torek, 4. februar 2025 Priložnost za Erasmus+ usposabljanje osebja: Mednarodni teden osebja 2025 na Univerzi v Zadru // Opportunity for Administrative Staff: 7th International Staff Week 2025 at the University of Zadar
Univerza v Zadru vabi k prijavi na 7. Mednarodni teden osebja, ki bo potekal od 5. do 9. maja 2025 v Zadru.
Glavni tematiki programa usposabljanja:
- Duševno zdravje in stres na delovnem mestu
- Spodbujanje mobilnosti študentov in premagovanje strahov pred študijem v tujini
Rok za prijavo: 10. februar 2025 preko spletnega prijavnega obrazca.
Program bo vključeval predavanja, delavnice in priložnosti za mreženje, vključno z vodenim ogledom mesta, obiskom pomorskega simulatorja in neobveznim izletom na Kornate 8. maja.
Za prijavo pošljite predlog Programa usposabljanja na in izpolnite spletni prijavni obrazec do 10. februarja 2025.
Več informacij o usposabljanju:
Za pridobitev Erasmus+ sofinanciranja za mobilnost osebja z namenom usposabljanja je po uspešni potrditvi udeležbe institucije gostiteljice potrebna prijava na Erasmus+ razpis za mobilnost osebja z namenom usposabljanja. Za podporo je na voljo FAMNIT Mednarodna pisarna,
We invite our administrative staff to apply for the 7th International Staff Week, taking place from May 5 to 9, 2025, at the University of Zadar, Croatia.
The main topics of the event are:
- Mental Health and Workplace Stress
- Encouraging Student Mobility and Overcoming Fears of Studying Abroad
Application Deadline: February 10, 2025 via online appliaction form.
The program will include lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities, including a guided city tour, a visit to the naval simulator, and an optional excursion to the Kornati Islands on May 8.
To apply, please send a Mobility Agreement proposal to and complete the online application form by February 10, 2025.
More information about the training:
To receive Erasmus+ funding for staff mobility for training, it is necessary to apply for the Erasmus+ Open Call for staff mobility for training after successfully receiving confirmation of participation from the host institution. For assistance, please contact the FAMNIT International Office at