University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

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Tuesday, 29 December 2020 Jamolbek Mattiev, new doctor of science

Yesterday, 28 December 2020, we welcomed another doctor of science at UP FAMNIT.

Jamolbek Mattiev, a student of Computer Science doctorate study programe at UP FAMNIT has succesfully defended his doctorate disertation entitled Clustering Class Association Rules to form a Meaningful and Accurate Classifier, mentored by Assist. Prof. Branko Kavšek, PhD and co-mentored by Assoc. Prof. Jernej Vičič, PhD.

We sincerely congratulate the new doctor of science and wish him much success on his future journey in research!




Tuesday, 29 December 2020 COVID-19 measures: No changes after new year

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia prolonged the Decree on temporary prohibition of gathering of people in the field of education. Simultaneously, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport sent a note to universities in which they informed us that expected changes in the beginning of January will not afftect higher education. Besides, they also pointed out, that the Decree prohibits implementation of exams at the university premises. 

The University of Primorska would like to see gradual return of students as soon as possible and we are striving to improve the general situation of  students. We submited numerous proposals to solve current and sistemic issues, however, we are currently limited with the legislation and regulations. 

The ministry promissed to invite universitie to talks on the continuation of studies inthe beginning of January. As soon as we receive any information, we will pass it on to students. 

Therefore, unfortunately at the moment, we cannot specifically announce any changes and adaptations. We are aware that the unknown situation is causing discomfort, which is why we are preparing a number of different scenarios for returns, moving in, conlusion of the 1st semester and exams. 

We will inform you about any further changes or measures in time.

Monday, 28 December 2020 Micael Alexi Toledo Roy, new doctor of science

On Tuesday, 22 December 20202 Micael Alexi Toledo Roy, a student of Mathematical Sciences doctorate programme at UP Famnit, successfully completed his doctoral studies.

Under the mentorship of Prof. Primož Potočnik, PhD, and co-mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović, PhD, he prepared and defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Cubic vertex-transitive graphs having an automorphism with few orbits.

We sincerely congratulate the new doctor of science and wish him much success on his future journey in research!





Thursday, 24 December 2020 The doctoral thesis defence of the student Jamolbek Mattiev

Jamolbek Mattiev, student of the doctoral study programe Computer Science at UP FAMNIT will defend his doctoral thesis Clustering Class Association Rules to form a Meaningful and Accurate Classifier (Uporaba razvrščanja v skupine na klasifikacijskih asociacijskih pravilih za tvorbo smiselnih in natančnih klasifikatorjev); under the mentorship of Assist. Prof. Branko Kavšek, PhD, and co-mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Jernej Vičič, PhD.

The defence will take place on Monday, 28 December 2020 at 11.00 on Zoom:

Thursday, 17 December 2020 Happy Holidays and a prosperous and successful New Year!


Click: Happy Holidays and Healty New Year 2021!

Univerza na Primorskem / University of Primorska


Wednesday, 16 December 2020 The fourth book in the Famnit Lectures series: Jonathan E. Leech, Noncommutative Lattices: Skew Lattices, Skew Boolean Algebras and Beyond published

We are delighted to announce that University of Primorska Press published the fourth book in the Famnit Lectures series: Jonathan E. Leech, Noncommutative Lattices: Skew Lattices, Skew Boolean Algebras and Beyond. The author is the internationally acclaimed mathematician Jonathan E. Leech.

The e-book is freely available at this link. We expect a printed version of the book to be available soon.

About the Book

The extended study of noncommutative lattices was begun in 1949 by Ernst Pascual Jordan, a theoretical and mathematical physicist and co-worker of Max Born and Werner Karl Heisenberg.  Jordan introduced noncommutative lattices as algebraic structures potentially suitable to encompass the logic of the quantum world.

The modern theory of noncommutative lattices began forty years later with Jonathan Leech’s 1989 paper “Skew lattices in rings.”  Recently, noncommutative generalizations of lattices and related structures have seen an upsurge in interest, with new ideas and applications emerging, from quasilattices to skew Heyting algebras.  Much of this activity is derived in some way from the initiation of Jonathan Leech’s program of research in this area.

The present book consists of seven chapters, mainly covering skew lattices, quasilattices and paralattices, skew lattices of idempotents in rings and skew Boolean algebras.  As such, it is the first research monograph covering major results due to this renewed study of noncommutative lattices.  It will serve as a valuable graduate textbook on the subject, as well as a handy reference to researchers of noncommutative algebras.

About the Author

Jonathan Leech graduated from the University of Hawaii and earned a PhD at the University of California, Los Angeles.  He has taught mathematics at the University of Tennessee, later at Missouri Western State University and finally at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.  He was a Visiting Professor at Case Western Reserve University, the Universidad de Granada in Spain and Universidade Mackenzie in Brazil. He has been a scholar in residence at both the University of Sidney and the University of Tasmania in Australia.

