Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

ponedeljek, 12. april 2021 Erasmus za mlade podjetnike // Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Vabljeni k sodelovanju v programu Erasmus za mlade podjetnike. Gre za program Evropske unije, ki spodbuja in podpira mlade in bodoče podjetnike (tudi študente) k pridobivanju podjetniških znanj, kompetenc in veščin pri izkušenih podjetnikih v tujini (državah EU in nekaterih izven).

V program se lahko prijavite kadarkoli, saj status in starost nista omejitev. K e-prijavi je potrebno priložiti CV in poslovni načrt, v katerem opredelite vašo podjetniško idejo.

Program sofinancira 1-6-mesečno usposabljanje z mesečnimi pavšalnimi sredstvi, katerih višina je odvisna od države, v kateri se usposabljanje izvaja.

Program se izvaja prek Centra za razvoj in prenos znanj Univerze na Primorskem (UP CRPZ), ki deluje kot lokalna Erasmus posredniška organizacija, ki vam je v podporo in pomoč skozi vse postopke sodelovanja, od prijave, do izvedbe in zaključka usposabljanja.

Več podrobnejših informacij o programu si lahko ogledate v tej predstavitvi programa, z morebitnimi dodatnimi vprašanji pa se obrnite na kontaktno osebo programa Erasmus za mlade podjetnike na UP CRPZ: Sebastjan Rosa, sebastjan.rosa@upr.si, 05/663 77 87.


You're welcome to join the European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, an EU programme which encourages and supports young and future entrepreneurs (including students) to acquire entrepreneurial knowledge, competences and skills from experienced entrepreneurs abroad (EU countries and some outside the EU).

You can apply for the programme at any time as there are no restrictions regarding status or age. Your e-application must be accompanied by a CV and a business plan outlining your business idea.

The programme co-finances training for the duration of 1-6 months with a monthly lump sum, the amount of which depends on the country where the training is conducted.

The programme is implemented by the Centre for Development and Technology Transfer of the University of Primorska (UP CRPZ), which acts as a local Erasmus intermediary organisation whose aim is to support and help you with all cooperation procedures, from the application to the implementation and completion of the training.

For more detailed information about the programme check the Presentation of the Programme. If you have any further questions, please contact the contact person for the Erasmus programme at UP CRPZ: Sebastjan Rosa, sebastjan.rosa@upr.si, 05 / 663 77 87.