Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Raziskovalni matematični seminar - Arhiv

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Datum in ura / Date and time: 10.6.19
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP5
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Andrés David Santamaría-Galvis (University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Shellings from relative shellings, with application to NP-completeness
Vsebina / Abstract:

simplicial complex is shellable if it exhibits a well-behaved ordering of its maximal faces (a shelling) constructed in some precise way.Shellings have been proven useful, but they are generally not easy to construct. It is natural to ask whether shellings may be efficiently found computationally. However, it was recently proved by GoaocPatákPatákováTancer and Wagner that deciding whether a simplicial complex is shellable is an NP-complete problem. In this talk, we use a different approach (relative shellability) to sketch a new proof for NP-completeness of shellability.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 5.6.19
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP2
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Robin Wilson (Open University, United Kingdom)
Naslov / Title: Stamping through Mathematics
Vsebina / Abstract:

In this talk I cover the entire history of mathematics in one hour, from earliest times to the modern age, illustrating the narrative with about 300 attractive (and sometimes bizarre) postage stamps from around the world, featuring mathematics and mathematicians.