University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Tuesday, 19 December 2023 UP FAMNIT was part of the international congress »Sport through the Eyes of Psychology «

Between December 14 and 15, 2023, an international congress entitled »Sport through the eyes of psychology« took place in the Crystal Palace (BTC Ljubljana) under the auspices of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of Sports Federations (OKS-ZŠZ).

Experienced foreign and domestic experts in the field of sports psychology gave lectures at the congress. The event focused on various psychological aspects of sports. Throughout the two-day program, the speakers delved mainly into creating a safe environment for athletes, addressing aspects of mental health, and discussing the role of psychology among young athletes.

The program was divided into two parts: Workshops for Psychologists, intended for psychologists, and the Congress part, open to coaches, pedagogues, athletes, and other sports professionals.

Within the congress, the workshop »Mindfulness exercises« was held, together with Tina Jeromen, by Dr. Maja Smrdu from the Department of Psychology at UP FAMNIT, also a member of the Organizing Committee of the congress. 

The Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, the Sports Psychology Section of the Association of Slovenian Psychologists and the Faculty of Sports of the University of Ljubljana were part of the organization and implementation of the event.

In the same week, 13 December 2023, prominent representatives of sports organizations visited the Faculty of Health Science, namely Mr. Gregor Rankel, Undersecretary at the Directorate for Sport, Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, g. Peter Lević, acting Chief Inspector at the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Sport and dr. Uroš Mohorić, Director of the Sports Sector at the Olympic Committee of Slovenia – Association of Sports Federations.


The purpose of the event was to convey knowledge about the formal regulation of sport in the Republic of Slovenia, to present the tasks and orientations of individual institutions in the field of sport, and above all to enable students to have an in-depth discussion with representatives of these organizations.

The organizers were doc. Dr. Maja Smrdu, UP FAMNIT, holder of the course Sport Psychology and doc. Matej Plevnik, PhD, UP FVZ, Vice-Dean for Quality in the field of kinesiology.