Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

ponedeljek, 6. maj 2024 Mathieu Denoël: Effects of fish introductions on newts in ponds and lakes, with a focus on diversity loss in the Balkans

V sredo, 8. maja 2024, bo izveden seminar z naslovom Effects of fish introductions on newts in ponds and lakes, with a focus on diversity loss in the Balkans.

ČAS IN PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo v Livadah 1.0 (Livade 6, Izola), predavalnica Epsilon (pritličje), od 13.30 ure.

Predavatelj: Mathieu Denoël

Summary: Newts used to be among the natural typical aquatic predators of ponds and lakes across Europe. In Southern Europe and particularly in the Balkans, they express two alternative developmental pathways: metamorphosis and paedomorphosis (retention of gills at the adult stage). However, multiple fish introductions, including species as diverse as goldfish, mosquitofish or trouts were introduced in their habitats. By exerting both direct and indirect effects on newt populations, these fish caused their decline and for paedomorphs and several subspecies their extinction. There is yet some hope as management efforts can allow the resilience of newt diversity.

Mathieu Denoël is a Research Director of Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique at the University of Liege (Belgium). He is passionate about amphibian conservation and Balkans where he focuses now most of his research.