Študenti - Arhiv
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
četrtek, 26. maj 2022 Podjetje KPMG Slovenija v svojo ekipo vabi začetnike v reviziji
sreda, 25. maj 2022 Študentsko delovno mesto v Službi za informatiko
ponedeljek, 23. maj 2022 Pridruži se ekipi prostovoljcev na WOODRISE 2022 / Join the WOODRISE 2022 volunteering team
Prostovoljci so obraz kongresa!
Nič se ne zgodi brez vas in uspeh dogodka je odvisen od vašega nasmeha in ponujenih rešitev vsem, ki pristopijo do vas.
Vabimo vas, da z nami soustvarite najbolj priznan globalni dogodek na svetu na področju višjih lesenih zgradb in se nam pridružite pri soustvarjanju nepozabnih trenutkov.
Prijave so odprte!
Želim biti prostovoljec/ka na WOODRISE 2022!
Prostovoljcem ponujamo:
- Brezplačni dostop do predavanj in spremljevalnih dogodkov;
- Podporo in mentorstvo;
- Ustrezno uvajanje pred dogodkom;
- Reference in certifikat;
- Namestitev v Portorožu v času kongresa.
Za nas ste pravi:
- Ne glede na profil;
- Če ste iznajdljivi;
- Če se držite dogovorov;
- Če govorite angleško, morda celo druge jezike.
Za več informacij nam pišite na woodrise2022@innorenew.eu
Veselimo se srečanja z vami!
Volunteers are the face of the congress!
Nothing happens without you and the success of the event depends on your smiling can-do attitude.
We invite you to co-create the most renowned global event in the field of taller wooden buildings and join us in creating memorable times.
Applications are open!
I want to volunteer for the WOODRISE 2022!
You will receive:
- Free access to lectures and other events;
- Support and mentorship;
- Relevant training prior to the event;
- Reference and certification;
- Accomodation in Portorož during the congress.
You are right for us:
- Regardless of your profile;
- If you consider yourself resourceful;
- If you can keep agreements;
- If you speak English, maybe even other languages.
For more information or to get in touch, write to us at woodrise2022@innorenew.eu
We look forward to hearing from you!
petek, 20. maj 2022 Informativni dnevi za magistrski študij na UP FAMNIT / Info days for Master's studies at UP FAMNIT
Pridružite se nam na virtualnih informativnih dnevih za magistrski študij na UP FAMNIT!
26. 5.–3. 6. 2022
Natančen razpored predstavitev in Zoom povezave lahko najdete tukaj.
Join our virtual information days for Master's studies at UP FAMNIT!
26 May–3 June 2022
The exact schedule of presentations and Zoom links can be found here.
sreda, 18. maj 2022 Vabljeni na BioCamp 2022 / Join Biocamp 2022
BioCamp je tradicionalni dogodek namenjen najboljšim študentom naravoslovja, poslovnih ter tehničnih znanosti, na katerem se srečajo s priznanimi strokovnjaki in vodilnimi managerji. Dogodek je izvrstna priložnost za mlade talente, da dobijo neposreden vpogled v svet raziskovanja in mednarodno poslovno okolje farmacevtske industrije.
Udeležba na dogodku BioCamp 2022 vam pomaga postati mladi strokovnjak in bodoči vodja:
- pridobili boste vpogled v strokovno in poslovno okolje svetovne farmacevtske industrije,
- spoznali kako se povezuje znanost, podjetništvo in tehnologija za dobrobit bolnika,
- spoznali vrhunske strokovnjake in vodilne managerje,
- se kar 5 dni družili z izbranimi študenti iz drugih držav,
- v timu reševali in oblikovali poslovno rešitev za dejanski izziv v farmacevtski industriji,
- spoznali podjetje in raziskali karierne priložnosti.
K prijavi za udeležbo na BioCampu 2021 vabijo dodiplomske (zadnji letnik), magistrske, doktorske in postdoktorske študente naravoslovnih, ekonomskih in tehniških znanosti.
Dogodek bo v angleškem jeziku, zato se od prijavljenih kandidatov pričakuje tekoče znanje angleškega jezika. Na podlagi akademskih dosežkov, strokovnih izkušenj in ob študijskih dejavnosti bo izbranih skupno 42 študentov.
Kdaj: 26. 9. - 30. 9. 2022
Rok za prijave: 31. maj 2022.
Prijavite se tukaj.
