četrtek, 7. oktober 2021 Dolgo pričakovana študentska konferenca se začne to soboto / The long-awaited student conference begins this Saturday
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Približuje se vikend, ki s seboj prinaša dolgo pričakovano Biološko-psihološko študentsko konferenco, ki pa ne bo posebna samo zaradi bogate vsebine in raznolikosti tematik, ampak tudi zato, ker se letos izvaja prvič.
Pri organizaciji so moči združili študentje UP FAMNIT, Društva varstvenih biologov - Biodiva in Društva študentov biopsihologije.
9. in 10. oktobra 2021 bo svoje prispevke predstavilo 36 udeležencev. Vsebine so ločene na biološki ter psihološki del, prispevki pa so razdeljeni na dela dodiplomske in podiplomske stopnje študija.
Poleg študentov pa bodo na konferenci svoje delo predstavili tudi štirje gostujoči predavatelji in tako konferenco dodatno popestrili ter dvignili na višji nivo. Predavali bodo:
- dr. Bojan Lazar (Biodiversity crisis, conservation failures and perspectives for the 21st century: What can we learn from COVID-19 pandemic?),
- dr. Elena Bužan (An Anthropocene trace of genetic diversity: a new insight into mammalian management and conservation),
- dr. Thomas Brudermann (Climate psychology: Exploring the gaps between awareness, knowledge, attitudes, intentions and behaviors),
- dr. Erik Swyngedouw (“The apocalypse is disappointing”: Enjoying Climate Change and the Deadlock of the Climate Consensus).
Konferenco lahko spremljate tudi kot pasivni udeleženci prek YouTube kanala.
Za več informacij si oglejte spletno stran.
Dogodek sofinancirajo Študentski svet UP Famnit, Študentski svet Univerze na Primorskem ter Mestna občina Koper.
The weekend ahead of us brings with it the long-awaited Biological-Psychological Student Conference, which will be special not only because of the rich content and topics diversity, but also because it is being held for the very first time.
Students from UP FAMNIT, the Association of Conservation Biologists - Biodiva and the Association of Biopsychology Students joined forces in the organization.
On October 9 and 10, 2021, 36 participants will present their contributions. The contents are divided into biological and psychological parts, and the contributions are divided into undergraduate and postgraduate works.
In addition to students, four invited speakers will present their work at the conference, thus further enriching the conference and raising it to a higher level. The invited speakers are:
- dr. Bojan Lazar (Biodiversity crisis, conservation failures and perspectives for the 21st century: What can we learn from COVID-19 pandemic?),
- dr. Elena Bužan (An Anthropocene trace of genetic diversity: a new insight into mammalian management and conservation),
- dr. ThomasBrudermann (Climate psychology: Exploring the gaps between awareness, knowledge, attitudes, intentions and behaviors),
- dr. ErikSwyngedouw (“The apocalypse is disappointing”: Enjoying Climate Change and the Deadlock of the Climate Consensus).
You can also follow the conference as passive participants via the YouTube channel.
See the website for more information.
The event is co-financed by the UP Famnit Student Council, the Student Council of the University of Primorska and the Municipality of Koper.