University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Mathematical Research Seminar - Archive

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Datum in ura / Date and time: 23.7.19
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Michael Vyalyi (National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia)
Naslov / Title: Universal trees and parity games
Vsebina / Abstract:

Starting from 2017, several quasi-polynomial algorithms for solving parity games were suggested. Using universal ordered trees and automata separation approach gives a very natural quasi-polynomial algorithm for solving parity games. Moreover, many other algorithms can be expressed in terms of automata separation approach. In the talk the construction of near-optimal universal trees will be presented and the basics of automata separation approach for solving parity games will be discussed.

The talk is based on the work of Czerwinski, Daviaud, Fijalkow, Jurdzinski, Lazic and Parys.

About lecturer:

Datum in ura / Date and time: 17.7.19
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Georgy Sharygin (Yaroslavl Demidov State University, Russia)
Naslov / Title: Combinatoric formula for the Chern classes of triangulated circle bundles
Vsebina / Abstract:

In my talk I will describe a construction, which answers the following question: given a triangulation of an oriented principal circle bundle P over a simplicial complex K (bundle projection is supposed to match the triangulations, i.e. it should be a simplicial map), find a  simplicial cochain in K, representing the Chern class of P. I will explain  the necessary definitions and if time permits describe briefly possible  generalizations of this construction. The talk is based on joint work with  N. Mnёv, POMI.