Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

torek, 23. marec 2021 Vabilo na Online Spring University 2021 / Invitation to the Online Spring University 2021

Institute of International Studies IMS in Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University organizirata Online Spring University 2021 z naslovom "The Future of Europe? From Lockdown to Recovery". Dogodek bo potekal preko spleta in sicer od 12. aprila 2021 do 16. aprila 2021.
Program je mednarodno priznan, udeleženci pa lahko tako pridobijo od 2 do 4 ECTS kredite.

Rok za prijavo je 31. marec 2021.

Več informacij o dogodku je na voljo na letaku, spletni strani ali FB profilu.


Institute of International Studies IMS and Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University are organizing Online Spring University 2021 with the title "The Future of Europe? From Lockdown to Recovery.". The online event will be launched from 12 April, 2021 to 16 April, 2021.
The programme is internationally acknowledged, therefore succesful participants can gain 2 or 4 ECTS credits.

The application deadline is 31 March 2021.

More informaton is available on the flyer, website or FB profile.

You are invited to apply!