ponedeljek, 23. maj 2022 Priložnosti za izmenjave na Madžarskem // Mobility opportunities in Hungary
Madžarski kulturni center v Ljubljani bo danes, 23.5.2022, ob 15.00 predstavil priložnosti za študijsko mobilnost in prakso na Madžarskem. Dogodek bo potekal online.
Predstavili se bodo predstavniki skupine OTP, raziskovalni inštitut ELI-ALPS, Javni sklad Tempus ter Tajda Hladnik, ki ima za sabo že dve mobilnosti na Madžarskem.
Zainteresirani študenti se lahko na dogodek prijavijo preko naslednje povezave: https://popr.uni-lj.si/leap/event.html?id=6045&service=Careers%20Service
Vljudno vabljeni na dogodek!
The Hungarian Cultural Center in Ljubljana will present opportunities for study mobility and traineeships in Hungary. The event will be held online today, 23 May 2022, at 3 pm.
Representatives of the OTP Group, the ELI-ALPS Research Institute, the Tempus Public Fund and Tajda Hladnik, who has already completed two mobilities in Hungary, will present themselves.
Interested students can register for the event via the following link: https://popr.uni-lj.si/leap/event.html?id=6045&service=Careers%20Service