Študenti - Arhiv
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
četrtek, 29. junij 2023 Naravoslovni natečaj za mlade - PODALJŠAN ROK PRIJAVE DO 30. 9. 2023
Slovenska matica že tretje leto pripravlja in uspešno izvaja natečaj za dijake in študente za izvirno besedilo na izbrano temo.
V letošnjem letu so se odločili natečaj nadgraditi, tako da so ga razpisali na dveh področjih, s katerima se ukvarja Slovenska matica:
1. Natečaj za najboljši filozofski esej v kategorijah dijakov in študentov na temo Pot k Resnici in Dobremu v soorganizaciji s Slovenskim filozofskim društvom: NATEČAJ JE BIL USPEŠNO IZVEDEN, NAGRADE PA SO BILE SLOVESNO PODELJENE 15. 6. 2023.
2. Natečaj za najboljše naravoslovno predavanje v kategorijah dijakov in študentov na temo Narava in človek v soorganizaciji s Prirodoslovnim društvom Slovenije: ZARADI POLETNIH POČITNIC PODALJŠAN ROK PRIJAVE DO 30. 9. 2023.
Nagrade za prva tri mesta bodo podeljene v dveh kategorijah (dijaki in študenti):
1. mesto: nagrajena pisca bosta poleg denarne nagrade prejela paket petih knjig Slovenske matice in plaketo nagrade za 1. mesto, nagrajeni besedili pa bosta objavljeni v Glasniku Slovenske matice in na spletni strani Slovenske matice.
2. mesto: nagrajena pisca bosta prejela plaketo priznanja za 2. mesto, nagrajeni besedili pa bosta objavljeni v Glasniku Slovenske matice in na spletni strani Slovenske matice.
3. mesto: nagrajena pisca bosta prejela plaketo posebne omembe.
Vsi sodelujoči avtorji bodo sprejeti v Klub mladih Slovenske matice, s tem pa deležni 40-odstotnega popusta pri nakupu Matičinih knjig.
Informacije o dogodku lahko preverite na spletni strani Slovenske matice ali pokličete na 01 422 43 45.
četrtek, 29. junij 2023 Volitve dekana UP FAMNIT – REZULTATI VOLITEV / UP FAMNIT Dean Election Results
V četrtek, 22. junija 2023 (predčasne volitve), in danes, 29. junija 2023 (redne volitve), so na UP FAMNIT potekale volitve za dekana UP FAMNIT. Volilna komisija za izvedbo volitev je zaključila svoje delo in v svojem zaključnem poročilu ugotavlja, da je bila volilna udeležba po posameznih skupinah volivcev naslednja:
- med visokošolskimi učitelji in raziskovalci 81,4-odstotna (105 volivcev),
- med študenti 2,4-odstotna (22 volivcev),
- med drugimi zaposlenimi pa 81,5-odstotna (22 volivcev).
Skupaj se je volitev udeležilo 149 volilnih upravičencev.
Na podlagi preštetih veljavnih glasovnic je kandidat izr. prof. dr. Ademir Hujdurović prejel 79,2 % veljavnih točk, kandidat izr. prof. dr. Vladimir Ivović pa 20,8 % veljavnih točk. Dekan UP FAMNIT tudi v naslednjem štiriletnem mandatu ostaja izr. prof. dr. Ademir Hujdurović.
Ugotovitveni sklep o rezultatih volitev bo sprejel Senat UP FAMNIT na izredni seji, ki bo sklicana predvidoma v prvi polovici julija 2023 ter hkrati predlagal rektorici UP imenovanje izr. prof. dr. Ademirja Hujdurovića za dekana UP FAMNIT za naslednje mandatno obdobje (23. 11. 2023 – 22. 11. 2027).
Izr. prof. dr. Ademirju Hujduroviću ISKRENO ČESTITAMO K PONOVNI IZVOLITVI in mu želimo uspešno vodenje fakultete tudi v naslednjem mandatu ter veliko prijetnih in zanimivih izzivov na tej poti.
