Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

ponedeljek, 14. oktober 2024 Priložnost za PhD študente:T4EU tečaji o komuniciranju znanosti | Opportunity for PhD students: T4EU Science Communication Courses

*English below

Tečaji komuniciranja znanosti bodo udeležence opremili z orodji za učinkovito obveščanje javnosti o svojih raziskavah. Med oktobrom 2024 in julijem 2025 bodo potekali v obliki spletnih delavnic, vsak tečaj pa bo vodil drug partner v okviru zavezništva Transform4Europe (T4EU) in se osredotočal na ključne vidike znanstvenega komuniciranja. 


Cilj pobude je povečati tako ustvarjanje kot tudi porabo znanstvenih vsebin in jih narediti bolj dostopne svetovnemu občinstvu. Z izboljšanjem komunikacijskih spretnosti lahko akademiki in študenti bolje predstavijo svoje delo javnosti, kar spodbuja boljše razumevanje znanosti po vsem svetu. 


Vsaka delavnica bo trajala 3 ure, udeleženci pa bodo na njej spoznali vrsto tehnik, zemljevidov in razlikovanj, s katerimi bodo lahko razmišljali, kritično razpravljali, delili svoje izkušnje, predvsem pa eksperimentirali, izkusili in prakticirali izzive v zvezi z izbranimi tremi temami: Povratne informacije; beleženje in branje za pisanje; umetna inteligenca v znanstvenem pisanju. 


  • Splošne zahteve: Vsaka delavnica je samostojna. Udeležba na vseh je torej vabilo in ne zahteva. 
  • Jezikovne zahteve: Ta serija zahteva znanje angleškega jezika. 
  • Tehnološke zahteve: Računalnik z dobro internetno povezavo za dostop do ZOOM-a, deljenje in komunikacijo z udeleženci.



  • Session #01 | 23. oktober - sreda, 14:00-17:30*
  • Session #02 | 29. oktober - torek, 14.00-17.30
  • Seja #03 | 31. oktober - četrtek, 14.00-17.30


The Science Communication Courses will equip participants with the tools to effectively communicate their research to the public. Delivered through online workshops between October 2024 and July 2025, each course will be provided by a different partner within the Transform4Europe (T4EU) alliance, focusing on key aspects of science communication.  

The initiative aims to increase both the creation and consumption of scientific content, making it more accessible to global audiences. By improving communication skills, academics and students can better present their work to the public, fostering a greater understanding of science worldwide. 


Each workshop will last 3 hours, with participants being exposed to a set of techniques, maps, and distinctions to think about, critically discuss, share their experiences, and, above all, experiment, experience, and practice the challenges concerning the selected three topics: Feedback; Note-taking and Reading for Writing; A.I. in scientific writing. 


General Requirements:  

  • Participants must have had experience with scientific writing to participate in this series. Prior training in academic writing and skills is not a requirement.  
  • Each workshop is autonomous. Participation in all of them is, thus, an invitation, not a requirement. 

Language Requirements:  

  • This series requires proficiency in English.  

Technological Requirements:  

  • A computer with good Internet connection to access Zoom, share and communicate with participants. 


Session 1 | Feedbacking me & my writing: the power of clearly communicating what works and what doesn’t work for you

  • Introducing: positive, effective, constructive, or regenerative feedback?
  • Feedback as a communication tool: How to ask, give, receive, and incorporate feedback effectively
  • Feedback as a stylistic tool: macro & micro feedback + feedback guidelines for your writing
  • Feedback as an inter-personal tool: declaring my necessities and having explicit agreements with peers, family, and advisors
  • Feedback as a community-making tool: How to create and feed accountability on and off-campus

Session 2 | Designing your own home brew system: note taking & reading for writing (and not the other way around!)

  • How much do I need to read to start?
  • NotebookLM and Zotero: your note savers
  • Writing in chuncks and block writing

Session 3 | A.I. & You: effective prompts for ChatGPT, authenticity, and creativity in scientific writing

  • LLMs & ChatGPT: plagiarism, (re)creation, resource, or bullshit?
  • A.I. for creating an outline, a literature review, and for revising/editing
  • How to become a prompt expert


Application Deadline: October 21, 2024 



  • Session #01 | October 23 – Wednesday, 2-5:30pm*  
  • Session #02 | October 29 – Tuesday, 2-5:30pm 
  • Session #03 | October 31 – Thursday, 2-5:30pm