Dodatne informacije lahko najdete na: BioCamp 2022 ali jim pišete na: urska.levac@sandoz.com.
BioCamp is traditional event that brings together top university students from science, business and technical sciences with distinguished experts and top managers. It is a great opportunity to gain direct insight into the world of research and international business environment within the pharmaceutical industry.
Attending BioCamp 2022 event develops you into young professional and the leader of the future:
- gain insight into the professional and business environment of the global pharmaceutical industry,
- connect science, business and technology for the benefit of the patient,
- interact with key experts and leading managers,
- have an opportunity to network for 5 days with top selected students from other countries,
- discover and design innovative business solutions for actual challenges in pharmaceutical industry as a team,
- get to know the company and explore career opportunities.
They invite university students in natural, economic and technical sciences, from last year pre-graduate studies, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral studies, to apply for the BioCamp 2022. The event will be held in English and English fluency is required.
A total of 36 selected students will be chosen based on their academic excellence, professional experience and extra-curricular activities.
When: September 26 to 30 2022
Application deadline: 31 May, 2022.
You can apply here.
You can read more about the event and this year’s program here.
torek, 17. maj 2022 Arheološki park ob mednarodnem dnevu muzejev brezplačno odpira svoja vrata
-English below-
8. maj posvečamo Mednarodnemu dnevu muzejev, ki se mu letos pridružuje tudi Arheološki park Simonov zaliv. Vsebine Arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv so bile oblikovane na UP FHŠ, predstavlja pa izolski del Centra znanosti UP, ki je nastal z namenom širjenja znanstveno-raziskovalnih vsebin UP širši javnosti.
Jutri, 18. 5. 2022, bo Arheološki park tako vsem obiskovalcem med 16.00 in 19.00 brezplačno odprl svoja vrata, ob 17.00 pa se lahko udeležite tudi strokovnega vodenja. Obisk omogoča ogled ostankov rimske obmorske vile (villae maritimae) z gospodarskim poslopjem in največjim pristaniščem iz istega časa – skupno eno največjih posestev v tem delu Istre iz časa rimske kolonije Akvileje (181 pr. n. š.), ki je zajemala velik del današnje Istre.
Vljudno vabljeni!
May 8 is dedicated to the International Museum Day, which this year is joined by the Archaeological Park Simonov zaliv. The concept of the Archaeological Park Simonov zaliv were was established by the UP FHŠ, and it represents a part of the UP Science Center based in Izola. The UP Science Center was created with the aim of disseminating scientific and research content of the University of Primorska for the public.
Tomorrow, 18 May 2022, the Archaeological Park is open to all visitors free of charge between 16.00 and 19.00, and at 17.00 you can also take part in a guided tour. The visit offers a look at the remains of a Roman seaside villa (villae maritimae) with an outbuilding and the largest port in the area from that era - combining one of the largest estates in this part of Istria from the Roman colony of Aquileia (181 BC), which covered much of today Istria.
petek, 13. maj 2022 Banka Slovenija zbira ustvarjalne video posnetke, ki predstavijo, kako digitalizacija vpliva na uporabo denarja
V Banki Slovenije vas v sklopu svetovnega tedna denarja vabijo k sodelovanju na video natečaju!
Srednješolce in študente vabijo, da se preizkusite v vlogi snemalcev kratkih video vsebin na temo Denar je en klik stran. Z natečajem želijo spodbuditi mlade, da razmislijo o pojmu digitalnih plačil, ki so v sodobnem svetu postala že nekaj vsakdanjega.
Na natečaj se lahko prijavijo posamezniki ali skupine s svojimi mentorji do konca junija 2022. Izdelke bodo zbirali do konca avgusta, zmagovalce pa objavili jeseni. Več informacij o video natečaju najdete tukaj.
Skupine ali posamezniki se na natečaj tako lahko prijavijo do konca junija, video posnetke pa bodo sprejemali do konca avgusta.
petek, 13. maj 2022 Natečaj najboljše magistrsko delo na temo trajnostne energije / Call for the best master's thesis on the topic of sustainable energy
Ali ste v vašem magistrskem delu raziskovali področje učinkovite rabe energije ali obnovljivih virov energije? Ste svoje magistrsko delo zagovarjali v obdobju od 1. oktobra 2020 do 30. maja 2021?
Potem je ta natečaj pravšnji za vas. Več o pravilih sodelovanja si lahko preberete tukaj.
Rok za prijave je 30. junij 2022.
