sreda, 11. november 2020 Online Russian Language Course at Dostoevsky OmSU // Spletni tečaj ruskega jezika pri Dostojevsky OmSU
Dostoevsky OmSU invites students to join their Online Russian Language Course. You will be able to learn a balance of language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing, grammar) at an appropriate level from beginner to advanced and communicate effectively in real life settings. The duration of the Online Russian language course is from a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 9 months. After the completion of the online course participants will receive an end-of-course certificate issued by Dostoevsky Omsk State University, from level A1 to C2.
The tuition fee for the program is:
- 1 month (80 academic hours) - 200 euros (from 2 to 4 months, then 1 month (80 academic hours) - 150 euros)
- 1 semester (5 months - 400 academic hours) - 650 euros
- 1 academic year (9 months - 800 academic hours) - 1300 euros
In case of further questions, contact the International Office of OmSU at or visit their website.
Dostoevsky OmSU vabi študente, naj se pridružijo njihovemu spletnemu tečaju ruskega jezika. Na tečaju se boste naučili jezikovnih spretnosti kot so govor, poslušanje, branje in pisanje ter slovnica na ustrezni ravni od začetnika do naprednika. Spletni tečaj traja od najmanj 1 meseca do največ 9 mesecev. Po zaključku tečaja bodo udeleženci prejeli jezikovni certifikat od stopnje A1 do C2, ki ga je izdaja OmSU.
Šolnina za tečaj znaša:
- 1 mesec (80 akademskih ur) - 200 evrov (od 2 do 4 mesece- 150 evrov na mesec (80 akademskih ur))
- 1 semester (5 mesecev - 400 akademskih ur) - 650 evrov
- 1 študijsko leto (9 mesecev - 800 akademskih ur) - 1300 evrov
V primeru dodatnih vprašanj se obrnite na Mednarodno pisarno OmSU na ali obiščite njihovo spletno stran.