Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

sreda, 24. januar 2024 Vabilo k sodelovanju v CERN-ovem Poletnem študentskem programu 2024 // Invitation to Participate in CERN's Summer Student Programme 2024

Vabimo vas, da se prijavite na CERN-ov Poletni študentski program 2024, ki bo potekal v poletnih mesecih (junij-september), v skupnem trajanju od 8 do 13 tednov.

Študentje s področja fizike, računalništva, inženirstva in matematike bodo imeli priložnsot sodelovati pri naprednih tehničnih projektih v eksperimentalnih ali inženirskih skupinah. Ključne značilnosti programa vključujejo obiske CERN-ovih objektov, sodelovanje v razpravah ter udeležbo na delavnicah.

Pogoji za prijavo:

  • Upravičeni udeleženci so študentje dodiplomskega ali magistrskega študija s področja fizike, inženirstva, računalništva ali matematike.
  • Pogoj za sodelovanje je zaključenih vsaj 6 semestrov polnega študija na univerzitetni ravni na navedenih področjih.
  • Upravičeni kandidati niso imeli prejšnje zaposlitve na CERN-u pod drugim statusom (tehnični študent, pripravnik, uporabnik ali drug status) v skupnem trajanju več kot 6 mesecev, prav tako se še niso udeležili CERN-ovega poletnega študentskega programa.
  • Zahtevano znanje angleškega jezika, znanje francoščine pa je prednost.

Študentje lahko prijavnico oddate preko spletnega obrazca do srede, 31. januarja 2024, do 12. ure po srednjeevropskem času.

Za morebitna vprašanja glede postopka prijave ali drugih podrobnostih programa, se lahko obrnete na summer.student.info@cern.ch.


Embark on an enriching journey over a span of 8 to 13 weeks (June–September 2024), where students specializing in Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics will collaboratively undertake advanced technical projects within experimental or engineering teams.

This exceptional and thrilling period allows students to partake in specially curated lectures, where experts and scientists from around the globe share their profound knowledge on diverse topics in theoretical and experimental particle physics, engineering, and computing. Key features of the programme include visits to CERN facilities, engaging discussion sessions, and immersive workshops.


  • Eligible participants are Bachelor or Master students (excluding PhD) in Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, or Mathematics.
  • Completion of at least 6 semesters of full-time studies at the university level in the mentioned fields is a prerequisite.
  • Applicants should not have previously worked at CERN under any other status (Technical Student, Trainee, User, or other) for more than 3 months, and they should not have been a Summer Student at CERN before.
  • Proficiency in English is required, and knowledge of French is advantageous.

Students of all nationalities are invited to submit their applications online until Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at 12 noon CET.

For any inquiries regarding the application procedure or the CERN Summer Student Programme, please reach out via email at summer.student.info@cern.ch.