* * *
The elections for the Dean of UP FAMNIT were held at UP FAMNIT on Thursday, 22 June 2023 for early elections and today, 29 June 2023 for regular elections. The Electoral Committee has released its final report, indicating the voter turnout for each group of voters as follows:
- University teachers and researchers recorded a turnout of 81.4% (105 voters),
- Students had a turnout of 2.4% (22 voters),
- Other employees had a turnout of 81.5% (22 voters).
A total of 149 voters turned out to vote in the elections.
Based on the valid ballot papers counted, candidate Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović received 79.2% of the valid votes, while candidate Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Ivović received 20.8% of the valid votes. As a result, Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović will continue to serve as the Dean of UP FAMNIT for the next four-year term of office.
In the first half of July 2023, the Senate of UP FAMNIT is expected to hold an extraordinary meeting to adopt a decision on the election results. They will propose the appointment of Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović as the Dean of UP FAMNIT for the next term of office (23 November 2023 - 22 November 2027) to the Rector of the UP.
We would like to congratulate Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović on his re-election and wish him continued success in leading the Faculty in the next term of office, along with many rewarding experiences and opportunities for growth.
torek, 27. junij 2023 Redne volitve dekana UP FAMNIT – četrtek, 29. junij (9:00 – 17:00) / UP FAMNIT Dean Elections – Thursday, 29 June (9 am – 5 pm)
Želimo vas prijazno opomniti na REDNE VOLITVE dekana UP FAMNIT, ki bodo potekale v četrtek, 29. junija 2023, in sicer od 9. do 17. ure na sedežu UP FAMNIT (Glagoljaška 8, Koper), predavalnica FAMNIT-MP7 (pritličje).
Volilni upravičeni so tudi študenti , ki so v študijskem letu 2022/23 vpisani v študijske programe UP FAMNIT.
Želimo vas obvestiti, da ima Volilni odbor pravico, da vsakega volivca, ki ne pozna, legitimira, zato vas prosimo, če imate s seboj študentsko izkaznico.
Vabljeni k udeležbi na volitvah!
We would like to remind you that the ELECTION DAY for the Dean of UP FAMNIT will take place on Thursday, 29 June 2023 from 9 am until 5 pm at the UP FAMNIT headquarters (Glagoljaška 8, Koper), lecture hall FAMNIT-MP7 (on the ground floor).
Eligibility to vote applies also to students enrolled in UP FAMNIT programmes in the 2022/23 academic year.
We would like to inform you that the Electoral committee has a right to legitimate any voters that cannot be recognized, so we would like to ask you to bring along your Student Identity Card.
We kindly invite you to participate in the elections!
torek, 27. junij 2023 Sprememba postopka preverjanja podobnosti vsebin pri zaključnih delih / Change of process for Similarity Check Report for final works
Obveščamo vas, da je potrebno pri oddaji zaključnega dela (zaključna naloga, magistrsko delo), zraven Poročila o preverjanju podobnosti oddati tudi podpisano izjavo s strani mentorja, s katero potrjuje, da je opravil postopek preverjanja avtorstva v okviru pregleda podobnosti vsebine zaključnega dela.
V kolikor mentor ne more oziroma obvesti študenta, da ne bo opravljal preverjanja podobnosti je postopek sledeč:
- mentor obvesti študenta, da je zaključna naloga ustrezna in jo lahko posreduje v preverjanje podobnosti vsebin;
- študent nalogo posreduje na e-naslov zakljucna.dela@famnit.upr.si;
- strokovna sodelavka vnese e-obliko zaključnega dela v DPV ter tvori poročilo, ki ga nato posreduje mentorju in v vednost študentu;
- mentor nato opravi pregled poročila v skladu s pravilniki in navodili za zaključek študija na UP FAMNIT.
Please note that when submitting your final work (Diploma thesis, Master's thesis), you must also submit a signed statement from your mentor, along with the Similarity Check Report, confirming that he/she has completed the authorship checking process as part of the similarity check of the content of the final work.
If the tutor is unable to, or informs the student that he/she will not complete the similarity check, the procedure is as follows:
- The mentor confirms that the thesis is suitable for submission and can be checked for content similarity.
