petek, 23. oktober 2020 ASEF Junior Fellowship - štipendije za raziskovalni obisk v tujini // Scholarships for Research Abroad
Ameriško-slovenska izobraževalna fundacija ASEF je objavila razpis za štipendijski program ASEF Junior Fellows - štipendije za raziskovalni obisk v tujini. Gre za triletni program, v okviru katerega izbrane študentke in študenti dobijo priložnost 10-tedenskega raziskovalnega obiska v tujini na prestižnih univerzah po svetu (npr. na Univerzi Harvard, Univerzi Stanford, UC Berkeley, Univerzi Cambridge) pod mentorstvom slovenskega profesorja/-ice na izbranem področju ter se vključujejo v nadaljnja raziskovanja in druge ASEF aktivnosti v Sloveniji ter drugod po svetu (npr. v program ASEF tutorstvo, ASEF Speaker Series, ASEF mladi umi, ASEF izjemne zgodbe).
Prijavnice morajo biti oddane na tej povezavi. Rok za prijavo je 1. december 2020.
Vsem zainteresiranim se priporoča prijava na webinar, na katerem bo podrobneje predstavljen razpis z dodatnimi nasveti za uspešno prijavo. Webinar bo potekal v četrtek, 29. oktobra 2020, ob 19. uri.
Vprašanja v zvezi z razpisom in webinarjem pošljite na
A call for applications for 2021 ASEF Junior Fellowships is open. The American Slovenian Education Foundation (ASEF) Junior Fellows program is a three-year program in which students do a 10-week research visit at a university or a research institution in the area of their field of study/expertise. Additionally, Junior Fellows engage in activities organized by ASEF, including research projects and collaborations with other Fellows, leadership, and career development workshops, and attend regular public lectures and other events organized by ASEF. Further, Junior Fellows are expected to contribute to ASEF and give back to the community under the guidance and mentorship of ASEF.
Applications must be submitted at this link. The application deadline is December 1, 2020.
For all interested it is recommended to apply for the webinar, which will present a detailed tender with additional tips for successful application. The webinar will take place on Thursday, October 29, 2020, at 7 p.m.
Questions regarding the call and webinar can be sent to