Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

petek, 7. marec 2025 Dobrodošli na Dolgo noč v UP UK / Welcome to the Long Night Against Procrastination in the University Library

Drage študentke, dragi študenti.

Vabimo vas na dogodek, kjer bomo skupaj premagovali odlašanje in poskrbeli za učinkovito nočno študijsko izkušnjo!

Dolga noč v UP UK je namenjena vam, študentkam in študentom, ki se soočate z odlašanjem študija, raziskovanja in pisanja. Za lažji zagon vam bodo 27. marca 2025od 19.00 do 00.30 ure v UP Univerzitetni knjižnici na voljo delavnice:

  • Motivacije za prenehanje odlašanja,
  • iskanja, organizacije in uporabe virov,
  • izbora pravih virov in orodij umetne inteligence ter
  • prepoznavanja in odpravljanja statističnih ter jezikovnih napak pri pisanju.

Dodatne aktivnosti:

  • Samostojno pisanje ob podpori izkušenega avtorja,
  • fraktalno risanje,
  • karierno svetovanje in
  • terapevtski psi.

Prijava: Dogodek je brezplačen, vendar je število mest omejeno. Obvezne so prijave prek obrazca.

Dogodek ponuja BREZPLAČNO akademsko podporo, brezplačno kavo, čaj, sadje in prigrizke. Ob 22.30 pa še brezplačno pico!

O dogodku: Dolga noč v knjižnici je organizirana s strani UP Univerzitetne knjižnice in je namenjena vsem študentkam in študentom, ki si želijo izboljšati študijske navade in povečati učinkovitost pri delu.

We would like to invite you to a special event, where we will overcome procrastination together and ensure an effective night study experience!

The Long Night Against Procrastination is intended for you, students, who are facing procrastination in your studies, research, and writing. To help you get started, on 27 March 2025from 19.00 to 00.30, in the University Library, workshops on different topics will be available, such as:

  • Motivation to overcome procrastination,
  • Searching, organizing and using resources,
  • Choosing the right resources and tools for artificial intelligence, and
  • Recognizing and correcting statistical and language errors in writing.

Additional activities include:

  • Indenpendent writing with support of an experienced researcher,
  • Fractal drawing,
  • Career counseling, and
  • Therapeutic dogs.

Registration:  The event is free of charge, but the number of spots is limited. Registration through form is required.

The event offers FREE academic support, free coffee, tea, fruit, and snacks. At 22.30 there will be free pizza!

About the event: The Long Night Against Procrastination is organized by the UP University Library and is aimed at atll students, wishing to improve their study habits and increase their efficiency in their work.