Have you done your research in the field of energy efficiency or renewable energy sources in your master's thesis? Have you defended your master's thesis in the period from 1 October 2020 to 30 May 2021?
Then you should consider applying to the call. You can read more about the rules of participation here.
Your work must be written or translated in Slovenian.
The deadline for applications is June 30, 2022.
petek, 13. maj 2022 Urnik knjižnice 16.5.2022
Obveščamo vas, da bo knjižnica v ponedeljek 16.5.2022 zaprta med 12:00 in 14:00. V tem času lahko knjige vrnete v trezor za vračilo knjig.
Knjižnica TeMeNa
We would like to inform you that the library will be closed od Monday, 16 May between 12:00 and 14:00. During this time, you can return the books to the book return vault.
Library TeMeNa
petek, 13. maj 2022 Famnitov Hackathon: mreženje, spoznavanje predstavnikov podjetij in sklepanje novih prijateljstev / Famnit Hackathon: growing networks, meeting company representatives and making new friends
GDSC Primorska organizira Famnitov Hackathon na fakultetni ravni!
Hackathon je dogodek, ki združuje računalniške programerje in študente drugih programov, ki s svojim znanjem, idejami in rešitvami pokažejo svojo nadarjenost. V razmeroma kratkem času boste udeleženci, razdeljeni v manjše time, razvili rešitev za določeno tematiko. Rezultat bo torej dejanska rešitev oziroma aplikacija za področje, za katero je bil dogodek organiziran.
Kdaj in kje?
21. in 22. maja v Avli (Famnit, Glagoljaška 8).
Trajnostni razvoj, zdravje in dobro počutje.
K sodelovanju v interdisciplinarnih timih vabimo študente vseh programov UP Famnit. Nekaj dni pred dogodkom boste imeli priložnost sestaviti ekipe na uvodnem srečanju. Ekipe bodo sestavljali 4 člani, od tega 2-3 študentje/ke programov Računalništvo in informatika ali Matematika.
Če ste pripravljeni sodelovati z novimi ljudmi, se zabavati, se mrežiti, stopiti v stik s potencialnimi delodajalci ter nenazadnje zmagati in si prislužiti nagrado, se prijavite zdaj!
Prijavnica: https://forms.gle/sK3BA8spYWxWb3ZW7
Se vidimo na Famnitovem Hackathonu!
GDSC Primorska is organising a UP FAMNIT Hackathon on the faculty level!
A Hackathon is a social coding event that brings computer programmers and students from other programmes together to improve upon or build a new software program.
When and where?
21 and 22 May at Avla (Famnit, Glagoljaška 8).
Sustainable development, health and wellbeing.
Students from all Famnit programs are invited to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams. A few days before the event, you will have the chance to form teams at our welcoming event. All teams should have 2-3 members from the Computer Science/Mathematics programme, out of 4, to ease the implementational part.
Apply immediately if you are willing to work with new people, have fun, grow your network, get in touch with the sponsoring companies, win and earn some prizes.
Application form: https://forms.gle/sK3BA8spYWxWb3ZW7
See you at the Famnit Hackathon!
četrtek, 12. maj 2022 Julija bo v Litvi organizirana poletna šola 'Forest Genetic Monitoring Training School' / Forest Genetic Monitoring Training School in Kaunas, Lithuania
Poletna šola 'Forest Genetic Monitoring Training School' bo organizirana v okviru akcije ConservePlants COST Akcije (CA18201), s podporo Mednarodne zveze gozdarskih raziskovalnih organizacij (IUFRO) in je namenjena usposabljanju podiplomskih študentov, ki delujejo na področju ohranjanja genov.
Potekala bo med 5. in 8. julijem 2022 v Kaunasu, Litva.
Genska raznovrstnost je končni vir biološke raznovrstnosti, ki je ključnega pomena za vitalnost gozdov in njihovo prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam, poleg tega pa genetska raznolikost zagotavlja odpornost na druge dejavnike stresa, kot so škodljivci in bolezni.
Kot del akcije ConservePlants COST (CA18201) si prizadevajo izboljšati ohranjanje rastlinskih genskih virov v Evropi. Eden od prvih korakov za dosego tega je začetek genetskega spremljanja in zlasti programov genetskega spremljanja gozdov, saj se velik del kopenske biotske raznovrstnosti skriva v gozdovih.
Prijavite se lahko do 15. maja preko spletnega obrazca.
Več o programu, namestitvi in pogojih sodelovanja lahko najdete tukaj.