- The student sends the thesis to zakljucna.dela@famnit.upr.si.
- A UP FAMNIT administrative assistant enters the electronic format of the thesis into the DPV and generates a report. The report is then sent to both the mentor and the student.
- The mentor reviews the report in accordance with the regulations and instructions for completing studies at UP FAMNIT
Podjetje Projekt IP d.o.o. vabi zainteresirane študente na razgovor o možnosti štipendiranja v študijskem letu 2023/24.
Podjetje PROJEKT IP d.o.o. ponuja IKT storitve manjšim, srednjim, velikim podjetjem in državni upravi na območju celotne Slovenije. Področje delovanja so sčasoma razširili na vse države bivše Jugoslavije in v države Evropske Unije.
Njihova glavna usmeritev je nudenje podpore na področju informacijsko-komunikacijskih procesov, kjer pokrivajo vsa področja povezana z uporabo komunikacijskih tehnologij. Strankam pomagajo njihove želje in ideje izpeljati vse od začetne zasnove do uspešne končne izvedbe.
Pri rešitvah stremijo k zanesljivosti, stabilnosti in dolgi življenjski dobi vzpostavljenih sistemov. Zelo pomembno jim je, da stranka dobi rešitev na ključ, ki presega njena pričakovanja. Trudijo se, da njihove rešitve pomenijo dodano vrednost, olajšajo poslovne procese in posledično tudi omogočijo prihranke. Na dolgi rok želijo postati najbolj prepoznavno podjetje na področju telekomunikacij v regiji.
V kolikor ste zainteresirani posredujete svoj CV na kariernicenter@upr.si. V sporočilu pa pripišete naziv fakultete, študijski program in letnik, v katerega ste vpisani v študijskem letu 2022/23!
The company Projekt IP Ltd invites all the students who would be interested in an interview regarding the possibility of a scholarship for the study year 2023/24.
Company PROJEKT IP offers information and communications technology services to small, medium, and large companies, as well as government administration, throughout Slovenia. Over time, they have expanded their scope of operations to include all countries of the former Yugoslavia and the European Union countries.
Their main focus is providing support in the field of information and communication processes, where they cover all areas related to the use of communication technologies. They assist customers in realizing their needs and ideas, from initial design to successful implementation.
They strive for reliability, stability, and a long lifespan of established systems. For them, the customer must receive a turnkey solution that exceeds their expectations. They make an effort to ensure that their solutions add value, simplify business processes, and ultimately enable savings. Their long-term goal is to become the most recognized telecommunications company in the region.
If you are interested, please send your CV to kariernicenter@upr.si.
Please, let the message indicate the name of the faculty, study programme and study year you are enrolled in for the academic year 2022/23.
Na OŠ Draga Bajca Vipava bodo z naslednjim šolskim letom potrebovali RAČUNALNIKARJA ORGANIZATORJA INFORMACIJSKIH DEJAVNOSTI.
Opis dela:
- pomoč učiteljem pri uporabi IKT opreme
- skrb za šolsko IKT opremo
- pomoč pri postavitvi in upravljanju ozvočenja objavljati prispevke na spletni strani šole glede na znanje in izkušnje kandidata tudi druge naloge
- zaposlitev je polna in je lahko za določen čas ali nedoločen čas.
Pričetkek dela 1. 9. 2023. (redna zaposlitev, rok za prijavo 27. junij 2023)
Več informacij na 041 600 023 ali mojca.pev@os-vipava.si.
petek, 23. junij 2023 ESN vprašalnik: izpolni in osvoji praktične nagrade //ESN Survey: participate and win practical gifts
Erasmus Student Network je nedavno ustvarila zadnjo izdajo anketnega vprašalnika ESNsurvey, ki je namenjena vsem študentom, ki so bili v zadnjih dveh letih na izmenjavi ali so diplomirali v tujini, kot tudi študentom, ki niso bili na izmenjavi.
Z izpolnjevanjem ankete lahko osvojite eno od 10 vozovnic Interrail Global, 10 povratnih vozovnic Flixbus in 4 bone Amazon po 50 evrov!
