ponedeljek, 23. december 2024 Mednarodni teden osebja HTW Dresden, junij 2025 // International Staff Week at HTW Dresden, June 2025
Partnerska institucija HTW Dresden vabi adiministrativno osebje k prijavi na Mednarodni teden osebja, ki se bo odvil od 2. do 5. junija 2025 v Dresdnu, Nemčiji.
Mednarodni teden osebja je namenjen spodbujanju mednarodnega sodelovanja, izmenjavi dobrih praks in razvoju profesionalnih mrež s kolegi z vsega sveta. Dogodek vključuje različne delavnice, mreženja in kulturne aktivnosti, ki ponujajo odlično platformo za širitev znanja in perspektiv.
Rok prijave: od 2. januarja do 16. februarja 2025.
Za več informacij o programu in prijavi obiščite uradno spletno stran HTW Dresden.
Za pridobitev Erasmus+ sofinanciranja za mobilnost osebja z namenom usposabljanja je po uspešni potrditvi udeležbe institucije gostiteljice potrebna prijava na Erasmus+ razpis za mobilnost osebja z namenom usposabljanja. Za podporo je na voljo FAMNIT Mednarodna pisarna, international@famnit.upr.si.
The partner institution HTW Dresden invites administrative staff to apply for the International Staff Week, which will take place from June 2 to 5, 2025, in Dresden, Germany.
The International Staff Week is designed to promote international collaboration, exchange best practices, and develop professional networks with colleagues from around the world. The event includes various workshops, networking opportunities, and cultural activities, offering an excellent platform to broaden knowledge and perspectives.
Application deadline: January 2 to February 16, 2025.
For more information about the event and how to apply, please visit the official HTW Dresden website.
To receive Erasmus+ funding for staff mobility for training, it is necessary to apply for the Erasmus+ Open Call for staff mobility for training after successfully receiving confirmation of participation from the host institution. For assistance, please contact the FAMNIT International Office at international@famnit.upr.si.