Throughout his academic career Professor Leech has studied algebraic structures related to semigroups, with much of his emphasis being on the theory of noncommutative lattices and of skew lattices in particular.  He laid the foundations of the modern theory of noncommutative lattices in a number of (co)authored seminal publications.

His work has inspired many mathematicians around the world to pursue research in this area.

Sunday, 13 December 2020 Prof. Andreja Kutnar author of a new book published by Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Dr Andreja Kutnar, the InnoRenew CoE director, together with colleagues Dick Sandberg, Olov Karlsson and Dennis Jones finished writing the book “Wood Modification Technologies: Principles, Sustainability, and the Need for Innovation”.

The need for this book arises from the recognition that in the last years the market for durable products using modified wood increased and sustainability became a great concern. Therefore, authors put together key elements of changes in the wood modification filed, presented principal technologies used, and pointed out the need of considering environmental impacts, the whole life cycle and embodied energy of the materials used in construction.

“It was a long and exciting journey and I hope readers of the book will find it useful for broadening their horizons about wood modification and perhaps they find some interesting research inspirations. The field of wood modification offers several possibilities for developing innovations and for fostering sustainable practices,” said Dr Kutnar.

The book is being published by Taylor & Francis Ltd. and will be available for purchase on 15 March 2021.

Saturday, 12 December 2020 Additional Erasmus+ Open Call for traineeship in the academic year 2020/2021

An additional Erasmus+ Open call for students is published. Applications are now open for exchanges for the purpose of traineeship which needs to be carried out by 31 May 2021 at the latest.

The application deadline is defined as the open deadline and starts on the day the Call was published and lasts until there are available funds, but no later than 4 March 2021.

The Open call and the instructions on how to apply are available on this link.

For any additional information please contact the UP FAMNIT International Office via e-mail

You are invited to apply!

Friday, 4 December 2020 Assoc. prof. Ana Grdović Gnip appointed to the Economic Council of the President of the Republic of Croatia

The President of the Republic of Croatia Zoran Milanović has reached a Decision to Establish the Economic Council of the President of the Republic, chaired by Assist. Prof. Velibor Mačkić, PhD, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic of Croatia for the Economy.

The council consists of 11 members, established scientists from the fields of business and economy, among them Associate Professor Ana Grdović Gnip, PhD, from the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska.

The newly formed council will “conduct expert discussions and give views on issues dealing with economic policy in order to prepare relevant strategic groundwork and analyses of the Croatian economy’s long-term trends and structures”, the Office of the President announced in their statement.

Assoc. prof. Ana Grdović Gnip is an expert in the fields of fiscal policy, monetary policy models and macroeconomic analysis.

We sincerely congratulate Professor Grdović Gnip on her new appointment!

(Assoc. Prof. Ana Grdović Gnip, PhdD)

Tuesday, 1 December 2020 Assoc. Prof. Lara Lusa, PhD awarded with the prestigious Zois Certificate of Recognition

On Tuesday, 1 December 2020, this year's Zois Awards and recognitions were officially delivered to researchers who have made an important contribution to the development of scientific research in the country. We are happy and honored to announce that our professor and researcher Assoc. Prof. Lara Lusa, PhD received the Zois Certificate of Recognition for important achievements, namely for scientific achievements in the development of the methodology of medical statistics.

Due to the current measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease, this year's ceremony was screened as a documentary with the title »Highlights of Slovenian Science in the light of award winners for outstanding achievements 2020« that contains portraits of all recipients of Zois Awards and Recognitions, the Puh Awards and the Ambassador of Science Award. It also includes speeches by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor, Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Prof. Simona Kustec and the President of the Committee of the Republic of Slovenia for the Awarding of Prizes and Recognitions for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research and Development Prof. dr. Janez Plavac. The documentary is available on this link.


Since 2016, Lara Lusa has been employed as an Associate Professor at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology. Her research work is focused on the development of statistical methodology for the needs of medical statistics. This is not only an important aspect of the actual analysis of the data, but it is also crucial for the development of new approaches to statistical modeling as well as to the mathematical and statistical issues that arise in such research work. Her work thus includes the entire path from statistical modeling, assessment of the suitability of statistical models, computer implementation and substantive assessment of results in a medical context.

Bibliography of Dr. Lara Lusa comprises 75 original scientific works, of which 71 in journals included in the Web of Science collection. Her publications range from methodological statistics to biomedicine, where her work is focused in the appropriate use of statistical knowledge. During her work at the Institute of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics of the Faculty of Medicine (University of Ljubljana), she established a completely new field in Slovenia – the analysis of high-dimentional data.

Since 2016 she has been a member of the STRATOS (STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies) Initiative, namely in the High-dimensional data working group (Topic group 9) and in the working group Initial data analysis, Topic group 3.

Since 2013 she has been the co-editor of the journal Advances in Statistics and Methodology, and since 2016 she is also the president of the programme committee of the international conference Applied Statistics.

We congratulate Assoc. Prof. Lara Lusa and we wish her many more research successes!