Anketa je dostopna tukaj: https://esnsurvey.org/survey. Vprašalnik bo dostopen do 31. julija 2023 .
Vaši odgovori bodo pomagali prepoznati potrebne izboljšave programa Erasmus+ ter drugih programov mobilnosti študentov, zato bodo veseli vaše pomoči. Vzelo vam bo le približno 20 minut, vprašalnik pa je popolnoma anonimen. Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja, se lahko obrnete na ESN na surveyteam@esn.org
The Erasmus Student Network has recently launched the last edition of the ESNsurvey, the largest student-led survey focusing on student exchanges and the internationalisation of Higher Education from the student perspective.
The survey is open to students who have been on an exchange during the last two years, all international students who are pursuing degrees abroad and also students who have not been on an exchange.
By filling out the survey, you can win one of the 10 Interrail Global passes, 10 Flixbus return tickets and 4 Amazon vouchers for 50 Euros each!
You can access to the survey here: https://esnsurvey.org/survey. The data collection is open until 31 July 2023.
Through this survey, Erasmus Student Network is researching how to improve the Erasmus+ programme as well as other student mobility programmes and needs your help. It will only take you around 20 minutes and the questionnaire is completely anonymous. If you have any questions, you can contact ESN at surveyteam@esn.org .
ponedeljek, 19. junij 2023 Vabilo na delavnico Med-, več- in transkulturnost ter medkulturni odnosi v univerzitetnem okolju // Invitation to Workshop on Inter-, Multi- and Transculturality and Intercultural Relations in the Academic Environment
Univerza na Primorskem v okviru projekta Zelena, digitalna in vključujoča Univerza na Primorskem (GDI UP) organizira delavnico »Med-, več- in transkulturnost ter medkulturni odnosi v univerzitetnem okolju«, ki je namenjena vsem zainteresiranim študentom in zaposlenim. Delavnica bo izvedena v angleškem jeziku.
KDAJ? V sredo, 21. 6. 2023 ob 15.00-18.30
KJE? Zoom
PRIJAVA: preko povezave > PRIJAVA
JEZIK: Angleščina
Več o delavnici si lahko preberete na slednji povezavi: Med-, več- in transkulturnost ter medkulturni odnosi v univerzitetnem okolju.
Lepo vabljeni k udeležbi!
Within the framework of the Green, Digital and Inclusive University of Primorska (GDI UP) project, the University of Primorska organizes the workshop "Inter-, multi- and transculturality and intercultural relations in the university environment". The workshop will be held in English.
WHEN? On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 15.00 to 18.30
REGISTRATION: through the following link > APPLICATION
You can read more about the workshop at the following link: Inter-, Multi- and Transculturality and Intercultural Relations in the Academic Environment.
All students are cordially invited!
četrtek, 15. junij 2023 Webinar: Študij v ZDA – 21.06.2023 // Webinar: Study in USA - 21.06.2023
EducationUSA center Slovenia vabi vse zainteresirane študente, da se pridružijo webinarju, na katerem bo gostja Ani Subotić skozi svojo izkušnjo predstavila možnosti študija v Ameriki.
Skozi pogovor bodo odprte različne teme, med drugim kaj sploh pričakovati od študija, kako največ odnesti od dane izkušnje, kako izbrati izobraževalno institucijo in podobno. Gostja bo na voljo tudi za vsa vaša vprašanja.
Kdaj? V sredo, 21. 6. 2023, ob 18. uri.
Kje? Spletna platforma Zoom.
Udeležba je brezplačna, potrebna je predhodna registracija.
Ani Subotić je tako dodiplomski kot podiplomski študij zaključila v ZDA na vzhodni obali ZDA, in sicer na univerzi Winthrop v Južni Karolini. Tam je diplomirala iz marketinškega komuniciranja in magistrirala iz svobodnih umetnosti. Med študijem in tudi po študiju je vrsto let delala za univerzo kot rekruterka in skrbela za boljšo prepoznavnost univerze in vzpostavljanje stika s potencialnimi bodočimi študenti. Ani se je nato vrnila v Slovenijo, kjer že skoraj dve leti dela za uspešno mednarodno podjetje. Še vedno pa rada podeli svoje izkušnje iz ZDA, ki so jo oblikovale in ji pomagale do zadovoljujoče kariere.
