University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Tuesday, 26 March 2024 Young enthusiasts tested their programming skills at the Faculty Programming Competition - FTP

Yesterday, the Faculty Programming Competition (FTP) concluded successfully at UP FAMNIT. The competition gathered 22 young computer science enthusiasts who enjoyed testing their programming skills in a fun and engaging way between December 11, 2023, and March 1, 2024.

Throughout the competition, students developed a program (player) that played a turn-based game against other programs (players). The main goal was to develop a strategy that responds best to the strategies of other competitors without being able to see their source code. 

The top spots were awarded to: 

  • 1st place: Jerman Blaž, Gimpelj Tilen (Team Bot)  
  • 2nd place: Petrov Ilija (Team Rakija)  
  • 3rd place: Vincek Aleks, Ahlin Jaka (Team BananaBurek) 

The competition's organizer, Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Tošič from the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies (UP FAMNIT), organizes the Faculty competition and further inspires young people for computer science through the conception, leadership, and organization of the programming competition.

A special thanks go to the following for the implementation of the event: InnoRenew CoEBlockchain and Language Technologies Lab, and the University of Primorska. 

We would like to sincerely congratulate all the participants!