University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Monday, 13 December 2021 University of Primorska is hosting the EMS Council Meeting

We are very happy to announce that the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) is hosting the next EMS Council Meeting, to be held 25 – 26 June, 2022 in Bled, Slovenia.

The event is following the 8the European Congress of Mathematics, one of the largest events in mathematics in Europe, that was held this June in Portorož.

The EMS Council is the governing body of the European Mathematical Society (EMS), the primary European organization dedicated to the development of mathematics in Europe. The Council meets every second year, at the meeting delegates to the council will be elected for the period of four years by the following categories of members: Full members, Associate members, Institutional members, and Individual members. One of the four representatives for the Institutional members is Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of the University of Primorska.

The Council is also responsible for electing the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and other members of the Executive Committee who are elected for a period of four years.

The election of the next EMS president, among other delegates, is expected to take place in Bled, since Prof. Volker Mehrmann who is the current EMS president is concluding his term in 2022. Delegates are elected for a period of 4 years, while the president can hold only one term. A full list of delegates is available here

UP FAMNIT looks forward to hosting another outstanding event in mathematics once again!


(On the photo: Prof. Volker Mehrmann, EMS president, Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, president of the 8ECM Organising Committee)


(Photo: Jošt Gantar,