EducationUSA Center Slovenia invites all interested students to join the webinar, where guest Ani Subotić will present the possibilities of studying in America through her own experience.
Various topics will be discussed during the conversation, including what to expect from studies, how to choose an educational institution, etc. The guest will also be available for all your questions.
When? On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 6 p.m.
Where? Zoom online platform.
Participation is free, only registration is required.
Ani Subotić completed both her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the US on the east coast of the USA, otherwise at Winthrop University in South Carolina. There, she earned a bachelor's degree in marketing communications and a master's degree in liberal arts. During her studies and also after her studies, she worked for the university as a recruiter for many years, taking care of better international recognizability of the university and establishing contacts with potential future students. Ani then returned to Slovenia, where she has been working for a successful international company for almost two years. Nevertheless, she still likes to share her experiences in the US, which shaped her and helped her to a satisfying career.
torek, 13. junij 2023 2023 Seeds for the Future Program - sponsored by Huawei
Program Seeds for the Future, ki se izvaja že od leta 2008, vključuje mlade tehnološke talente iz več kot 137 držav in regij. Leta 2020 je bil program prvič organiziran tudi v Sloveniji. Huawei, ki je vodilni svetovni ponudnik informacijske in komunikacijske tehnološke infrastrukture ter pametnih naprav, si prizadeva omogočiti udeležencem programa, da se vključijo v program Seeds for the Future (alumni), kar jim omogoča nadaljnje možnosti za globalno mreženje.
Družba Huawei spodbuja nadarjene študente in jim med drugim omogoča, da se v realnem okolju preizkusijo v praktičnih nalogah in svoje znanje tako še nadgradijo.
Delavnice Seeds for the Future, ki jih sponzorira Huawei bodo potekale med 9. in 16. 10. 2023. Program se izvaja preko spleta med tednom - vsak dan 2h.
Gre za interaktivno delo v mednarodnih skupinah, le najboljši pa bodo imeli priložnost za udeležbo na konferenci Startup Sprint na Kitajskem, najboljše tri zmagovalne ekipe pa bodo prejele nagrado iz sklada zagonskih podjetij v vrednosti 100 tisoč USD.
Zakaj se pridružiti programu?
- Navezovanje stikov z nadarjenimi in spoznavanje različnih kultur in okolij
- Spoznavanje najnovejših tehnologij in trendov ter kitajske kulture
- Izboljšajte poklicne možnosti z edinstveno izkušnjo
- Pridobitev certifikata globalnega podjetja Fortune 500
Informacije o prijavi in programu >> TUKAJ
Koordinatorka programa Seeds for The Future za Slo.: Gordana.Kisilak@Huawei.com
The Seeds for the Future program, which has been running since 2008, involves young technological enthusiasts from over 137 countries and regions. In 2020, the program was organized for the first time in Slovenia. Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communication technology infrastructure and smart devices, aims to encourage participants to join the global Seeds for the Future alumni club and provide it with further opportunities for global networking.
Huawei encourages talented students, by allowing them to try out practical tasks in a real-world environment. This program seeks to develop local talent, share knowledge, increase ICT sector awareness & enthusiasm, & foster digital community building.
Courses Seeds for the Future, sponsored by Huawei, will take place between 9 and 16 October 2023. The program is held online each day for 2 hours throughout the week. Provided by interactively work in international groups, where only the best of them will have an opportunity to go to the conference in China. The top three winning teams will receive a prize from the startup - fund worth 100 000 USD.
Why join the prorgamme?
- Network with talented youths with different cultures and backgrounds
- Explore the latest technologies and trends; Experience Chinese culture
- Enhance career prospects with a unique experience
- Gain certification from a Global Fortune 500 company
Information about the application and programme >> HERE
National head Slovenia and coordinator Seeds for The Future: Gordana.Kisilak@Huawei.com
petek, 9. junij 2023 T4EU - Intensive Estonian Language and Culture Course - August 14-30, 2023
Vabljeni, da se pridružite intenzivnemu jezikovnemu tečaju estonščine, ki ga organizira Estonska akademija umetnosti (EKA). Tečaj bo potekal od 14. do 30. avgusta v Talinu v Estoniji - stavba EKA.
