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Tuesday, 19 July 2016 Open call for young researchers 2016

University of Primorska published a public Public tender for young researcher candidates with mentors supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) under the Public call for mentors for young researchers 2016.

You can apply for the position of a young researchers with three mentors, who are collaborating with UP FAMNIT and UP IAM:

Candidates have to submit their applications by Friday, 29 July 2016.

More information and application forms can be found here.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016 The next European Congress of Mathematics will be on the Slovenian coast!

On Sunday, 17 July 2016, the dean of UP FAMNIT, assoc. prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD and rector of UP and president of the Slovenian Rectors' Conference of the Republic of Slovenia, prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD presented the bid to organise the 8th European Congress of Mathematics in Slovenia to the Council of the European Mathematical Society.

The candidature was launched by UP FAMNIT in collaboration with UP IAM, UL FMF, UL PEF, UM FNM and all other organisations active in the field of mathematics in Slovenia, while it was supported also by the MIZŠ, ARRS, SAZU and Slovenian Rectors' Conference

The delegates recognised our potential and supported Slovene organisers with 45 votes in favour. With this they gave us an advantage from the Sevilla candidature, which received 33 votes of support. 

European Congress of Mathematics is the second largest mathematical event in the world, after the International Congress of Mathematics and is organised every 4 years. More than 1,000 mathematicians usually take part in it.

Between 5th and 11th July 2020, the congress will be organised in Portorož, Slovenia. The organising committee is chaired by prof. Tomaž Pisanrski, PhD.

Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD added: "This is a fantastic achievement of Slovene mathematics and science in general. So far Slovenia never hosted a similar event in the past. Today, Slovene science opened even more into the world.

We have a unique opportunity in the next 4 years to further promote Slovenia and its sciences in Europe and the world."

The congress website is available here

Tuesday, 19 July 2016 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea in first quarter of best scientific journals

Slovene science recorded another important achievement: Science Citation Index for 2015 placed the journal Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (AMC) in the first quarter of scientific journals in the field of mathematics according to the journal's impact factor. 

The Journal AMC was established in 2008 by prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD and prof. Tomaž Pisanski, PhD. Together with an enthusiastic team of international editors, they are still managing the journal today. 

AMC is published by the University of Primorska in cooperation with the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia and the Institute for Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics Ljubljana. The journal publishes top scientific articles in modern mathematics, especially in the field of discrete mathematics. Articles from algebra, geometry, topology, theoretical computer sciences and combinatorics can also be found in the journal. 

The on-line version of the AMC Journal is availanle open.source on the journal's website









The impact factor is used in science as a tool for measuring the influence of the journal and with this the reputation of researchers, who are publishing in the journal. It is set and measured only for the most important scientific journals in the world by the Institute for Scientific Information. 14,000 journals are included in institute's specialised database. The impact factor calculates the citations of the published articles in journals included in the database. 19 scientific periodic publications are included into the database from Slovenia, while the Slovenian Research Agency co-finances the publication of 138 periodic scientific and 18 popular science publications. 

The journal AMC with its impact factor 0.985 took 60th place among the 312 mathematical journals included in ISI. The impact for 2015 counts citations in 2015 from the articles published in 2013 and 2014 and divides them with the number of these articles. 

AMC was included on the list of mathematical journal with an impact factor in 2011 and it was so far included in twice in the third quarter and twice in the second quarter. Constant improvement of journal's influence demands also increase in quality of published articles. To assure high standard of articles, the editorial board accepts less than a third of received manuscripts and with this success, the submission rate increased and acceptance rate further decreased. 

AMC journal is the first Slovene journal, who managed to get into the top quarter of scientific magazines with its impact factor, which represents a new milestone of the Slovenian science. This further defines the Slovenian research in the world. 

Monday, 18 July 2016 More and more international exchanges at UP FAMNIT

UP Famnit obtained additional funding within the Erasmus+ programme for exchanges of students and professors. Our successful application brough very good results: In study years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, professors of our faculty will be able to visit our partner institutions, while students will have a chance to participate in a semester-long exchange in Argentina, Russia, Israel, Brasil and China. 

In addition to these countries, UP FAMNIT will host students and professors also from Bosnia and Herzegovina, USA, Serbia and India. More information will be available in the autumn.

Monday, 18 July 2016 Biological research camp surpassed all expectations

Between Sunday, 3rd July and Friday, 8th July Izola hosted Biological research camp, organised by the Department of biodiversity at UP FAMNIT and Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia (ZOTKS).

6 days of workshops were offered to participants aged 14 to 18 years of age, who explored the diversity of flora and fauna of Slovene Istria - an important area for biological research.

Elementary and high school pupils worked on land, by the sea and in the sea. They did their research in the areas of Simon's Bay, Sečovlje salt pans and Škocjan caves park, while important work was done also in a laboratory at the university campus Livade, where they explored genetics during the day and listened to lectures in the evenings.

The camp was implemented by the professors from the Department of biodiversity, while a biologist Jan Simič from the Magical World of Shells Museum and a geographer Ana Hace from the Slovene society for marine mammals Morigenos offered additional insight into specific topics.

Of course there was enough time available also for an outdoor relaxation and a jump to the sea. 

An interesting camp programme attracted also the media, who happily listened to the stories of enthusiastic participants. A transcript of the Radio Koper’s broadcast can be found here (in Slovene), while newspapers Mandrač (in Slovene) and Primorske novice (in Slovene) also published the articles. 

Biological research camp was financially supported also by the company Omega d.o.o.

Photos from the camp can be found in the photogalery.

Monday, 18 July 2016 Invitation to a W3B project workshop in Brussels on September, 22nd

We invite you to participate at the closing stakeholder workshop of the project W3B – »What We Wood Believe – Societal Perceptions of the Forest-Based Sector«. The workshop will take place on September, 22nd in Brussels. 

Project achievements and the results of the last two years will be presented during the workshop. 

Emphasis will be given on the   importance of communicating innovations of the forest-based sector as well as innovative communication itself.

The invitation with programme is availabe here.

A few words about the project: 

Over the last few decades, growing environmental awareness and an increase in society's interest in topics related to sustainability have led to a greater focus on the forestry and wood sector. The increased interest and new demands are forcing this sector to clearly define its position and significance with regard to climate change, the supply of raw materials and the bio-economy, and to present these topics to the general public in a comprehensible manner. Therefore, the aim of the WoodWisdom Project is the development and exemplary implementation of efficient communication strategies which demonstrate the relevance of the European forestry and wood sector as well that of its services and products on the way toward a sustainable society. In this way, the strategies aim to strengthen society's acceptance of the forestry and wood sector. More on the project website 

Monday, 18 July 2016 New international LIFE project of the Department of biodiversity at UP FAMNIT

Department of biodiversity at UP FAMNIT received support for the project »Euroturtle – Collective actions for improving the conservation status of the EU sea turtle populations«. LIFE programme of the European Union supported the project developed jointly with partners from Croatia, Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Malta with 5 million Euros.   

The project aims to comprehensively protect the European populations of loggerhead sea turtles through a combination of coordinated protective measures and joining main reproduction and feeding habitats within the EU. The project also includes development of new scientific methods and alternative tools for monitoring and protection of populations, especially in marine habitats. The later task will be the main responsibility of our interdisciplinary team of experts led by assist. prof. Bojan Lazar, PhD.

Department of Biodiversity at UP FAMNIT, UP IAM and Department of Applied Natural Sciences at UP FAMNIT participate in the project. 

We congratulate the whole project team and we wish them a lot of success in their research work!