Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

ponedeljek, 2. november 2020 Doktorski študij na Hertfordshire Business School / Hertfordshire Business School PhD Studentship

Hertfordshire Business School (University of Hertfordshire) ponuja možnost v celoti financiranega doktorskega študija. Štipendija vključuje 3-letni študij ob rednem opravljanju študijskih obveznosti. Poleg štipendije so dodatno na voljo tudi finančna sredstva za izvajanje raziskav.
Sprejeti kandidati bodo študij in raziskave opravljali pod mentorstvom izkušenih strokovnjakov z izbranega področja raziskovanja.

Rok za prijave je 13. november 2020.
Intervjuji s prijavljenimi kandidati bodo potekali od 23. novembra 2020 dalje.
Predviden pričetek študija je v januarju 2021.

Dodatne informacije o prijavi in programu so na voljo TUKAJ.

Hertfordshire Business School (University of Hertfordshire) offers a fully-funded PhD studentship. The scholarship includes 3 years of study with full-time (and successfully passed) study obligations. In addition to the scholarship, there are also financial resources available for conducting research.
Admitted candidates will study and do research under the mentorship of experts in the chosen field of research.

The deadline for applications is November 13, 2020.
Interviews with the candidates will take place from November 23, 2020, onwards.
The study is expected to start in January 2021.

Additional information about the application and the program are available HERE