The Forest Genetic Monitoring Training School will be organized within the framework of ConservePlants COST Action (CA18201), with the support of International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and aims at training Postdoctoral fellows, Ph. D. candidates, early career scientists (M.Sc. Level or above), and practitioners (M.Sc. level or above) involved in genetic conservation actions.
Instructors: Prof. Filippos Aravanopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Prof. Darius Danusevičius (Vytautas Magnus University), Dr. Darius Kavaliauskas (Bavarian Office for Forest Genetics), Prof. Om Rajora (University of New Brunswick)
Date: 5July – 8 July 2022
Place: Kaunas, Lithuania
Local organiser: Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Institute of Forestry, Kaunas, Lithuania
Local contact: rita.verbylaite@lammc.lt
The immediate objective of the Training School is to provide participants with knowledge about genetic and genomic aspects of Forest Genetic Monitoring and about how to start Forest Genetic Monitoring programs, including the selection, establishment and maintenance of plot; background information on indicators and verifiers; overview of fieldwork, laboratory and data analysis.
The mid-term objective is to foster collaborations, in research and training on FGM, and to establish a network of FGM Plots for different tree species.
Applicants should apply by 15 May using the form.
More about the programme can be found here.
ponedeljek, 9. maj 2022 Karierni sejem Univerze na Primorskem // Career Fair of the University of Primorska
18. 5. 2022, med 9.30 in 14.00.
Avla Armerije UP (Rektorat UP)
Na sejmu se bodo predstavili partnerji univerze, ki nudijo različne oblike sodelovanja za študente in diplomante UP. Udeleženci sejma boste imeli priložnost sodelovanja na Zaposlitveni kavarni, kjer se lahko pogovorite o možnostih, ki jih nudijo delodajalske organizacije (hitri zmenki) ali pa se udeležite skupinskega razgovora s predstavitvijo dejavnosti.
Če želite imeti s seboj svoj življenjepis, se lahko obrnete na KC UP za pomoč. Prav tako se lahko udeležite delavnic s področja vseživljenjske karierne orientacije ali preprosto pridete na pogovor s kariernim svetovalcem.
Karierni sejem Univerze na Primorskem je priložnost za mreženje in širitev socialne mreže. Predstavlja nov korak v procesu vodenja osebne profesionalne poti.
Na posamezne dogodke se prijavite s klikom na povezavo ob dogodkih v program: https://kariernicenter.upr.si/si/aktualno/dogodki/e/karierni-sejem-univerze-na-primorskem
Ne zamudite priložnosti, pridružite se nam na Kariernem sejmu UP!
18 May 2022, 9.30 - 14.00
Armerije UP Lobby (Rectorate UP)
The fair will feature university partners who offer various forms of cooperation for UP students and graduates. Participants of the fair have the opportunity to participate in the Employment Café, where you can discuss the possibilities offered by employers' organizations (quick dates) or attend a group interview with a presentation of activities<. If you want to have your CV with you, you can contact KC UP for help. You can also attend workshops in the field of lifelong career guidance or simply come to talk to a career counsellor.
The career fair of the University of Primorska is an opportunity for networking and expanding the social network. It represents a new step in the process of leading a personal career path.
Registration for individual events is possible via the links published here: https://kariernicenter.upr.si/si/aktualno/dogodki/e/karierni-sejem-univerze-na-primorskem
Don't miss the opportunity, join us at the Career Fair of the UP!
četrtek, 5. maj 2022 2. krog prijav za Biološko-psihološko študentsko konferenco bo odprt do 15. maja 2022 / The 2nd round of applications for the Biological-Psychological Student Conference will be open until May 15, 2022
Obveščamo vas, da je po pregledu prijav, ki so bile oddane v roku, ostalo še nekaj mest za udeležbo na Biološko-psihološki študentski konferenci.
Zato so je odprl še 2. krog za prijave, ki bo odprt do 15. maja 2022.
Hkrati želimo izpostaviti naslednje:
Ob prijavi je potrebno oddati le povzetek (in soglasje soavtorjev, če ti obstajajo), ne pa celih nalog ali posterjev.
Prijaviti se je možno tudi s preliminarnimi rezultati oziroma podatki raziskave, ki je še v teku.
Svoje delo je možno predstavljati v obliki ustne predstavitve ali posterja.
Prijavite se lahko tudi kot pasivni udeleženci.
Status študenta ni pogoj za prijavo!
