Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

torek, 14. maj 2024 T4EU Intenzivni tečaj nemškega jezika // T4EU Intensive German Language Course

Vse zainteresirane študente prisrčno vabimo k prijavi na intenzivni tečaj nemškega jezika, ki ga organizira Univerza Saarland.

Univerza Saarland radodarno pokriva stroške tečaja za 10 spletnih študentov in 5 študentov na kraju samem preko Mednarodnega sklada za študente T4EU, kar pomeni, da je udeležba popolnoma brezplačna.

Ta intenzivni tečaj nemškega jezika je posebej prilagojen potrebam študentov programa Erasmus+ in drugih izmenjav, zato je še posebej primeren za študente zveze T4EU. Učni materiali, osredotočeni na branje in poslušanje, so skrbno izbrani, da študentom omogočijo vpogled v študentsko življenje na Univerzi Saarland, tako na kampusu kot v okolici Saarbrückna. Kratki intenzivni tečaji so zasnovani za jezikovno raven A2 (CERF). Prosimo, upoštevajte, da je predznanje nemškega jezika obvezno, zato tečaj ni namenjen začetnikom

Informacije o tečaju na kraju samem v septembru lahko najdete tukaj: https://www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/german-courses/erasmus/september.html, podrobnosti o spletnem tečaju v oktobru pa so na voljo tukaj: https://www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/german-courses/erasmus/october.html

Zainteresirani študentje se lahko prijavijo preko naslednje povezave: povezava za prijavo.

  • Rok za prijavo je 2. junij.

We're delighted to extend a warm invitation to all students interested in participating in the Intensive German Language Course, hosted by Saarland University, a fellow member of the T4EU Alliance.

Saarland University is generously covering the course fees for 10 online students and 5 on-site students through our Internationalization fund for T4EU students, making participation completely free of charge.

This intensive German language course is specifically tailored to meet the needs of Erasmus+ and other exchange program students, making it particularly suitable for students of the T4EU alliance. The course materials, focusing on reading and listening comprehension, are carefully selected to provide students with insights into student life at Saarland University, both on campus and in and around Saarbrücken. The short intensive courses are designed for language level A2 (CEFR). Please note that prior knowledge of the German language is mandatory, and therefore beginners cannot be admitted to this course.

Information regarding the on-site course in September can be found here: https://www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/german-courses/erasmus/september.html, and details about the online course in October are available here: https://www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/german-courses/erasmus/october.html

Interested students can register via the following link: registration link.

  • The deadline for registration is June 2nd.