petek, 7. februar 2025 Symposium of Biology Students (SiSB) | Simpozij študentov biologije
Simpozij študentov biologije (SiSB) vsako leto združuje ljubitelje biologije na Oddelku za biologijo Fakultete za znanost v Zagrebu. Namen simpozija je širiti in izmenjevati ideje ter znanje med različnimi področji iz biologije.
Letos bo SiSB potekal 7. in 8. junija v Zagrebu, in prek spleta za pasivne udeležence.
Prijave potekajo do 8. februarja.
Spletna stran > TUKAJ Prijavnica > TUKAJ
Symposium of Biology Students (SiSB) gathers biology lovers each year at the Biology Department of the Faculty of Science in Zagreb. Its purpose is to expand and exchange ideas and knowledge between different biology fields.
This year SiSB will be held on the 7th and 8th of June, in person, in Zagreb for active participants, and in person or online for passive participants.
Applications are open until the 8th of February.
Website > HERE Link for application > HERE
To keep up with the latest information about applications and other news, visit their Instagram and Facebook accounts, or write them an e-mail (