Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije


Bachelor Tracks” je ponudba predmetov, ki jo vsako študijsko leto oblikujejo članice evropske univerze Transform4Europe, katere del je tudi Univerza na Primorskem.

To je priložnost za vse dodiplomske študente UP, da si med naborom predmetov “Bachelor Tracks” lahko izberejo do maksimalno 24 ECTS izbirnih ali dodatnih predmetov, ki jih opravijo na drugih univerzah članic T4EU v spletni in/ali hibridni obliki.

Celoten seznam predmetov ponudbe “Bachelors Tracks” je na voljo: https://transform4europe.eu/course-offer-at-bachelor-level/ (glej List of Courses).


*seznam predmetov je s strani UP končen, se pa dopolnjuje za druge univerze

Med naborom predmetov lahko izbirate med glavnimi tematskimi področji in specialnimi predmetnimi moduli. Pri vsakem predmetu je zapisano tudi obdobje trajanja in vsebina predmeta, saj se ta razlikuje od predmeta do predmeta. Registracija je različna glede na univerzo, roki prijav so zapisani pod “Registration modalities”.

Izkoristite to priložnost in se prijavite prek te spletne prijavnice:  https://shorturl.at/XavH0  

Sledite spletni strani T4EU (tukaj) ali FB strani T4EU (tukaj)  oziroma IG (tukaj) za ažurno spremljanje vseh novosti, priložnosti in ostalih novic. Te objavljamo tudi na spletni strani UPR.

"Bachelor Tracks" is a course offer developed every academic year by the members of the European university Transform4Europe, which includes the University of Primorska.

This is an opportunity for all UP undergraduate students to choose up to a maximum of 24 ECTS of electives or additional courses that can be taken at other T4EU member universities in online and/or hybrid format from a range of "Bachelor Tracks".

For a full list of the Bachelors Tracks courses, see: https://transform4europe.eu/course-offer-at-bachelor-level/  (see List of Courses).


*The list of study programs has been completed by the UP, but is still being updated for the other universities

You can choose from a range of subjects, from the main subject areas to special subject modules. The duration and content of each course are also indicated, as they vary from course to course. Registration varies depending on the university. You can find the deadlines for registration under "Registration modalities".

Take this opportunity and apply online: https://shorturl.at/XavH0

Follow the T4EU website (here) or the T4EU FB page (here) or the IG page (here) to keep up to date with all the latest news, opportunities and other updates. These will also be published on the UPR website.