torek, 5. december 2023 Razpis za CEEPUS in Freemover študijske izmenjave na Madžarskem za študente in zaposlene // Call for CEEPUS Network and Freemover mobility scholarships to Hungary for students and teachers
Univerza Eötvös Loránd lahko sprejme študente in akademsko osebje v okviru mreže CEEPUS ali v sklopu Freemover mobilnosti, odvisno od zmogljivosti gostiteljske fakultete/oddelka.
Razpoložljive mobilnosti:
- Študentska mobilnost: 3-5 mesecev, 170.000 HUF/mesec (pribl. 440 EUR)
- Kratkoročna študentska mobilnost (z nameno priprave zaključnih del): 1-2 meseca, 170.000 HUF/mesec (pribl. 440 EUR)
- Mobilnost poučevanja: 1 mesec – minimalna dolžina 5 dni, 190.000 HUF/mesec (pribl. 490 EUR)
Rok za prijavo je 31. december 2023.
- Pismo o sprejemu ni potrebno za prijavo na CEEPUS mobilnost.
- Za Freemover aplikante je potrebno pismo o sprejemu s strani gostiteljske fakultete/oddelka. Zainteresirani prijavitelji naj se glede načrtovane mobilnosti in pridobitve pisma o sprejemu povežejo z mednarodno pisarno fakultete.
Podrobnejše informacije so dostopne na uradni strani razpisa.
Students and teachers from CEEPUS countries, including Slovenia, are invited to submit their applications for mobility scholarships to Hungary.
Eötvös Loránd University is open to receiving students and teachers either within CEEPUS network or as Freemovers, depending on the capacity of the host faculty/department.
Available Mobility Types:
- Full Semester Student Mobility: 3-5 months, 170,000 HUF/month (approx. 440 EUR)
- Short-term Student Mobility (Thesis Research for BA, MA, PhD Students): 1-2 months, 170,000 HUF/month (approx. 440 EUR)
- Teaching Mobility: 1 month – minimum length 5 days, 190,000 HUF/month (approx. 490 EUR)
The application deadline is December 31, 2023.
- Applicants for network mobility are encouraged to reach out to the ELTE network coordinator. Notably, a Letter of Acceptance is not required for CEEPUS mobility applications.
- For Freemover applicants, a Letter of Acceptance from the host faculty/department is necessary. Interested applicants should liaise with the faculty international relations administration regarding their planned mobility and the acquisition of the Letter of Acceptance.
For detailed information, please refer to the official call for applications here.