fate of ALDFG within the Norwegian marine environment.