Skozi tečaj boste prejeli osnovno znanje estonščine, kjer bo poskrbljeno tudi za zanimive dejavnosti, praktične vaje in poglobljene tehnike, ki jih bodo izvajali njihovi izkušeni profesorji.
Tečajniki vas bodo postoma seznanili z osnovami jezika, kar bo ob koncu zadostovalo k osnovnemu sporazumevanje v številnih življenjskih okoliščinah. Zaradi 4 urne izvedbe v času delovnika, vam bo tako ostalo veliko časa za druženje in raziskovanje mesta Talin.
Prijave zbirajo TUKAJ.
Rok prijave je 16. junij 2023.
Udeležba na tečaju je zaradi zavezništva z mrežo Transform4Europe brezplačna, udeleženec si tako krije le stroške nastanitve in prehrane. Število mest je omejeno zato se v primeru več prijavljenih, izbor opravlja na podlagi različnih izkušenj udeležencev.
Kontakt: marilyn.riisimae@artun.ee / +372 626 7388
You are invited to join the intensive Estonian Language Course organised by the fellow member Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA). The course is going to take place from August 14-30 at the EKA building in Tallinn, Estonia.
The aim of the course is to teach the basics of the Estonian language through engaging activities, practical exercises, and immersive techniques under guidance of their experienced instructors. They will take you step by step through the fundamentals of the language, enabling you to communicate quite effectively in real-life situations after finishing the course.
As the lessons are being held on weekdays for 4 hours per day, you will have plenty of time to socialise with fellow participants after hours and delve into the vibrant city of Tallinn.
Please sign up HERE. The deadline is June 16, 2023.
Thanks to the support of the Transform4Europe Alliance, the attendance at the course is free of charge for participants. However, all costs related to accommodation and food must be covered by each person individually.
Please be noted there are a limited number of seats available and therefore we can not guarantee that everyone will be selected. If we receive more applications than there are places, then the selection will be made based on participants' various backgrounds (countries, specialties, sex etc) and their short motivation statements.
Contact: marilyn.riisimae@artun.ee / +372 626 7388
torek, 6. junij 2023 Študentsko delo v Centru o delfinih v Piranu (pričetek 21. 6.)
V društvu Morigenos iščejo prijaznega, komunikativnega, vestnega in zanesljivega študenta (ali študentko), ki bi se pridružil super ekipi. Delo v Centru o delfinih bo vključevalo sprejem obiskovalcev, prodajo vstopnic in spominkov, skrb za razstavne prostore ter komunikacijo z obiskovalci.
Delo bo potekalo v izmenah oz. po dogovoru in potrebi. Pomembno je aktivno znanje angleščine, znanje italijanskega jezika pa je zaželeno.
ponedeljek, 5. junij 2023 Zoom srečanje: Kako podaljšati dovoljenje za bivanje? // Zoom Meeting: How to extend your Residence Permit?
Lepo vabimo vse zainteresirane študente, da se udeležite Zoom srečanja o postopku podaljšanja dovoljenja za bivanje, ki bo v četrtek, 8. junija 2023, ob 13.00.
Link do Zoom srečanja: https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/83880506821
Meeting ID: 838 8050 6821
We cordially invite all interested students to attend the Zoom meeting on Residence Permit Renewal Procedure (Visa Procedure), which will be held on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.
Link to Zoom meeting: https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/83880506821
Meeting ID: 838 8050 6821
petek, 2. junij 2023 Risk Management at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
V ponedeljek, 5. junija 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 5. junij 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.
Matija Birov is the Chief Risk Officer at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank,
Jan Kanduč is the Director of Risk Management at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank,
Mojca Belac is the Head of Credit Risk Monitoring, Controls and Validation at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.
