Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

sreda, 29. november 2023 Erasmus+ KIP priložnost za študente: Internet of Things & 3D Printing // Erasmus+ BIP Opportunity for students: Internet of Things & 3D Printing

Univerza v Novem Sadu, v sodelovanju z Univerzo v Szegedu na Madžarskem in Univerzo v Portu na Portugalskem, pripravlja Erasmus+ BIP program o rabi interneta in 3D tiskanju , na katerega vabi vse zainteresirane študente.

Časovni okvir:

  • Virtualni del: 2. april - 10. maj 2024
  • Fizični del: 20. maj - 24. maj 2024

O programu:

  • Potopite se v svet interneta, ključne sile sodobne tehnologije. Od osebnih naprav, kot so pametni telefoni in pametni gospodinjski aparati, do obsežnih industrijskih aplikacij za nadzor proizvodnih linij, internet preoblikuje našo prihodnost. Razumeti vpliv stalne povezljivosti, analize podatkov in posledičnih izboljšav pri zmanjšanju stroškov, varnosti in splošni kakovosti življenja.
  • Program se tako osredotoča na  študentov v temeljna načela, tehnologije in postopke IoT ter jih opolnomoči, da razumejo njegov vpliv in ga vključijo v svoje poklicno življenje. Raziščite zlitje teorije in prakse z vključitvijo 3D-tiskanja v učne načrte, s čimer omogočite dostop do prototipov in proizvodnje naprav IoT izobraževalnim ustanovam.
  • Program BIP Internet of Things & 3D Printing je akreditiran s 3 ECTS.
  • Več informacij o programu je dostopnih tu.

Profil udeležencev:

  • Študenti, ki jih zanima IoT in 3D tiskanje, z osnovnimi računalniškimi in/ali programerskimi znanji.
  • Izbrani kandidati naj prinesejo prenosne računalnike, ki lahko poganjajo Arduino IDE (https://www.arduino.cc/en/software/).

Postopek prijave:

  1. Svoj interes izrazite na e-mail international@famnit.upr.si,  do 20. decembra.
  2. Prejmite potrditev FAMNIT Mednarodne pisarne.
  3. Prijavite se za finančno podporo preko Erasmus+ BIP razpisa.
  4. Povežite se z organizatorji na Univerzi v Novem Sadu (IoT.bip@uns.ac.rs) za podporo ali povabilna pisma.

Stroški in financiranje:

  • Univerza v Novem Sadu krije en obrok (kosilo), študijsko gradivo, uporabo opreme, stroške kulturnega programa in večerjo dobrodošlice.
  • Udeleženci so upravičeni do Erasmus+ BIP sredstev za kritje stroškov poti, bivanja in življenjskih stroškov za čas trajanja programa.
  • Več informacij o možnostih financiranja Erasmus+ BIP je dostopnih tu.


Discover the cutting-edge intersection of technology with the University of Novi Sad's Erasmus+ BIP program, held in collaboration with the University of Szeged, Hungary, and the University of Porto, Portugal.

Program Dates:

  • Virtual Program: April 2 - May 10, 2024
  • Physical Program: May 20 - May 24, 2024

BIP Vision:

  • Immerse yourself in the world of Internet of Things (IoT), a pivotal force in modern technology. From personal devices like smartphones and smart home appliances to large-scale industrial applications such as production line monitoring and connected cars, IoT is reshaping our future. Understand the impact of constant connectivity, data analysis, and the resulting enhancements in cost reduction, safety, and overall quality of life.
  • Why BIP? In today's job landscape, encountering IoT is inevitable. BIP focuses on introducing students to the core principles, technologies, and procedures of IoT, empowering them to comprehend its impact and integrate it into their professional lives. Explore the fusion of theory and practice by incorporating 3D printing into curricula, making prototyping and manufacturing of IoT devices accessible to educational institutions.
  • Academic Recognition: The BIP Internet of Things & 3D Printing program is accredited with 3 ECTS.
  • For more details, explore the complete BIP program information here.

Participant Profile:

  • Students interested in IoT and 3D printing, equipped with basic computer and/or programming skills.
  • Selected candidates should bring laptops capable of running Arduino IDE (https://www.arduino.cc/en/software/).

Application Process:

  1. Express your interest by emailing international@famnit.upr.si by December 20 .
  2. Receive confirmation from FAMNIT International Office.
  3. Apply for financial support through the Erasmus+ BIP Call.
  4. Connect with the organizers at the University of Novi Sad (IoT.bip@uns.ac.rs) for support or pre-invitation letters.

Expenses and Financing:

  • The University of Novi Sad covers one meal (lunch), study materials, equipment use, cultural program costs, and a welcome dinner.
  • Erasmus+ participants cover their travel, accommodation, and other costs from their Erasmus+ grant.
  • Learn more about Erasmus+ BIP financing options here.