petek, 28. februar 2025 Vabljeni k prijavi na razpis za T4EU študentske pobud // You are invited to apply to the call for T4EU Student Initiatives
Mednarodne ekipe, sestavljene iz vsaj petih študentov in minimalno treh različnih univerz T4EU, bodo s svojimi idejami tekmovale za pridobitev do 2.500 € sredstev za svoj projekt.
Fokusna področja:
- okoljski vidiki,
- vključevanje in raznolikost,
- trajnost,
- dobro počutje.
Namen razpisa je spodbujanje razvoja projektov, ki pozitivno vplivajo na zavezništvo T4EU in krepijo občutek pripadnosti skupnemu transnacionalnemu kampusu.
Podobno misleče in nadobudne študente lahko poiščete v WhatsApp skupini, namenjeni deljenju idej in povezovanju vseh študentov T4EU univerz >
Informacije razpisa:
You are invited to apply for the T4EU Student Initiatives call. International teams consisting of at least five students from three different T4EU universities will compete with their ideas for a chance to win up to
€2,500 in funding for their projects.
Focus areas include:
- Environmental aspects,
- Inclusiveness and diversity,
- Sustainability,
- Well-being.
The call aims to encourage the development of projects that positively impact the T4EU Alliance and enhance the sense of belonging to a shared transnational campus. You can connect with like-minded and talented students in a WhatsApp group dedicated to sharing ideas and bringing together all students from T4EU universities.
Join it by >