NASLOV: Risk Management at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
What is risk management and how does it fit into the commercial banking business? What kind of tools and skills are needed for efficient risk management? What kind of knowledge and expertise are required for the development of risk measurement systems? How much do banks rely on statistical analysis for day-to-day operations? Are the business decisions driven only by future profits or is there more to the story? Are the risk parameters (probability of default, loss given default, exposure at default) the only true indicators of your creditworthiness when applying for a loan?
These and many more questions related to the banking world will be discussed in the presentation.
Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP2.
petek, 2. junij 2023 T4EU teden: Transborder Europe - 05.6.-09.6.2023, Univerza v Trstu // T4EU Week: Transborder Europe - 06/05/2023-06/09/2023, University of Trieste
Naša partnerska institucija, Univerza v Trstu prisrčno vabi vse študente, kot tudi akadamske ter strokovno osebje, na T4EU teden: Transborder Europe, v sklopu katerega se bodo med 05.06.2023 in 09.06.2023 odvili najrazličnejši dogodki in aktivnosti, med drugim kulturno-družbene delavnice, mednarodna gostujoča predavanja, konferenca Management for Innovation (MIC) ter številne druge dejavnosti, namenjene mreženju.
Udeležba na vseh dogodkih je brezplačna in možna brez prijave. Več informacij o programu je dostopnih tu.
V kolikor se nameravate udeležiti katere izmed aktivnosti oziroma imate dodatna vprašanja, prosim pišite na international@famnit.upr.si
Our partner institution, University of Trieste, cordially invites academic and professional staff, and students to the T4EU Transborder Europe week between 06/05/2023 and 06/09/2023, including cultural and social workshops, international guest lectures, the Management for Innovation (MIC) conference and many other networking activities.
Participation in all events is free and possible without registration. More information about the program is available here.
If you plan to participate in any of the activities or have additional questions, please write to international@famnit.upr.si
četrtek, 1. junij 2023 Anketa za ugotavljanje kakovosti storitev NAKVIS v letu 2022
Vabimo vas, da izpolite kratko anketo (dve vprašanji), ki je namenjena ugotavljanju ocene kakovosti storitev Nacionalne agencije Republike Slovenije za kakovost v visokem šolstvu (NAKVIS) v letu 2022: Anketa o ugotavljanju kakovosti storitev NAKVIS.
Prijazno vas prosimo, da anketo izpolnite do petka, 2. junija 2023.
četrtek, 1. junij 2023 Informacija o programu OZN za mlade strokovnjake 2023 // Info about the OZN programme for Young professionals 2023
Obveščamo vas, da se je Slovenija letos uvrstila med države članice OZN, ki lahko sodelujejo v programu OZN za mlade strokovnjake 2023 (YPP). Prijave lahko oddajo mladi, ki so rojeni od vključno 1. januarja 1991 naprej in imajo zaključeno vsaj visokošolsko izobrazbo (1. bolonjska stopnja) v povezavi s področjem prijave.
Izpit bo potekal za naslednji področji:
- ekonomske zadeve;
- informacijski sistemi in tehnologije.
Prijave je mogoče oddati do 29. junija 2023 do 11.59 (EDT) prek spleta v sistemu Inspira. Brošuro o programu YPP 2023 najdete TUKAJ (v angleščini). Več informacij je na voljo tudi na portalu UN careers.
Za dodatne podrobnosti se lahko obrnete na Društvo za Združene narode za Slovenijo (e-naslov: bostjan.jerman@unaslovenia.org).
This year Slovenia has been selected as one of the (United Nations), UN members, which are eligible to participate in the UN programme for young professionals (2023). The application form can be filled in by young people born on or after 1 January 1991 and who have completed at least higher education (1st Bologna cycle) related to the field of application.
The exam will be held for the following areas:
- economic affairs
- informationals sistems and techologies
The application can be submitted online till 29 June 2023, 11.59 am, through the system Inspira.
- The brochure about the programme >> HERE.
- More info is available also on the portal UN Careers.
For any additional info, you can contact the United Nations Association of Slovenia (bostjan.jerman@unaslovenia.org)