Prijave so možne tukaj.
We would like to inform you that after reviewing the applications submitted within the deadline, there are still a few places left to attend our conference.
Therefore, the 2nd round for applications has been opened, and will be open until 15 May 2022.
At the same time, we would like to highlight the following:
At the application, only the abstract (and the consent of the co-authors, if any) need to be submitted, not the entire assignments or posters.
It is also possible to apply with preliminary results or data from the research that is still ongoing.
Your work can be presented in the form of an oral presentation or a poster.
It is also possible to register as passive participants.
Student status is not required to register!
Registration is possible at this link.
četrtek, 5. maj 2022 Vabilo podjetja Sinergise v poletno šolo na področju dela s satelitskimi podatki / Invitation from Sinergise company to join the Summer School on Satellite Data
Podjetje Sinergise vabi na poletno šolo, ki bo potekala na sedežu podjetja Sinergise med 4. in 8. julijem.
Udeležence bodo v enem tednu, s kombinacijo predavanj in praktičnih delavnic, popeljali skozi tehnologije, ki jih uporabljajo pri delu s satelitskimi posnetki. Konkretneje, delali bodo na primerih podatkov programa Copernicus.
Dogodek predstavlja odlično priložnost dodatnega izobraževanja za študente, pri katerem bodo dobili poglobljen vpogled v delo s satelitskimi podatki. Poleg tega pa si v Sinergise po zaključku poletne šole želijo tudi nadaljnjega sodelovanja z njimi.
Več o šoli je tudi na spletni strani (angl): https://www.sinergise.com/en/careers/summer-school ter v novici (slo): https://www.sinergise.com/sl/novice/prva-sinergise-poletna-sola
Sinergise invites you to attend the summer school, which will take place at Sinergise's headquarters from 4 to 8 July.
In one week, the participants will be guided through a combination of lectures and practical workshops through the technologies they use when working with satellite images. More specifically, they will work on examples of Copernicus data.
The event is a great opportunity for additional education for students, where they will get an in-depth insight into working with satellite data. In addition, Sinergise wants to continue working with them after the summer school.
More information can be found here: https://www.sinergise.com/en/careers/summer-school
sreda, 4. maj 2022 Postani prostovoljec/ka na teku z ovirami SPARTAN race! Kranjska Gora (Planica), 21. in 22. maj 2022 / Volunteers wanted for the SPARTAN race Kranjska Gora (Planica), 21 and 22 May 2022
Kranjska Gora (Planica) bo 21. in 22. 5. 2022 gostila drugo izdajo največje svetovne znamke tekov z ovirami SPARTAN race.
Če ste športni tip, vas zanima organizacija prireditev ali pa samo radi spoznavate nove ljudi in dogodke, potem ste pravi za prostovoljca pri organizaciji SPARTAN race!
Vaše delo lahko obsega dela v štartno-ciljni areni (registracije, na cilju) ali na tekaški stezi, kjer spremljate tekmovalce, ki se spopadejo z ovirami. V vsakem primeru je SPARTAN zabavna in zanimiva izkušnja.
Več informacij najdete na Facebook skupini Prostovoljci / Volunteers SPARTAN race Kranjska Gora: https://www.facebook.com/groups/193205255124812 ali na emailu volunteers-sl@spartanraceeurope.com. Tam boste našli informacijo, da si z delom lahko prislužite BREZPLAČNO ŠTARTNINO in druge ugodnosti in možnost nočitve.
Prijave so možne na naslednji povezavi do 30. 4. 2022 (oziroma rezerva do 10. 5. 2022) https://www.maxfunregister.
Kranjska Gora (Planica) will host the second edition of the SPARTAN race on 21 and 22 May 2022.
If you are a sports person, you are interested in organizing events or you just like to meet new people and events, then you are perfect for volunteering at the SPARTAN race!
Your work can include work in the start-finish arena (registration, finish) or on the running track, where you follow the competitors who are facing obstacles. In any case, SPARTAN is a fun and interesting experience.
More information can be found on the Facebook group Volunteers SPARTAN race Kranjska Gora: https://www.facebook.com/groups/193205255124812 or via email volunteers-sl@spartanraceeurope.com. There you will find information about the possibility of earning a FREE PARTICIPATION FEE and other benefits and the possibility of accommodation.
Registrations are possible on the following link until 30 April 2022 (or reserve until 10 May 2022) https://www.maxfunregister.
You are invited to join!